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SJC Delhi - curses 2

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Dear Sanjayji,


We did not complete the assignments but only did Case Study 1. We will complete

the others in the next class. The following students attended the meeting:

Sanjeev Madan, Prashant Narang, Krithi Hayagriva, Rohini Purang, Saroj Tomar,

Deepika Sanghi, Guarav Varma and myself.


Prior to starting the class, there was some further discussions and questions on

the previous assignment of Reeve and Rama.


1. Which areas of the life will the curse affect? For example, how did we come

to the decision that it was health/diseases in the case of Reeve, and

home/spouse/kingdom etc. in the case of Rama? This is the main question which

seems to be bothering some of the students, and is applicable to all subsequent

charts that were seen. Their query was, "is there a principle to determine

this"? I do not have a problem with this, as I feel this is a matter of seeing

connections in the chart. I told the class that in Reeve's case, very obviously

the 8th house was under focus. We had already identified Saturn to be the chief

culprit. Saturn and Rahu are aspecting Mercury and Sun, and they lord the 8th

house, Aquarius. We had also determined the time of the event, which was during

Saturn Moola Dasha, when Saturn was transiting the 8th forming the Kantaka and

Ardha Kantaka. The Navamsa lagna is also in nidhanamsa. Hence the 8th house

results were felt. However, the class is not convinced at all and they want a

principle to determine this.


In Rama's chart I felt, that since Saturn and Mars were the planets aspecting

Jupiter and Moon; Saturn is in 4th house and Mars in 7th in Marana Karaka, that

the affected areas of life would be the domestic and marital life. Saturn gave

him sorrow where his home life was concerned, and denied him any happiness in

the sukha sthana. Mars destroyed marital happiness and denied him the pleasure

of his spouse's company. In the case of Sun being afflicted, apart from Saturn

and Mars, Rahu's drishti from the 6th gave him enemies in the form of

rakshasas. Also, afflicted Sun, resulted in sorrow from separation with father.

Exalted Sun in the 10th with AL, shows him to be the torch bearer of the

Suryavansha. Here afflicted Sun destroyed the house and he lost his kingdom, of

course only to regain it later (perhaps by establishing the siva linga at

Rameshwaram?). Afflicted Sun, affected both the houses he is karaka of, the 9th

(father) and the 10th (kingdom). Again these explanations are not accepted by

the students, as they require a principle.


We looked into the house ownership of Saturn, as written in VRA. In Rama's case,

Saturn owns the 7th and the 8th. Clearly, the 7th was affected. In Reeve's case,

Saturn owned 7th and 8th as well, and his 8th house was affected.


2. Did Rama have a case of pitri rina? In VRA, it is given that affliction to

the 10th house and 10th lord gives pitri rina. Actually you have written

affliction to 10th lord, but in the footnotes it is written that 10th house is

the most important house for determining pitri rina. The 10th house is heavily

afflicted, so that easily shows pitri rina. The 10th lord, though in Marana

Karaka, is not afflicted by any malefic, except Rahu, and also do not have

malefics in trines.


3. Under curse of brother, in VRA you have written that this curse occurs when

Mars afflicts a house; when the lord and the significator of that house are

also afflicted and "related to the trines". By trines, is it meant the natural

trines of the chart, the 5th and the 9th? Or trines from Mars? Is this relation

with the trines only for Bhratri shaapa, or for other shaapas as well? As I

write this, I notice that Rama had Bhratri shaapa as well, with Mars being the

5th lord. Mars is himself afflicted by Rahu and is afflicting the 10th and the

2nd. The 10th and 2nd lords, Mars and Sun are afflicted. The karaka for the

10th, Sun is afflicted. The karaka for 2nd Jupiter is afflicted. The class did

not opt for bhratri shaapa as they were not clear about the fact of relation to

the trines.


4. Why was the pratyadhi devata of Sun taken and not that of Jupiter, as Jupiter

represents the primary curse? Is it because the Sun has the most number of

malefics afflicting it, and it represents Sri Rama as Vishnu avatar?


5. The class wanted to know about the tithi doshas. You have taught it in

another class, where I was present, so I informed that I could help them with

it. Nevertheless, they wished to pose the question to you.


CASE STUDY-01 for next class Chart attached

Now see my own chart: 7 August 1963 9:15 PM IST, Sambalpur, India 84E01' 21N28.

My questions for next Sunday (tomorrow's class) -


1) List out the Primary and supplemental curses.


