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What will happen in India?

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Namaste.Please somebody can send me information

astrologic about India situation.



by Ramtanu Maitra


The May 26-27 international conference, "World

Situation after Iraq War" held in Bangalore, could not

have been timed better. Beside attaining the objective

of focussing on the increased instability in the

region triggered by the unilateral U.S. action on

Iraq, the conference sought to provide India's

political leaders a fresh option to chart a new

direction to the country's foreign policy.


Since the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National

Democratic Alliance (NDA)—a government coalition of 16

political parties—came to power in the Summer of 1999,

New Delhi had followed virtually a uni-dimensional

foreign policy. The objective of the NDA, under the

guidance of Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, has

all along been to improve bilateral relations with the

United States and to mesh New Delhi's foreign policy

with Washington's. Although the attempted meshing

turned out to be not only a tiring, but also an

impossible task, the Vajpayee Administration

nonetheless has labored on.


American Double-Talk

The Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist acts on American soil

provided some of the BJP leaders, particularly Home

Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Lal Kishenchand

Advani, a new hope of hitching India's foreign policy

wagon with the Bush Administration. When America

declared war on terrorism, India jumped in quickly to

endorse it. Then-Indian External Affairs Minister

(now, Finance Minister) Jaswant Singh, known for his

pro-Washington leanings, made it evident that India

and the United States together would eliminate the

evil of terrorism from the Subcontinent, particularly

the terrorists who reside in Pakistan and operate

against American and Indian interests. The Bush White

House, eager to keep India under its fold and protect

itself from the militants based in Pakistan, promised

Indians the Moon. Now Delhi gloated of its diplomatic

success, and some at very high levels even dreamt of

"solving" the Kashmir dispute by bearing down on

Pakistan with the help of the United States. The

Jaswant Singhs and Advanis were going around the

country at the time telling the media why the United

States had no choice but to eliminate the terrorists

from Pakistan.


Within a few months, the picture cleared up. On Dec.

13, 2001, the Indian Parliament, at the heart of New

Delhi, was attacked by gun-toting terrorists who came

from Pakistan. As the entire country, hurt and angry,

waited for a retaliatory military action along the

borders to uproot the terrorist camps within Pakistan,

New Delhi was straitjacketed by Washington. India,

over the next few months, amassed 700,000 troops along

the India-Pakistan borders and the disputed Line of

Control in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Nine months

later, under pressure from the United States, India

withdrew most of its troops. The staging and

un-staging of the military deployment cost India a few

hundred million dollars, but the Vajpayee

Administration had nothing to show for it: Terrorism

continues, and so does the cross-border infiltration

from Pakistan. To add insult to injury, Washington

harps on the old, shop-worn theme of telling New Delhi

that Islamabad is committed to stopping terrorism.


Enter Israel

Beside the U.S. pressure, what also emerged in New

Delhi is the Israeli factor under the tutelage of

Deputy Prime Minister Advani. Advani, along with

National Security Adviser Brajesh Mishra, who is also

the Prime Minister's personal secretary, pushed hard

the concept of bringing in Israel to deal with the

Kashmiri terrorists. Their view, as it goes, was that

the Israeli presence would not only meet Washington's

approval but would be a great tactical success.

Playing on the anti-Muslim sentiments of some Indians,

they cited the Israeli success in containing

"Palestinian terror." On May 8, 2003, during his visit

to the United States, Brajesh Mishra, addressing the

American Jewish Congress (AJC), asked for a joint

India-U.S.-Israel effort to curb terrorism.


Despite the drumbeat of the U.S.-Israeli lobby, Prime

Minister Vajpayee came to realize that while thriving

relations with the United States are a must,

Washington cannot, even if it wants to, dismantle the

Kashmiri terrorists based in Pakistan. Washington has

declared war against terrorists, but the war is not

directed against all of them. This little truth was

either not understood by Advani and his colleagues, or

they kept it a secret from the Prime Minister.


