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RE: [SJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Appointment of new Gurus and Administra...

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Namaste Listmembers,

Om Krishna Guru


Congratulations to all those who have put their hand up with support of the

scientific and spiritual exploration of Jyotish!.



Your energy and purity of intention is a blessing.

I understand you were a strong initial supporter of Jyotish Studies in Indian

Universities. I thought the title of teacher in India was Pandita.

We may be dealing in semantics with titles considering SJC is a 'society' not

a recognised academic institution. In which case the title 'Professor' to any

individual is inappropriate unless sanctioned by Indian University standards.

Guru is appropriate, but takes a lot of explaining in the West, or maybe

that's reassurance :)

I like the title Pandit as it translates to 'learned one, person of

knowledge' but it doesn't imply spiritual mentorship.

It doesn't take long for a young fool to grow into an old fool. Respectfully

holding this in mind it would behoove SJC to deliver informative, structured

and unstructured material as quickly, cleanly and honestly as possible. It

doesn't need a lot of fuss and frills.

I couldn't open the announcement attachment but am eagerly awaiting further

news of SJC Australia!.

Om Tat Sat

Love, Ann.



Sanjay Rath


Saturday, July 12, 2003 3:55 PM

RE: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Appointment of new Gurus and Administra...



|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Brendan

Thanks for the encouraging words. 'Lucky are those who can dream dreams and are

prepared to pay the price to achieve them'. As I entered this Jupiter

pratyantara in Mercury-Venus, the impulse was too strong to hold back. With a

Jupiter sitting in Simhasana-amsa or maybe higher (?!) in Simhasana yoga (10th

lord in Lagna), it was perhaps natural (after thought) that Guru wanted to

redefine the nature of the simhasana and titles that go with it. Perhaps giving

a meaning to the words which would be more comprehensible for the world around.

I wonder if such a Guru in dharma-karmadhipati yoga would have made a mistake .

I also wonder if such a Guru in kalpadruma yoga is going to give up easily.


You are very right in suggesting that education the world over, has followed the

path of the old public school system and this is only good for preparing skilled

labour (automatons) to replace worn out ones in society. It fails to create a

genius and actually believes that a genius is born and nothing can be done

about him!! A genius is regarded as a freak of nature!!! Perhaps this is true

but then such a genius mind as that of man needs a proper place in education

and that is what Dr.Murli Manohar Joshi has done, or rather is doing. This

great Cabinet Minister for education, science and human resources has

introduced Jyotish in universities. How would a teacher of Jyotish be addressed

in a college? As Guruji or Professor??


Anna: Thanks for your kind words. Your affection is showing and I am deeply

touched with all your caring. Yes I have to tread carefully.


Jay: I know that you are very sincere and well meaning and do not have anything

against anyone. Truly appreciate your sincerity and good counsel. Look at it

from another point of view. What has a professor to say when his calculations

go wrong or when his predictions about a theory go awry? What has a professor

of biology to say when the Rh factor is negative showing the possibility that

man has not evolved from apes..at least I have not. In fact the terms Manava

and Vanara show that at some point of time there were these two types of beings

having an erect spine - the Manava (Human being) and the Vanara (Monkey like).

Both could communicate and did assist each other at times. What happened to the

race of the Vanara is not known..perhaps they were eliminated later by the

dominant Manava or perhaps there was a lot of crossbreeding and now we have Rh+

and Rh- types of Manava left. We need to open the mind to the possibility of

other truths. Thousands of astrologers make wrong predictions everyday.

Astrology does not get a bad name as people know that it was their personal

failing. similarly a professor will only profess what he knows and like the

mathematics professor of the 17th century whose knowledge was less than a

senior grade school student of today, perhaps some professors of astrology will

have less knowledge and some more. People will get to know and they will seek

knowledge when they know where to look for it.


In India a movement has started to give respect to the traditional knowledge

which is in line with the Indian ethos of respecting elders. In another mail to

jagmeet I have expressed the knowledge hidden in the Sikh tradition of having

marriages before noon in the morning..this is very good and should be

continued. Today we can appreciate this because we understand the need of

keeping the dharma karaka strong at the time of the wedding. I have continued

the name Jyotisa Guru and have ONLY expressed the western world equivalent of

that as a Professor of Astrology. Honestly, I don;t know whether I am doing the

right or wrong thing and believe that what I did was what I thought to be the

best course. If I am wrong, I stand to be corrected in due course.


The ACVA is starting a College of Astrology, or maybe has already started one.

What are they caling the teachers in that college? Any inputs will help. I hope

they do not miss the initiative. Dennis is a lion and will rise to the

occasion...I am sure of that.

