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Why am I studying astrology? / An existential doubt.

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Why am I studying astrology?

An existential doubt.


My interest for the astrology began to manifest in a serious way at

the end of the 2000 (Finishing the period of Saturn-Mars). A little

before the beginning of the period of Saturn-Rahu. I met with a

devote of ISCKON that had many copies of classic books of vedic

astrology. The meetings were informal but very motivational. Before

my friend traveled to Panama, I could copy all his books. Then I

followed my studies in a autodidactic way, without professors, alone

reading the books and analyzing natal chart of companions of the

university. In Lima, Peru, other devote of ISCKON gave classes of

Astrology for 20 American Dollars, I had not money and furthermore I

believed more in being autodidactic.


My desires to become more expert in this wonderful science is

motivated more by the ideal of the benevolent wisdom and not for the

ideal of making money. I have stayed studying astrology during this

whole period of Saturn-Rahu, which is soon to finish (September of

the 2003). Why the period of Saturn-Rahu had characterized by the

study of the astrology? And not how a hobby but how something very

important, even more important than my university career. Many times

in the classes in the university, while the professor spoke, I

concentrated, after the backs of some companion drawing diagrams of

the natal charts. Many times also, I dreamt to the planets rotating

in you orbit, with their grades and minutes, and I listened

conclusions. Other times, before falling asleep, I passed hours

analyzing a chart natal mentally, visualizing the aspects mentally,

the regencies, the conjuncions, etc. and reaching conclusions. Many

of my projects of investigation astrologic have only been in my mind,

others are incomplete. And the saddest thing is not to have friends

(here in Lima) that are so or more interested in studying Vedic

astrology in a serious and systematic way. I feel that I am only and

that perhaps it is my destination. However, I have a lot of hope and

the optimism that the circumstances will improve.


Then, Why the period of Saturn-Rahu had characterized by the study of

the astrology?


1.- Saturn is regent of the house 1 and it is in the house 7. Saturn

aspect to the Lagna. Rahu in conjunction with Saturn. Rahu aspecta

the House 1(Acuario) their own house. Then, the house 1 is very

protected by their regents. But Leo is not pleasant to Saturn and


- But, and the negative effects of Saturn and Rahu?.

- Are they alone for my Moon in the house 1 or also for the

house 1?.

- Can Saturn damage to its own house?

- Do Saturn and Rahu have significances related with the study

of astrology?


2.- I don't have planets in the house 4, 5, 9 and 10. (Your see the

Jupiter in Pisces in the House 1, Sun and Venus in the house 5, in

the chart of Sanjay Rath). My Jupiter is exalted in dushtana (in the

house 6).


3.- Is the answer in my house 2? The Bhavarta Ratnakara says that the

combination of Venus and Mars for the Lagna of Aquarius don't produce

Yoga. Is the answer in the aspect between exalted Jupiter and exalted

Venus?. After the astrology I am very interested in the Fine arts,

especially in music and painting, But the Dasa of Saturn has not

allowed me to deepen more. In the period Saturn-Venus, I spend a lot

of solitary time, painting images of the Pastimes of Krishna .


4.- And my Mercury (lord of 5th) is weakened, without cancellation of

weakening (according to the book of Sanjay Rath, Vimshottari and Udu

Dasas). I am imaginative and creative, fond of the philosophy and the

logic (Mars in the 2th, according to the Bavarta Ratnakara).

- How so powerful the aspect can be from Jupiter to the house 2?

- Why do I feel that some day I will be a very good Vedic

astrologer? Is only optimism? Or is a certainty with a real base?

- Will I finish becoming an artist in the Dasa of Mercury? Or

did they increase a lot but my astrology studies? Some day I will be

able to have the honor of attending (how other fortunate people) to

the conferences of Sanjay Rath? (I am very far, in South America. I

am a not well paid professor).


I remember my childhood, when I looked so intrigued to the full Moon,

wondering their reason of being. I remember when (in my 13 years.)

with a pencil I tried to make stellar maps looking to the dark sky …

and wondering: who was that star that appeared at dusk and that did

hide behind the mountains before the other stars? (After I understood

that it was not a star but a planet: Mercury).


You are my only study companions. Perhaps no my friends, but

companions of study. It is sad that the good institutions finish

becoming impersonal… there is not time to speak as friends, but only

as scientific. I could not be pupil of a Guru that is not my friend,

it would not work. The friendship can have consequences more strong

that the only duty relation. Is your better friend another



Thank you for your time.


My bith dates are:


Date of Birth: April 23, 1979

Time of Birth: 3:10:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:00 West of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 80 W 28

Latitude of Birth: 3 S 34



Vladimir Mendoza B.


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