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Event date and event type pinpointing capabilities of the software

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I often receive mails concerning “Event date and event

type pinpointing capabilities” of Vjyotish. This mail

contains links to certain pages on my website, where

some well known past events has been analyzed through

this software. It also contains links to results of

bind tests by well-known astrology scholars.


I do hope that these pages will be able to enlighten

you in this regard and help you in better

understanding of the software functioning.


You may also copy and paste the following links into

your browser's address line.

[A] An email from a learned astrologer of U.K. who

tested Vjyotish on a very traumatic event of her

friend very comprehensively.




Diana, The Princess of Wales, dies in a car

accident on 31st August 1997 at Paris. As you will see

in the following pages about her, the different

aspects in one's life do not always follow the same

pattern at a particular moment. Vjyotish indexes were

created for several aspects of Diana's life, all of

them for August 1997, the last month of her life.

Watch these Vjyotish indexes and compare the results


1. Vjyotish index of travel to neighbouring countries:

Travel index for journeys to neighbouring countries

was highly negative from 15th Aug.'97 onwards. She

shouldn't have travelled to Paris during this period.

Click the following link to view this Vjyotish index:


2. Vjyotish index of mental depression: The index for

mental depression was continuously in negative zone

since 25th Aug.'97, which shows how depressed she was,

while being continuously hounded by paparazzi in

Paris, and of course, due to her just broken marriage

with Charles. Click the following link to view this

Vjyotish index:


3. Vjyotish index of longevity: The index was in

"positive-zone" till 14th Aug'97. However, suddenly,

we find that it entered into highly "negative-zone"

from 15th Aug. onwards. Exactly on 31st August'97, it

had the maximum negative values. Some grave danger to

her "longevity" was there, astrologically, around this

date. Click the following link to view this Vjyotish



4. Vjyotish index of happiness: Though the index was

in "red" from the beginning of August'97, but had

sprinkling of "greens" occasionally till 24th of

August. From 25th August onwards, the index entered

into a deep "red" zone, and there is no "green" bar

visible till her death. It clearly indicates that she

was entering into a time period, which may bring some

very unhappy situations for her.


5. Vjyotish index of destiny: Her index of destiny was

in highly negative zone since the beginning of

August'97 itself. The destiny was not favouring her in

the last days of her life is clear from this index.


6. Vjyotish index of royal favours: The royal family

of England, especially her mother-in-law Queen

Elizabeth-II and husband Prince Charles, were highly

annoyed with Di. Royal favours for Di were at its

lowest ebb when she was with her fiance Dodi Fayed in

her last days.


7. Vjyotish index of relations with spouse: Di had

just got divorced from her spouse, Prince Charles, and

were with her fiance, Dodi Fayed, in Paris. Sourness

in relationship with Prince Charles couldn't have been



8. Vjyotish index of popularity: The unprecedented

public sympathy and love for her was witnessed by the

world, when Di left for her heavenly abode. Her

funeral evoked such irresistible emotion and drew such

massive throngs that some commentators described it as

a grand occasion that eclipsed Winston Churchill in

1965. She surpassed John F.Kennedy in popularity. The

sea of flowers by the flood of mourners gave a glimpse

of temporarily altered landscape of London.


9. Vjyotish index of overall mental tranquility:

During her last days, Di was in a tranquil mood, very

calm and peaceful. It was but natural. After long

period of her stormy marriage with Charles, she has

found her love in Dodi, at last. This mental

tranquility was broken by paparazzi in the night of

30th August 1997, when they chased her, while she was

dining at Ritz (Paris) with Dodi.


10. Vjyotish index of aggregate astrological net

effect: This index suddenly turned "red" from 28th

Aug.'97 and had maximum negativity on 1st Sept.'97,

i.e. just a day after her death. It clearly signalled

that period was not "auspicious" for her.


To know more about Vjyotish, please visit the

following page:


You may download the evaluation copy of Vjyotish from

following location. It is a 2 MB file only.


Best regards,

Shyaam Sunder Kansal

(Developer of Vjyotish)


email: shyaamkansal @

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