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Finding one's Guru

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Dear Visti,


Thanks so much for this detailed explanation. It truly is insightful, more than I could ask for.

Could I ask as to how to see in a chart the process of finding one's Jyotish Guru and Diksha Guru.

When how and where we would meet him.

Can you be kind enough to outline a step by step procedure.

I am truly confused whether I should see it from 9th lords placement/association

or BKs placement.I am only aware that Jups transit over A5 can give one a Guru.

Kind regards,




Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

Long distance usually means overseas or to a place which doesn’t speak the same

language as you. i.e. a planet in own sign but a movable sign can indicate same

country, but in a place of a foreign language like in india.


The movable sign is the longest distance, whilst the fixed sign is just around

the corner or in same town. The dual signs are in between the two distances,

and can indicate a meeting whilst travelling between home and overseas.


These signs of nations are the result of discussion between my Guru and I. Some

people have published books on the countries and their signs, but I haven’t

studied this much. Basically you must compare the nature of the country and its

culture – i.e. Germany is known for its efficiency and its warmongering so Aries

is an appropriate sign. The UK is known for its very powerful business-like

culture which was the purpose behind its colonization of other lands, and hence

is indicated by a market place – Libra. France puts a lot of weight on good food

and wine as well as art-culture, which can be indicated by Taurus… we all talk

about good french cuisine… UK and France are very much alike hence the two venusian signs.

Denmark is one of the oldest Constitutional Monarchies and has strong influences

of the Sun on it.. infact it was due to the influence of the vikings of denmark

that Britain became a monarchy, so the monarchy is very old in Denmark – this

could be indicated by Leo.


Ireland is known for its strong spiritual roots, be they celtic, catholic or

protestant, and also its proneness towards fight and drink – this is no doubt

the occult yet fiestive sign - Scorpio.


Then comes a problem where we only have 12 signs and plenty of countries… Well

the entire of Europe comes under the sign Aries for its intensive

War-mongering, be it barbarians, vikings, romans, celts, anglo saxons,

crusaders, nazis, etc. Also it was the center of the main progress in the world

for a very long time, colonizing and brutalizing the americas, asia and the

pacific islands for a long time. In a way it was the instigator of a lot of

what we see today.


These signs are used mostly in mundane Jyotish when you have to decide which

part of the world an incident will take place in.

Now a careful note: This is all research based. I haven’t seen very much from

the parampara in this regard, and only a hint of the same is given in the

Brihat Samhita.


So balance your approach in this regard.

Best wishes,

Visti Larsen


visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Sushmita S [sushmita34 ] 01 January 2005 13:56To:

visti (AT) (DOT) orgSubject: BK & meeting Guru


||Hare Rama Krsna||


Dear Visti,

Happy New Year

I am going through your excellent article on "Role of Navamsa & Drekkana in

Prediction" on your website.

In Chart 9 - On Bhatri Karaka you write that Mer is in a moveable sign 12th

house hence the meeting with the guru would happen long distance, does it mean

through the net or does it mean the foreign country is long distance.

a) What happens if it is a fixed sign (12th house)

b) If it was a dual sign (12th house)

In another para you write that UK (Libra) the native met his Guru, is there a

table which shows which country which sign? Can you kindly teach me that.






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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

The 9th lord from Jupiter

brings the Guru. The placement of this lord will reveal where one meets


If the sign is movable then far

away/overseas or a place which does not speak the same language as your natal


The planets joined will indicate the


The sign indicates the nature of the

place where the meeting occurs.

Use Drig Dasa and find out when the 5th

house/lord or A5 gets activated, as this is when the mantra is given by the

Guru and hence ones initiation. After this then Diksha is given later on and is

indicated by the drig dasa of the 9th house/lord and A9 .

Best wishes,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">Sushmita S

[sushmita34 ]

01 January 2005 20:34

Visti Larsen


[Om Krishna Guru] Finding

one's Guru


|| Hare Rama Krsna||

Arial;color:blue">Dear Visti,


Arial;color:blue">Thanks so much for this detailed explanation. It truly is

insightful, more than I could ask for.

Arial;color:blue">Could I ask as to how to see in a chart the process of

finding one's Jyotish Guru and Diksha Guru.

Arial;color:blue">When how and where we would meet him.

Arial;color:blue">Can you be kind enough to outline a step by step procedure.

Arial;color:blue">I am truly confused whether I should see it from 9th lords

placement/association or BKs placement.I am only aware that Jups transit over

A5 can give one a Guru.

Arial;color:blue">Kind regards,





Visti Larsen

<visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:


||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

Long distance usually means overseas or to

a place which doesnt speak the same language as you. i.e. a planet in own

sign but a movable sign can indicate same country, but in a place of a foreign

language like in india.


The movable sign is the longest distance,

whilst the fixed sign is just around the corner or in same town. The dual signs

are in between the two distances, and can indicate a meeting whilst travelling

between home and overseas.


These signs of nations are the result of

discussion between my Guru and I. Some people have published books on the

countries and their signs, but I havent studied this much. Basically you

must compare the nature of the country and its culture i.e. Germany

is known for its efficiency and its warmongering so Aries is an appropriate

sign. The UK

is known for its very powerful business-like culture which was the purpose

behind its colonization of other lands, and hence is indicated by a market

place Libra. France

puts a lot of weight on good food and wine as well as art-culture, which can be

indicated by Taurus we all talk about good french cuisine UK

and France

are very much alike hence the two venusian signs.

Denmark is one of the oldest Constitutional

Monarchies and has strong influences of the Sun on it.. infact it was due to

the influence of the vikings of denmark that Britain became a monarchy,

so the monarchy is very old in Denmark

this could be indicated by Leo.


Ireland is known for its strong spiritual roots,

be they celtic, catholic or protestant, and also its proneness towards fight

and drink this is no doubt the occult yet fiestive sign - Scorpio.


Then comes a problem where we only have 12

signs and plenty of countries Well the entire of Europe

comes under the sign Aries for its intensive War-mongering, be it barbarians,

vikings, romans, celts, anglo saxons, crusaders, nazis, etc. Also it was the

center of the main progress in the world for a very long time, colonizing and

brutalizing the americas,

asia and the

pacific islands for a long time. In a way it was the instigator of a lot of

what we see today.


These signs are used mostly in mundane

Jyotish when you have to decide which part of the world an incident will take

place in.

Now a careful note: This is all research

based. I havent seen very much from the parampara in this regard, and only

a hint of the same is given in the Brihat Samhita.


So balance your approach in this regard.

Best wishes,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">Sushmita S

[sushmita34 ]

01 January 2005 13:56

visti (AT) (DOT) org

BK & meeting Guru


||Hare Rama



color:navy">Dear Visti,

color:navy">Happy New Year

color:navy">I am going through your excellent article on "Role of Navamsa

& Drekkana in Prediction" on your website.

color:navy">In Chart 9 - On Bhatri Karaka you write that Mer is in a moveable

sign 12th house hence the meeting with the guru would happen long distance,

does it mean through the net or does it mean the foreign country is long



color:navy">a) What happens if it is a fixed sign (12th house)

color:navy">b) If it was a dual sign (12th house)

color:navy">In another para you write that UK

(Libra) the native met his Guru, is there a table which shows which country

which sign? Can you kindly teach me that.








