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RE: [SJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Spiritual Growth within.

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Hare Rama Krsna


Mukund, I will agree to a point but not totally.


Ayurveda says that there are seven dhatus, the 7th and finest is shukra

dhatu which is relative to the semen. Each dhatu digests and then creates

the one after it; for example first food is digested and it goes into the

rasa dhatu, from that some is digested and becomes rakta dhatu while some

becomes waste. Some Rakta dhatu develops into the next dhatu while some goes

to waste. In this way each dhatu is more refined and utilizes more energy to

be created. Each one takes more time to develop as well, rasa takes a few

hours, rakta takes 3 days...majja takes 3-4 weeks and shukra takes 4 weeks

to be created from the food you intake. In Ayurveda, if you take an herb to

work on Majja or shukra dhatu it will take a month to start showing its real

results. So "excess" loss of Shukra dhatu utilizes a lot of energy from the

body as it will need a lot of energy and time to replace, this is not good

for health or spirituality.


>From Shukra dhatu, the more refined element becomes ojas, and the less

refined waste product becomes waste/smegma. Once the semen has had the

essence taken into Ojas, it can either be reabsorbed into the body through

certain yogic practices or it can be discarded from the body. Healthy amount

of discharge will depend on the age of the individual, when one is younger

there is more creative energy in the body and as it becomes older this

vitality leaves and therefore it becomes more detrimental to the body to

loose shukra dhatu. On asking about nocturnal emission (often called 'wet

dreams'), I was told by a Sadhu Vaidya that once a month was a healthy

release, as it insured the proper clearing of old shukra dhatu. There are

classical ayurvedic remedies prescribed when this happens more frequently. I

have also seen yogis who develop certain problems by forced 100 percent

celibacy, like one who started having semen be released while he urinated.


Western studies are not to be taken too seriously, they rarely take into

account individual characteristics outside of specific perimeters of the

study. For example, Ayurveda takes into account:

1. The age of the men (older the man the more detrimental the loss of semen)

2. The location/climate (harsher more vata climates should conserve semen

more, while jungle and blush climates are more supportive of the

regeneration of Shukra dhatu)

3. The diet of the individual (the healthier and more ojas increasing the

diet the less detrimental semen loss will be)

4. The guna of their mind (Sattva person needs less ejaculation for healthy

living while tamas and rajas will need more as the mind is dwelling more in

that region)

5. The constitution of the individual (vata should loose the least amount of

Shukra relative to health while Kapha has the greatest amount of sexual


6. The state of the 13 Agnis in the body (if the digestive fire in the

stomach, the 7 digestive fires in each dhatu or the five in the liver

breaking down the elements is weak then regeneration will be less and semen

loss should be less)

7. The individual stress level (the higher the stress level the harder time

the body has regenerating itself and creating healthy dhatus)

8. The dasa and planetary positions of each person (look at the strength of

lagna, position of Venus, the 7th house of navamsa, and indications in the

Somanath drekkana).

Because such factors are not taken into account by western studies they hold

only small significance compared to the ocean of knowledge left by the

Rishis. It is important to understand such things through Vedic science.


Now, looking deeper into the importance of conservation of shukra, the

deeper reasons are for the strengthening of the Ojas. Ojas is not a physical

dhatu, it is etheric. Ojas is the primary support for life, it is the immune

system and the glow of the aura. It is supported from the essence of the

shukra dhatu but it is also supported by spiritual practice, meditation,

time in nature, calmness, sattvic living, etc. So Ojas is strengthened both

by proper diet and physical health practices as well as right action and

spirituality. Ojas needs to be strong to do intense sadhana and to support

our minds in the study of sattvic sciences like Jyotish.


Rajasic living will over use sexual stimulation and burn the body out of its

resources and deplete Ojas. Tamasic living will continually have sexual

thoughts and impulses and will overuse the sexual energy in negative ways.

Sattvic living (and good dasas) will insure you know how much shukra dhatu

you can lose and remain healthy (keeping your Ojas strong). Yoga and related

practices will burn up sexual desires so as to only give the

sexual/ejaculatory urge when it is a healthy time. Excess loss of shukra

dhatu will damage the Ojas, which makes one more susceptible to disease, and

reduces the amount of energy one has for spiritual practice.


S. Prabhu,

Please confirm that you understand the importance of Ojas, as well as the

difference between Ojas and Shukra dhatu.


Mantra to improve concentration. In the Orissi Ganesh Purana, a student

asked Ganesh the same question and he replied with the mantra Hare Rama

Krsna. The student thanked him but said that was for meditation and not for

chanting. So Ganesh gave the mantra

Guru Krsna Guru Krsna Krsna Krsna Guru Guru

Guru Rama Guru Rama Rama Rama Guru Guru


More specific for focusing the mind, look at your chart, see what planets

are affecting your Moon and make sure to make proper offerings to them in

daily morning puja. See Sanjay Rath's "Vedic Remedies in Astrology" book and

read the chapter on Spiritual disciplines (appendix 1) or get the sadhana

book from a local ashram for some morning practices. Most important contact

the local SJC group in Mumbai, as satsang (proper association) is the first

step to help keep your mind focused in the right direction and make

spirituality blossom.


Namah Sivaya









monmuk111 [monmuk111]

Thursday, September 09, 2004 4:19 PM


[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Spiritual Growth within.


Hello Prabhu:


Perserving semen has no medical importance. In fact,

doctors/Urologists recommend that Semen should NOT BE preserve and

should be ejaculated at least once a day so that the protatic fluid

and the testicular fluids are replenished everyday.


A British study found that Men who masturbated two times a day had

much lower incidence of Prostate Cancer as compared to Men who

masturbated/had sex just once a week.


The reason given for these results was that if fluids in the Prostate

are not removed/expelled frequently, then toxin deposits increase

which results in Cancer.


Now, in case of spirituality, NOT lusting after someone else's wife

would definitely increase your spirituality level. However, taking

the help of Playboy magazine to masturbate shouldn't affect your



I don't seen the connection between Semen preservation and

spirituality. Semen production is an automaticl biological function

and spirituality is an intangible choice that one makes.




, "Prabhu"

<suspence_unreavled> wrote:

> Hi ,

> I am 22yrs old and have deep love for our culture and its

> tradition. However staying in a City like Mumbai , it becomes very

> difficult to stay clean and go up the spiritual ladder.

> Can anyone , please explain me the importance of

> preserving one's semen. How does it help in spiritual level.

> What is OJAS ? and its significance.

> Also , please tell me any small mantra to improve my

> concentration in work and play. Some good habits that should be

> practised every day early in the morning.

> Thank you !

> In eager,

> S.Prabhu





[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]

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