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Viprait Rajyoga , help needed to understand

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Dear GuruJan,


I am a relatively new member of this group and also a

new student to astrology. So I have many doubts in my

mind. Below is a complicated example (at least for

me), which might be very easy to understand for the



D1 chart.


Taurus Asc.

Rajyogkarak Saturn in 3rd house


Saturn is Aatmkarka and is in conjunction with

Amatykarka sun. Depositor of Sun-saturn is moon and is

placed in 12th house.


Ve-Ju (6th, 8th & 11 th house lord respectively)

conjunct in 2nd house. Depositor of Venus and Jupiter

is Mercury and is placed in 4th house.


So the chart fulfills the conditions for VRY


Arudh lagna:

the arudh lagna for above chart will be Cancer (since

venus is 2nd from asc, and cancer is second from



So from arudh lagna saturn is in kendra and the

planets causing VR are in 12th house.



So the points to note are......


1.Above chart has both Rajyoga caused by saturn and

VRY caused by conjunction of Venus and jupiter.


2.All the dustanan houses (3, 6, 8, 12) are connected

with each other in this chart.


3.The additional houses involved are 4th (placements

of mercury depositor venus and Jupiter) and 2nd

(placement of 6th and 8th lord).


4. The dustanan house lord aspects the 6th house and

8th house and are in conjunct.


5. Ak is aspecting the trikon houses (5th and 9th) and

Jupiter the most malefic for Taurus Asc. is aspecting

the 6th, 8th and 10th house which is owned by the AK.


Now I have few questions,


1. Will the rajyoga and VRY prove to be supportive or

destructive? In my opinion they should.


2. Since saturn is AK and AK is always the strongest

planet for a chart, will its conjuction with Sun

destroy its signification?


3. If the Rajyoga and VRY manifest what will be the

manifesttaion field?


With all the points that I observed and being a

beginer I am feeling totaly lost. Please guide me.


Kind regards







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