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om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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Dear Sushmita, Sourav etc.,


For meeting diksha guru and receiving diksha, the 9th house is the most

crucial as it is the dharma bhava. The 9th house and 9th lord from the lagna

and the AL is primary for examining diksha and diksha guru. Jupiter and

Sun's aspect on this house is beneficial while Saturn and Rahu's association

with the 9th house is detrimental. Next examine the bhratri karaka planet

and the natural benefics if any in the 3rd and 6th from the AL. Please

examine the transit of Ketu in trines to AL and the transit of Jupiter with

respect to Mantrapada (rasi drsti). Check Drg dasas of AL and 9th from AL.

Check the dasas of the natural benefics 9th from the AL and the 3rd and the

6th from AL. Check the vimsottari dasa of planets influencing the 5th and

the 9th houses. Make an assessment of all these factors together and then

time the event.


Best regards,





feynman_8 [feynman_8]

Sunday, January 02, 2005 10:15 PM


[Om Krishna Guru] To Visti-ji : Finding one's Guru




Dear Vistiji,

This seemingly doesn't work for me. I was running Ju/Me/Mo. Ju

is in Lagna, Me is my AK & LL, Mo is in 5-th House . I met my Spiritual Guru

in this dasa and very soon received Mantram. I don't see the connection to

the 9-th H from Ju. 9-th L from Ju is Ra which is placed 12-th to my Mo.

Please shed some light.


However, the sign on the 9th H from Ju is Aq. and so I met my guru in my USA

which is far away from my native country, India. Also, I met my Guru in an

Ashram. Ra being the Lord of this house, the occurance and receiving

mantram afterwards was sudden. Does it make sense?


I have also another question, there are many ppl who live and die w/o a guru

(formal guru). For them this dictum means they atleast would meet some one

special who in a way act as guide and shows them the right path ?




- Sourav




, "Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear Sushmita, Namaskar


> The 9th lord from Jupiter brings the Guru. The placement of this

lord will

> reveal where one meets him/her.


> If the sign is movable then far away/overseas or a place which

does not

> speak the same language as your natal language.


> The planets joined will indicate the direction.


> The sign indicates the nature of the place where the meeting



> Use Drig Dasa and find out when the 5th house/lord or A5 gets

activated, as

> this is when the mantra is given by the Guru and hence ones


> After this then Diksha is given later on and is indicated by the

drig dasa

> of the 9th house/lord and A9 .


> Best wishes,





> Visti Larsen


> http://srigaruda.com


> <visti@s...> visti@s...






> _____


> Sushmita S [sushmita34]

> 01 January 2005 20:34

> Visti Larsen

> Cc:

> [Om Krishna Guru] Finding one's Guru




> || Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear Visti,


> Namaskar


> Thanks so much for this detailed explanation. It truly is

insightful, more

> than I could ask for.


> Could I ask as to how to see in a chart the process of finding

one's Jyotish

> Guru and Diksha Guru.


> When how and where we would meet him.


> Can you be kind enough to outline a step by step procedure.


> I am truly confused whether I should see it from 9th lords

> placement/association or BKs placement.I am only aware that Jups


> over A5 can give one a Guru.


> Kind regards,




> Sushmita






> Visti Larsen <visti@s...> wrote:


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear Sushmita, Namaskar


> Long distance usually means overseas or to a place which doesnt

speak the

> same language as you. i.e. a planet in own sign but a movable sign


> indicate same country, but in a place of a foreign language like

in india.




> The movable sign is the longest distance, whilst the fixed sign is


> around the corner or in same town. The dual signs are in between

the two

> distances, and can indicate a meeting whilst travelling between

home and

> overseas.




> These signs of nations are the result of discussion between my

Guru and I.

> Some people have published books on the countries and their signs,

but I

> havent studied this much. Basically you must compare the nature

of the

> country and its culture i.e. Germany is known for its efficiency

and its

> warmongering so Aries is an appropriate sign. The UK is known for

its very

> powerful business-like culture which was the purpose behind its


> of other lands, and hence is indicated by a market place Libra.

France puts

> a lot of weight on good food and wine as well as art-culture,

which can be

> indicated by Taurus we all talk about good french cuisine UK and

France are

> very much alike hence the two venusian signs.


> Denmark is one of the oldest Constitutional Monarchies and has


> influences of the Sun on it.. infact it was due to the influence

of the

> vikings of denmark that Britain became a monarchy, so the monarchy

is very

> old in Denmark this could be indicated by Leo.




> Ireland is known for its strong spiritual roots, be they celtic,

catholic or

> protestant, and also its proneness towards fight and drink this

is no doubt

> the occult yet fiestive sign - Scorpio.




> Then comes a problem where we only have 12 signs and plenty of


> Well the entire of Europe comes under the sign Aries for its


> War-mongering, be it barbarians, vikings, romans, celts, anglo


> crusaders, nazis, etc. Also it was the center of the main progress

in the

> world for a very long time, colonizing and brutalizing the

americas, asia

> and the pacific islands for a long time. In a way it was the

instigator of a

> lot of what we see today.




> These signs are used mostly in mundane Jyotish when you have to

decide which

> part of the world an incident will take place in.


> Now a careful note: This is all research based. I havent seen

very much

> from the parampara in this regard, and only a hint of the same is

given in

> the Brihat Samhita.




> So balance your approach in this regard.


> Best wishes,





> Visti Larsen


> http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>


> <visti@s...> visti@s...




> Sushmita S [sushmita34]

> 01 January 2005 13:56

> visti@s...

> BK & meeting Guru




> ||Hare Rama Krsna||




> Dear Visti,


> Happy New Year


> I am going through your excellent article on "Role of Navamsa &

Drekkana in

> Prediction" on your website.


> In Chart 9 - On Bhatri Karaka you write that Mer is in a moveable

sign 12th

> house hence the meeting with the guru would happen long distance,

does it

> mean through the net or does it mean the foreign country is long



> a) What happens if it is a fixed sign (12th house)


> b) If it was a dual sign (12th house)


> In another para you write that UK (Libra) the native met his Guru,

is there

> a table which shows which country which sign? Can you kindly teach

me that.


> BKObliged,




> Sushmita





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> more.


> _____



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> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

that the

> human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

reading today













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~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the

human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today


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Dear Visti



I think you have outlined the principles in a very clear understandable manner.

It makes very clear sense to me, could I request the list members if they could

pass on a few charts to me with event date of meeting the Guru.


