Guest guest Posted August 14, 2003 Report Share Posted August 14, 2003 JAI GURUDEV. Dear Narayanan, Your horoscope chart is illustrated below. That is explanatory to large extent. Saturn is very very very weak. Moon is also to a great extent. So it is manifesting its effects in frustrations, set back and strife. You need to propitiate the planet and related deity vigorously. Saturn is a great and strict teacher. Your Ascendant and Moon both are in the constellation lorded by Saturn. In your shastiamsha chart, the debilitated Saturn is afflicting Ascendant, its lord and all natural benefic planets. Venus is severely afflicted by Saturn in many a divisional charts. Your are lucky that you are married and able to establish life. Otherwise You are carrying forward a curse of wife/female from your last birth. Jupiter is savior for you. You can observe, your upachaya houses are bearing strength, these are houses of growth. You are to invest extra effort to utilise the potential. Manifold remedies are called. How ever to start with, you should be pure. Getrid of all bad habits. Offer til oil to Lord Hanuman or at Lord Shanishwar temple at least on Saturdays. Respect and value your spouse and her necessities. Meditate on Lord LaxmiNarayana everyday at least half an hour. You also need to take satwik food and fast on all Saturdays. Please don't expect that, over night the scenario could be changed. Revert back after a couple of months adhering to above remedies to inform the progress. You should be able to establish business of your own, once you are able to mitigate the evil effects of the Saturn. Have courage and belief. All will be well. Turn of events shall be better once the Saturn moves to Cancer. Good luck, anmohiey. Rasi Chart for Narayanan Bangalore ************************************************* * 9* SAT 10* 11* 12* * RAH * VEN * * * * * * * * * Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge* ************************************************* * SUN 8* * LAG 1* * * * * * * * * * MER Aq* * Ca* ************* ************* * 7* * 2* * * * * * * * * * Cp* * Le* ************************************************* * 6* 5* 4* PLU 3* * * NEP * * KET * * * MAR * * URA * * Sa* MOO Sc* Li* JUP Vi* ************************************************* Navamsa ************************************************* * 5* VEN 6* SUN 7* 8* * URA * SAT * * * * KET * * * * * JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge* ************************************************* * 4* * 9* * * * * * * * * * Aq* * Ca* ************* ************* * 3* * NEP 10* * * * * * * * * * PLU Cp* * Le* ************************************************* * 2* LAG 1* MAR 12* RAH 11* * * MOO * MER * * * * * * * * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi* ************************************************* Name Star Qtr. Lord Sub ---------- Ascendant Pushya 4 Sat Jup Sun Purvabhadrapa 2 Jup Ketu Moon Anuradha 4 Sat Rahu Mars Anuradha 3 Sat Mars Mercury Dhanistha 3 Mars Ven Jupiter Uttaraphalgun 4 Sun Ven Venus Ashwini 1 Ketu Ven Saturn Ashwini 1 Ketu Ketu Rahu Uttarabhadrap 2 Sat Ketu Ketu Uttaraphalgun 4 Sun Ketu Uranus Uttaraphalgun 4 Sun Ven Neptune Anuradha 1 Sat Sat Pluto Uttaraphalgun 2 Sun Rahu Strength of planets in Vargas Sripati Bhava Madhyas --------------------- 1st 16 Can 2nd 16 Leo 3rd 17 Vir 4th 17 Lib 5th 17 Sco 6th 16 Sag 7th 16 Cap 8th 16 Aqu 9th 17 Pis 10th 17 Ari 11th 17 Tau 12th 16 Gem Sripati Bhava Sandhis --------------------- Sandhi Between 12th & 1st 1 Can 1st & 2nd 1 Leo 2nd & 3rd 1 Vir 3rd & 4th 2 Lib 4th & 5th 2 Sco 5th & 6th 1 Sag 6th & 7th 1 Cap 7th & 8th 1 Aqu 8th & 9th 1 Pis 9th & 10th 2 Ari 10th & 11th 2 Tau 11th & 12th 1 Gem Shad Bala Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat ------------------- Rupas 6.57 7.43 5.08 5.64 8.17 5.74 5.44 Strength 1.01 1.24 1.02 0.81 1.26 1.04 1.09 Vimshopak Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat ------------------- Total 10.3 10.8 14.7 13.9 11.7 10.2 5.4 Percent 52 54 74 70 59 51 27 Bhava Balas ----------- 1: 8.24 2: 7.66 3: 5.05 4: 6.12 5: 5.94 6: 9.11 7: 6.29 8: 5.87 9: 9.42 10: 6.74 11: 6.81 12: 6.34 Sarv-Ashtaka Varga Chart ************************* * * * * * * 17 * 31 * 25 * 26 * * * * * * ************************* * * * * * 30 * * 34 * * * * * ******* ******* * * * * * 24 * * 29 * * * * * ************************* * * * * * * 38 * 26 * 22 * 35 * * * * * * ************************* Asht. Varga Bindus in Own Name Signs B/M Shastiamsa Ascendant B Kalinasa Sun 4 B Nirmala Moon 3 M Kaala Mars 4 M Kantaka Mercury 7 M Bhrashta Jupiter 6 M Vamsakshaya Venus 4 B Yaksha Saturn 3 M Ghora Rahu B Saumya Ketu B Saumya Basic Avastas ---------------- Sun Neutral Little Effect Moon Debilitated Greatly Weakened Mars Ownership Strong Mercury Friend