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RE: Achyuta Gurukul] |Sri Varaha| Appointment of new Gurus and Administrative heads - For Sanjay

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Dear Sanjay,


Thank you for your mail which indeed said a lot.

The first title which comes to my mind as a very appropriate and probably both

accepted and respected by all - <MASTER>.


In accordance with many English dictionaries a Master (in connection with

knowledge and education) is one who reached a very high level of skill and

knowledge and who has 'workers' under him (if in a business) - (i.e. students).

Master is related to all sorts of fields or/and sciences, which we all claim Jyotish to be.


In my opinion a master title can be divided into three levels/ranks

corresponding to Guru, mainly;


1. Junior Master

2. Master

3. Senior Master


This allows leveling the very wide field of Jyotish and depends naturally on the

type of acknowledgement mechanism one will attach to the system.


Examples: Master of Vedic Astrology or Master of Jyotish, (Jyotish Master),

Jyotish Senior Master, etc.


The word/title (and) 'Lecturer' can than be freely added to those titles where

the individual is actually qualifies to teach and transfer knowledge.

Not all Gurus/Masters have the ability to teach/transfer material despite a high

level of knowledge.


Titles of the 'professor' nature can be used first when SJC becomes a

governmental recognised and certified educational establishment.

Such roles are valid in most European countries (see a good example at

http://www.soc.uu.se/titles.html for some excellent references)


I hope this helps a bit on the way.

Kindest regards


Jay Weiss





Sanjay Rath

SJC ; varahamihira

Sunday, July 13, 2003 3:48 AM

RE: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: |Sri Varaha| Appointment of new Gurus and

Administrative heads - For Sanjay



|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Jay

You wrote:

Yesterday evening I had a long chat with my father-in-law who is a retired university professor

and previously well known politician (known for his educational and juridical

activities both in Sweden and the European parliament).

I told him of my reaction to the 'professor' title and asked for his comment/opinion.


Without hesitation he said: "<Unfortunately it has no value any longer as it is

misused in many countries. Every (teaching) individual may call himself

professor and every 'true' professor lost his academic title value due to this

fact. There is simply no respect for it any longer>".[s.Rath:] Thanks for this

feedback and we respect your fathers views as it is the truth. I have done some

more reading on this -

pro-fes-sor (pruh fes'uhr) n. 1. a college or university

teacher of the highest academic rank in a particular branch of learning.

2. any teacher who has the rank of professor, associate professor, or

assistant professor. 3. a teacher. 4. an

instructor in some art or skilled sport. 5. a person who

professes his or her sentiments, beliefs, etc.

Today in India at least, the teacher who used to get the highest respect in

society is no longer given any credit for his learning. What a mess the modern

educational system has created. Now which of these meanings will define the

professor? Even a parrot that expresses its sentiments by repeating phrases

when its keeper arrives can be classified as 'professor'. Muhammad Ali can be

called Professor of Boxing or Bruce Lee can be Professor of Kung Fu. What about

the meaning as 'teacher'?? Can we say that the driving lesson instructor is a

professor of driving..or maybe the title Professor will get misused to such an

extent that the intellectual ability associated with the title shall cease to

have meaning.


That is why we at SJC have continued to use the title Jyotisa Guru and write

(Professor of astrology) like this so that the Guru is not equated with boxers

or drivers. We are using the name Professor only for the benefit of some

countries where the legal requirements need a proper definition for the title.

How would you translate 'Jyotish Guru' for legal matters? Make an attempt and

give me a better option. I will also need options for -


1. Jyotisa Acharya

2. Jyotisa Sastri and also

3. Daivagyna


I can only wish you and SJC good luck in pursuing this line of titles in hope

that the future will not prove wrong.[s.Rath:] Thanks


you wrote: [s.Rath:] A subject never gets a bad name..people do...

* Unfortunately this is the opposite for astrology in many countries/societies

(for various reasons), just ask around ...[s.Rath:] Yes you are right. I forgot

the persecution of astrologers in Europe. However in India learning has always

been held in high esteem for many centuries simply because it is regarded as

the Gayatri Mantra in full bloom. Is this persecution continuing? Just see what

the west has done to tantra...I am really disgusted when I read those web sites

about tantra. They will never understand as their intellects are totally

covered by the veil of maya. Tantra or the power to control and protect the

body has been reduced to Kamasutra in the west and they fool themselves with

the notion of spiritual bliss associated with physical release. Such fools

shall fill the world as Kali progresses unless we have the strength to stand up

and tell them..'you are wrong'.


I admire you as I see this streak of truth force in you - to call a spade a

spade. So go ahead and participate in this process of steering Jyotish into a

new era where we can have titles to recognise the Sun from among the stars.


God bless

Jay Weiss

~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com








Sanjay Rath


Saturday, July 12, 2003 7:55 AM

RE: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: |Sri Varaha| Appointment of new Gurus and

Administrative heads - For Sanjay



|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Jay

Thanks for the early warning. comments below

~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com


J.Weiss [jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com]Friday,

July 11, 2003 11:39 AMvarahamihiraSubject: Re: Achyuta

Gurukul] Re: |Sri Varaha| Appointment of new Gurus and Administrative heads -

For Sanjay

Dear Sanjay,


Below is my response to Mr. Abbot which I belive you'll find appropriate.



I appreciate your mail and your sincere comments.

I certainly accept and respect everyone who reached a high level of Jyotish

study, proving a reasonable degree (?) of correct analysis and percentage of

accurate predictions (?).

In other words, one who's Jyotish work results truly help others in the spirit

of Jyotish teachings.