To Visti:

1. 5th lord/5th house sign or A5 - to be seen in Drig Dasa - my query is at

which level in the drig dasa this would be seen - at the MD, AD or PD level


2. Can you kindly direct me to an authentic source where I can find the directions of the planets.


3. What happens if 2 or 3 planets are conjoined together whose direction should we take.


Your reply is most awaited.





P.S: Thanks Sourav



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

The 9th lord from Jupiter brings the Guru. The placement of this lord will

reveal where one meets him/her.

If the sign is movable then far away/overseas or a place which does not speak

the same language as your natal language.

The planets joined will indicate the direction.

The sign indicates the nature of the place where the meeting occurs.

Use Drig Dasa and find out when the 5th house/lord or A5 gets activated, as this

is when the mantra is given by the Guru and hence ones initiation. After this

then Diksha is given later on and is indicated by the drig dasa of the 9th

house/lord and A9 .

Best wishes,

Visti Larsen


visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Sushmita S [sushmita34 ] 01 January 2005 20:34To:

Visti LarsenCc: Subject: [Om Krishna Guru] Finding

one's Guru


|| Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Visti,


Thanks so much for this detailed explanation. It truly is insightful, more than I could ask for.

Could I ask as to how to see in a chart the process of finding one's Jyotish Guru and Diksha Guru.

When how and where we would meet him.

Can you be kind enough to outline a step by step procedure.

I am truly confused whether I should see it from 9th lords placement/association

or BKs placement.I am only aware that Jups transit over A5 can give one a Guru.

Kind regards,




Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

Long distance usually means overseas or to a place which doesnt speak the same

language as you. i.e. a planet in own sign but a movable sign can indicate same

country, but in a place of a foreign language like in india.


The movable sign is the longest distance, whilst the fixed sign is just around

the corner or in same town. The dual signs are in between the two distances,

and can indicate a meeting whilst travelling between home and overseas.


These signs of nations are the result of discussion between my Guru and I. Some

people have published books on the countries and their signs, but I havent

studied this much. Basically you must compare the nature of the country and its

culture i.e. Germany is known for its efficiency and its warmongering so Aries

is an appropriate sign. The UK is known for its very powerful business-like

culture which was the purpose behind its colonization of other lands, and hence

is indicated by a market place Libra. France puts a lot of weight on good food

and wine as well as art-culture, which can be indicated by Taurus we all talk

about good french cuisine UK and France are very much alike hence the two

venusian signs.

Denmark is one of the oldest Constitutional Monarchies and has strong influences

of the Sun on it.. infact it was due to the influence of the vikings of denmark

that Britain became a monarchy, so the monarchy is very old in Denmark this

could be indicated by Leo.


Ireland is known for its strong spiritual roots, be they celtic, catholic or

protestant, and also its proneness towards fight and drink this is no doubt

the occult yet fiestive sign - Scorpio.


Then comes a problem where we only have 12 signs and plenty of countries Well

the entire of Europe comes under the sign Aries for its intensive

War-mongering, be it barbarians, vikings, romans, celts, anglo saxons,

crusaders, nazis, etc. Also it was the center of the main progress in the world

for a very long time, colonizing and brutalizing the americas, asia and the

pacific islands for a long time. In a way it was the instigator of a lot of

what we see today.


These signs are used mostly in mundane Jyotish when you have to decide which

part of the world an incident will take place in.

Now a careful note: This is all research based. I havent seen very much from

the parampara in this regard, and only a hint of the same is given in the

Brihat Samhita.


So balance your approach in this regard.

Best wishes,

Visti Larsen


visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Sushmita S [sushmita34 ] 01 January 2005 13:56To:

visti (AT) (DOT) orgSubject: BK & meeting Guru


||Hare Rama Krsna||


Dear Visti,

Happy New Year

I am going through your excellent article on "Role of Navamsa & Drekkana in

Prediction" on your website.

In Chart 9 - On Bhatri Karaka you write that Mer is in a moveable sign 12th

house hence the meeting with the guru would happen long distance, does it mean

through the net or does it mean the foreign country is long distance.

a) What happens if it is a fixed sign (12th house)

b) If it was a dual sign (12th house)

In another para you write that UK (Libra) the native met his Guru, is there a

table which shows which country which sign? Can you kindly teach me that.






Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.

Jazz up your holiday email with celebrity designs. Learn more. ~

om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading

today __________ NOD32 1.915 (20041102) Information __________This message was

checked by NOD32 antivirus system.http://www.nod32.com

~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today

Read only the mail you want - Mail SpamGuard.

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Would the transits mentioned in your post also apply for finding one's mantra

Guru. I have a chart with me wherein the native has met his Guru and received

mantra.If I get persmission from him, I would like to discuss it on the list.




Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

Dear Sushmita, Sourav etc.,For meeting diksha guru and receiving diksha, the 9th

house is the mostcrucial as it is the dharma bhava. The 9th house and 9th lord

from the lagnaand the AL is primary for examining diksha and diksha guru.

Jupiter andSun's aspect on this house is beneficial while Saturn and Rahu's

associationwith the 9th house is detrimental. Next examine the bhratri karaka

planetand the natural benefics if any in the 3rd and 6th from the AL.

Pleaseexamine the transit of Ketu in trines to AL and the transit of Jupiter

withrespect to Mantrapada (rasi drsti). Check Drg dasas of AL and 9th from

AL.Check the dasas of the natural benefics 9th from the AL and the 3rd and

the6th from AL. Check the vimsottari dasa of planets influencing the 5th andthe

9th houses. Make an assessment of all these factors together and

thentime the event.Best regards,Sarbanifeynman_8

[feynman_8 ] Sunday, January 02, 2005 10:15 PMTo:

Subject: [Om Krishna Guru] To Visti-ji : Finding

one's GuruDear Vistiji, This seemingly doesn't work for me. I was

running Ju/Me/Mo. Juis in Lagna, Me is my AK & LL, Mo is in 5-th House . I met

my Spiritual Guruin this dasa and very soon received Mantram. I don't see the

connection tothe 9-th H from Ju. 9-th L from Ju is Ra which is placed 12-th to

my Mo.Please shed some light.However, the sign on the 9th H from Ju is Aq. and

so I met my guru in my USAwhich is far away from my native country, India.