Briefly stated, in Pakistan exist three varieties of

terrorists and all of them enjoy the patronage of

Pakistan's institutions, particularly the Army and

Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). However, all these

terrorists are not equally precious to Islamabad and,

in fact, some of them are decidedly dispensable. So,

when the Americans demanded liquidation of al-Qaeda,

the Pakistani Army was willing, for a price. But

Washington, despite months of efforts, has failed to

work out a deal by which Islamabad will hand over the

Afghan Taliban leaders. On the other hand, it is

unclear whether America ever asked Pakistan to get rid

of the Kashmir terrorists, the third variety.


The failure of India's policy vis-à-vis dealing with

terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir is open for all to see.

In recent months, however, this stuck-in-the-mud

policy has begun to indicate a shift. There seems to

be a new realization that India must discuss the Jammu

and Kashmir dispute with China, a giant neighbor and

friend of both Pakistan and India. The objective, of

course, is not to bring China to the negotiating

table, but only to make clear to the United States

that India possesses other options. It is important

for both India and China, more so than to the United

States, to see the region remains stable and free of

major conflicts. The upcoming June visit of the Indian

Prime Minister to Beijing has the potential to

consolidate this policy shift.


The India-China-Russia Strategic Triangle

These detailed issues were not discussed openly at the

Bangalore conference, but were indirectly addressed

both days. The presence of U.S. Democratic

Presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche was

important. Probably the best-known Democrat in India

after former President Bill Clinton, LaRouche has long

been urging the Indian leadership to forge a strong

cooperative relationship, based on science and

technology, with Russia and China. He points out that

these three nations together possess all the basic

technical and manpower requirements needed to provide

a strong agro-industrial basis for the billions who

reside in the region; to remove poverty that haunts

South Asia, Central Asia, and China; to provide a

solid health-care system; to provide security to the

region; and to build major international

infrastructure projects which would enable the vast

Eurasian land-mass to function as one vibrant economic



LaRouche also stresses that the future of the world,

to a large extent, depends on how these three nations

cope with the prevailing opportunities. If they

squander that future, LaRouche says, the world

situation will descend into a bottomless abyss.


This viewpoint is not acceptable to those Indian

leaders who have chosen to place all their eggs in the

U.S.-Israel basket. However, at the conference, it

became evident that those who think differently are

now willing to show up and speak for themselves. There

is no doubt that the unilateral military action of the

United States against Iraq has a lot do with this

change in attitude. Prime Minister Vajpayee, during

his recent visit to Jammu and Kashmir, had said

obliquely that "the world has changed once again after

Iraq." Deliberately, Vajpayee, a man of few words, did

not elaborate.


Many in India have recognized the fact that behind the

façade of invincibility, the United States is much

weaker now than it was following World War II. It is

economically weak, financially in great despair, and

left with few friends. India, along with China, is a

growing power, and it cannot afford to attach itself

wholly to the United States to resolve issues that it

must resolve itself. The conference exuded both

confidence and a genuine desire to attain peace around

the world.


Significant Political Moves

The presence of K. Natwar Singh at Bangalore was also

of great import. He is now in charge of the foreign

policy cell within the Congress Party. Congress is now

governing 16 Indian states, as opposed to the BJP's

control over two. What that may translate into is the

likelihood of the Congress emerging as the leading

party in next year's general elections and forming the

government at the Center. The prospect of such a

success, of course, lies with the party leadership. It

must look at the world with clear and friendly eyes

and formulate new alliances. The conference indicated

that such a process has begun.


The presence of Natwar Singh in a conference organized

by the Centre for Social Justice—headed by former

Union Steel and Mines Minister Chandrajit Yadav, a

pro-Russia, veteran Congress Party member—and the

Schiller Institute, whose chairperson is Helga

Zepp-LaRouche, also sent a signal that the Congress

Party is ready to adopt the view that a total

dependence on the United States is a grievous mistake.

As noted above, a similar view is emerging in New

Delhi around Prime Minister Vajpayee, Defense Minister

George Fernandes, and Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal.

The convergence of views of these two major political

groupings—BJP and the Congress—if it actually jells,

may provide India the very option it needs to emerge

as a power to reckon with.