Jay, thanks again for the warning and it pays to heed the early warning signal

before we enter rough weather. I shall be careful and may Jagannath guide this

SJC ship and keep it afloat.


Sarbani has just informed me that the Jyotish Digest (July) has been printed. i

think you all will get your copies soon.


~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com



sentto-1045255-5540-1057901327-srath=vsnl.com (AT) returns (DOT)

[sentto-1045255-5540-1057901327-srath=vsnl.com (AT) returns (DOT) ]On

Behalf Of bpfeeley (AT) aol (DOT) comSent: Friday, July 11, 2003 10:59 AMTo:

varahamihira; Subject: [sJC:

Achyuta Gurukul] Appointment of new Gurus and Administra...In a message dated

7/10/2003 7:34:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, anmar (AT) attcanada (DOT) ca writes:Om

Krishna GuruDear Anna & Jay,Grandiosity is a wonderful thing and it always

contains the seed for re-birth and the delivery of self to a more meaningful

state of being. Titles don't matter at all and I personally refuse to use them.

I prefer to be a fly on the wall than a professor in a big hall.I carried the

title once in a real legitimate institution and it made no difference at all.

It is all shadow.I have to say that many of those who do carry the title in the

real world have little to teach and care less about real knowledge. Education,

especially in the USA has become a production line and a very expensive one at

that. And from what I see the rest of the world follows close behind. The soul

is completely neglected and so is wisdom of any kind. Would any of us go to an

academic for spiritual guidance? Unlikely.So why shouldn't Sanjay introduce a

new type of Professor to this blind and thoughtless world if he so wishes? It

may be a seed that will sprout wholesome food, something that will nourish the

neglected soul of the cosmos, the world and the individual. The world suffers

because of neglect and ignorance. And so does the cosmos and so does the

individual. Where do we learn to neglect the soul? We learn it in those

institutions and religions that teach us to ignore ourselves.Why do we

automatically regard those soulless institutions to be the paragons in matters

of knowledge and learning? Do they hold the template or standard for the true

meaning of the title Professor? What does it mean to Profess what one

knows?Education has become a barren land in many ways. Yes, good things happen

and I don't mean to condemn all of it but I refuse to accept it as the golden

standard and I hope you don't either. But we have to ask if all this education

that is promoted as the standard is actually helping people, helping our world

or is it leading to self destruction. I see more of the latter.When I did my

undergraduate and graduate studies in Ireland in the late 1960's and early

1970's, if we reproduced in an examination what we read in a book we were

failed. We had to come up with our own original ideas and apply the fundamental

principles of the subject to justify our conclusions. It is called original

thought. The examination was presented in such a manner that it demanded

originality.When I came to the USA in the late 1970's and was teaching

undergraduate work, the students freaked as I was teaching as I was taught. I

set the examinations according to my own experiences. The department head had

to have a little chat with me and I was asked to create a generous curve to

ensure that everybody passed the test. Even in Ireland this has arrived to the

world of "education" but not to the same extent.This kind of education and

training breeds automatons and in this sense Aldous Huxley's world is in our

neighbourhood.So I hail Sanjay for taking the bold step outside the square box.

Academics & Professors have always been embarrassed by astrology. The intellect

is generally embarrassed by anything that doesn't honor itself as the center of

existence. This is the nature of the ego. Sanjay has now introduced a new type

of Professor, one that honors the cosmos to be the center and the intellect is

delegated to a lesser place. It is much more imaginative, more intelligent and

carries more dignity for the soul and the Divine. Imagine the headlines! I

always enjoy a good laugh and I like to watch the comedy of errors. What would

the world be if we didn't have some deviation from the golden standard? That

ball is meant to be broken and besides we are now in a new era and the old

paradigm is wan.I congratulate Sanjay for his bold impulse and if these

Professors are worth their salt, they will show the Ph.D.'s of the world the

real nature of knowledge and learning. I encourage Sanjay to take on this

glorious and worthy goal.Congratulations Sanjay! Take it all the way to the

Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of SJC! It is a noble cause and it will bring

the spark of the Atman back into the life of many who are fed up of the barren

land of dry and meaningless learning.Warm Regards,Brendan

Dear All, I hope everyone will recognize your good faith, Jay, and mine in

this matter. SJC doesn't need this, let alone Jyotish- It can harm a lot,

both. IMHO- it is a seed of self-destruction of SJC, and for that reason only,

I feel bad about this. Do we need depreciative titles, that people ridicule

for right reasons for a long time, likle Cold Water Managers and PhD

Carpenters... We do not need artificial pumping for what already HAS REAL

value, Jyotish and Silicon Breasts-how do that sound to you dear friends? What

was definition of lack of vanity and other requirements of morality written by

OLD sages, we all claim to accept as ULTIMATE AUTHORITY I do have interest of

SJC and Jyotish in mind, and I hope you trust me. Really sad,Anna[Om Kleem

Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]Send a blank mailTo :

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On Guru Purnima Please accept my Pranam. I am just a beginer... Trying to

understand the discussion of SJC on soul, life, moon, eclipse and son... I have

just rechecked your advise and trying to read Rudram Chamakkam- Namkam...