Also, I met my Guru in anAshram. Ra being the Lord of this house, the occurance

and receivingmantram afterwards was sudden. Does

it make sense?I have also another question, there are many ppl who live and die

w/o a guru(formal guru). For them this dictum means they atleast would meet

some onespecial who in a way act as guide and shows them the right path


Sourav==============================================================--- In

, "Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>wrote:> ||Hare Rama

Krsna||> > Dear Sushmita, Namaskar> > The 9th lord from Jupiter brings the

Guru. The placement of thislord will> reveal where one meets him/her.> > If the

sign is movable then far away/overseas or a place whichdoes not> speak the same

language as your natal language.> > The planets joined will indicate the

direction.> > The sign indicates the nature of the place where the

meetingoccurs.> > Use Drig Dasa and find out when

the 5th house/lord or A5 getsactivated, as> this is when the mantra is given by

the Guru and hence onesinitiation.> After this then Diksha is given later on

and is indicated by thedrig dasa> of the 9th house/lord and A9 .> > Best

wishes,> > > > > Visti Larsen> > http://srigaruda.com> > <visti@s...>

visti@s... > > > > > > _____> > Sushmita S [sushmita34]>

01 January 2005 20:34> Visti Larsen> Cc:

> [Om Krishna Guru] Finding one's Guru> >

> > || Hare Rama Krsna||> > Dear Visti,> > Namaskar> > Thanks so much for this

detailed explanation. It truly isinsightful, more>

than I could ask for.> > Could I ask as to how to see in a chart the process of

findingone's Jyotish> Guru and Diksha Guru.> > When how and where we would meet

him.> > Can you be kind enough to outline a step by step procedure.> > I am

truly confused whether I should see it from 9th lords > placement/association

or BKs placement.I am only aware that Jupstransit> over A5 can give one a

Guru.> > Kind regards,> > > > Sushmita> > > > > > Visti Larsen <visti@s...>

wrote:> > ||Hare Rama Krsna||> > Dear Sushmita, Namaskar> > Long distance

usually means overseas or to a place which doesntspeak the> same language as

you. i.e. a planet in own sign but a movable signcan> indicate same country,

but in a place of a foreign language likein

india.> > > > The movable sign is the longest distance, whilst the fixed sign

isjust> around the corner or in same town. The dual signs are in betweenthe

two> distances, and can indicate a meeting whilst travelling betweenhome and>

overseas.> > > > These signs of nations are the result of discussion between

myGuru and I.> Some people have published books on the countries and their

signs,but I> havent studied this much. Basically you must compare the natureof

the> country and its culture i.e. Germany is known for its efficiencyand its>

warmongering so Aries is an appropriate sign. The UK is known forits very>

powerful business-like culture which was the purpose behind itscolonization> of

other lands, and hence is indicated by a market place Libra. France puts> a lot

of weight on good food and

wine as well as art-culture,which can be> indicated by Taurus we all talk about

good french cuisine UK andFrance are> very much alike hence the two venusian

signs.> > Denmark is one of the oldest Constitutional Monarchies and hasstrong>

influences of the Sun on it.. infact it was due to the influenceof the> vikings

of denmark that Britain became a monarchy, so the monarchyis very> old in

Denmark this could be indicated by Leo.> > > > Ireland is known for its

strong spiritual roots, be they celtic,catholic or> protestant, and also its

proneness towards fight and drink thisis no doubt> the occult yet fiestive

sign - Scorpio.> > > > Then comes a problem where we only have 12 signs and

plenty ofcountries> Well the entire of Europe comes under the sign Aries for

itsintensive> War-mongering, be it

barbarians, vikings, romans, celts, anglosaxons,> crusaders, nazis, etc. Also it

was the center of the main progressin the> world for a very long time,

colonizing and brutalizing theamericas, asia> and the pacific islands for a

long time. In a way it was theinstigator of a> lot of what we see today.> > >

> These signs are used mostly in mundane Jyotish when you have todecide which>

part of the world an incident will take place in.> > Now a careful note: This

is all research based. I havent seenvery much> from the parampara in this

regard, and only a hint of the same isgiven in> the Brihat Samhita.> > > > So

balance your approach in this regard.> > Best wishes,> > > > > Visti Larsen> >

http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>> > <visti@s...> visti@s...

> > > > > > > _____> > > Sushmita S [sushmita34]> 01

January 2005 13:56> visti@s...> BK & meeting Guru> > > > ||Hare

Rama Krsna||> > > > Dear Visti,> > Happy New Year> > I am going through your

excellent article on "Role of Navamsa &Drekkana in> Prediction" on your

website. > > In Chart 9 - On Bhatri Karaka you write that Mer is in a

moveablesign 12th> house hence the meeting with the guru would happen long

distance,does it> mean through the net or does it mean the foreign country is

longdistance.> > a) What happens if it is a fixed sign (12th

house)> > b) If it was a dual sign (12th house)> > In another para you write

that UK (Libra) the native met his Guru,is there> a table which shows which

country which sign? Can you kindly teachme that.> > BKObliged,> > > >

Sushmita> > > > > > > _____> > > > Mail - Easier than

ever with enhanced search. Learn>

<http://us.rd./evt=29916/*http:/info.mail./mail_250>> more.>

> _____> > > Jazz up your holiday email with celebrity designs.

Learn> <http://us.rd./evt=29910/*http:/celebrity.mail.>more. >

> ~ om tat sat ~> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. >

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'> (2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who saidthat the> human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.> (3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chartreading today > > > > > > > Sponsor> > > >

> >



etflix.com/Default?mqso=60188914> click here> > > >


:HM/A=2495208/rand=517374084>> > > > _____> > Links> > *


/> > * To from

this group, send an email to:> >

<?subject=Un> > > *


<> Terms of Service. > > > > __________ NOD32

1.915 (20041102) Information __________> > This message was checked by NOD32

antivirus system.> http://www.nod32.com------------------------

Sponsor --------------------~--> Givehope to a child.Helping a needy child is

easier than you think.Click here to meet someone who needs your


~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that

thehuman stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity

in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today Links~ om

tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today

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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar


dasa first. Nothing happens unless the Maha dasa allows.


the pandits agree on the directions of planets being: East, SE, South, SW,

West, NW, North and NE for: Sun, Venus, Mars, Rähu, Saturn, Moon,

Mercury and Jupiter respectively.


more are joined – find the strongest.

Best wishes,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">Sushmita S

[sushmita34 ]

03 January 2005 09:32


RE: [Om Krishna Guru]

Finding one's Guru


||Hare Rama



Dear Visti



I think you have outlined the principles

in a very clear understandable manner.

It makes very clear sense to me, could I

request the list members if they could pass on a few charts to me with event

date of meeting the Guru.


To Visti:

1. 5th lord/5th house sign or A5 - to be

seen in Drig Dasa - my query is at which level in the drig dasa this would be

seen - at the MD, AD or PD level


2. Can you kindly direct me to an

authentic source where I can find the directions of the planets.


3. What happens if 2 or 3 planets are

conjoined together whose direction should we take.


Your reply is most awaited.





P.S: Thanks Sourav



Visti Larsen

<visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:


||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

The 9th lord from Jupiter

brings the Guru. The placement of this lord will reveal where one meets


If the sign is movable then far

away/overseas or a place which does not speak the same language as your natal


The planets joined will indicate the


The sign indicates the nature of the

place where the meeting occurs.

Use Drig Dasa and find out when the 5th

house/lord or A5 gets activated, as this is when the mantra is given by the

Guru and hence ones initiation. After this then Diksha is given later on and is

indicated by the drig dasa of the 9th house/lord and A9 .