Strengthened Jupiter Great Enemy Weakened Venus Enemy Weakened Saturn Debilitated Greatly Weakened Jaimini Karakas Sanskrit Means Significator ------ Atma: Self Sun Amatya: Mind Moon Bhatri: Brethren Mars Matri: Parents Jupiter Putra: Children Mercury Gnati: Caste Venus Dara: Spouse Saturn KP Nakshatra Lords for the Planets Planet Sign Degree Lord Sub Sub Sub ----------- Sun AQU 26° 14’ Jup Ketu Jup Moon SCO 14° 21’ Sat Rahu Ven Mars SCO 12° 12’ Sat Mars Rahu Mercury AQU 3° 17’ Mars Ven Moon Jupiter VIR 9° 11’ Sun Ven Jup Venus ARI 2° 9’ Ketu Ven Jup Saturn ARI 0° 20’ Ketu Ketu Rahu Rahu PIS 7° 33’ Sat Ketu Moon Ketu VIR 7° 33’ Sun Ketu Sat Uranus VIR 9° 4’ Sun Ven Jup Neptune SCO 5° 15’ Sat Sat Jup Pluto VIR 0° 28’ Sun Rahu Ketu KP Nakshatra Lords for the Planets Cusps Sign Degree Lord Sub Sub Sub --------- 1 CAN 16° 37’ Sat Jup Rahu 2 LEO 14° 31’ Ven Ven Jup 3 VIR 15° 18’ Moon Jup Mars 4 LIB 17° 17’ Rahu Ven Merc 5 SCO 18° 10’ Merc Merc Jup 6 SAG 17° 37’ Ven Mars Sat 7 CAP 16° 37’ Moon Sat Ven 8 AQU 14° 31’ Rahu Ketu Ven 9 PIS 15° 18’ Sat Jup Sat 10 ARI 17° 17’ Ven Moon Sun 11 TAU 18° 10’ Moon Merc Ven 12 GEM 17° 37’ Rahu Sun Rahu Planet Shastiamsa M/B Meaning -------------------- Ascendant Kalinasa B Destruction of strife Sun Nirmala B Resplendent, sinless, stainless, virtuous Moon Kaala M Dark blue colour, weather, Time, a person who makes/sells liquor, Saturn, Siva, destruction Mars Kantaka M Thorn, any trouble-fellow to the state and enemy of order and government Mercury Bhrashta M Fallen, vicious Jupiter Vamsakshaya M Descent not growing further Venus Yaksha B Celestial singer Saturn Ghora M Aweful, violent Rahu Saumya B Relating or sacred to the Moon, handsome, auspicious Ketu Saumya B Relating or sacred to the Moon, handsome, auspicious Drekkana Chart ************************************************* * 5* VEN 6* 7* 8* * RAH * SAT * * * * MAR * * * * * MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge* ************************************************* * 4* * 9* * * * * * * * * * MER Aq* * Ca* ************* ************* * 3* * 10* * * * * * * * * * Cp* * Le* ************************************************* * 2* LAG 1* SUN 12* JUP 11* * * NEP * * KET * * * * * URA * * Sa* Sc* Li* PLU Vi* ************************************************* Saptamsa Chart ************************************************* * 12* LAG 1* JUP 2* NEP 3* * * VEN * URA * * * * SAT * * * * PLU Pi* KET Ar* Ta* Ge* ************************************************* * 11* * MAR 4* * * * * * * * * * MER Aq* * Ca* ************* ************* * 10* * SUN 5* * * * MOO * * * * * * Cp* * Le* ************************************************* * 9* 8* RAH 7* 6* * * * * * * * * * * * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi* ************************************************* Dashamsa Chart ************************************************* * 8* VEN 9* PLU 10* 11* * * SAT * * * * * * * * * MER Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge* ************************************************* * 7* * KET 12* * * * * * * * * * Aq* * Ca* ************* ************* * 6* * LAG 1* * * * JUP * * * * URA * * RAH Cp* * NEP Le* ************************************************* * 5* MOO 4* SUN 3* 2* * * MAR * * * * * * * * * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi* ************************************************* Dwadashamsa Chart ************************************************* * 3* MOO 4* 5* RAH 6* * * VEN * * * * MER * SAT * * * * MAR Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge* ************************************************* * 2* * 7* * * * * * * * * * Aq* * Ca* ************* ************* * 1* * 8* * * * * * * * * * NEP LAG Cp* * Le* ************************************************* * 12* 11* 10* PLU 9* * * * * * * URA KET * * * * * JUP SUN Sa* Sc* Li* Vi* ************************************************* Shodashamsa Chart ************************************************* * 4* JUP URA 5* VEN 6* 7* * * SAT * * * * * RAH * * * * MOO Pi* KET Ar* Ta* Ge* ************************************************* * 3* * 8* * * * * * * * * * MAR Aq* * Ca* ************* ************* * 2* * 9* * * * * * * * * * Cp* * Le* ************************************************* * 1* 12* NEP 11* SUN 10* * * * * MER * * * * * * * PLU LAG Sa* Sc* Li* Vi* ************************************************* Trimshamsa Chart ************************************************* * 1* MER 2* PLU 3* 4* * MAR * VEN * * * * MOO * SAT * * * * LAG Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge* ************************************************* * 12* * 5* * * * * * * * * * Aq* * Ca* ************* ************* * 11* * 6* * * * * * * * * * Cp* * Le* ************************************************* * 10* 9* SUN 8* NEP JUP 