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Vipreeta Raja Yoga

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Aum Namo Bhagvate Hrishikeshaya

Respected Gurudeva, Guruji(s) and friends:

The topic of Vipareeta Raja Yoga; surfaces rather regularly on our

lists. The archives have a lot of information regarding VRY.

However, like all yogas, there are different variations [as explained

at Gurudeva Sanjay Rathji's site] and further discussions are always


Personally, I have been studying Vipareeta Raja Yoga since two years

[and still not good at it - LOL] because my own chart has a strong

Vipareeta Raja Yoga which is going to trigger from November 25, 2003

[not very distant, yes?].

Attached, please find my own chart [it has been rectified to seconds]

and observe the VRY therein.

Here are some notes on my own observations:

I] Major & Minor details regarding this VRY:

1) It is a strong Vipareeta Raja Yoga [condition satisfied by 6th

lord in 12th with 12th lord in own house].

2) Venus and Mars aspect Mercury [Lagna Lord] by Rashi Drishti.

3) Mars aspects Moon, AL, A7, A6 in 3rd house by Graha Dristi.

4) Saturn [lord of 8th and also 9th] is in best trine and own house +

moolatrikona [though Retrograde].

5) Saturn also aspects Moon, AL, A7, A6 by Graha Drishti and aspects

Lagna Lord Mercury by Rashi Drishti.

6) Venus is debilitated in Navamsa.

7) Venus is Ishta Devata, Palana Devata, and Guru Devata.

8) Hora Lagna is in 12th house [stage settings of VRY].

9) Ghati Lagna is in 9th house [stage settings for Saturn's indirect


10) Arudha Lagna is in 3rd house [as noted above] and forms Srimantha

Yoga [AL + A7].

II] Dasa analysis and observations:

Not considering individual bala, Venus is actually weaker than Mars.

Currently, I am running Rahu/Moon [Vimsottari] and almost at the end of


Rahu/Venus was mixed... in that... first part of Rahu/Venus gave me

increased business opportunities, I even bought a new BMW car [above

average in terms of luxurious gadgets fixed in it], and money just

poured in without much effort.

However, after Rahu/Venus/Mars [Maha/Antar/Pratyantar] things started

going downhill.

For example, Rahu/Venus/Jupiter saw me losing my luxurious and well

decorated house DUE to enemies [Exactly on September 4, 2003 when

Venus, Mars, and Moon were all debilitated - Gochara].

The downfall continued well into Rahu/Sun [Vimsottari], however,

Rahu/Moon was comparatively nice and comfortable.

In fact, I started *gaining* back in Rahu/Moon and this year got an

EVEN better and luxuriously decorated house. I am keeping away from

cars as I am prone to accidents, etc. during this period.

Anyway, coming back to VRY, now Rahu/Mars/Mars will trigger the

strongest VRY in this period of my life.

The only signification that will be affected and has me more than

worried... is the 5th house [Venus lords the 5th house as well].

Human beings, by nature, are very selfish. Therefore, I will admit

that I am not much concerned by significations of other houses that

will be affected [6th, 11th, and 12th].

Gains of 11th are guaranteed, as HL is in 12th and therefore, money

will not be an issue after VRY triggers.

Protecting the 5th therefore is a major concern [and yes I am doing

appropriate remedies and mantras].

Also note that Venus is the hidden enemy [12th house] while it is still

the Ishta, Palana, and Guru Devata. In the upcoming VRY, Venus is most

definitely bound to fall and Mars will do that job.

However, it is not a pleasant scenario when one's Ishta falls.

Therefore, that is my other worry and concern in this VRY. Hopefully,

Hrishikesha will come to aid and everything will be fine.

Finally, as I said above, I am studying VRY since two years and am

still not good at it. In case, I have made any errors in analysis or

predictions above, I hope that Gurudeva, Guruji(s) and experts at this

list will kindly correct me.

One more thing... two years ago when I first knew I had a strong VRY, I

was thrilled [expecting materialistic bliss, etc.]. However, now having

understood its effects and consequences, I am not excited about

Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps, for a very desperate person, such Yogas

would be welcome. For most of us, we rather wish we had some good yogas

like a strong Gaja Kesari, Dharmakarmadhipati, or even better, Pancha


With that, please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever

and you all take care too.