Best wishes,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">Sushmita S

[sushmita34 ]

01 January 2005 20:34

Visti Larsen


[Om Krishna Guru] Finding

one's Guru


|| Hare Rama Krsna||

Arial;color:blue">Dear Visti,


Arial;color:blue">Thanks so much for this detailed explanation. It truly is

insightful, more than I could ask for.

Arial;color:blue">Could I ask as to how to see in a chart the process of

finding one's Jyotish Guru and Diksha Guru.

Arial;color:blue">When how and where we would meet him.

Arial;color:blue">Can you be kind enough to outline a step by step procedure.

Arial;color:blue">I am truly confused whether I should see it from 9th lords

placement/association or BKs placement.I am only aware that Jups transit over

A5 can give one a Guru.

Arial;color:blue">Kind regards,





Visti Larsen

<visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:


||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

Long distance usually means overseas or to

a place which doesnt speak the same language as you. i.e. a planet in own

sign but a movable sign can indicate same country, but in a place of a foreign

language like in india.


The movable sign is the longest distance,

whilst the fixed sign is just around the corner or in same town. The dual signs

are in between the two distances, and can indicate a meeting whilst travelling

between home and overseas.


These signs of nations are the result of

discussion between my Guru and I. Some people have published books on the

countries and their signs, but I havent studied this much. Basically you

must compare the nature of the country and its culture i.e. Germany

is known for its efficiency and its warmongering so Aries is an appropriate

sign. The UK

is known for its very powerful business-like culture which was the purpose

behind its colonization of other lands, and hence is indicated by a market

place Libra. France

puts a lot of weight on good food and wine as well as art-culture, which can be

indicated by Taurus we all talk about good french cuisine UK

and France

are very much alike hence the two venusian signs.

Denmark is one of the oldest Constitutional

Monarchies and has strong influences of the Sun on it.. infact it was due to

the influence of the vikings of denmark

that Britain

became a monarchy, so the monarchy is very old in Denmark

this could be indicated by Leo.


Ireland is known for its strong spiritual roots,

be they celtic, catholic or protestant, and also its proneness towards fight

and drink this is no doubt the occult yet fiestive sign - Scorpio.


Then comes a problem where we only have 12

signs and plenty of countries Well the entire of Europe

comes under the sign Aries for its intensive War-mongering, be it barbarians,

vikings, romans, celts, anglo saxons, crusaders, nazis, etc. Also it was the

center of the main progress in the world for a very long time, colonizing and brutalizing

the americas,


and the pacific islands for a long time. In a way it was the instigator of a

lot of what we see today.


These signs are used mostly in mundane

Jyotish when you have to decide which part of the world an incident will take

place in.

Now a careful note: This is all research

based. I havent seen very much from the parampara in this regard, and only

a hint of the same is given in the Brihat Samhita.


So balance your approach in this regard.

Best wishes,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">Sushmita S

[sushmita34 ]

01 January 2005 13:56

visti (AT) (DOT) org

BK & meeting Guru


||Hare Rama



color:navy">Dear Visti,

color:navy">Happy New Year

color:navy">I am going through your excellent article on "Role of Navamsa

& Drekkana in Prediction" on your website.

color:navy">In Chart 9 - On Bhatri Karaka you write that Mer is in a moveable

sign 12th house hence the meeting with the guru would happen long distance,

does it mean through the net or does it mean the foreign country is long



color:navy">a) What happens if it is a fixed sign (12th house)

color:navy">b) If it was a dual sign (12th house)

color:navy">In another para you write that UK

(Libra) the native met his Guru, is there a table which shows which country

which sign? Can you kindly teach me that.








Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn



Jazz up your holiday email with celebrity designs. Learn



om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today


__________ NOD32 1.915 (20041102) Information __________

This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.



om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today


Read only the mail you want -

Mail SpamGuard.


om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.


Attachment: (image/jpeg) image001.jpg [not stored]

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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Visti, Namaskar

This is most helpful.

I appreciate your systematic reply.

best wishes,



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

Maha dasa first. Nothing happens unless the Maha dasa allows.

All the pandits agree on the directions of planets being: East, SE, South, SW,

West, NW, North and NE for: Sun, Venus, Mars, Rähu, Saturn, Moon, Mercury and

Jupiter respectively.

When more are joined – find the strongest.

Best wishes,

Visti Larsen


visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Sushmita S [sushmita34 ] 03 January 2005 09:32To:

Subject: RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Finding one's Guru


||Hare Rama Krsna||


Dear Visti



I think you have outlined the principles in a very clear understandable manner.

It makes very clear sense to me, could I request the list members if they could

pass on a few charts to me with event date of meeting the Guru.


To Visti:

1. 5th lord/5th house sign or A5 - to be seen in Drig Dasa - my query is at

which level in the drig dasa this would be seen - at the MD, AD or PD level


2. Can you kindly direct me to an authentic source where I can find the directions of the planets.


3. What happens if 2 or 3 planets are conjoined together whose direction should we take.


Your reply is most awaited.





P.S: Thanks Sourav



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

The 9th lord from Jupiter brings the Guru. The placement of this lord will

reveal where one meets him/her.

If the sign is movable then far away/overseas or a place which does not speak

the same language as your natal language.

The planets joined will indicate the direction.

The sign indicates the nature of the place where the meeting occurs.

Use Drig Dasa and find out when the 5th house/lord or A5 gets activated, as this

is when the mantra is given by the Guru and hence ones initiation. After this

then Diksha is given later on and is indicated by the drig dasa of the 9th

house/lord and A9 .

Best wishes,

Visti Larsen


visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Sushmita S [sushmita34 ] 01 January 2005 20:34To:

Visti LarsenCc: Subject: [Om Krishna Guru] Finding

one's Guru


|| Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Visti,


Thanks so much for this detailed explanation. It truly is insightful, more than I could ask for.

Could I ask as to how to see in a chart the process of finding one's Jyotish Guru and Diksha Guru.

When how and where we would meet him.

Can you be kind enough to outline a step by step procedure.

I am truly confused whether I should see it from 9th lords placement/association

or BKs placement.I am only aware that Jups transit over A5 can give one a Guru.

Kind regards,




Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Sushmita, Namaskar

Long distance usually means overseas or to a place which doesnt speak the same

language as you. i.e. a planet in own sign but a movable sign can indicate same

country, but in a place of a foreign language like in india.


The movable sign is the longest distance, whilst the fixed sign is just around

the corner or in same town. The dual signs are in between the two distances,

and can indicate a meeting whilst travelling between home and overseas.


These signs of nations are the result of discussion between my Guru and I. Some

people have published books on the countries and their signs, but I havent

studied this much. Basically you must compare the nature of the country and its

culture i.e. Germany is known for its efficiency and its warmongering so Aries

is an appropriate sign. The UK is known for its very powerful

business-like culture which was the purpose behind its colonization of other

lands, and hence is indicated by a market place Libra. France puts a lot of

weight on good food and wine as well as art-culture, which can be indicated by

Taurus we all talk about good french cuisine UK and France are very much alike

hence the two venusian signs.