Those present at the conference also realized that

peace, so desired by the Indian masses, can be

attained only if India, along with China, Russia,

Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, and Germany, play an

important role in shaping the future world. There is

no question that Prime Minister Vajpayee wants peace.

As one veteran scribe, who once was a Congress

parliamentarian and very close to late Rajiv Gandhi,

wrote recently, Vajpayee "believes in a future where

people of India and Pakistan can live together as

friends, as colleagues in business and trade, as

partners in a common culture created by people of many

faiths, and eventually as two nations who are forced,

by the logic of their self-interest, to find common

purpose in key strategic goals."


India has indicated that it is now, more than ever,

ready to resolve the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. It has

also indicated that the process will follow its own

pace, and it would be absolutely necessary for

Pakistan to stop cross-border terrorism. If

cross-border terrorism cannot be brought under

control, the dispute cannot be resolved. While

Vajpayee wants peace to prevail in Jammu and Kashmir,

he is not altogether unwilling to wait.


What else came across during the conference is that

the Indians, who prefer a multi-cultural society with

multiple traditions residing side by side, are uneasy

with the way the world has shaped up. While India must

be recognized as a major power, and be given its due

position in the community of nations, it will not be

able to achieve this through passive means. There has

to be an active demand for peace, and this demand must

include rapid economic and human development in India.


The youths who spoke at the conference made it clear

that only an economically strong India will be able to

perform as an active agent for world peace.






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Dear edgardo lópez ?? ,


I am sorry I do not know your name as you have not signed your name.


This discussion board is for learning Vedic Astrology for students

and guided by the Guru's and other leanred members.


As you know, when we write a letter, we should address to some one

and sign our name.


But you have not done that, hence this is like a mail in the post

office and postman does not know where to deliver, hence you may not

get a reply.


Honestly, I do not have the enough knowledge (yet) to answer to your

question, otherwise I would be the first person to do that.


My humble request to you for future is: Please address your requet to

a Guru or Members and sign your name respectfully. Then, I am sure

some one will reply to you, becasue I have seen this groupd is very






, edgardo lópez <vladi98mb>


> Namaste.Please somebody can send me information

> astrologic about India situation.



> by Ramtanu Maitra


> The May 26-27 international conference, "World

> Situation after Iraq War" held in Bangalore, could not

> have been timed better. Beside attaining the objective

> of focussing on the increased instability in the

> region triggered by the unilateral U.S. action on

> Iraq, the conference sought to provide India's

> political leaders a fresh option to chart a new

> direction to the country's foreign policy.


> Since the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National

> Democratic Alliance (NDA)—a government coalition of 16

> political parties—came to power in the Summer of 1999,

> New Delhi had followed virtually a uni-dimensional

> foreign policy. The objective of the NDA, under the

> guidance of Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, has

> all along been to improve bilateral relations with the

> United States and to mesh New Delhi's foreign policy

> with Washington's. Although the attempted meshing

> turned out to be not only a tiring, but also an

> impossible task, the Vajpayee Administration

> nonetheless has labored on.


> American Double-Talk

> The Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist acts on American soil

> provided some of the BJP leaders, particularly Home

> Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Lal Kishenchand

> Advani, a new hope of hitching India's foreign policy

> wagon with the Bush Administration. When America

> declared war on terrorism, India jumped in quickly to

> endorse it. Then-Indian External Affairs Minister

> (now, Finance Minister) Jaswant Singh, known for his

> pro-Washington leanings, made it evident that India

> and the United States together would eliminate the

> evil of terrorism from the Subcontinent, particularly

> the terrorists who reside in Pakistan and operate

> against American and Indian interests. The Bush White

> House, eager to keep India under its fold and protect

> itself from the militants based in Pakistan, promised

> Indians the Moon. Now Delhi gloated of its diplomatic

> success, and some at very high levels even dreamt of

> "solving" the Kashmir dispute by bearing down on

> Pakistan with the help of the United States. The

> Jaswant Singhs and Advanis were going around the

> country at the time telling the media why the United

> States had no choice but to eliminate the terrorists

> from Pakistan.


