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#2 To Visti - About a Vipareet Raja Yoga in my chart

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||| Hare Rama Krishna |||


Dear Sourav,


Although addressed to Visti, allow me to share some of my understanding….


Per definition, the Vipreet Raj Yoga (VRY) is if the lords of the Dushthanas (at

least 2) are in Dushthanas themselves. Its as if 2 negatives create a positive.


The Dushthanas are those of Houses 6, 8 and 12.


Houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 are those of Upachayas.

(Some consider the 3rd as a Dushthana, and I am not doing so.)


The 7th is neither a Dushthana nor an Upachaya.


Based on the scenario you described I am not seeing a VRY. Can you please post

the link where you got this from, so I can get a better understanding of the



Thank you.


Best wishes and warm regards,



|| Namah Shivaaya ||





Dear Visti,

I was reading in the Varahamihira Blog of Satrajit.

There was a posting on Vipareet Raja Yoga in which if lords of

3,6,8,12 join together then they cancel each other's malefic

significance and hence is beneficial for the native. But this good

effect comes through a fall. If it is a satru-rasi then fall of

enemy; if it is a mitra rasi ( benific rasi) then fall of someone

close or dear.


In my case, I have Su (lord of 3rd) and Ve (lord of 12-th) joining

in the 7-th (sagittarius). This by definition is a VRY. What fall

does it signify?


Thanks for clarification in advance,


- Sourav

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Dear Nitin,

thanks for your reply. please read


this is a weblog by Satrajit Poddar who regards Pt. Sanjay Rath as

his Guru.

Here, it says that the joining of lords of (3,6,8,12) can happen in

a dusthana as well as in Kendra or trikona.




- Sourav


, "Nitin" <sjvc@j...> wrote:


> ||| Hare Rama Krishna |||


> Dear Sourav,


> Although addressed to Visti, allow me to share some of my



> Per definition, the Vipreet Raj Yoga (VRY) is if the lords of the

Dushthanas (at least 2) are in Dushthanas themselves. Its as if 2

negatives create a positive.


> The Dushthanas are those of Houses 6, 8 and 12.


> Houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 are those of Upachayas.

> (Some consider the 3rd as a Dushthana, and I am not doing so.)


> The 7th is neither a Dushthana nor an Upachaya.


> Based on the scenario you described I am not seeing a VRY. Can you

please post the link where you got this from, so I can get a better

understanding of the lessons?


> Thank you.


> Best wishes and warm regards,

> Nitin.


> || Namah Shivaaya ||





> Dear Visti,

> I was reading in the Varahamihira Blog of Satrajit.

> There was a posting on Vipareet Raja Yoga in which if lords of

> 3,6,8,12 join together then they cancel each other's malefic

> significance and hence is beneficial for the native. But this good

> effect comes through a fall. If it is a satru-rasi then fall of

> enemy; if it is a mitra rasi ( benific rasi) then fall of someone

> close or dear.


> In my case, I have Su (lord of 3rd) and Ve (lord of 12-th) joining

> in the 7-th (sagittarius). This by definition is a VRY. What fall

> does it signify?


> Thanks for clarification in advance,


> - Sourav

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color:blue">Hare Rama Krsna|

10.0pt;font-family:palati;color:blue">Dear Nitin, Namaskar

10.0pt;font-family:palati;color:blue">But Päräçara considers the 3rd

house as a Dusthäna – shouldn’t we also?

10.0pt;font-family:palati;color:blue">Best wishes,

10.0pt;font-family:palati;color:blue">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:palati;color:blue">visti (AT) (DOT) org


[sjvc (AT) justnitin (DOT) com]

24 November 2004 20:55


[Om Krishna Guru] #2 To

Visti - About a Vipareet Raja Yoga in my chart


font-family:"Courier New"">

||| Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Sourav,

Although addressed to Visti, allow me to share

some of my understanding….

Per definition, the Vipreet Raj Yoga (VRY) is if

the lords of the Dushthanas (at least 2) are in Dushthanas themselves. Its as

if 2 negatives create a positive.

The Dushthanas are those of Houses 6, 8 and 12.

Houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 are those of Upachayas.

(Some consider the 3rd as a Dushthana, and I am

not doing so.)

The 7th is neither a Dushthana nor an Upachaya.

Based on the scenario you described I am not

seeing a VRY. Can you please post the link where you got this from, so I can

get a better understanding of the lessons?

Thank you.

Best wishes and warm regards,


|| Namah Shivaaya ||

Dear Visti,

I was reading in the Varahamihira Blog of Satrajit.

There was a posting on Vipareet Raja Yoga in which

if lords of

3,6,8,12 join together then they cancel each

other's malefic

significance and hence is beneficial for the

native. But this good

effect comes through a fall. If it is a satru-rasi

then fall of

enemy; if it is a mitra rasi ( benific rasi) then

fall of someone

close or dear.

In my case, I have Su (lord of 3rd) and Ve (lord

of 12-th) joining

in the 7-th (sagittarius). This by definition is a

VRY. What fall

does it signify?

