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visti sir...

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Guruji please answer


1)what is the effect of Exalted retro saturn(under the infulence of exalted Rahu

and Mars) in UL with lord of UL venus exalted and vargottama(atmakaraka) and

jupiter in 2nd from UL.

Since lord of UL and karka for marriage Venus is exalted and powerful, first

relation fructufy into marrige. Jupiter in the 2nd from UL indicates married

life will not be short and wife will be good looking.Aspect of exalted

malefics(saturn and Rahu) on UL indicates sanyasi yoga.Does it indicates that

after marriage, i will neglect my wife.

2) Guruji , in the below pasted kundali, there is aspect of Debli Mars on Debli

Sun. Dispositor of Sun , venus is in kendra and dispositor of mars saturn is in

kendra and in own house, hence there is neecha banga to both the planets, is

this true. guruji, please correct if i am wrong.






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with respect







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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sumanth, Namaskar

You have attached your D3 chart, comments


Best wishes,



color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">sumanth krishna

[sanji_sumanth ]

02 December 2004 06:56


[Om Krishna Guru] visti



12.0pt">Respected pranamas.


12.0pt">Guruji please answer


1)what is the

effect of Exalted retro saturn(under the infulence of exalted Rahu and Mars) in

UL with lord of UL venus exalted and vargottama(atmakaraka) and jupiter in 2nd

from UL.

Since lord of

UL and karka for marriage Venus is exalted and powerful, first relation

fructufy into marrige. Jupiter in the 2nd from UL indicates married

life will not be short and wife will be good looking.Aspect of

exalted malefics(saturn and Rahu) on UL indicates sanyasi yoga.Does it

indicates that after marriage, i will neglect my wife.

color:black">[Visti] Do not analyze Karaka-Venus to analyze whether marriage

will happen or not, do this solely from the Upapada and especially its lord. And

do not be biased. Sign has Saturn exalted, so likely a wife who has a lot of

wealth is indicated. Since Saturn is retrograde this wealth/position may disappear

very suddenly around the time of marriage. Lord of Upapada is exalted, so spouse’s

family has lots of wealth to support the marriage in happening. Venus is joined

a planet – is there a planetary war? No – so marriage can

definitely happen. How is Venus in Navämça? Its exalted there as well, so no

problems. How about AK? AK is Venus, so the Atma will ENSURE this marriage will


color:black">Now – if the Upapada itself is afflicted, then marriage has

a hard time in happening, so if you wanto see neglect or anything, look at the

2nd from UL – AL in 2nd from UL causes neglect of


color:black">Also; Graha dristi of malefics on Upapada are not conducive

towards Sanyas Yoga, instead it shows a lot of shock (rähu) and anger (mars)

associated with the marriage.

color:black">Jupiter in 2nd from Upapada is excellent, but Jupiter

doesn’t like Saturn who is in Upapada, and this can cause some separation

after 16 years of marriage. 16 because this is Jupiters Vimshottari length.

2) Guruji , in the

below pasted kundali, there is aspect of Debli Mars on Debli Sun. Dispositor of

Sun , venus is in kendra and dispositor of mars saturn is in kendra and in own

house, hence there is neecha banga to both the planets, is this true. guruji,

please correct if i am wrong.


color:black">[Visti] In this d3 chart, Sun receives Neecha bhanga because; Venus

and Saturn are placed in Kendra to Lagna.

color:black">Mars receives neecha bhanga because Saturn is placed in Kendra, so

this is a small neecha bhanga, but Jupiter and Moon are both in Kendra to moon

itself, so neecha bhanga through mantra’s can happen.

color:black">But in the D3 chart this is only relevant to siblings.



GL    |           |As         |Me   Ra    |

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   |       Drekkana        |           |




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HL    |Ve         |Su         |Mo         |


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