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Achyuta Gurukul] Can anyone help me understand functional malefics? -> 4 SR

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|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear List, Namaskar.

This problem applies to planets in 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th, off which

3rd, 6th and 12th are the worst. Especially 6th from AL can give a

high level of spirituality, if the two Rajas Guna plant - Venus and

Mercury are placed there.


The reason being that the Apoklima houses from AL are presided by

alot of Tamas Guna, and this causes the destruction of any Rajas or

Sattva Guna planets therein. Only the Tamas Guna planets will do well

here, thats why Mars, Saturn an Rahu do extremely well in the 3rd and

6th from AL and give Raja Yoga. They can even do so in 9th and 12th,

but then you are protected by crooks (9th from AL) or all your

expenditure goes to keep crooks happy (12th from AL).


Hence the basis is Gunas. Now the two Grahas keeping us in this

Samsara all the time are the Two Rajas Guna Grahas - Venus and

Mercury. Venus keeping our ties to spouses, relationships, etc.

whilst Mercury keeps our ties to work, karma yoga, etc.


Observe these two Grahas very carefully in th charts of Sadhus,

either of Venus or Mercury should be placed in the Apoklimas from AL.

And that too preferably in the 6th from AL just like Srila

Prabhupada, Swami Vivekananda, etc. In some cases you will find only

either of the 2 in these positions, showing that the native still has

a tie to soceity in some form or mannor. i.e. many people renounce

because they renounce work; Mercury, whilst others renounce because

they renounce their relationships. I.e. Jayendra Saraswati

Sankaracharya is on such case, where the renunciation of spouse,

lovers, etc has become prevailent but he is still attached to his

karma Yoga... offcourse he needs todo alot of good work for soceity,

hence that is a given.


Hope this helps,

Best wishes, Visti.


, "Ramapriya D" <hubli@h...> wrote:

> Hi Jay,


> If I've to guess why Sanjay says so, it can be that Ve, a karaka

for both relationships and material pleasures, is in marana avastha

in 6th. I know that the mks thing is from the lagna but I suppose you

could make an analogous inference/interpretation from the AL too.


> Just my 0.02,


> Ramapriya


> -

> J. Weiss


> Sunday, April 11, 2004 1:22 PM

> [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Can anyone help me understand

functional malefics? -> 4 SR



> Dear Sanjay,


> Can you please elaborate on WHY Venus in the 6th from AL is bad

for relationships and material world ?

> (I relation to your article "Benefics and Malefics in the 6th

from AL").


> Kind regards

> /Jay Weiss




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