> Within a few months, the picture cleared up. On Dec.

> 13, 2001, the Indian Parliament, at the heart of New

> Delhi, was attacked by gun-toting terrorists who came

> from Pakistan. As the entire country, hurt and angry,

> waited for a retaliatory military action along the

> borders to uproot the terrorist camps within Pakistan,

> New Delhi was straitjacketed by Washington. India,

> over the next few months, amassed 700,000 troops along

> the India-Pakistan borders and the disputed Line of

> Control in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Nine months

> later, under pressure from the United States, India

> withdrew most of its troops. The staging and

> un-staging of the military deployment cost India a few

> hundred million dollars, but the Vajpayee

> Administration had nothing to show for it: Terrorism

> continues, and so does the cross-border infiltration

> from Pakistan. To add insult to injury, Washington

> harps on the old, shop-worn theme of telling New Delhi

> that Islamabad is committed to stopping terrorism.


> Enter Israel

> Beside the U.S. pressure, what also emerged in New

> Delhi is the Israeli factor under the tutelage of

> Deputy Prime Minister Advani. Advani, along with

> National Security Adviser Brajesh Mishra, who is also

> the Prime Minister's personal secretary, pushed hard

> the concept of bringing in Israel to deal with the

> Kashmiri terrorists. Their view, as it goes, was that

> the Israeli presence would not only meet Washington's

> approval but would be a great tactical success.

> Playing on the anti-Muslim sentiments of some Indians,

> they cited the Israeli success in containing

> "Palestinian terror." On May 8, 2003, during his visit

> to the United States, Brajesh Mishra, addressing the

> American Jewish Congress (AJC), asked for a joint

> India-U.S.-Israel effort to curb terrorism.


> Despite the drumbeat of the U.S.-Israeli lobby, Prime

> Minister Vajpayee came to realize that while thriving

> relations with the United States are a must,

> Washington cannot, even if it wants to, dismantle the

> Kashmiri terrorists based in Pakistan. Washington has

> declared war against terrorists, but the war is not

> directed against all of them. This little truth was

> either not understood by Advani and his colleagues, or

> they kept it a secret from the Prime Minister.


> Briefly stated, in Pakistan exist three varieties of

> terrorists and all of them enjoy the patronage of

> Pakistan's institutions, particularly the Army and

> Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). However, all these

> terrorists are not equally precious to Islamabad and,

> in fact, some of them are decidedly dispensable. So,

> when the Americans demanded liquidation of al-Qaeda,

> the Pakistani Army was willing, for a price. But

> Washington, despite months of efforts, has failed to

> work out a deal by which Islamabad will hand over the

> Afghan Taliban leaders. On the other hand, it is

> unclear whether America ever asked Pakistan to get rid

> of the Kashmir terrorists, the third variety.


> The failure of India's policy vis-à-vis dealing with

> terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir is open for all to see.

> In recent months, however, this stuck-in-the-mud

> policy has begun to indicate a shift. There seems to

> be a new realization that India must discuss the Jammu

> and Kashmir dispute with China, a giant neighbor and

> friend of both Pakistan and India. The objective, of

> course, is not to bring China to the negotiating

> table, but only to make clear to the United States

> that India possesses other options. It is important

> for both India and China, more so than to the United

> States, to see the region remains stable and free of

> major conflicts. The upcoming June visit of the Indian

> Prime Minister to Beijing has the potential to

> consolidate this policy shift.


> The India-China-Russia Strategic Triangle

> These detailed issues were not discussed openly at the

> Bangalore conference, but were indirectly addressed

> both days. The presence of U.S. Democratic

> Presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche was

> important. Probably the best-known Democrat in India

> after former President Bill Clinton, LaRouche has long

> been urging the Indian leadership to forge a strong

> cooperative relationship, based on science and

> technology, with Russia and China. He points out that

> these three nations together possess all the basic

> technical and manpower requirements needed to provide

> a strong agro-industrial basis for the billions who

> reside in the region; to remove poverty that haunts

> South Asia, Central Asia, and China; to provide a

> solid health-care system; to provide security to the

> region; and to build major international

> infrastructure projects which would enable the vast

> Eurasian land-mass to function as one vibrant economic

> unit.