Thanks for clarification in advance,

- Sourav

~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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Dear Visti,

yes 3rd and 6th are both dusthanas but being upachayas

are better than 8th and 12th. So what is the VRY mean? Through whose

fall will it fructify? Wife?


- Sourav


, "Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>


> |Hare Rama Krsna|


> Dear Nitin, Namaskar


> But Päräçara considers the 3rd house as a Dusthäna – shouldn't we



> Best wishes,


> Visti Larsen


> visti@s...


> _____


> Nitin [sjvc@j...]

> 24 November 2004 20:55


> [Om Krishna Guru] #2 To Visti - About a Vipareet Raja

Yoga in my

> chart





> ||| Hare Rama Krishna |||


> Dear Sourav,


> Although addressed to Visti, allow me to share some of my



> Per definition, the Vipreet Raj Yoga (VRY) is if the lords of the


> (at least 2) are in Dushthanas themselves. Its as if 2 negatives

create a

> positive.


> The Dushthanas are those of Houses 6, 8 and 12.


> Houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 are those of Upachayas.

> (Some consider the 3rd as a Dushthana, and I am not doing so.)


> The 7th is neither a Dushthana nor an Upachaya.


> Based on the scenario you described I am not seeing a VRY. Can you


> post the link where you got this from, so I can get a better


> of the lessons?


> Thank you.


> Best wishes and warm regards,

> Nitin.


> || Namah Shivaaya ||





> Dear Visti,

> I was reading in the Varahamihira Blog of Satrajit.

> There was a posting on Vipareet Raja Yoga in which if lords of

> 3,6,8,12 join together then they cancel each other's malefic

> significance and hence is beneficial for the native. But this good

> effect comes through a fall. If it is a satru-rasi then fall of

> enemy; if it is a mitra rasi ( benific rasi) then fall of someone

> close or dear.


> In my case, I have Su (lord of 3rd) and Ve (lord of 12-th) joining

> in the 7-th (sagittarius). This by definition is a VRY. What fall

> does it signify?


> Thanks for clarification in advance,


> - Sourav





> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

that the

> human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

reading today













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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sourav, Namaskar


I don’t like to differentiate between bad or worse, thou 3rd

house is part of the Trishadaya (3rd, 6th, 11th)

which Päräçara seems to despise utterly.


either wife or a business partner, as indicated by the 7th house.

Since Mercury is placed in the 6th house, it is more likely to

be a business partner.

Best wishes,

Visti Larsen

visti (AT) (DOT) org


[feynman_8 ]

24 November 2004 21:29


Re: [Om Krishna Guru] #2

To Visti - About a Vipareet Raja Yoga in my chart


font-family:"Courier New"">

Dear Visti,

yes 3rd and 6th are both dusthanas but being upachayas

are better than 8th and 12th. So what is the VRY

mean? Through whose

fall will it fructify? Wife?

- Sourav

, "Visti

Larsen" <visti@s...>


> |Hare Rama Krsna|


> Dear Nitin, Namaskar


> But Päräçara considers the 3rd house as a

Dusthäna – shouldn't we



> Best wishes,


> Visti Larsen


> visti@s...


> _____


> Nitin [sjvc@j...]

> 24 November 2004 20:55


> [Om Krishna

Guru] #2 To Visti - About a Vipareet Raja

Yoga in my

> chart





> ||| Hare Rama Krishna



> Dear Sourav,


> Although addressed to Visti, allow me to

share some of my



> Per definition, the Vipreet Raj Yoga (VRY) is

if the lords of the


> (at least 2) are in Dushthanas themselves.

Its as if 2 negatives

create a

> positive.


> The Dushthanas are those of Houses 6, 8 and



> Houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 are those of


> (Some consider the 3rd as a Dushthana, and I

am not doing so.)


> The 7th is neither a Dushthana nor an



> Based on the scenario you described I am not

seeing a VRY. Can you


> post the link where you got this from, so I

can get a better


> of the lessons?


> Thank you.


> Best wishes and warm regards,

> Nitin.


> || Namah Shivaaya ||





> Dear Visti,


I was reading in the Varahamihira Blog of Satrajit.

> There was a posting on Vipareet Raja Yoga in

which if lords of

> 3,6,8,12 join together then they cancel each

other's malefic

> significance and hence is beneficial for the

native. But this good

> effect comes through a fall. If it is a

satru-rasi then fall of

> enemy; if it is a mitra rasi ( benific rasi)

then fall of someone

> close or dear.


> In my case, I have Su (lord of 3rd) and Ve

(lord of 12-th) joining

> in the 7-th (sagittarius). This by definition

is a VRY. What fall

> does it signify?


> Thanks for clarification in advance,


> - Sourav





> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra

'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar

the Great who said

that the

> human stomach should not become a graveyard

for animals.

> (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do

one free chart

reading today







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> etflix.com/Default?mqso=60185402> click





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> :HM/A=2434970/rand=506228863>




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~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.


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