May Guru bless me with Prasad of desired wisdom and perpetual happiness.


Kind Regards


Pawan Guptabpfeeley (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:

In a message dated 7/12/2003 2:00:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, srath (AT) vsnl (DOT) com

writes:Jaya JagannathaDear Sanjay,I would suggest that if you are really

serious about developing an academic model and using such titles, and I believe

you are, then we need to develop a very rigorous program of study and demand

rigorous orignal research from those who carry such titles. Otherwise SJC

becomes little more than amusment park and a source of ridicule.When I became

your sishya, you said to me that one day this organization would become an

institution/university of great learning and indeed the seed is there for that

to happen.We should develop a program that embraces all that you teach,

including vedic culture, vedic philosophy, religion, rituals, politics, music,


jyotisha, ayurveda, sanantan dharma, etc, etc. And again I emphasize learning

goals whether that be degrees, diplomas or certificates. Otherwise, it remains

that wild steed running in many different directions... out of control with 90%

of the students lacking solid guidance... only because they require more

structure. Forgive my metaphor and I only use them to get my point across. They

are not intended to be literals.You have given to all of us with unmatched

selfless generosity and you will always do that. It is you nature, your

Jupiter. In this sense you are an example for each of us and it is doubtful

that we can ever live by your example. Nonetheless, all seeds sprout in time.

It is a law of the universe.My hunch is that the day is soon to arrive where we

can organize in that fashion. Your teaching has set very high standards in

jyotish and also in vedic knowledge. And again I say, if you are going to

introduce the title of professor, please demand and insist

that those who hold the title are held to the standard. This can not be taken

lightly otherwise we make light of ourselves and make astrology a show of

comedians lacking meaningful and intelligent intention. If we maintain a high

standard in philosophy, spirituality, jyotish and ayurveda, then we will

attract the best in the world and SJC can become a recognized institution that

upholds the mission of the Rishis. The 'best' here means those with sincere

intention.I say all this in the context of the orignal vision that you shared

with me some 4 years ago. This in my view, would be the highest expression of

your Jupiter, your genius. Yes, indeed, in the present system of learning, a

human being is born a genius but dies an ignorant fool, not even understanding

the cause of his birth or his suffering. It is beaten out of him through years

of brain washing. You put it very well. Some fortunate ones, out of their own

good intelligence, come to their own

conclusions but only after they have differentiated themselves from that which

is considered to be standard and normal. This has to be changed and this is how

I read the spark of your inspiration. The lotus seed of that inherent genius

needs to be nurtured and watered so that it can blossom and bloom. What soul

wouldn't want that?It would be your great service to humanity to do such

work.Warm Regards,Brendan

Dear BrendanThanks for the encouraging words. 'Lucky are those who can dream

dreams and are prepared to pay the price to achieve them'. As I entered this

Jupiter pratyantara in Mercury-Venus, the impulse was too strong to hold back.

With a Jupiter sitting in Simhasana-amsa or maybe higher (?!) in

#ffffff" face="Garamond" color="#ff0000" size="4" FAMILY="SERIF">Simhasana yoga

(10th lord in Lagna), it was perhaps natural (after thought) that Guru wanted

to redefine the nature of the simhasana and titles that go with it. Perhaps

giving a meaning to the words which would be more comprehensible for the world

around. I wonder if such a Guru in dharma-karmadhipati yoga would have made a

mistake . I also wonder if such a Guru in kalpadruma yoga is going to give up


You are very right in suggesting that education the world over, has followed the

path of the old public school system and this is only good for preparing skilled

labour (automatons) to replace worn out ones in society. It fails to create a

genius and actually believes that a genius is born and nothing can be done

about him!! A genius is regarded as a freak of nature!!! Perhaps this is true

but then such a genius mind as that of man needs a proper place in education

and that is what Dr.Murli Manohar Joshi has done, or rather is doing. This

great Cabinet Minister for education, science and human resources has

introduced Jyotish in universities. How would a teacher of Jyotish be addressed

in a college? As Guruji or Professor??[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya

namah]Send a blank mailTo : -To

: Your use of

is subject to the Pawan G


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