The Jyotish Guru title (or similar) is perfect and highly respected for

those.[s.Rath:] Thanks


It is certainly NOT the individuals in question (or any others for this matter)

but the subject of Jyotish and Astrology as an accepted science in the public

eye.[s.Rath:] I know. you are very sincere


No emotions were involved while writing my comment, only common sense.


My main reason for 'objecting' the 'professor' title is the misleading effects

and the building of a title hierarchy in this field without having a legitimate

and acknowledged/approved body to control it. This has never been attempted

before as far as I am aware of (here I must add that I have my full respect for

Sanjay Rath but even he may be misled by others).[s.Rath:] No harm trying rather

than keep waiting for someone else to try


You are probably aware, just as well as most of us here, of the extensive misuse

of titles in the west (and probably in the east too), which cause much suffering

and financial losses to many people (here I refer to 1000's of fraud cases by so

called 'astrologers' and the like).[s.Rath:] Fraud cases continue even in

regular college degrees and titles. We are trying to form a society that checks

the good from frauds. One that has norms. It will take time to evolve, but we

have to start somewhere.


It is difficult enough as it is to 'convince' people of the value of predictive

astrology (Jyotish). Titles which are related to the academic world (true or

honorable) have no place in this area in my opinion.

What impression will one get of a 'Jyotish doctor' as an example ? How do you

think people will react when the 'professor's' predictions go wrong ? will he

get a bad name or astrology ?[s.Rath:] A subject never gets a bad name..people

do. I am prepared to drink the poison so long as at least the future Jyotisha

will know of the consequences of one of their fellow astrologer called Sanjay,

who tried.


So my basic reaction is in trying to protect Jyotish, nothing else.


With kindest regards

Jay Weiss[s.Rath:] Thanks again jay











Sanjay Rath


Friday, July 11, 2003 4:41 AM

RE: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: |Sri Varaha| Appointment of new Gurus and Administrative heads



|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Anna & Jay

That is not the reason. The title remains Jyotisa Guru as you can clearly see in

the circular sent out. The explanation of the meaning of Jyotisa Guru has to be

given to authorities in various countries having various laws and cultures. The

closest I could get to was professor (as was requested by one senior Jyotisa

Guru for the sake of registration of SJC/carrying out his work in that

country). I did not change the title. It continues as Jyotisa Guru.

A Guru is far too learned a person, too dedicated, having spent a life time of

hardwork in learning the highest aspect of life to be called a professor.

Personally, this is going to be objected to in India as Professor is a very

derogatory translation for the Guru. So, this has been kept within brackets as

an explanation for those authorities etc who do not (and never will) understand

the meaning of Jyotisa Guru.

~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com


N.Anna [anmar (AT) attcanada (DOT) ca]Friday,

July 11, 2003 5:02 AMvarahamihira;

Subject: Re: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: |Sri Varaha|

Appointment of new Gurus and Administrative heads

Dear All,


I hope everyone will recognize your good faith, Jay, and mine in this matter.


SJC doesn't need this, let alone Jyotish- It can harm a lot, both. IMHO- it is a

seed of self-destruction of SJC, and for that reason only, I feel bad about



Do we need depreciative titles, that people ridicule for right reasons for a

long time, likle Cold Water Managers and

PhD Carpenters... We do not need artificial pumping for what already HAS REAL value,

Jyotish and Silicon Breasts-how do that sound to you dear friends?


What was definition of lack of vanity and other requirements of morality

written by OLD sages, we all claim to accept as ULTIMATE AUTHORITY


I do have interest of SJC and Jyotish in mind, and I hope you trust me.


Really sad,




varahamihira ; ;

vedic astrology ; SJC: Vyasa ; sjcasia

Cc: Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net ; swee (AT) coppernet (DOT) zm ; sarajit (AT) (DOT) org ;

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net ; ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net ; chandra (AT) mail (DOT) ru ; Karu-1 ;

satyaprakasika (AT) (DOT) co.uk ; vishnu (AT) lbq (DOT) dk

Thursday, July 10, 2003 8:27 AM

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: |Sri Varaha| Appointment of new Gurus and Administrative heads

Dear Sarabani and all members,


This mail is sent in good faith so please do not misinterpret it!


I strongly object to the misuse of the title "Professor" as described in SJC's

last 'Appointment of Jyotisha guru's".


The title professor is a genuine academic title which follows a specific

predefined international criteria and used by recognized academic institutions.

The title 'professor' is earned in universities after many years of study,

sweat, blood, tears and difficult exams, usually taking a part of a life time.


SJC is NOT an academic institution nor a recognized high-education institute and

as such has no authority to allocate or appoint academic titles.


I may be wrong but I find it very unethical and certainly against the purity

that Jyotish teaches us.

It will be advisable to review this issue prior to any action from any officials ...


Kind regards

Jay Weiss





; varahamihira ;

vedic astrology ; SJC: Vyasa ; sjcasia

Cc: Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net ; swee (AT) coppernet (DOT) zm ; sarajit (AT) (DOT) org ;

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net ; ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net ; chandra (AT) mail (DOT) ru ; Karu-1 ;

satyaprakasika (AT) (DOT) co.uk ; vishnu (AT) lbq (DOT) dk

Thursday, July 10, 2003 1:31 PM

|Sri Varaha| Appointment of new Gurus and Administrative heads


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya



Dear Jyotisha,


Sri Jagannath Center is pleased to announce on this auspicious day, new jyotisha

gurus, SJC gurus (regional gurus) and country heads for the Asia, Australia and

European regions. The names of the newly appointed gurus and administrative

heads are listed in the attached pdf file.


With best wishes,


Sarbani Sarkar


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