The primary curse is on Jupiter aspected by Saturn and Mars. This shows the

curse of a Brahmin. The 9th lords Mars is in Marana Karaka Sthana and Ketu is

afflicted, karaka Jupiter is afflicted, so we can safely say it is a curse of

guru from the past life.

Supplementary curses:

i) Venus aspected by Rahu, Sun and Saturn. This shows the curse of wife.

ii) 10th house afflicted by Rahu, Mars and Ketu. Lord Jupiter is under affliction.

iii) 8th house aspected by Rahu and Saturn and its lord Venus afflicted.

iv) Pitri rina.


2) How will this manifest


As mentioned earlier, some students had problems with this, as they felt it did

not clinch the case of manifestation as the principle for the same was not

known, but other students participated. Saturn owns the 11th and 12th houses.

The 11th house seems most affected as Saturn is present there strong in its own

sign, Capricorn. Saturn is AK and retro, showing the curse to be a long

suffering one and filled with struggles. The 11th is the house of income, so

flow of income will be affected. There may not be a steady or regular source of

money. Saturn being the lord of the 12th shows that expenditures will also be

high. The 11th house also represents jyotish and Saturn represents parampara or

tradition. The placement of AK in the 11th house shows a jyotishi of a high

order belonging to a jyotish parampara. Since Saturn is AK it will show that

the suffering and sorrow will come through this parampara, and since it is

retrograde it will show the struggle that you will have to go through for this

parampara. Since this Saturn is involved in the curse, which we have identified

to be the curse of a guru, it may be inferred that the guru might have belonged

to the jyotish parampara. You may have done some misdeed in the past life as a

result of which your guru cursed you. Hence in this life, you will have to

struggle to re-establish that same parampara again, through a lot of strife and



The primary curse planet Jupiter is also lord of the 10th house. So both the

house and its lord is afflicted. Its karaka Sun is also afflicted by Rahu and

Saturn. The 10th house has AL and UL in it. All tenth house matters will get

affected, career/profession, image, relationship with spouse as UL is placed



There is a similarity with Rama's chart, in that for you too, the sukha sthana

and domesticity is destroyed and Mars in the 7th denotes disharmony with

spouse. Afflicted Venus, ( as lord of your Libra UL too) will also show

disharmony with spouse and turmoil in marital life. Your 4th lord is placed in

the 6th house and A6 is in the 4th house. This shows your family members will

become your enemy.


Affliction with the 8th house shows a problem with loans and repayment of money.


Affliction to 5th house and karaka Jupiter, show some problem with regard to

children. It also shows problems with students.


3) What is the remedy (specific mantra etc..be very specific as this is what you

have to do in real life when someone comes for help).


Since the curse of the guru is strong, guru mantra was opted for. When Jupiter

is placed in lagna, according to Saravali, a single bow to Lord Shiva will

destroy all evils in the chart. Shiva is represented by Sun. Sun is also

Bhratri Karaka. Shiva is the supreme guru. So Shiva mantra is the most perfect

mantra for you. Amongst Shiva mantras, Dakshinamurty mantra will be even

better. The following were suggested:


i) Om Gurave Namah

ii) Om Dakshinamurtaye Namah

iii) Namah Shivaya

iv) Take Rama's name.

v) Visit Rameshwaram


It was also suggested that the presence of Jupiter in lagna represented a spark

of Shiva in the native. In such a case the native should pray to Vishnu. Your

ishta devata being Mercury, you pray to Krishna/Vishnu anyway, so we did not

suggest anything in that direction.

4) What should be my attitude towards the various people.


i) You should follow a Unitarian attitude. You should be a guru unto others,

counsel others, teach others. All this will strengthen your Jupiter and

alleviate your guru's curse.

ii) You should teach without charging.

iii) You should be ready to give and avoid a materialistic path.

iii) You should walk in the path of dharma.

iv) You should respect your guru.

v) You should control your anger.


5) List out the doshas and how will they manifest.


i) Sarpa Yoga...through he curses and by increasing suffering from all sides.

ii) Mangala Dosha (born on tritiya and problem with your Mars)...marital

problems, anger and other agni tatva related problems.

iii) Pishacha Badhaka (we are unclear of the effects of pishacha badha)...affect on the mind.


6) How long is the period of the curse and from when to when. (I want dates not

stories please (smile!).


Saturn Moola Dasha from 7th August 1985 to 8th August 2003. I now add, that the

time period when Saturn transited your 11th house, during this dasha, must have

been a pivotal period for you, when the curse reached its maturity. Incidentally

the dasha began when Saturn was transiting your 9th house!






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