7* * * * * RAH * * * * * KET * * Sa* Sc* Li* URA Vi* ************************************************* Shastiamsa Chart ************************************************* * 12* LAG 1* 2* SUN 3* * * SAT * * RAH * * * * * * * Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge* ************************************************* * 11* * 4* * * * * * * * * * Aq* * Ca* ************* ************* * 10* * MER 5* * * * JUP * * * * VEN * * Cp* * URA Le* ************************************************* * 9* MAR 8* MOO 7* NEP 6* * * * * PLU * * * * * * * KET Sa* Sc* Li* Vi* ************************************************* - Narrayana G.E. Thursday, August 14, 2003 12:06 AM [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Please ...Study my chart and Help me to overcome crisis in my life Dear Respected members and Jyothish Scholors, My namasthes to you all. My name is Narrayana and I am based at Bangalore. My birth details are as follows : Date : 10.03.1969 Time : 15.35 (3.35 pm) Place : Vellore - Tamilnadu : 79E08 / 12N56 Anuradha Nakshatra. Cancer Lagna Scorpio Rashi. Dasa at birth (Vimshottri) : Saturn : 3 years 3 months. Current dasa : Venus - since August 1996. Current Bhukthi - Mars ending on 21 August 2003 (another 8 days). Kindly go through my tragic story and help me out to overcome the present crisis. Sorry for troubling with my problem. I am totally struck in my life and finding myself in serious distress. That made me to post this mail. I have been facing so much difficulties since my childhood. My father was running catering business but making paltry earnings with which we managed for only one time feeding. My mother being second wife to my father (after first wife death), I born when he was 46 years old. My sister born 3 years later to me. 3 of his elder sons from his first wife abondonded him and ditched him financially through partition. Due to this, I could not get into good education beyond SSLC although I am a rank holder in SSLC (80%). Somehow with the help of my high school teacher, I managed to do ITI in electronics (again rank holder 84%) and fetched good job with Wipro - Mysore. But within year my father died of old age. So, I had to bear the entire family responsibility on my head. Within 3 years following his death, during 1992 my mother got cervical cancer, and I struggled for 4 complete years frequently travelling to bangalore and subjecting her into all kind of medical distress to extend her life but in vain. She left us at an early age of 53 during 1995. One year before to that in May 1994, my house was looted by gang of masked dacoits when my sister was alone. I was away with my mother in hospital for her blood transfusion. Though my sister miraculously escaped still trauma remains in her mind. My parents left zero savings for my sister marriage. I lost my entire savings for my mothers cancer treatment and in dacoity. My relatives alienated themselves from us, once we lost our parents. So, I had to manage my sister's marraige single handedly during 1999 which cost me 3 Lakhs. I had raised loans from all sources and got myself trapped into huge debts which had become 4 lakhs with interest cumulation. After finding situation no longer managable, I negotiated with my employer and left 15 years old job for a compensation of 2 Lakhs during nov'2001. With that I cleared 50% loans. My miseries now increased tremendously as I could not able to get another employment and for last 20 months, I am unemployed. Somehow with the help of my married sister and my father in law, myself with my wife and 5 years old daugther managing our life. But it is reaching a stage where they also losing grip as they have their own commitments. I had consulted couple of astrologers in Bangalore and tried all their suggestions. But mothing seems to be helping me. So I thought I will give try sending you request and hoping to get an advise what I must do further. I lost all hopes that one fine day my life will change for better. I am too scared now as I am nearing Rahu Bhukthi in Venus Dasa. (Vimshottri) I lost all my savings but in a commitment to clear 2 lakhs loans without any hopes of getting job. My wife also running into ill health all the time (Severe migraine) so I could not send her for an jobs. During my 15 years of job, despite my qualification upgradation to Diploma, I could not get any promotion and increments. So, my professional life also a big misery. Please save us from the crisis once for all. Best regards....Narrayana G.E. gnn68310 (AT) sancharnet (DOT) in [Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]Send a blank mailTo : -To : Your use of is subject to the Attachment: [not stored] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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