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Some Tips to beginers

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Jyotish Students,

Before you start learning Jyotish. Try to question and learn each

fundamental, the more you do it the better it would be. Some dictums

you may have to take it as given(Axiomatically) in begining. So, Try

learning from Authentic sources. Get the list of books to learn from

your Jyotish Guru. Your Jyotish guru should have already tred this

path and knows better.

The following order will help

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra.

Then Books by Jyotish Guru Narasimha and Jyotish Guru Pt. Sanjay

Rath. Then Jataka Parijata, Saaraavalli, Prashna Marga, Jaimini Sutra

(This is bit advanced so keep it latter). Even before all these read

Mahabharata and then Bhagavat Gita, It contains many foundations.

This would keep you in sync with our discussions here.

Try to go thru each and every mail in this archive right from Mail

number one, It took me about 3-4 months. Gurus say that Jyotish is an

ocean, very true.

In the learning phase do not try to confuse with too many varying

opinions from other schools of thoughts. Latter with Guru's blessing

everything will get corrected and will remove all doubts[Remember

Gurus can come in all forms and shapes :) ].

Answers to all questions does not come easily, even simple ones. Guru

does not give answers he is all answer itself. The Dhi is Guru and

not the thinking(Buddhi). Keep patience and keep studying. Guru says

that only two planets get dik bala in the lagna(the head), Jupiter

and Mercury. The teacher and the student. That's the only truth.


Now enough of my sermon and to Vinods questions.


> Upchaya ( 3,6,10,11Houses) gives Gain and growth.


Please try qoute from the Brihat Parshara Hora Shastra and BV Raman

Define Upchaya.


Some Hints,


Try to understand why we are supposed to perform action (Krishna told

Arjuna to fight when Krishna could have sorted all these by himself).

What is Destiny?.


Take these Hints.


3rd house is bravery fighting, etc Also (10th from 6th, 3rd is the

enemies actions)


6th house is Enemies and also relatives, Is it co-incidence that

Arjuna had to fight his owns Kinsman?. Why is 6th house service too?.

Why do saints say perform service to others?.


10th house. Is the heaven. It's the karma one performs. It's what

succeeds. It's 2nd the Dharma it feeds Dharma.


11th house. 11th house is gains. Why did krishna say do your Karma

(10th house) and do not look for gains. Karmanneva adhikarastu maa

phaleshu kadachan. Both are Upchaya houses 10th and 11th. Why did

Parashara says that 11th house is a trik house? Why does Parashara Say


'Any Grah, owning Sahaj, Ari, or Labh Bhava, will give evil effects.

The effects, due to the Lords of Vyaya and Randhr Bhava, will depend

on their association.'


> Dusthan (6, 8,12 Houses) gives Setback and Obstacle


> 1. When should I predict growth and when setback because 6H is both

Upachaya and Dusthan.


This question is interlinked with the question when does a bhava



Try to list the Kaaraka graha of each bhava. For example 6th house

has saturn, 4th house moon etc.


You can never get a complete win/win situation in any houses. To

fight 6th house there will always be personal losses. Take the

Example of Pandavas(or even kauravas), At the end of war when

Pandavas won the entire kingdom they had lost all their children!.

(Except one due to Krishna's grace). 6th house is 2nd (Maraka) to 5th

house. This is fact of Mrityu loka.


Similarly try your attempts. And post your understandings for others.


> 2.Likewise 6H being Upchaya from AL shows improvements of status

but what about 6H being Dusthan from AL.


> 3.Weak Dusthan is good whereas weak Upchaya is bad.What I should

consider when both are same that is 6H.




Warm Regards,

S. Prabhakaran

Om Tat Sat

Om Sarva saukyapradaya namah.

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