Denmark is one of the oldest Constitutional Monarchies and has strong influences

of the Sun on it.. infact it was due to the influence of the vikings of denmark

that Britain became a monarchy, so the monarchy is very old in Denmark this

could be indicated by Leo.


Ireland is known for its strong spiritual roots, be they celtic, catholic or

protestant, and also its proneness towards fight and drink this is no doubt

the occult yet fiestive sign - Scorpio.


Then comes a problem where we only have 12 signs and plenty of countries Well

the entire of Europe comes under the sign Aries for its intensive

War-mongering, be it barbarians, vikings, romans, celts, anglo saxons,

crusaders, nazis, etc. Also it was the center of the main progress in the world

for a very long time, colonizing and brutalizing the americas, asia and the

pacific islands for a long time. In a way it was the instigator of a lot of

what we see today.


These signs are used mostly in mundane Jyotish when you have to decide which

part of the world an incident will take place in.

Now a careful note: This is all research based. I havent seen very much from

the parampara in this regard, and only a hint of the same is given in the

Brihat Samhita.


So balance your approach in this regard.

Best wishes,

Visti Larsen


visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Sushmita S [sushmita34 ] 01 January 2005 13:56To:

visti (AT) (DOT) orgSubject: BK & meeting Guru


||Hare Rama Krsna||


Dear Visti,

Happy New Year

I am going through your excellent article on "Role of Navamsa & Drekkana in

Prediction" on your website.

In Chart 9 - On Bhatri Karaka you write that Mer is in a moveable sign 12th

house hence the meeting with the guru would happen long distance, does it mean

through the net or does it mean the foreign country is long distance.

a) What happens if it is a fixed sign (12th house)

b) If it was a dual sign (12th house)

In another para you write that UK (Libra) the native met his Guru, is there a

table which shows which country which sign? Can you kindly teach me that.






Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.

Jazz up your holiday email with celebrity designs. Learn more. ~

om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in

thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

__________ NOD32 1.915 (20041102) Information __________This message was checked

by NOD32 antivirus system.http://www.nod32.com

~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today

Read only the mail you want - Mail SpamGuard. ~ om tat sat

~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1)

Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian -

remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a

graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today __________ NOD32 1.915 (20041102) Information

__________This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus


~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today

Take Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

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Dear Sushmita,


Diksha means being initiated to a mantra by a guru. Hence Diksha guru means one

who gives you initiation of a mantra/s. Ideally, diksha is that of the ishta

devata. When the guru initiates you, he passes over some of his mantra siddhi

to you. That is why we require a initiation. You need a lamp to light a second

lamp. You are to spend your life devoting yourself to this mantra with the aim

of realizing god. The initiation chart shows us how far you will succeed in

this path. Will you be rigorous with your mantra or will you be irregular? Or

will you stop doing the mantra altogether? Will the initiation be so powerful,

that you will renounce the world and take sannyas? The true diksha ought to

lead you towards sannyasa diksha for the final emancipation or union/bliss.


Transits are extremely crucial, specially the transit of Jupiter. Jupiter in

transit should aspect your mantra pada by rashi dristi for successful and

correct mantra diksha. Transit of Ketu in trines to AL is more important for

renunciation. Jupiter's transit should match the appropriate drg dasha of

planets 9th from lagna and AL, that of the 5th and the 9th lords and the

vimsottari dasas of the benefics 3rd and 6th of AL.


Best regards,




Sushmita S [sushmita34 ] Monday, January 03, 2005

2:26 PMSubject: RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Finding

one's Guru

Dear Sarbani,


Would the transits mentioned in your post also apply for finding one's mantra

Guru. I have a chart with me wherein the native has met his Guru and received

mantra.If I get persmission from him, I would like to discuss it on the list.




Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

Dear Sushmita, Sourav etc.,For meeting diksha guru and receiving diksha, the 9th

house is the mostcrucial as it is the dharma bhava. The 9th house and 9th lord

from the lagnaand the AL is primary for examining diksha and diksha guru.

Jupiter andSun's aspect on this house is beneficial while Saturn and Rahu's

associationwith the 9th house is detrimental. Next examine the bhratri karaka

planetand the natural benefics if any in the 3rd and 6th from the AL.

Pleaseexamine the transit of Ketu in trines to AL and the transit of Jupiter

withrespect to Mantrapada (rasi drsti). Check Drg dasas of AL and 9th from

AL.Check the dasas of the natural benefics 9th from the AL and the 3rd and

the6th from AL. Check the vimsottari dasa of planets influencing the 5th andthe

9th houses. Make an assessment of all these factors together and thentime the

event.Best regards,Sarbanifeynman_8

[feynman_8 ] Sunday, January 02, 2005 10:15 PMTo:

Subject: [Om Krishna Guru] To Visti-ji : Finding

one's GuruDear Vistiji, This seemingly doesn't work for me. I was

running Ju/Me/Mo. Juis in Lagna, Me is my AK & LL, Mo is in 5-th House . I met

my Spiritual Guruin this dasa and very soon received Mantram. I don't see the

connection tothe 9-th H from Ju. 9-th L from Ju is Ra which is placed 12-th to

my Mo.Please shed some light.However, the sign on the 9th H from Ju is Aq. and

so I met my guru in my USAwhich is far away from my native country, India.

Also, I met my Guru in anAshram. Ra being the Lord of this house, the occurance

and receivingmantram afterwards was sudden. Does it make sense?I have also

another question, there are many ppl who live and die w/o a guru(formal guru).

