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RE: [SJC: Achyuta Gurukul] a case of fever of unknown origin

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|Hare Rama Krishna|Dear Guruji, Namaste.

How have you calculate the antar dasa's in this case?

Here are the attached Antara's for the Aqua Shoola Dasa.

Shoola dasa (troubles and death):


Aq MD: 1995-11-15 (20:20:00) - 2004-11-15 (3:31:01)


Antardasas in this MD:


Aq: 1995-11-15 (20:20:00) - 1996-08-15 (13:34:12) Pi: 1996-08-15 (13:34:12) -

1997-05-13 (17:51:56) Ar: 1997-05-13 (17:51:56) - 1998-02-11 (23:00:14) Ta:

1998-02-11 (23:00:14) - 1998-11-15 (14:45:20) Ge: 1998-11-15 (14:45:20) -

1999-08-16 (7:55:37) Cn: 1999-08-16 (7:55:37) - 2000-05-13 (12:19:53) Le:

2000-05-13 (12:19:53) - 2001-02-11 (17:29:21) Vi: 2001-02-11 (17:29:21) -

2001-11-15 (9:08:11) Li: 2001-11-15 (9:08:11) - 2002-08-16 (2:21:37) Sc:

2002-08-16 (2:21:37) - 2003-05-14 (6:45:35) Sg: 2003-05-14 (6:45:35) -

2004-02-12 (11:56:55) Cp: 2004-02-12 (11:56:55) - 2004-11-15 (3:31:01)


Sagittarius occupied by Arudha Lagna would seem well indicative of when his

diseases 'rise' to attention.

Also the Dasa of Cancer in 1999-2000, housing the Mrityupada would have been

good, conferring good health on the native, just as Shani in Mrityupada/8th

causes long life. - What was the logic for the breakage of bones (ketu+merc)

for this antara?

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org


Sanjay Rath


Monday, July 07, 2003 7:00 PM

RE: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] a case of fever of unknown origin



|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Dilip

How can that be? According to the shoola dasa calculations the fever is of a

dangerous kind and should have started around 14 May 2003. The danger period is

till February 2004 when the Gemini antardasa in Aquarius dasa ends. Aquarius is

the third from Arudha Lagna and has Ketu aspected by Sun & Mercury. Did this

man break some bones or have some health problem around 1999-2000? If so then

this fever is related to that. This fever is related to the bones and all

doctors are making a BIG MISTAKE...The Sun is in Libra. This is where the root

of the problem is. Get those tests done, and see him only on Sundays.

Remedy comes when a benefic in transit shall look at the fourth house. I think

the only one we can hope for is the Moon..others are far away.

~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com


drdilip (AT) sancharnet (DOT) in

[drdilip (AT) sancharnet (DOT) in]Sunday, July 06, 2003 8:26 PMTo:

Cc: varahamihiraSubject: [sJC:

Achyuta Gurukul] a case of fever of unknown origin



Dear Jyotish-Gurus and friends,



attached is the chart of a person who has been suffering from fever for last one

month. The fever is of low grade and associated with joint pain , profound

weakness and loss of appetite. Despite many investigations and examinations by

a few physicians, the disease is still remaining undiagnosed.


If you see the chart, at a glace, the weakness of Lagna can be found easily. The

Lagna lord ( and Karaka for Lagna) Sun is debilitated in the 3rd house and

associated with Maraka -Mercury , and he is aspected by malefic Mars. The lagna

is occupied by Rahu. Three kendras are occupied by malefics, Rahu, Ketu and

Saturn ( Retrograde ). All these factors has given the native a very weak

constitution, with long standing suffering from many diseases from early



But despite so much affliction to the Lagna and Lagna lord, the person is still

alive due to some factors present in the chart. Though the Lagna lord is weak,

the 8th lord(Jup) and 10th lord(venus) are very strong, as they have exchanged

their signs - though Jupiter has functional debility due to his association

with saturn, but his situation in the strongest kendra ( 10th house ) has given

in him the strength to protect the Lagna.

Benefics in Kendra and kona to Lagna protects it , here the two most benefic

planet, Jupiter and Venus are in Kendra and Kona, thereby protecting the Lagna.



Another negative factor for health is the papakartari yoga of moon , by Rahu and

Sun. But the saving grace here is the aspect of Jupiter from the 10th house.



