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Dear Sanjay and Brendan,

Could it be that we are trying to build the house from the roof down? The idea

of creating a curriculum has been bantered about for some time yet nothing

concrete has come of it. Curriculum development is not as easy as saying,

"Students must learn X, Y and Z.". There is much more to it and we all know

something must be done, and done soon.

Many people approach this study with a sincere desire, yet are unable to find

the support they require in their fledgling days and as a result they turn

away. Often they take the little knowledge they did pick up and apply it almost

randomly. Is that their karma? Or, is it ours for not being there for them when

they needed us?

Sanjay you have said [s.Rath:] Started working on that (a curriculum) and will

submit the same in the West coast. If all agree, then we can go ahead and

announce it as the SJC Agenda.

There are many things to be decided and agreed upon BEFORE the first sentence is

written. Many of the points may sound small however they are vital if the

foundation is to support the walls, roof and chimney of this vision.

I have said many times that I am willing to help with the organization, language

clarity and presentation. Some people say I can make complicated ideas simple,

maybe that is a gift that can be used here?

Brendan, two years ago and again last year in California we agreed we’d work

together on this. I know we are both very busy and spare time isn’t something

we have to worry about however if we start maybe others will come forward. To

begin with all we’d have to do is lay out the initial format and have it

approved by the board.

I don’t know what I intend to use for time to do this. However, I do believe the

gods will provide if we put our shoulders to the wheel. (Never have been able to

figure out how that helped a person work!) I await your comments.



Sanjay Rath


Saturday, July 12, 2003 7:03 PM

RE: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Appointment of new Gurus and Administra...

|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Brendan

[s.Rath:] Jaya Jagannatha Jaya JagannathaDear Sanjay,I would suggest that if you

are really serious about developing an academic model and using such titles, and

I believe you are, then we need to develop a very rigorous program of study and

demand rigorous orignal research from those who carry such titles. Otherwise

SJC becomes little more than amusment park and a source of ridicule.[s.Rath:]

That is right. If you recall, I had submitted Agenda points for d iscussion by

the SJC Jyotisa Gurus during the west coast conference. When I became your

sishya, you said to me that one day this organization would become an

institution/university of great learning and indeed the seed is there for that

to happen.[s.Rath:] Thats right, and it will happen. The seed has been sown and

now we have to see the tree manifest. We should develop a program that embraces

all that you teach, including vedic culture, vedic philosophy, religion,

rituals, politics, music, poetry, jyotisha, ayurveda, sanantan dharma, etc,

etc. And again I emphasize learning goals whether that be degrees, diplomas or

certificates. Otherwise, it remains that wild steed running in many different

directions... out of control with 90% of the students lacking solid guidance...

only because they require more structure. Forgive my metaphor and I only use

them to get my point across. They are not intended to be literals.[s.Rath:]

Started working on that and will submit the same in the West coast. If all

agree, then we can go ahead and announce it as the SJC Agenda. You have given

to all of us with unmatched selfless generosity and you will always do that. It

is you nature, your Jupiter. In this sense you are an example for each of us and

it is doubtful that we can ever live by your example. Nonetheless, all seeds

sprout in time. It is a law of the universe.[s.Rath:] Thanks Brendan. My hunch

is that the day is soon to arrive where we can organize in that fashion. Your

teaching has set very high standards in jyotish and also in vedic knowledge.

And again I say, if you are going to introduce the title of professor, please

demand and insist that those who hold the title are held to the standard. This

can not be taken lightly otherwise we make light of ourselves and make

astrology a show of comedians lacking meaningful and intelligent intention.

[s.Rath:] The titles are purely of Indian origin and will need to be translated

into other languages with the original being retained in sanskrit. For example

how do we translate Jyotish Acharya, Jyotish Sastri, Jyotish Guru etc. Someone

will have to do this work. Then there needs to be a definition for the work

expectations/qualifications for each of these levels. A basic level has to be

rescribed. I have done this in the Agenda papers and some other advance papers

sent to Robert.If we maintain a high standard in philosophy, spirituality,

jyotish and ayurveda, then we will attract the best in the world and SJC can

become a recognized institution that upholds the mission of the Rishis. The

'best' here means those with sincere intention.[s.Rath:] Yes the starting point

is Jyotisa an Spirituality and expansion is into Ayurveda and Philosophy. Mantra

Sastra and Rituals, and other subjects will follow as the institution grows. I

say all this in the context of the orignal vision that you shared with me some

4 years ago. This in my view, would be the highest expression of your Jupiter,

your genius. Yes, indeed, in the present system of learning, a human being is

born a genius but dies an ignorant fool, not even understanding the cause of

his birth or his suffering. It is beaten out of him through years of brain

washing. You put it very well. [s.Rath:] Yes Brendan - the standards have to be

high and have to be set by example. As I take the lead in Jyotisa, we expect

your lead in Ayurveda and that of others in similar subjects. Some fortunate

ones, out of their own good intelligence, come to their own conclusions but

only after they have differentiated themselves from that which is considered to

be standard and normal. This has to be changed and this is how I read the spark

of your inspiration. The lotus seed of that inherent genius needs to be nurtured

and watered so that it can blossom and bloom. What soul wouldn't want that?It

would be your great service to humanity to do such work.[s.Rath:] Yes that is

the inspiration of Sri Jagannath. And we have to do this now else the history

of Jyotish will not forgive us for missing the initiative. the words of Sri

Achyutananda that a new era begins for 480 years from 2000AD (approx - remember

the paper on this) has given a new inspiration to the world. Today people are

honestly speaking their minds about the disillusionment and consequent sorrow

when titles are misused and their toil and hard work has come to nothing as the

very title (like professor) that spurred them to hard work seemed meaningless

when achieved. That is the height of Maya of the miniature Kali cycle of 120

years (1880-2000 AD approx). Even in suc a clean and respectable feild like

education the veil of Maya created a mirage and thousands were denied a drop of

the promised nectar after all the hard work. yes you are right we have to define

the standards and have to clearly spell it out so that there is no illusion in

anyones mind. They have to work to achieve and those who have been granted

honoraria have to work to prove their abilities to retain titles. Then alone

will the title be worth anything. Educational titles will follow ONLY if we

accept the 'public school' system, else the Indian titles can be continued if

we are to have the ancient Indian school system but will need to be defined.

[s.Rath:] the big plus point of the ancient Indian system is that there is no

killing 'time frame' like a three or four year college degree. The targets are

set and the students work to achieve them in their own time and pace..after all

they all have their own dasa to deal with. The focus in on learning the subject

properly and NOT on achieving some test to qualify for a degree. The interview

used to cover almost all topics and questions could cover the entire subject.

Unlike the modern day interviews which last an hour or so, these would last for

days untill the entire board was satisfied and declared the Sastri as an

Acarya.Here again there was no killing time limit and the focus was clearly on

the learning and testing for completeness of knowledge.

Warm Regards,Brendan[s.Rath:] Profound Regards

Sanjay [Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]Send a blank mailTo :

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