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Jagannatha Hora FULL version will henceforth be...

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Om Namo Bhagavate Satyadevaaya

Namaste friends,


A lot of people are using the free lite version of "Jagannatha Hora" software

written by me. We have also been selling the full version of the software



I am aware that a lot of serious astrology students, whose studies and

researches could benefit from having the full version, cannot afford to buy the

software, even though it is one of the cheapest around.


My purpose in writing this software was not to make money. I personally do not

want a single cent from Jyotish. However, we decided to charge money so as to

not hurt other software vendors, cover expenses like the ephemeris cost and

also raise some money that can be used as emergency backup for important

research and teaching activities.


I now have the blessings and encouragement of Sanjay ji and other well-wishers

to do what my heart tells me to do. Today is the auspicious day of Magha

Pournima. I just finished my monthly Satya Narayana Vratam. This is a special

day. It has been exactly 54 lunar months since I started doing Satya Narayana

Vratam every month (54 is half of 108). On this auspicious occasion, I am

pleased to announce that "Jagannatha Hora" full version will henceforth be



We are grateful to those who supported us and bought the full version of the

software until now. The money they spent on the software was used for expenses

like buying the ephemeris and the remaining money is planned to be used only as

an emergency backup for our teaching, research and writing activities. I do not

plan to use any of that money for private purposes.


In my humble opinion, "Jagannatha Hora" is a niche software with stress on

calculations and calculation options and not on presentation and aesthetics. I

intentionally left "Jagannatha Hora" wanting in some areas like aesthetics and

professional presentation, so that it does not really compete with other

commercial programs. We certainly do not want to hurt Jyotish software vendors,

who rendered and are rendering great service to the Jyotish community. I believe

that professional practitioners will still continue to need other software

programs, while researchers and students can take advantage of my free



I can put links to the webpages of other Jyotish software vendors on my free

software download page. Those who visit my website for downloading the software

will be requested to visit those pages if they want something more professional.

If you are a Jyotish software vendor and are interested in having a link to your

site on my download page, please do send me the address of your site. I will add

a link at the earliest opportunity. I don't expect you to reciprocate this,

though you are welcome to.


* * *


There are two versions available for downloading. One version is 3.5 MB in size.

It contains an accurate ephemeris for 1800-2400 AD and uses an approximate

planetary model for other years. It does not have the full international atlas.

It has a brief version of the help.


The other version available for downloading is 4.7 MB in size. It contains more

detailed online help and Indian fonts to display charts in Indian languages.


The complete version containing an accurate ephemeris for 5400 BC-5400 AD and an

atlas containing half million US cities and 2 million international cities is 56

MB in size and I cannot make it available for downloading. My website cannot

handle that kind of bandwidth. So we will have to mail it in CDs. As buying

CDs, burning them and mailing them costs us money, we will request you to make

a voluntary donation to cover our costs. We will mail you the CD and please

donate some money within your abilities. You can find other details on my



Please go to http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/jh and get further details. Those

who bought the full version 5.0 or 6.0 can upgrade to 7.0 at

http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/jhup (if you only have the lite version, upgrade

will not work and you will need a fresh installation).


Those in India will be able to get the CDs from SJC, New Delhi at a very cheap

price that, as per my understanding, just covers the expenses.


With this version, I give everybody the permission to re-distribute this

software, provided the original copyright notices are retained and the

operation is not commercialized. You can make copies of the CD and dsitribute

them to Jyotishis in your country without removing the original copyright

notice and by restricting the money you charge to what it costs you to make and

distribute the CD (i.e. no profiteering).


Sanjay ji informed me that copies of this CD may be included with "Jyotish

Digest" magazine and given to its rs in the coming months.


I certainly hope that every astrology student and researcher gets a copy of this

free software! Then my purpose in writing this software would have been served.


* * *


In this version, I have added the option to exclude nodal lordship in arudha

pada calculation. I have also added two options to exclude the exceptions in

bhava and graha arudha pada calculations. Chara dasa as per Sri KN Rao's

teachings is also available.


Though this software is from the "Sri Jagannath Centre" stable, I will remain

respectful to savants and scholars who disagree with our views and will try to

help their followers too.

If there are other options you like to see in the software to follow your

favorite teachers, please do ask me. If and when I get time, I will add the



* * *


In the long run, I am thinking of making this an open source community project.

I will open the source code to everyone, so that other software engineers can

add features they like to the software and use them. However, there is no

timeframe for it right now. There are many details that I need to clearly plan

before I take that step. I have a very busy professional and personal life. As

and when I get time, I will plan various details and implement this vision.

But, I expect it to happen in the next 3-4 years. For now, the source code is

not available, but the software program is available for free and enjoy it!


* * *


I am a Jyotish student and researcher and my goal is to encourage other students

and researchers to find Truth. I and Sri Jagannath Centre are committed to

helping Jyotish researchers in their pursuit of Truth, without any selfish



What we request you in return is your good will and blessings. The value of

blessings of fellow human beings is so under-rated in today's world, in

comparison to the value of money! But it is the blessings of elders and

well-wishers that gives me the energy to do all that I get to do. Thank you all

for your kind blessings! Please continue to shower your blessings on me and SJC!


May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha

-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software



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Resoected Narsimha Ji,


You have really done a great job making the full version free for all needy and

poor astrologer.This may help them for reading and doing research. You are

really a great personality. God will certainly shower blessings to you in


Actually when you declared that you are going to release version 7 after the

"satya narain katha", I do not know myself that something was thought to my

mind that Sri Narsimha ji will certainly make a great announcement. I could not

go beyond that you will distribute or make the version free.

I would like to mention that CDs should be given free with the "Jyotish Digest" magazines.

