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Analysis of Mrs Mamataji

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As I have got 90% accuracy in my previous analysis

here is analysis of your wife Respected Madhukar



For future prediction,I am working on that and able to

tell exact future time of incidents when going to



I have posted a copy it to my Group too.


Analysis of your wife.


Birth Details:

Name:Mrs Panday

DOB:26th Spetember 1965

Time:4.00 am




1) The self-projection into activity through either

advanced education for children or a religious or

scientific advancement for their fellow man. They are

worthy of your trust in them for they have great

nobility of spirit and integrity.They value friendship

a lot and if there friends are married than

relationship will work beautifully.


2) A fortunate and profitable nature, kind, humane

disposition, warm sympathies, fortunate speculations,

dutiful family and sucess through family,marriage.


3)Her temperment is unilateral and unaffected by

conflicts of others.Her estimation is amazing.No one

is allowed to interfere in her affair and she also

doesn't interfere in other's affair.she is most

successful when she works alone.She is a very

authority person and always in command.


4)she is heavily dependant on small moments in

nourishment of her spiritual activity and ges angry if

distracted or by hustle of competetive society.Her

mind and heart goes at a smae time in any work.

they are mostly fighting with there inner feelings and



5)she has got really good analytical powers.she like

to be a perfect woman,keeps her place very clean,neat

and tidy.She has a sweet voice and trap any person in



6)Average height,broad chest,broad

shoulder,strong,upright walker,clear expression

fearless eyes.Face is full and round.Defects in

circulation.As age grows body becomes muscular.


7)Very dignified person.sometimes they always want

acknowledgement for what they do to all.Always in

gratification of something in return as gesture etc.


8)1st and 2nd Lord in 2nd,she is from very well

developed and rich family since from childhood.she had

been very very close to her mother.She always tries to

bind family together and have to struggle hard for

that too.She is luxirous person and often attaracts

money a lot.she is able to distinguish between desire

and actual requirement.she will get a famiy asset too.


9)Mercuryin 2nd house in Virgo,she is talkative

too.shje has developed values for family and very

secure financially.She is always curious to know

various things in life,extravagant and like ownership

a lot.It is a Lord of 11th too,she has a very good

friend circle and values a friendship a lot.


10)Moon also in 2nd house ,being a 12th lord,she must

be spending a lot of money in household things and in

family.Moon in 2nd makes one very Good Mother too.


11)Venus in 3rd house,she must be having a younger

beautiful sister and may also have elder brother.Very

friendly disposition towards relatives,friends etc

coming in house.Verbal communication towards other

human-being is very necessary for her.Jupiter aspect

these Venus from 11th house makes her a sweet and

jolly woman with others,especially with brother's and

sisters.Being a Lord of 3rd and 10th house and placed

in 3rd house,she is a religious woman and very

fortunate too.very strong position in society and

family.A great help from father she gets very well.


12)Mars in 4ht house,she is very hard worker at home

and for loved ones.Since it is in waer sign,so she

must be emotionally hard worker than physical.However

Saturn squares up these saturn,so that will create a

lot of tension for household things,family,her

mother,mother' family etc.she gets in a situation to

door not to do many times.she must have come from

family where family values were very high and various

things even such as sex may not be talked about ever,

this results into excess sexual intimacy and very

volatile.She will get emotionally distressed if her

needs are not fulfilled.Plus saturn squaring Mars

up,She is constantly fighting with herself, being if

not able to resolve problem.She gets in a period of

aggression and recession.Only time will prove to judge

a things correctly and take a action at a proper

time.Your romantic relationship was resulted into

inconsistency temperment and emotion intent.she also

get very angry with his spouse.


Being a Lord of 4th ,she will have a lots of barren

property in her name,but that will be useless as

Saturn aspects it.However Jupiter aspect to Saturn

from 11th,gives a very well self-control time being

and that property some part might be utilized for some

social activity or religious one.


13)she will gain from her children or success will

rise after they are born.Education was full and

without obstacles.she will not able to do

post-graduation or will experience a lot difficulty in

doing that..Jupiter aspect to 5th house,delivery of

children will be normal.


14)6th lord placed in 7th and that is saturn.since 7th

Karaka is strong,But these placement will create some

arguments with your spouse.You both have to

talk,rather than argumentive.Normally your spouse

isnot very expressive which makes you angry a lot.you

should incorporate a saturian quality while dealing

with spouse,be calm,cool.try to go inner rather than

outer.Be natural expressive, don't keep yourself

isolated,alone or aloof.Many a time you will feel he

is possesive and demanding , he may be disappointed

simply because yu think he is incompatible with you

or causes hurt through emotional or physical

infedility.Jupiter aspect to saturn will degrade all

qualities mentioned above and Mars tends to aggravate

it.So ups and downs seem to be there through out life

and no escape.It is better in understanding and going



15)Jupiter being a lord of 5th and 8th house placed in

11th.you will have a religious friends, will have

sometime sudden gains in life.9th aspect to spouse

will give a understanding spouse,who is well

established and secure.


16)Mars- 1968-1975 was very good period of life.


17)Rahu 1976-1993,As rahu in 10th house creates

Raj-yoga.but Mars aspect and Saturn squaring

itup,which is aspected by jupiter,you must have seen

lots of ups and down during these phase of

life.Especially in emotional way.Even you would have

gone through some fear factor during these phase of

life.Overall there will be good possession of mateial

elements,But satisfaction will not be there.Even you

must have left your house during these phase of life

as ketu and Mars in 4th suggest away from place where

you were born and mother.However Rahu is exalted so

must have got good status in society too.


18)Jupiter 1994 -2009.since jupiter is lord of 8th and

5th.During these phase you will be happier with

children or willnot have than new born chances are a

lot.you will get invovled with

children,shastras,religious activity etc much more

during these phase.Not to forget lots of new friends

and enjoyment with them will also be there during

these phase of life.since it is lord of 8th too, you

get invlovled in occult,mantras and mysterious things

in life too,during these phase of life.Chances of

wining lottery or prizes is also there during these

phase.gain through children is also seen



"Love is the beauty of the soul""For it was not into my ear you whispered, but

into my heart.It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."






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