The native is now running Saturn-ketu-jupiter dasa ( Vimsottari ). Saturn is the

6th lord and 7th lord ( maraka). So, the stage is set for physical suffering

during his mahadasa. Ketu is in the 7th house ( Maraka house). The pratyantar

dasa lord is Jupiter, who is kharesh, and associated with malefic and maraka ,

the Mahadasa Lord saturn. Mars who is the karaka for fever is situated in the

house of such kharesh . As soon as the pratyantar dasa of Jupiter started , the

native started to have the illness. Mars , the karaka of fever is also the

badhakesh sitting in the pratyantar dasa lord jupiter's house. Jupiter is only

manifesting the effect of Mars. So, the real trouble maker here is Mars. As

Mars is the badhakesh , the cause of fever is unknown.


* When the illness will end?*


Jupiter pratyantar dasa ends on 29th July, and it is expected that native will recover then.


* Remedy *


But the real question is what should be the remedy? There is a simple statement

in BPHS about the remedy for illnesses:

shubhaaH kendratrikoNasthaa sarvarogaharaaH

which means, benefics in kendra and trikona is a remedy for all ills related to

health. In this chart, Jupiter is in kendra and Venus is in trikona. As Jupiter

is the kharesh and disposites Mars, the real trouble maker, let us leave it.

Venus will protect the Lagna and will bring relief to the native. Venus is

Mahamrityunjay. So, the remedy is Japa of Mahamrityunjay Mantra

Is this so simple ? Perhaps not. As we have found out the trouble maker is Mars

( or jupiter , perhaps). What should be the remedy then?

Please help me find the right answer.

Warm regards

Dilip Banerjee.

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Dear Guruji,


I have a few questions. Please see below .


With Pranams



> , "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:> > >

|brihaspatim varenyam|> Dear Dilip> How can that be? According to the shoola

dasa calculations the fever > is of a dangerous kind and should have started

around 14 May 2003.


[Dilip] Yes, the fever stated on 13th/14th May, as soon as the antardasa of

sagittarius in the Aquarius Shoola Dasa started.

> The danger period is till February 2004 when the Gemini antardasa in


[Dilip] Gemini antardasa ? I think this is a typo.....Isn't it sagittarius?

> Aquarius dasa ends. Aquarius is the third from Arudha Lagna and has > Ketu

aspected by Sun & Mercury. Did this man break some bones or have > some health

problem around 1999-2000?


[Dilip] No, nothing happened in paticular in that period, though she suffers

from frequent attacks of pain in the joints of the lower limbs.


If so then this fever is > related to that. This fever is related to the bones

and all doctors > are making a BIG MISTAKE...The Sun is in Libra. This is where

the > root of the problem is.


[Dilip] Why Sun? As he is the Lagnadhipati and debilitated, and Karaka for fever

and bones, and aspects the Mahadasa Rasi Aquarius?


Get those tests done, and see him only on > Sundays.> Remedy comes when a

benefic in transit shall look at the fourth > house. I think the only one we

can hope for is the Moon..others are > far away.


[Dilip] This is an important point for timing the recovery from illness. i

think, the principle for timing recovery is the aspect of a benefic to the

fourth house ( the house of recovery) during transit. Can this happen if a

benefic transits the fourth house? You have written that only Moon can do this

for the native. Why not Jupiter, Venus and Mercury? What is the underlying

principle here for a benefic to be a healer during his transit? Please


In this case what aspect should be considered, Graha drishti, or Rasi Drishti?

> ~ om tat sat ~> Yours truly,> Sanjay Rath>

---------------------------> H-5, B.J.B Nagar,

Bhubaneswar 751014, India> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com>

---------------------------> -----Original

Message-----> drdilip@s... [drdilip@s...]> Sunday, July 06,

2003 8:26 PM> > Cc:

varahamihira> [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] a case of fever

of unknown origin> > > OM> -----> Dear Jyotish-Gurus and friends,> namaste,> >

attached is the chart of a person who has been suffering from fever > for last

one month. The fever is of low grade and associated with > joint pain ,

profound weakness and loss of appetite. Despite many > investigations and

examinations by a few physicians, the disease is > still remaining

undiagnosed.> > If you see the chart, at a glace, the weakness of Lagna can be

found > easily. The Lagna lord ( and Karaka for Lagna) Sun is debilitated in >

the 3rd house and associated with Maraka -Mercury , and he is > aspected by

malefic Mars. The lagna is occupied by Rahu. Three > kendras are occupied by

malefics, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn ( > Retrograde ). All these factors has given

