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Yogi Karve/ Ayanamsa

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Dhira,


That was a lot of good work by you. Most of it fitting very nicely. My comments

are given below yours.


Change of AK is a major thing! With the new ayanamsa, My AK & Ishta (given by

Mars) are Ishta (given by Jupiter) & AK (Mars) of my wife.


A Nadi astrologer told me that in my previous life i fell in love with a dancer

of different caste. Finally, ditched her to marry somebody from my caste. That

lady, committed suicide as a result. And i incurred a curse. Suffered due to

bad health in the last stages of life, but did a lot of charity towards the end

of my life.


This life i am married to a lady from a different caste, you can see Rahu in my

UL and the karmic connection. Does this show in my D-60?



Dhira Krsna BCS <Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Viswanadham,Hare Rama Krsna!Let us go over your chart and see some life

events, which I used forverifying my ayanamsa study.>1. Serious health problems

in early childhood (Tubercolosis, Typhoid,>dysentry etc.,)Moon in 8th house with

a malefic and malefic(s) in 8th house from Moonconstitutes Balarista, or death

in childhood. You have a BeneficialJupiter strong in own sign, and an exalted

Venus aspecting both in Rasidristi plus graha drsti of Jupiter also which made

you survive thediseases in early childhood. Besides, when AK associates with

exaltedplanets, it gives kakshya vrddhi, increase in longevity. Thus

althoughMoon is afflicted and weak, you have good longevity. Moon is

alsoBhadhakesh in your chart, and thus obstacles will be overcome due to

it'sweakness. So I predict a long life. Now with my ayanamsa Jupiter is AK,with

Lahiri it would be Saturn. Still the same yoga for long life would

bethere, since the benefics are again in kendra to lagna lord Mars, andSaturn

would be in the same sign, but being a malefic would afflictJupiter and the

Moon further. Was the Saturn maha-dasha a difficultperiod, perhaps on the

financial subject?

Comments: Yes, specially the last one third was financially volatile

.. >2. Started going to school from Class 4 (from age 8)>3. Mediocre in studies.

Finished Graduation in Science in June 1980Your studies happened entirely

during your Jupiter period, who is 2nd and5th lord. Mediocre, yes, Badhakesh

Moon, 6th lord Mars and 12th lord Venusare aspecting, thus obstacles were

there. Besides, if Jupiter is AK, youwill have had to put in hard work.

Antardasha of Moon in Jup maha-dasha,being 9th lord (higher studies) shows your

degree, and Jupiter in it's 3rdpart of maha-dasha starts to give results of it's

sign placement andownership, being 2nd in 2nd gives you an activity for earning

money, esp.the Rahu antardasha who is in 10th house (Jan '82- May '84).

Cooments: Mars is in the constellation ruled by Rahu (vimshottari), being the

Lagna lord could have initiated it.

>4. First job in a bank started on 21 Nov 1981( so far always worked

in>Banks)Hmmm, very close to the period I mentioned above. Banking can be seen

from10th lord Sun in Capricorn with Saturn.

Comments: As mentioned above. ( i have not checked the transits though)

>5. Job change on 17 Dec 1985, involved change of location towards NE> direction

within IndiaHere you are in Saturn maha-dasha, and I have Saturn in 3rd house

with10th lord Sun, both aspecting 10th house. The date mentioned is very

closeto Sun pratyantardasha, thus indicating change of residence (3rd house)due

to job.

Comments: i agree with you.

>6. Marriage on 17 Oct 1991, after 7 years of courtship. Signed in the>court on

18th.Sat-Ven-Sun: only looking in Rasi, we see Sat and Sun aspecting 7th

house,with Venus the 7th lord exalted in 5th (thus karaka for marriage).

InNavamsa, Saturn aspects Navamsa lagna, and it's lord, who is in 7th

fromSaturn, Sun is in the sign of Venus.

Comments: i agree with you.

>7. Job change on 13 Jan 1995Right in the middle of Sat-Sun again. Mercury is in

the sign of Saturn, in4th house. Probably no change of residence though.

Comments: You are right. Job change was in the same city. May,1990 & Feb,1993 i

made a couple of place changes in the same job. This change of job occurred at


>8. May/June 1996 bought a car and a houseAgain Mercury pratyantardasha, who is

in 4th house. Antardasha Moon is intrines from it.

Comments: Car was bought in Mercury PA and House in Ketu PA. Both are in the 4th.

>9. first overseas travel on 24 Jan 1998 to Oman in the middle east., for>a job

interviewSat-Rahu: Rahu in 10th house gives a foreign aspect to your job. Just

likein Jup maha-dasha, we see here again the effect of Rahu

creatingpromotions/changes in job.

Comments: Agreed.

>10. Job change on 16 May 1998. Joined a bank in Oman.Rahu-Rahu, giving the

results also from it's dispositor Sun, who is in3rd, giving a possibility of a

change of residence again.

Comments: i moved to Oman, however my wife stayed back in India.

>11. went for studying MBA in London in Sep 1999. Specialisation

in>eBusinessStill Rahu antardasha.

Comments: Why did Rahu gave a break in career and higher studies. Higher studies

from aspect on the second house, MBA because of Sun. Why a break in career. Even

with earlier ayanamsa, this was difficult to understand for me.

>12. First &only daughter born on 27th May 2000Sat-Rah-Sun: Saturn in Saptamsa

lagna, Rahu in the 5th. First child isseen from 9th house, as Cancer lagna is

giving reverse count. Jupiter isin Gemini, who gives a girl. Rahu may give the

results of it's dispositorhere, who is the 5th lord Mars in lagna debilitated

(again indicating agirl) and conjunct Saturn (delay- you got your child quite

late aftermarriage). Sun in pratyantar is in trines to Jupiter, and kendra to

lagna,so it connects the child with the native (lagna). I guess she must be

Leolagna, or an airy sign?

Comments: My daughter is Virgo rising & Leo Navamsa. There was medical intervention.

The rest later.Comments: expect to hear more from you.

The ayanamsa I have found is 48' less than Lahiri. It seems we have quitegood

results with your chart. Comments?Yours,Dhira Krsna



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