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#2 Reading the Divisionals - Navamsa

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||| Hare Rama Krishna |||


Dear Vinita, allow me to share some of my understanding…





Dear List,


Still struggling to learn how to read the Divisionals. Some questions

on the Navamsha


1. What is the relationship between Navamasha and spiritual growth?

Is not the Navamsha for the spouse?


[Via NK]

The Rashi is the entire Sanchita karma whereas the Navamsha is the Prarabdha



In that sense, the Sanchita karma gives us an opportunity to do something,

whilst the Parabdha decides if we are ready or not.



Some Links:





The physical realm of the divisionals are from D1 – D12, and the institute of

marriage can also be seen from the Navamsa.



2. Is there some significance if Lagnesh is also the Atma Karaka?

[Via NK]

The physical self is driven toward the jeevatman.





3. If there are malefics in the trines from Karakamsha the native is

a "mantric" - uses mantras. This is a lower order of spiritual

growth, isn't it?

[Via NK]



Man+Trai = Manas+Protection of…

… or one who could chant to protect the mind from perhaps going astray…


4. Is it a challenge to have malefics in the trines to Karakamsha?

[Via NK]

Trines give direction. Planets therein do have a bearing. Challenges would

remain even if classified benefics were to be there, but the nature of the

challenges may differ. Some may be more harsh (“Krura”) or softer (“soumya”) in

leaving their mark.


5. How does one relate the Rasi chart to the Navamsa?

[Via NK]

Answered in part in #1.


An anology I remember the example that the Rashi takes us to a door of

opportunity, but the Navamsa can alter whether that door is opened or not…



6. Is there any signifcance of parivartan in Divisional charts?

[Via NK]

Use it the same way as used in the Rashi.




7. What if the Lord of the sign of the Karakamsha (Aquarius) is the

same as the lord of the 12 th House to KArakamsha (Capricorn)?

[Via NK]

Aquarius also Co-lords Rahu. Do consider both.




8. Is it good to have sun in Lagnamansa since sun signfies the soul?

[Via NK]

In the Naigargik (natural) karaka scheme, the Sun is reflecting the Soul.

This can have various implications and the whole chart should be studied.


For example if the Chara Atmakaraka is in the Navamsa Lagna, it is an indicator

the person will be establishing or doing something for mankind on a wide-scale









Best wishes and warm regards,



|| Namah Shivaaya ||

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