> LaRouche also stresses that the future of the world,

> to a large extent, depends on how these three nations

> cope with the prevailing opportunities. If they

> squander that future, LaRouche says, the world

> situation will descend into a bottomless abyss.


> This viewpoint is not acceptable to those Indian

> leaders who have chosen to place all their eggs in the

> U.S.-Israel basket. However, at the conference, it

> became evident that those who think differently are

> now willing to show up and speak for themselves. There

> is no doubt that the unilateral military action of the

> United States against Iraq has a lot do with this

> change in attitude. Prime Minister Vajpayee, during

> his recent visit to Jammu and Kashmir, had said

> obliquely that "the world has changed once again after

> Iraq." Deliberately, Vajpayee, a man of few words, did

> not elaborate.


> Many in India have recognized the fact that behind the

> façade of invincibility, the United States is much

> weaker now than it was following World War II. It is

> economically weak, financially in great despair, and

> left with few friends. India, along with China, is a

> growing power, and it cannot afford to attach itself

> wholly to the United States to resolve issues that it

> must resolve itself. The conference exuded both

> confidence and a genuine desire to attain peace around

> the world.


> Significant Political Moves

> The presence of K. Natwar Singh at Bangalore was also

> of great import. He is now in charge of the foreign

> policy cell within the Congress Party. Congress is now

> governing 16 Indian states, as opposed to the BJP's

> control over two. What that may translate into is the

> likelihood of the Congress emerging as the leading

> party in next year's general elections and forming the

> government at the Center. The prospect of such a

> success, of course, lies with the party leadership. It

> must look at the world with clear and friendly eyes

> and formulate new alliances. The conference indicated

> that such a process has begun.


> The presence of Natwar Singh in a conference organized

> by the Centre for Social Justice—headed by former

> Union Steel and Mines Minister Chandrajit Yadav, a

> pro-Russia, veteran Congress Party member—and the

> Schiller Institute, whose chairperson is Helga

> Zepp-LaRouche, also sent a signal that the Congress

> Party is ready to adopt the view that a total

> dependence on the United States is a grievous mistake.

> As noted above, a similar view is emerging in New

> Delhi around Prime Minister Vajpayee, Defense Minister

> George Fernandes, and Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal.

> The convergence of views of these two major political

> groupings—BJP and the Congress—if it actually jells,

> may provide India the very option it needs to emerge

> as a power to reckon with.


> Those present at the conference also realized that

> peace, so desired by the Indian masses, can be

> attained only if India, along with China, Russia,

> Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, and Germany, play an

> important role in shaping the future world. There is

> no question that Prime Minister Vajpayee wants peace.

> As one veteran scribe, who once was a Congress

> parliamentarian and very close to late Rajiv Gandhi,

> wrote recently, Vajpayee "believes in a future where

> people of India and Pakistan can live together as

> friends, as colleagues in business and trade, as

> partners in a common culture created by people of many

> faiths, and eventually as two nations who are forced,

> by the logic of their self-interest, to find common

> purpose in key strategic goals."


> India has indicated that it is now, more than ever,

> ready to resolve the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. It has

> also indicated that the process will follow its own

> pace, and it would be absolutely necessary for

> Pakistan to stop cross-border terrorism. If

> cross-border terrorism cannot be brought under

> control, the dispute cannot be resolved. While

> Vajpayee wants peace to prevail in Jammu and Kashmir,

> he is not altogether unwilling to wait.


> What else came across during the conference is that

> the Indians, who prefer a multi-cultural society with

> multiple traditions residing side by side, are uneasy

> with the way the world has shaped up. While India must

> be recognized as a major power, and be given its due

> position in the community of nations, it will not be

> able to achieve this through passive means. There has

> to be an active demand for peace, and this demand must

> include rapid economic and human development in India.


> The youths who spoke at the conference made it clear

> that only an economically strong India will be able to

> perform as an active agent for world peace.





> _

> Sorteos - http://loteria..es

> Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

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