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a Brain teaser on Lagna Lord for Ramanarayan

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Dear ramanarayan and all,


I would like to extend the discussion on lagna lord.

What could be the role of the lagna lord under the

following situation

1. Lagna lord is also the 12th. lord...Aqaurius


2. Lagna lord is a general malefic planet e.g.Saturn..

3. Lagna lord placed in 7th. house with benefic

infulence i.e. with Jup

4. Lagna lord is also the d-9 navamsha lord

5. Lagna lord is also the AK


Would such a lagna lord associated with 6th. house

lord lead to VRY as it is also 12th. lord


Would we consider its effect as lagna lord predominant

or as a 12th. lord




What could be the infulence of such a lagna lord on an

individual during its dasa/antardasa?


Please do clarify...







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Om Shanti


Dear Souvik,


Here is an attempt to answer your questions, based on what I have

learned. The basis is Brihat Parsara Hora Sastra (BPHS, G. C.

Sharma) and my estimates.


What could be the role of the lagna lord under the following



1. Lagna lord is also the 12th. lord...Aqaurius ascendant

A. Good as the lagna lord, even though Saturn. Aquarius lagna

benefics are Venus and Saturn. (BPHS)


2. Lagna lord is a general malefic planet e.g. Saturn.

A. This occurs with the following lagnas (see BPHS):


Ari: Mars is benefic. (Ari. Mulatrikona)

Sco: Mars is neutral (mixed).

Leo: Sun is benefic. (Leo. Mulatrikona)

Cap: Saturn is neutral (mixed).

Aqu: Saturn is benefic. (Aqu. Mulatrikona)


3. Lagna lord placed in 7th. house with benefic infulence i.e. with


A. The lagna lord will give positive effects for the following lagnas:

Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Aquarius. All the others will be

mixed. (see BPHS)


4. Lagna lord is also the d-9 navamsha lord.

A. This means vargottoma lagna lord, which strengthens the lagna.


5. Lagna lord is also the AK.

A. The lagna lord looks after the native in general matters, and

strengthens the body.

The AK deals with the soul. If they are the same graha, then the

gross and subtle will be tied together. It seems that this would

lead to some advantages such as a single focus and concentration of

efforts in life in general with the purpose of the soul.


Would such a lagna lord associated with 6th. house lord lead to VRY

as it is also 12th lord?

A. Dusthana lord in another Dusthana is VRY, not a Dusthana lord

with a Dusthana lord, so no. But from the description this Saturn is

is the 7th house (Leo) with the 6th lord Moon.


Would we consider its effect as lagna lord predominant or as a 12th


A. The results of 2, 8, 12 lords are related to the second house it

rules, or of the planet in the house (2, 8, or 12). It is 3, 6, 11

lords that are very malefic. The lagna lord would predominate in

Aries, Leo, and Aquarius. Parashara describes Saturn as benefic for

Aquarius lagna so the lagna lordship should predominate.


What could be the infulence of such a lagna lord on an individual

during its dasa/antardasa?

A. Saturn not in friendly sign (which is bad). Saturn in 3 or 11

(which would be good). Saturn not in 6, 8, 12 (which would be bad).

If Saturn is aspected by benifics there should be conveyance,

clothes, and high position. But not too much due to being in Leo

with the 6th lord. (BPHS)


Comment on 7th house (partnerships)

Vargottoma Lagna lord, in enemy sign Leo, in 7th house with 6th lord

Moon. Although Moon and lagna lord in the 7th house are generally

good, the 6th lord there is not conducive to peace. There will be

alternating good and bad periods in the marriage (and partnerships).

The Moon has a fluctuating and fickle nature: a passionate marriage

with conflicts.





, shouveek dutta

<explore_vulcan> wrote:

> Dear ramanarayan and all,


> I would like to extend the discussion on lagna lord.

> What could be the role of the lagna lord under the

> following situation

> 1. Lagna lord is also the 12th. lord...Aqaurius

> ascendant

> 2. Lagna lord is a general malefic planet e.g.Saturn..

> 3. Lagna lord placed in 7th. house with benefic

> infulence i.e. with Jup

> 4. Lagna lord is also the d-9 navamsha lord

> 5. Lagna lord is also the AK


> Would such a lagna lord associated with 6th. house

> lord lead to VRY as it is also 12th. lord


> Would we consider its effect as lagna lord predominant

> or as a 12th. lord




> What could be the infulence of such a lagna lord on an

> individual during its dasa/antardasa?


> Please do clarify...


> Regards

> Souvik




> The New with improved product search


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