the native a very weak > constitution, with long standing suffering from many

diseases from > early childhood. > > But despite so much affliction to the

Lagna and Lagna lord, the > person is still alive due to some factors present

in the chart. > Though the Lagna lord is weak, the 8th lord(Jup) and 10th

lord(venus) > are very strong, as they have exchanged their signs - though

Jupiter > has functional debility due to his association with saturn, but his >

situation in the strongest kendra ( 10th house ) has given in him the > strength

to protect the Lagna.> Benefics in Kendra and kona to Lagna protects it , here

the two most > benefic planet, Jupiter and Venus are in Kendra and Kona,

thereby > protecting the Lagna. > > Another negative factor for health is the

papakartari yoga of moon , > by Rahu and Sun. But the saving grace here is the

aspect of Jupiter > from the 10th house.> > > The native is now running

Saturn-ketu-jupiter dasa ( Vimsottari ). > Saturn is the 6th lord and 7th lord

( maraka). So, the stage is set > for physical suffering during his mahadasa.

Ketu is in the 7th house > ( Maraka house). The pratyantar dasa lord is

Jupiter, who is kharesh, > and associated with malefic and maraka , the

Mahadasa Lord saturn. > Mars who is the karaka for fever is situated in the

house of such > kharesh . As soon as the pratyantar dasa of Jupiter started ,

the > native started to have the illness. Mars , the karaka of fever is > also

the badhakesh sitting in the pratyantar dasa lord jupiter's > house. Jupiter is

only manifesting the effect of Mars. So, the real > trouble maker here is Mars.

As Mars is the badhakesh , the cause of > fever is unknown.> > * When the

illness will end?*> > Jupiter pratyantar dasa ends on 29th July, and it is

expected that > native will recover then.> > * Remedy *> > But the real

question is what should be the remedy? There is a simple > statement in BPHS

about the remedy for illnesses:> shubhaaH kendratrikoNasthaa sarvarogaharaaH >

> which means, benefics in kendra and trikona is a remedy for all ills >

related to health. In this chart, Jupiter is in kendra and Venus is > in

trikona. As Jupiter is the kharesh and disposites Mars, the real > trouble

maker, let us leave it. Venus will protect the Lagna and will > bring relief to

the native. Venus is Mahamrityunjay. So, the remedy > is Japa of Mahamrityunjay

Mantra> > Is this so simple ? Perhaps not. As we have found out the trouble >

maker is Mars ( or jupiter , perhaps). What should be the remedy then?> >

Please help me find the right answer.> > Warm regards> > Dilip Banerjee.> ---

End forwarded message ---> >

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Dear Banerjee,

The number of planets occuying the kendra from Lagna is more when compared to

that of Moon. Let us draw up the vimsottari from Lagna. As per this dasa the

native is currently running the dasa of Rahu, antardasa of Moon and

pratyantardasa of Buda. Rahu is placed in Lagna with Gulika and Mandi, Moon is

placed in 2nd with Shatru pada and Buda is placed in 3rd with Sun in Rasi

chart. With reference to Buda the lagna falls in Bhadaka kshetra. This Buda is

subject to the aspect/influence of Sani, Guru,Rahu and Sun. Lagna falls in the

first drekkana, 2nd kaulaka and 4th dwadasamsa. We have just seen the

placements of planets who are currently ruling the Karma(dasa) with reference

to Lagna.

Let us see their position with reference to Drekkana. The dasa lord Rahu is

placed in 9th with Venus and AL, the antardasa lord is placed in 2nd in

Shatrupada and the pratyantar dasa lord is placed in its maranakaraka


Let us see their position with reference to Kaulaka/shastamsa. The dasa lord

Rahu is placed in 5th with 4th lord Sun,ketu and AL, the antardasa lord Moon is

placed in 6th with Sani and pratyantar dasa lord is placed in its own house in

2nd with Mandi. Since the lagna falls in 2nd kaulaka the disease is of external

origin like wrong medication. The shastamsa lagna is subject to further

affliction by way of aspect by Mars from shatrupada. The odd-footed lagna is

subject to the affliction from even-footed sign makara where mars is posited.

This indicates there is excessive fire and energy which weakens the body part

on account of which they are not able to meet the requirements of the body. As

per BPHS mars rules marrow. Investigations in this area may be carried out. We

find in Shastamsa venus(from even-footed sign cancer) also aspects the lagna.

Being a benefic it can bring relief.