Thank you once again,

Ramesh Mishra"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr108 > wrote:

Om Namo Bhagavate Satyadevaaya

Namaste friends,


A lot of people are using the free lite version of "Jagannatha Hora" software

written by me. We have also been selling the full version of the software



I am aware that a lot of serious astrology students, whose studies and

researches could benefit from having the full version, cannot afford to buy the

software, even though it is one of the cheapest around.


My purpose in writing this software was not to make money. I personally do not

want a single cent from Jyotish. However, we decided to charge money so as to

not hurt other software vendors, cover expenses like the ephemeris cost and

also raise some money that can be used as emergency backup for important

research and teaching activities.


I now have the blessings and encouragement of Sanjay ji and other well-wishers

to do what my heart tells me to do. Today is the auspicious day of Magha

Pournima. I just finished my monthly Satya Narayana Vratam. This is a special

day. It has been exactly 54 lunar months since I started doing Satya Narayana

Vratam every month (54 is half of 108). On this auspicious occasion, I am

pleased to announce that "Jagannatha Hora" full version will henceforth be



We are grateful to those who supported us and bought the full version of the

software until now. The money they spent on the software was used for expenses

like buying the ephemeris and the remaining money is planned to be used only as

an emergency backup for our teaching, research and writing activities. I do not

plan to use any of that money for private purposes.


In my humble opinion, "Jagannatha Hora" is a niche software with stress on

calculations and calculation options and not on presentation and aesthetics. I

intentionally left "Jagannatha Hora" wanting in some areas like aesthetics and

professional presentation, so that it does not really compete with other

commercial programs. We certainly do not want to hurt Jyotish software vendors,

who rendered and are rendering great service to the Jyotish community. I believe

that professional practitioners will still continue to need other software

programs, while researchers and students can take advantage of my free



I can put links to the webpages of other Jyotish software vendors on my free

software download page. Those who visit my website for downloading the software

will be requested to visit those pages if they want something more professional.

If you are a Jyotish software vendor and are interested in having a link to your

site on my download page, please do send me the address of your site. I will add

a link at the earliest opportunity. I don't expect you to reciprocate this,

though you are welcome to.


* * *


There are two versions available for downloading. One version is 3.5 MB in size.

It contains an accurate ephemeris for 1800-2400 AD and uses an approximate

planetary model for other years. It does not have the full international atlas.

It has a brief version of the help.


The other version available for downloading is 4.7 MB in size. It contains more

detailed online help and Indian fonts to display charts in Indian languages.


The complete version containing an accurate ephemeris for 5400 BC-5400 AD and an

atlas containing half million US cities and 2 million international cities is 56

MB in size and I cannot make it available for downloading. My website cannot

handle that kind of bandwidth. So we will have to mail it in CDs. As buying

CDs, burning them and mailing them costs us money, we will request you to make

a voluntary donation to cover our costs. We will mail you the CD and please

donate some money within your abilities. You can find other details on my



Please go to http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/jh and get further details. Those

who bought the full version 5.0 or 6.0 can upgrade to 7.0 at

http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/jhup (if you only have the lite version, upgrade

will not work and you will need a fresh installation).


Those in India will be able to get the CDs from SJC, New Delhi at a very cheap

price that, as per my understanding, just covers the expenses.


With this version, I give everybody the permission to re-distribute this

software, provided the original copyright notices are retained and the

operation is not commercialized. You can make copies of the CD and dsitribute

them to Jyotishis in your country without removing the original copyright

notice and by restricting the money you charge to what it costs you to make and

distribute the CD (i.e. no profiteering).


Sanjay ji informed me that copies of this CD may be included with "Jyotish

Digest" magazine and given to its rs in the coming months.


I certainly hope that every astrology student and researcher gets a copy of this

free software! Then my purpose in writing this software would have been served.


* * *


In this version, I have added the option to exclude nodal lordship in arudha

pada calculation. I have also added two options to exclude the exceptions in

bhava and graha arudha pada calculations. Chara dasa as per Sri KN Rao's

teachings is also available.


Though this software is from the "Sri Jagannath Centre" stable, I will remain

respectful to savants and scholars who disagree with our views and will try to

help their followers too.

If there are other options you like to see in the software to follow your

favorite teachers, please do ask me. If and when I get time, I will add the



* * *


In the long run, I am thinking of making this an open source community project.

I will open the source code to everyone, so that other software engineers can

add features they like to the software and use them. However, there is no

timeframe for it right now. There are many details that I need to clearly plan

before I take that step. I have a very busy professional and personal life. As

and when I get time, I will plan various details and implement this vision.

But, I expect it to happen in the next 3-4 years. For now, the source code is

not available, but the software program is available for free and enjoy it!


* * *


I am a Jyotish student and researcher and my goal is to encourage other students

and researchers to find Truth. I and Sri Jagannath Centre are committed to

helping Jyotish researchers in their pursuit of Truth, without any selfish



What we request you in return is your good will and blessings. The value of

blessings of fellow human beings is so under-rated in today's world, in

comparison to the value of money! But it is the blessings of elders and

well-wishers that gives me the energy to do all that I get to do. Thank you all

for your kind blessings! Please continue to shower your blessings on me and SJC!


May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha

-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software



~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today

India Matrimony: Find your life partner


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Dear Gurus, THIS is great! I am speechless.


Well, almost. Reading explanation of software ready for download, I may

have something to complement it - a link to an astrodienst Swiss Ephemeris

free download ftp site: ftp://ftp.astro.ch/pub/swisseph/ephe/archive_zip

All ephemeris files are there for full range of 5400 BC-5400 AD ;)

They claim it is a freeware now. So enjoy.


(there is also a more than an able ephemeris reading program in

ftp://ftp.astro.ch/pub/swisseph/programs called swewin32 which may require

some tweaking - but I did it, so everyone else can do too)





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