For them this dictum means they atleast would meet some onespecial who in a way

act as guide and shows them the right path ?Respectfully,-

Sourav==============================================================--- In

, "Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>wrote:> ||Hare Rama

Krsna||> > Dear Sushmita, Namaskar> > The 9th lord from Jupiter brings the

Guru. The placement of thislord will> reveal where one meets him/her.> > If the

sign is movable then far away/overseas or a place whichdoes not> speak the same

language as your natal language.> > The planets joined will indicate the

direction.> > The sign indicates the nature of the place where the

meetingoccurs.> > Use Drig Dasa and find out when the 5th house/lord or A5

getsactivated, as> this is when the mantra is given by the Guru and hence

onesinitiation.> After this then Diksha is given later on and is indicated by

thedrig dasa> of the 9th house/lord and A9 .> > Best wishes,> > > > > Visti

Larsen> > http://srigaruda.com> > <visti@s...> visti@s... > > > > > >

_____> > Sushmita S [sushmita34]> 01 January 2005

20:34> Visti Larsen> Cc: > [Om Krishna

Guru] Finding one's Guru> > > > || Hare Rama Krsna||> > Dear Visti,> >

Namaskar> > Thanks so much for this detailed explanation. It truly

isinsightful, more> than I could ask for.> > Could I ask as to how to see in a

chart the process of findingone's Jyotish> Guru and Diksha Guru.> > When how

and where we would meet him.> > Can you be kind enough to outline a step by

step procedure.> > I am truly confused whether I should see it from 9th lords >

placement/association or BKs placement.I am only aware that Jupstransit> over A5

can give one a Guru.> > Kind regards,> > > > Sushmita> > > > > > Visti Larsen

<visti@s...> wrote:> > ||Hare Rama Krsna||> > Dear Sushmita, Namaskar> > Long

distance usually means overseas or to a place which doesntspeak the> same

language as you. i.e. a planet in own sign but a movable signcan> indicate same

country, but in a place of a foreign language likein india.> > > > The movable

sign is the longest distance, whilst the fixed sign isjust> around the corner

or in same town. The dual signs are in betweenthe two> distances, and can

indicate a meeting whilst travelling betweenhome and> overseas.> > > > These

signs of nations are the result of discussion between myGuru and I.> Some

people have published books on the countries and their signs,but I> havent

studied this much. Basically you must compare the natureof the> country and its

culture i.e. Germany is known for its efficiencyand its> warmongering so Aries

is an appropriate sign. The UK is known forits very> powerful business-like

culture which was the purpose behind itscolonization> of other lands, and hence

is indicated by a market place Libra. France puts> a lot of weight on good food

and wine as well as art-culture,which can be> indicated by Taurus we all talk

about good french cuisine UK andFrance are> very much alike hence the two

venusian signs.> > Denmark is one of the oldest Constitutional Monarchies and

hasstrong> influences of the Sun on it.. infact it was due to the influenceof

the> vikings of denmark that Britain became a monarchy, so the monarchyis very>

old in Denmark this could be indicated by Leo.> > > > Ireland is known for its

strong spiritual roots, be they celtic,catholic or> protestant, and also its

proneness towards fight and drink thisis no doubt> the occult yet fiestive

sign - Scorpio.> > > > Then comes a problem where we only have 12 signs and

plenty ofcountries> Well the entire of Europe comes under the sign Aries for

itsintensive> War-mongering, be it barbarians, vikings, romans, celts,

anglosaxons,> crusaders, nazis, etc. Also it was the center of the main

progressin the> world for a very long time, colonizing and brutalizing

theamericas, asia> and the pacific islands for a long time. In a way it was

theinstigator of a> lot of what we see today.> > > > These signs are used

mostly in mundane Jyotish when you have todecide which> part of the world an

incident will take place in.> > Now a careful note: This is all research based.

I havent seenvery much> from the parampara in this regard, and only a hint of

the same isgiven in> the Brihat Samhita.> > > > So balance your approach in

this regard.> > Best wishes,> > > > > Visti Larsen> > http://srigaruda.com

<http://srigaruda.com/>> > <visti@s...> visti@s... > > > > > > >

_____> > > Sushmita S [sushmita34]> 01 January 2005

13:56> visti@s...> BK & meeting Guru> > > > ||Hare Rama Krsna||>

> > > Dear Visti,> > Happy New Year> > I am going through your excellent

article on "Role of Navamsa &Drekkana in> Prediction" on your website. > > In

Chart 9 - On Bhatri Karaka you write that Mer is in a moveablesign 12th> house

hence the meeting with the guru would happen long distance,does it> mean

through the net or does it mean the foreign country is longdistance.> > a) What

happens if it is a fixed sign (12th house)> > b) If it was a dual sign (12th

house)> > In another para you write that UK (Libra) the native met his Guru,is

there> a table which shows which country which sign? Can you kindly teachme

that.> > BKObliged,> > > > Sushmita> > > > > > > _____> > > Do you

?> Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn>

<http://us.rd./evt=29916/*http:/info.mail./mail_250>> more.>

> _____> > > Jazz up your holiday email with celebrity designs.

Learn> <http://us.rd./evt=29910/*http:/celebrity.mail.>more. >

> ~ om tat sat ~> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. >

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'> (2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who saidthat the> human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.> (3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chartreading today > > > > > > > Sponsor> > > >

> >



etflix.com/Default?mqso=60188914> click here> > > >


:HM/A=2495208/rand=517374084>> > > > _____> > Links> > *


/> > * To from

this group, send an email to:> >

<?subject=Un> > > *


<> Terms of Service. > > > > __________ NOD32

1.915 (20041102) Information __________> > This message was checked by NOD32

antivirus system.> http://www.nod32.com------------------------

Sponsor --------------------~--> Givehope to a child.Helping a needy child is

easier than you think.Click here to meet someone who needs your


~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that thehuman stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today Links~ om tat sat ~Thank

you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite

the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian -

remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a

graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today

~ om tat sat

~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1)

Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian -

remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a

graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today

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This is helpful. I was earlier under the impression that Jups graha drishti on

A5 is necessary in transit whereas you have clarified that it is rasi dristi.



SushmitaSarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

Dear Sushmita,


Diksha means being initiated to a mantra by a guru. Hence Diksha guru means one

who gives you initiation of a mantra/s. Ideally, diksha is that of the ishta

devata. When the guru initiates you, he passes over some of his mantra siddhi

to you. That is why we require a initiation. You need a lamp to light a second

lamp. You are to spend your life devoting yourself to this mantra with the aim

of realizing god. The initiation chart shows us how far you will succeed in

this path. Will you be rigorous with your mantra or will you be irregular? Or

will you stop doing the mantra altogether? Will the initiation be so powerful,

that you will renounce the world and take sannyas? The true diksha ought to

lead you towards sannyasa diksha for the final emancipation or union/bliss.


Transits are extremely crucial, specially the transit of Jupiter. Jupiter in

transit should aspect your mantra pada by rashi dristi for successful and

correct mantra diksha. Transit of Ketu in trines to AL is more important for

renunciation. Jupiter's transit should match the appropriate drg dasha of

planets 9th from lagna and AL, that of the 5th and the 9th lords and the

vimsottari dasas of the benefics 3rd and 6th of AL.


Best regards,




Sushmita S [sushmita34 ] Monday, January 03, 2005

2:26 PMSubject: RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Finding

one's Guru

Dear Sarbani,


Would the transits mentioned in your post also apply for finding one's mantra

Guru. I have a chart with me wherein the native has met his Guru and received

mantra.If I get persmission from him, I would like to discuss it on the list.




Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

Dear Sushmita, Sourav etc.,For meeting diksha guru and receiving diksha, the 9th

house is the mostcrucial as it is the dharma bhava. The 9th house and 9th lord

from the lagnaand the AL is primary for examining diksha and diksha guru.

Jupiter andSun's aspect on this house is beneficial while Saturn and Rahu's

associationwith the 9th house is detrimental. Next examine the bhratri karaka

planetand the natural benefics if any in the 3rd and 6th from the AL.