Let us see Trimsamsa. The lord of Lagna Sani is placed in 4th with Moon. He is

subject of Rahu and Sun from 9th. This mutual aspect of Sani,rahu and Sun

causes dangerous fever as per JS. As per varga narayana dasa(D-30) the native

is currently under the dasa of Gemini where AL is housed. This problem/fever

might have started in the Libra antardasa(before 14th May, 2003).

As per Narayana dasa schem the native is currently undergoing the dasa of

Cancer(Rasi) which is the 12th house whenre A8 is placed. Kataka is dwara while

Gemini is bahya which is currently being transited by Sani which incidentally is

7th from AL and 10th from Moon. Venus is also placed in 6th with reference to

dasa rasi. This venus is placed in rudra dwara, in 11th in Rudramsa with Buda

where A8 is found.

We understand that the planets are in punishing mood. Is there a hope? The

native is presently running the dasa of Kumbha and antardasa of Dhanu. The

dasa rasi is subject to the aspect of AK Sun. This gives us some hope.

The following remedial measures are suggested:

1.Lagna falls in the 4th dwadasamsa which belongs to Sarpa. Offer a

Rudrakshamala to Lord Hanuman(mars aspects the shastamsa lagna).

2.Chant "JAI SITARAM" and perform abhisheka to Lord Hanuman with water and milk.

3.Apply butter in the region of heart(vigraha of Hanuman) with the Mantra JAI SITARAM.

Mata Sita who resides with the Lord Rama will come to rescue(venus aspects

shastamsa lagna from kataka). It was because of her blessing that Hanuman was

not hurt by the fire when his tail was torched. Agni could do nothing to Mata

Sita when she entered the fire as per the commands of Lord Rama. (in fact the

Agni got purified by the sparsha of Mother).

Mars is a yoga karaka. If only one reminds Hanuman that he was the one who

caused the unison of the Lord with Mata he becomes a yoga karaka and would rush

to bring the sanjeevani to rescue the patient. If he is not reminded, he would

be deeply immersed in his dhyana which might ultimately prove to be a fatal

mistake. Hanuman is not a Bhadhaka, he is yoga karaka. Remind him with the holy

mantra "JAI SITARAM". He would surely come to rescue. Fever would vanish.


Best wishes.

Astrologically yours,


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Dear Sir,


May I request you for one thing. You have sent

the chart through S.J.C. and it is not possible

for friends who go to internet centres , to

open the file and view the natal-chart.If you

can kindly send the chart through the option of

plain text which is provided in the S.J.C.

free- software,I will be much grateful to you.I

am deeply interested in following the

correspondence which has been going on ,

pertaining to the case on hand.


With regards,








--- "Dr.D.Banerjee" <drdilip wrote: >


> ___


> Dear Guruji,


> I have a few questions. Please see below .


> With Pranams

> sincerely

> Dilip.

> > , "Sanjay Rath"

> <srath@v...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > |brihaspatim varenyam|

> > Dear Dilip

> > How can that be? According to the shoola dasa

> calculations the fever

> > is of a dangerous kind and should have started

> around 14 May 2003.


> [Dilip] Yes, the fever stated on 13th/14th May, as

> soon as the antardasa of sagittarius in the Aquarius

> Shoola Dasa started.


> > The danger period is till February 2004 when the

> Gemini antardasa in


> [Dilip] Gemini antardasa ? I think this is a

> typo.....Isn't it sagittarius?


> > Aquarius dasa ends. Aquarius is the third from

> Arudha Lagna and has

> > Ketu aspected by Sun & Mercury. Did this man break

> some bones or have

> > some health problem around 1999-2000?


> [Dilip] No, nothing happened in paticular in that

> period, though she suffers from frequent attacks of

> pain in the joints of the lower limbs.


> If so then this fever is

> > related to that. This fever is related to the

> bones and all doctors

> > are making a BIG MISTAKE...The Sun is in Libra.

> This is where the

> > root of the problem is.


> [Dilip] Why Sun? As he is the Lagnadhipati and

> debilitated, and Karaka for fever and bones, and

> aspects the Mahadasa Rasi Aquarius?


> Get those tests done, and see him only on

> > Sundays.

> > Remedy comes when a benefic in transit shall look

> at the fourth

> > house. I think the only one we can hope for is the

> Moon..others are

> > far away.