Aum Namo Narayana

Kind regards from,


suchandr (AT) hotmail (DOT) com wrote:


Dear Pranav,

Please read Gurudev Sanjay ji's article on VRY from the following

link. http://www.srath.com/lesson/vry.htm

Generally, the planet conjoing VRY causing planets will suffer it's

significations. In this case, Mother passing away early on is an

indication of Moon's tryst with Vipareetha. As Moon being 5th lord, it

may bring lot of sorrow/suffering related to 5th house matters such as

children, instability of mind etc...

Best Regards,









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Aum Namo Bhagvate Hrishikeshayaa

I bow down at the lotus feet of my Gurudeva.

Pranaams Ramesh,

I apologize for the delay in getting back to you; as I was tied up over

the weekend.

Please see my comments in blue below:

rgangaramani (AT) hotmail (DOT) com wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Ron,

You have posted an interesting

example. The example however includes additional parameters. Though it

is true that even VRY has be looked in 'total perspective', I shall

appreciate if you can indicate basic guidelines to show ;

1. when VRY fructifies and

During the dashas of the planets involved. Mostly

during Maha and Antar [and to a minor extent Pratyantar as well]. Using

a Phalita Dasa like Vimsottari could give near enough accurate timing.

Provided that Vimsottari has been used based on the stronger of Moon,

Lagna, or Sun in the chart. In my case [the original attached chart],

while Lagna is stronger with Sun in it, I still use Vimsottari from

Moon as that seems to match pretty much with events in my life. So I

would say you could experiment with all starting points of Vimsottari

including other taras.

2. which house significations get a


Since Vipareeta Raja Yoga works on the basis of

Negative and Negative = Positive, the houses lorded by the planets

involved cancel out the bad effects of each other. Related houses or

other associated houses *may* also get destroyed in the process.

For example, in my case, Venus lords 5th house and 12th house. Whereas

Mars lords 6th house and 11th house. Therefore matters related to these

houses will suffer.

About which house gets significant boost, Vipareeta Raja Yoga is

supposed to give an overall boost to the Jataka. Therefore, Lagna

and/or AL and the houses co-lorded by the lord of these.

It would be good to have Cancer or Leo involved in Vipareeta Raja Yoga

[not that Vipareeta Raja Yoga is good], simply from my point of view

that since Cancer and Leo own only one house, the destruction or effect

on other houses is *minimal*.

Similarly, if Scorpio or Aquarius are involved in Vipareeta Raja Yoga,

then one must also take into account the aspects or effects of other

co-lords namely Ketu and Rahu respectively. Nonetheless, such a

Vipareeta Raja Yoga would be very interesting indeed.

3. which house significations get a

down turn.

I have covered the answer of this in the answers

to point (2) above.


Thanks and kind regards


You are always welcome. However, please do

remember as I stated earlier that I am not a totally reliable authority

on Vipareeta Raja Yoga as I am biased despite studying it for 2 years.

Biased because my own chart has it and the upcoming trigger is not that

far enough. And besides that, I am still a average shishya of our

divine parampara at the lotus feet of amazing Gurudeva.

Therefore, if I have made any errors or misjudgments, may Gurudeva or

Guruji(s) kindly correct me. Many thanks in advance.

Aum Namo Narayana

With that, please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever

and you all take care too.

Kind regards and best wishes from

Ron Bach


Ron Bach


Saturday, September 13, 2003 5:23 PM

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Vipreeta Raja Yoga

Aum Namo Bhagvate Hrishikeshaya

Respected Gurudeva, Guruji(s) and friends:

The topic of Vipareeta Raja Yoga; surfaces rather regularly on our

lists. The archives have a lot of information regarding VRY.

However, like all yogas, there are different variations [as explained

at Gurudeva Sanjay Rathji's site] and further discussions are always


Personally, I have been studying Vipareeta Raja Yoga since two years

[and still not good at it - LOL] because my own chart has a strong

Vipareeta Raja Yoga which is going to trigger from November 25, 2003

[not very distant, yes?].

Attached, please find my own chart [it has been rectified to seconds]

and observe the VRY therein.

