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trines to 4/karak:( - to Visti ji

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Dear Visti Ji!


First learn the

> trines to lagna in the d9 and see the abilities the native has.

Later we can

> go to the trines to 4th house and the trines to the other houses.



What is the intepratation trines to 4H in D-9 ?



> ii) The karaka of that area of life is important

for the

> d-chart, if badly placed then the entire area of life indicated

may be

> ruined; i.e. Jupiter in 12th in D-24, or Venus in 12th in D9.


Oh my God:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.


with respect,


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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Rafal, Namaskar

One of the most important concepts of the

4th house is disease, as its lord is the kharesh – remember the d3/d9


Here the 8th house shows the

future of the problems, i.e. whether they are manifesting as disease, and if

so, then the 12th will show the cure of the same. Because the 8th

also shows the sustenance of the marriage, you will understand that the two are

closely linked to each other. The 4th house itself shows the people

with live with, i.e. rahu in the 4th can give many foreigners in the

place where one lives – but this also increases the risk of diseases from

foreign countries which we have yet to develop immunity towards.

This way the d9 is all about the trines to

the 4 main houses; 1st, 10th, 7th and 4th.

This is the 2nd step – ensure you understand lagna and its

trines before going here.

Best wishes,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com





[jyotraff ]

06 December 2004 21:09


[Om Krishna Guru] trines

to 4/karak:( - to Visti ji


font-family:"Courier New"">

Dear Visti Ji!

First learn the

> trines to lagna in the d9 and see the

abilities the native has.

Later we can

> go to the trines to 4th house and the trines

to the other houses.

What is the intepratation trines to 4H in D-9 ?




The karaka of that area of life is important

for the

> d-chart, if badly placed then the entire area

of life indicated

may be

> ruined; i.e. Jupiter in 12th in D-24, or

Venus in 12th in D9.

Oh my


with respect,


~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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Dear Sh. Visti,


Pl. allow me to step in.


By Kharesh, do you mean 64th navamsha which is often seen from Moon i.e. the 4th

house from Moon in D-9 is the dreaded zone by way of its lord and planets



Do you mean that 5th from such a place (8th house) mean the future trend of diseases ?


Kindly clarify this concept in detail, as it looks to be an important point.


Kharesh is also the 22nd Drekkana lord, what about it in D-3 ?


Which is the article which is being hinted at ? What is its URL ?




Vijay Kumar


Visti Larsen


Tuesday, December 07, 2004 2:17 AM

RE: [Om Krishna Guru] trines to 4/karak:( - to Visti ji

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Rafal, Namaskar

One of the most important concepts of the 4th house is disease, as its lord is

the kharesh – remember the d3/d9 article?

Here the 8th house shows the future of the problems, i.e. whether they are

manifesting as disease, and if so, then the 12th will show the cure of the

same. Because the 8th also shows the sustenance of the marriage, you will

understand that the two are closely linked to each other. The 4th house itself

shows the people with live with, i.e. rahu in the 4th can give many foreigners

in the place where one lives – but this also increases the risk of diseases

from foreign countries which we have yet to develop immunity towards.

This way the d9 is all about the trines to the 4 main houses; 1st, 10th, 7th and

4th. This is the 2nd step – ensure you understand lagna and its trines before

going here.

Best wishes,

Visti Larsen


visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



jyotraff [jyotraff ] 06 December 2004 21:09To:

Subject: [Om Krishna Guru] trines to 4/karak:( - to

Visti ji


Dear Visti Ji!First learn the> trines to lagna in the d9 and see the abilities

the native has. Later we can> go to the trines to 4th house and the trines to

the other houses.What is the intepratation trines to 4H in D-9 ?> > ii)

The karaka of that area of life is important for the> d-chart, if badly

placed then the entire area of life indicated may be> ruined; i.e. Jupiter in

12th in D-24, or Venus in 12th in D9.Oh my

God:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.with respect,Rafal~ om tat

sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders:

(1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to become

Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should

not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and deed -

do one free chart reading today __________ NOD32 1.915 (20041102) Information

__________This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus


~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today

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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Vijay, Namaskar

I have mentioned all this in my article on

d3 & d9 on my website. The links are always given in the signature of my

emails, it should read: http://srigaruda.com

Best wishes,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com









font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">vijay kumar

[v_kumar (AT) cdotb (DOT) ernet.in]

07 December 2004 06:36


Re: [Om Krishna Guru]

trines to 4/karak:( - to Visti ji


font-family:Arial">Dear Sh. Visti,


font-family:Arial">Pl. allow me to step in.


font-family:Arial">By Kharesh, do you mean 64th navamsha which is often seen

from Moon i.e. the 4th house from Moon in D-9 is the dreaded zone by way

of its lord and planets therein.


font-family:Arial">Do you mean that 5th from such a place (8th house) mean the

future trend of diseases ?


font-family:Arial">Kindly clarify this concept in detail, as it looks to

be an important point.


font-family:Arial">Kharesh is also the 22nd Drekkana lord, what about it in D-3



font-family:Arial">Which is the article which is being hinted at ? What is its





font-family:Arial">Vijay Kumar






font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold">Tuesday, December 07, 2004

2:17 AM

font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold">RE: [Om Krishna

Guru] trines to 4/karak:( - to Visti ji


||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Rafal, Namaskar

One of the most important concepts of the

4th house is disease, as its lord is the kharesh – remember the d3/d9


Here the 8th house shows the future

of the problems, i.e. whether they are manifesting as disease, and if so, then

the 12th will show the cure of the same. Because the 8th

also shows the sustenance of the marriage, you will understand that the two are

closely linked to each other. The 4th house itself shows the people

with live with, i.e. rahu in the 4th can give many foreigners in the

place where one lives – but this also increases the risk of diseases from

foreign countries which we have yet to develop immunity towards.

This way the d9 is all about the trines to

the 4 main houses; 1st, 10th, 7th and 4th.

This is the 2nd step – ensure you understand lagna and its

trines before going here.

Best wishes,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com





[jyotraff ]

06 December 2004 21:09


[Om Krishna Guru] trines

to 4/karak:( - to Visti ji


Dear Visti Ji!

First learn the

> trines to lagna in the d9 and see the

abilities the native has.

Later we can

> go to the trines to 4th house and the trines

to the other houses.

What is the intepratation trines to 4H in D-9 ?




The karaka of that area of life is important

for the

> d-chart, if badly placed then the entire area

of life indicated

may be

> ruined; i.e. Jupiter in 12th in D-24, or

Venus in 12th in D9.

Oh my


with respect,


~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today


__________ NOD32 1.915 (20041102) Information __________

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om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today


__________ NOD32 1.915 (20041102) Information __________

This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.


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