> [Dilip] This is an important point for timing the

> recovery from illness. i think, the principle for

> timing recovery is the aspect of a benefic to the

> fourth house ( the house of recovery) during

> transit. Can this happen if a benefic transits the

> fourth house? You have written that only Moon can do

> this for the native. Why not Jupiter, Venus and

> Mercury? What is the underlying principle here for a

> benefic to be a healer during his transit? Please

> elaborate.

> In this case what aspect should be considered, Graha

> drishti, or Rasi Drishti?


> > ~ om tat sat ~

> > Yours truly,

> > Sanjay Rath

> >



> > H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

> > +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com

> >



> >

> > drdilip@s... [drdilip@s...]

> > Sunday, July 06, 2003 8:26 PM

> >

> > Cc: varahamihira

> > [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] a case of fever of

> unknown origin

> >

> >

> > OM

> > -----

> > Dear Jyotish-Gurus and friends,

> > namaste,

> >

> > attached is the chart of a person who has been

> suffering from fever

> > for last one month. The fever is of low grade and

> associated with

> > joint pain , profound weakness and loss of

> appetite. Despite many

> > investigations and examinations by a few

> physicians, the disease is

> > still remaining undiagnosed.

> >

> > If you see the chart, at a glace, the weakness of

> Lagna can be found

> > easily. The Lagna lord ( and Karaka for Lagna) Sun

> is debilitated in

> > the 3rd house and associated with Maraka -Mercury

> , and he is

> > aspected by malefic Mars. The lagna is occupied by

> Rahu. Three

> > kendras are occupied by malefics, Rahu, Ketu and

> Saturn (

> > Retrograde ). All these factors has given the

> native a very weak

> > constitution, with long standing suffering from

> many diseases from

> > early childhood.

> >

> > But despite so much affliction to the Lagna and

> Lagna lord, the

> > person is still alive due to some factors present

> in the chart.

> > Though the Lagna lord is weak, the 8th lord(Jup)

> and 10th lord(venus)

> > are very strong, as they have exchanged their

> signs - though Jupiter

> > has functional debility due to his association

> with saturn, but his

> > situation in the strongest kendra ( 10th house )

> has given in him the

> > strength to protect the Lagna.

> > Benefics in Kendra and kona to Lagna protects it ,

> here the two most

> > benefic planet, Jupiter and Venus are in Kendra

> and Kona, thereby

> > protecting the Lagna.

> >

> > Another negative factor for health is the

> papakartari yoga of moon ,

> > by Rahu and Sun. But the saving grace here is the

> aspect of Jupiter

> > from the 10th house.

> >

> >

> > The native is now running Saturn-ketu-jupiter dasa

> ( Vimsottari ).

> > Saturn is the 6th lord and 7th lord ( maraka). So,

> the stage is set

> > for physical suffering during his mahadasa. Ketu

> is in the 7th house

> > ( Maraka house). The pratyantar dasa lord is

> Jupiter, who is kharesh,

> > and associated with malefic and maraka , the

> Mahadasa Lord saturn.

> > Mars who is the karaka for fever is situated in

> the house of such

> > kharesh . As soon as the pratyantar dasa of

> Jupiter started , the

> > native started to have the illness. Mars , the

> karaka of fever is

> > also the badhakesh sitting in the pratyantar dasa

> lord jupiter's

> > house. Jupiter is only manifesting the effect of

> Mars. So, the real

> > trouble maker here is Mars. As Mars is the

> badhakesh , the cause of

> > fever is unknown.

> >

> > * When the illness will end?*

> >

> > Jupiter pratyantar dasa ends on 29th July, and it

> is expected that

> > native will recover then.

> >

> > * Remedy *

> >

> > But the real question is what should be the

> remedy? There is a simple

> > statement in BPHS about the remedy for illnesses:

> > shubhaaH kendratrikoNasthaa sarvarogaharaaH

> >

> > which means, benefics in kendra and trikona is a

> remedy for all ills

> > related to health. In this chart, Jupiter is in

> kendra and Venus is

> > in trikona. As Jupiter is the kharesh and

> disposites Mars, the real

> > trouble maker, let us leave it. Venus will protect

> the Lagna and will

> > bring relief to the native. Venus is

> Mahamrityunjay. So, the remedy

> > is Japa of Mahamrityunjay Mantra

> >

> > Is this so simple ? Perhaps not. As we have found

> out the trouble

> > maker is Mars ( or jupiter , perhaps). What should

> be the remedy then?

> >

> > Please help me find the right answer.

> >

> > Warm regards

> >

> > Dilip Banerjee.

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >







Jagannathan .




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