Here are some notes on my own observations:

I] Major & Minor details regarding this VRY:

1) It is a strong Vipareeta Raja Yoga [condition satisfied by 6th

lord in 12th with 12th lord in own house].

2) Venus and Mars aspect Mercury [Lagna Lord] by Rashi Drishti.

3) Mars aspects Moon, AL, A7, A6 in 3rd house by Graha Dristi.

4) Saturn [lord of 8th and also 9th] is in best trine and own house +

moolatrikona [though Retrograde].

5) Saturn also aspects Moon, AL, A7, A6 by Graha Drishti and aspects

Lagna Lord Mercury by Rashi Drishti.

6) Venus is debilitated in Navamsa.

7) Venus is Ishta Devata, Palana Devata, and Guru Devata.

8) Hora Lagna is in 12th house [stage settings of VRY].

9) Ghati Lagna is in 9th house [stage settings for Saturn's indirect


10) Arudha Lagna is in 3rd house [as noted above] and forms Srimantha

Yoga [AL + A7].

II] Dasa analysis and observations:

Not considering individual bala, Venus is actually weaker than Mars.

Currently, I am running Rahu/Moon [Vimsottari] and almost at the end of


Rahu/Venus was mixed... in that... first part of Rahu/Venus gave me

increased business opportunities, I even bought a new BMW car [above

average in terms of luxurious gadgets fixed in it], and money just

poured in without much effort.

However, after Rahu/Venus/Mars [Maha/Antar/Pratyantar] things started

going downhill.

For example, Rahu/Venus/Jupiter saw me losing my luxurious and well

decorated house DUE to enemies [Exactly on September 4, 2003 when

Venus, Mars, and Moon were all debilitated - Gochara].

The downfall continued well into Rahu/Sun [Vimsottari], however,

Rahu/Moon was comparatively nice and comfortable.

In fact, I started *gaining* back in Rahu/Moon and this year got an

EVEN better and luxuriously decorated house. I am keeping away from

cars as I am prone to accidents, etc. during this period.

Anyway, coming back to VRY, now Rahu/Mars/Mars will trigger the

strongest VRY in this period of my life.

The only signification that will be affected and has me more than

worried... is the 5th house [Venus lords the 5th house as well].

Human beings, by nature, are very selfish. Therefore, I will admit

that I am not much concerned by significations of other houses that

will be affected [6th, 11th, and 12th].

Gains of 11th are guaranteed, as HL is in 12th and therefore, money

will not be an issue after VRY triggers.

Protecting the 5th therefore is a major concern [and yes I am doing

appropriate remedies and mantras].

Also note that Venus is the hidden enemy [12th house] while it is still

the Ishta, Palana, and Guru Devata. In the upcoming VRY, Venus is most

definitely bound to fall and Mars will do that job.

However, it is not a pleasant scenario when one's Ishta falls.

Therefore, that is my other worry and concern in this VRY. Hopefully,

Hrishikesha will come to aid and everything will be fine.

Finally, as I said above, I am studying VRY since two years and am

still not good at it. In case, I have made any errors in analysis or

predictions above, I hope that Gurudeva, Guruji(s) and experts at this

list will kindly correct me.

One more thing... two years ago when I first knew I had a strong VRY, I

was thrilled [expecting materialistic bliss, etc.]. However, now having

understood its effects and consequences, I am not excited about

Vipareeta Raja Yoga. Perhaps, for a very desperate person, such Yogas

would be welcome. For most of us, we rather wish we had some good yogas

like a strong Gaja Kesari, Dharmakarmadhipati, or even better, Pancha


With that, please convey my best regards to all your loved ones ever

and you all take care too.

Aum Namo Narayana

Kind regards from,









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||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


Dear Ron,


excellent post and self-analysis. However I shudder at the thought

of the amount of reading/thinking/analysis that I have to do in

order to be even called an 'average' shishya of Gurudeva! And I am

only a second generation student here (second generation being

defined as student of ex-student of Gurudeva)! I suppose the status

of being a student in this Achutya Dasa parampara (divine as you

call it) would be enough for me, :-)





, Ron Bach <humbleshishya@n...>


And besides that, I am still a average shishya of our divine

> parampara at the lotus feet of amazing Gurudeva.

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