Pleaseexamine the transit of Ketu in trines to AL and the transit of Jupiter

withrespect to Mantrapada (rasi drsti). Check Drg dasas of AL and 9th from

AL.Check the dasas of the natural benefics 9th from the AL and the 3rd and

the6th from AL. Check the vimsottari dasa of planets influencing the 5th andthe

9th houses. Make an assessment of all these factors together and

thentime the event.Best regards,Sarbanifeynman_8

[feynman_8 ] Sunday, January 02, 2005 10:15 PMTo:

Subject: [Om Krishna Guru] To Visti-ji : Finding

one's GuruDear Vistiji, This seemingly doesn't work for me. I was

running Ju/Me/Mo. Juis in Lagna, Me is my AK & LL, Mo is in 5-th House . I met

my Spiritual Guruin this dasa and very soon received Mantram. I don't see the

connection tothe 9-th H from Ju. 9-th L from Ju is Ra which is placed 12-th to

my Mo.Please shed some light.However, the sign on the 9th H from Ju is Aq. and

so I met my guru in my USAwhich is far away from my native country, India.

Also, I met my Guru in anAshram. Ra being the Lord of this house, the occurance

and receivingmantram afterwards was sudden. Does

it make sense?I have also another question, there are many ppl who live and die

w/o a guru(formal guru). For them this dictum means they atleast would meet

some onespecial who in a way act as guide and shows them the right path


Sourav==============================================================--- In

, "Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>wrote:> ||Hare Rama

Krsna||> > Dear Sushmita, Namaskar> > The 9th lord from Jupiter brings the

Guru. The placement of thislord will> reveal where one meets him/her.> > If the

sign is movable then far away/overseas or a place whichdoes not> speak the same

language as your natal language.> > The planets joined will indicate the

direction.> > The sign indicates the nature of the place where the

meetingoccurs.> > Use Drig Dasa and find out when

the 5th house/lord or A5 getsactivated, as> this is when the mantra is given by

the Guru and hence onesinitiation.> After this then Diksha is given later on

and is indicated by thedrig dasa> of the 9th house/lord and A9 .> > Best

wishes,> > > > > Visti Larsen> > http://srigaruda.com> > <visti@s...>

visti@s... > > > > > > _____> > Sushmita S [sushmita34]>

01 January 2005 20:34> Visti Larsen> Cc:

> [Om Krishna Guru] Finding one's Guru> >

> > || Hare Rama Krsna||> > Dear Visti,> > Namaskar> > Thanks so much for this

detailed explanation. It truly isinsightful, more>

than I could ask for.> > Could I ask as to how to see in a chart the process of

findingone's Jyotish> Guru and Diksha Guru.> > When how and where we would meet

him.> > Can you be kind enough to outline a step by step procedure.> > I am

truly confused whether I should see it from 9th lords > placement/association

or BKs placement.I am only aware that Jupstransit> over A5 can give one a

Guru.> > Kind regards,> > > > Sushmita> > > > > > Visti Larsen <visti@s...>

wrote:> > ||Hare Rama Krsna||> > Dear Sushmita, Namaskar> > Long distance

usually means overseas or to a place which doesntspeak the> same language as

you. i.e. a planet in own sign but a movable signcan> indicate same country,

but in a place of a foreign language likein

india.> > > > The movable sign is the longest distance, whilst the fixed sign

isjust> around the corner or in same town. The dual signs are in betweenthe

two> distances, and can indicate a meeting whilst travelling betweenhome and>

overseas.> > > > These signs of nations are the result of discussion between

myGuru and I.> Some people have published books on the countries and their

signs,but I> havent studied this much. Basically you must compare the natureof

the> country and its culture i.e. Germany is known for its efficiencyand its>

warmongering so Aries is an appropriate sign. The UK is known forits very>

powerful business-like culture which was the purpose behind itscolonization> of

other lands, and hence is indicated by a market place Libra. France puts> a lot

of weight on good food and

wine as well as art-culture,which can be> indicated by Taurus we all talk about

good french cuisine UK andFrance are> very much alike hence the two venusian

signs.> > Denmark is one of the oldest Constitutional Monarchies and hasstrong>

influences of the Sun on it.. infact it was due to the influenceof the> vikings

of denmark that Britain became a monarchy, so the monarchyis very> old in

Denmark this could be indicated by Leo.> > > > Ireland is known for its

strong spiritual roots, be they celtic,catholic or> protestant, and also its

proneness towards fight and drink thisis no doubt> the occult yet fiestive

sign - Scorpio.> > > > Then comes a problem where we only have 12 signs and

plenty ofcountries> Well the entire of Europe comes under the sign Aries for

itsintensive> War-mongering, be it

barbarians, vikings, romans, celts, anglosaxons,> crusaders, nazis, etc. Also it

was the center of the main progressin the> world for a very long time,

colonizing and brutalizing theamericas, asia> and the pacific islands for a

long time. In a way it was theinstigator of a> lot of what we see today.> > >

> These signs are used mostly in mundane Jyotish when you have todecide which>

part of the world an incident will take place in.> > Now a careful note: This

is all research based. I havent seenvery much> from the parampara in this

regard, and only a hint of the same isgiven in> the Brihat Samhita.> > > > So

balance your approach in this regard.> > Best wishes,> > > > > Visti Larsen> >

http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>> > <visti@s...> visti@s...

> > > > > > > _____> > > Sushmita S [sushmita34]> 01

January 2005 13:56> visti@s...> BK & meeting Guru> > > > ||Hare

Rama Krsna||> > > > Dear Visti,> > Happy New Year> > I am going through your

excellent article on "Role of Navamsa &Drekkana in> Prediction" on your

website. > > In Chart 9 - On Bhatri Karaka you write that Mer is in a

moveablesign 12th> house hence the meeting with the guru would happen long

distance,does it> mean through the net or does it mean the foreign country is

longdistance.> > a) What happens if it is a fixed sign (12th

house)> > b) If it was a dual sign (12th house)> > In another para you write

that UK (Libra) the native met his Guru,is there> a table which shows which

country which sign? Can you kindly teachme that.> > BKObliged,> > > >

Sushmita> > > > > > > _____> > > > Mail - Easier than

ever with enhanced search. Learn>

<http://us.rd./evt=29916/*http:/info.mail./mail_250>> more.>

> _____> > > Jazz up your holiday email with celebrity designs.

Learn> <http://us.rd./evt=29910/*http:/celebrity.mail.>more. >

> ~ om tat sat ~> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. >

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'> (2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who saidthat the> human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.> (3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chartreading today > > > > > > > Sponsor> > > >

> >



etflix.com/Default?mqso=60188914> click here> > > >


:HM/A=2495208/rand=517374084>> > > > _____> > Links> > *


/> > * To from

this group, send an email to:> >

<?subject=Un> > > *


<> Terms of Service. > > > > __________ NOD32

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antivirus system.> http://www.nod32.com------------------------

Sponsor --------------------~--> Givehope to a child.Helping a needy child is

easier than you think.Click here to meet someone who needs your


~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that

thehuman stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity

in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today Links~ om

tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today

~ om tat sat

~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1)

Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian -

remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a

graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today ~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama

Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that

the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise

charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

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