Guest guest Posted February 21, 2001 Report Share Posted February 21, 2001 Dear Sateeshji! I saw one of your posting where you gave very logic explanaions for someone's wife's chart. Can you please help me understand my chart: My Data is: 11/11/1969 Time : 21:30 at Delhi, India I am a new student of VA and was trying to read my own chart. I am wondering if I should consider a change in my career. Some people have predicted that my horoscope indicate two marriages. They also indicated both of the marriages will have problems? (Yes, of course if 2 marriages then obv. problem in the 1st one :-) Which house do you see for that? I also was curious about my foreign land stay. Will I settle or is it temporary. What should I do to improve my profession/career? I would appreciate your comments. Thanks Karan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 22, 2001 Report Share Posted February 22, 2001 Dear Karan, I'm cc-ing in the Satva List as I use S.A., and I see Sally has already posted some responses on your Chart there. *** Your only Functional Malefics (FMs) are Rahu and Ketu. Significator for Self is the Sun, as the 1st House contains a Non-MT Sign - Sun here is also FB 3rd Lord of [initiatives/Success/Younger Siblings/Communications/Writing] - it is placed on the 5th MEP of [Children/Emotional Peace/Higher Learning/Speculations/Romance]. Sun is well placed, as it is on the beneficial 5th MEP, and also 7th-aspects the 11th MEP of [income/Gains/Older Siblings/Happiness from friends] - since it is a Male Planet, and is the 3rd Lord and influences the MEP of the 11th House, it may indicate Older/Younger Brothers. However, Sun is in Debility and in Slight old age - on top of this, it receives an almost 100% 9th-aspect from FM Rahu. This all may deny 3rd House matters, and may cause some problems to [self/Father] - weak eyesight, perhaps. The conjunction with the Strong 4th Lord (Mercury) may indicate a closeness to Mother. The desire to Learn and achieve success through your own efforts may be there, as Sun is 3rd Lord on 5th MEP. Mother may also contribute to this. *** FB 2nd Lord of [Wealth/Family/Status], and your Main Career Lord (as the 10th House is Non-MT) is Moon - it is badly placed in the 6th House of [Disputes/illness/Debts/Litigations/Enemies] and is Debilitated. This may cause Mother and Family some problems, but I have heard in Classical Astrology Moon in 6th can make a Doctor (I understand you are in a Medical Field). The weakness of the Karaka for [Emotions], which is fluctuating Moon may lead to some unsettled feelings, and possibly may give weak Eyesight (2nd Lord) - in addition, some Feminine problems could be there as Moon rules these and is Debilitated in the House of [illnesses]. *** FB 4th Lord of [Mother/Vehicles/Landed Properties/Fixed Assets/Basic Education/Marital and Domestic Happiness] is Mercury - it is very Strong and well placed on the 5th MEP, and aspects the 11th MEP. This combination of the 4th Lord in the 5th leads one to Higher Education after Basic, and augurs well for Happiness from [Mother] and [Children] - Marital Happiness is also seen here. I personally wouldn't predict 2 Marriages or multiple Marriages for someone, but this certainly reduces the possibility of the 1st Marriage breaking up :-) . This combination could also give Romantic inclinations. *** FB 5th Lord of [Children/Emotional Peace/Higher Learning/Speculations/Romance] is Venus - it is very well placed in its own MT Sign - this is excellent, and would indicate I guess Female Children (as Venus is a Female Planet). This combination of 5th Lord strong in 5th House would heighten all 5th Matters - enjoy! As Venus is a Pleasure-seeking Planet, and the 5th House represents [Entertainments] you may enjoy the High Life. You could do well in Speculative fields. *** FB 7th Lord of [spouse/Business Partnerships/Foreign travel/Relationships] is Jupiter - it is well placed on the 4th MEP, and aspects the 8th MEP of [Longevity/Marital Tie/Sudden Gains/Inheritance], the 10th MEP of [Career/Rise in Life/Male Children] and the 12th MEP of [Foreign Residence/Bed Comforts/Spirituality]. However, it is in Extreme old age - this may delay some of the Significations of the 7th House - as Jupiter is also Karaka for [Husband] as well as your Main Marriage Lord, strengthening it is important so as not to delay matters. Foreign Stay is definitely possible, as the 7th Lord influences the 12th MEP - again, strengthening of Jupiter will help make this more stable. *** FB 9th Lord of [Father/Fortune/Short trips/Guru] is Saturn - it is well placed in the 11th House, but is Debilitated and has a weak Dispositor (Mars). It does receive the positive "mutual" aspects from Venus and from its Dispositor, Mars which both help a little - perhaps [Older Siblings] help [Father]. There may be some weakness to Father. General fortune in Life may be affected due to Saturn's weakness. *** FB 11th Lord of [income/Gains/Older Siblings/Happiness from friends] is Mars - it is Exalted in the Rasi and in its Own MT Sign (Aries) in Navamsa - this is excellent, but its bad placement in the 8th House of [Obstructions/Humiliations/Accidents] does not bode well for Older Siblings - perhaps there are Older Brothers as Sun also influences the 11th MEP. The bad placement of Mars may cause setbacks in regards to [income] - the 10th-aspect of Saturn may mean your [Father] could help with your [Gains], or he helps [Older Siblings]. *** FM Rahu closely afflicts the 9th/1st/3rd/5th MEPs - this could cause [Disputes and Manipulations] in regards to [Father/Self-Reputation/Success and Younger Siblings/Children and Higher Learning]. However, as Rahu rules [Foreign things], its influence on the 9th MEP of [short trips] and on the Sun could lead to frequent travel. Note - Rahu can still damage the 1st and 5th MEPs, as their Rulers (Mercury and Venus) are Strong, but Rahu is within 1 Degree of the MEP. FM Ketu closely afflicts the 3rd/7th/9th/11th MEPs - in addition to the above things, this could cause [separations and Miseries] in regards to [Relationships and Marriage/Income]. Rahu and Ketu's Dispositors, Saturn and Sun are weak which do not help their Malice - however, they are Exalted in the Navamsa. *** Current Dasa-Bhukti - Venus-Rahu is in operation - there may be issues regarding 5th House Matters, as you are running the Dasa of the 5th Lord and the Bhukti of the FM which afflicts the 5th MEP. 9th and 5th matters may be unsettled, as well as 1st and 3rd matters. *** Current Transits - Transit Jupiter is badly placed in the 12th House (although this is good for Foreign Residence!), and aspects Natal Mars Transit Saturn is also badly placed in the 12th House, but not giving/receiving any significant aspects in the Chart. Both the above Transits of the Lord of Father and the Karaka for Father in the 12th House are happening in the Sub-Period of Rahu, which afflicts the Sun and the 9th MEP - if applicable, care of Father should be taken. Transit Rahu and Transit Ketu are just clearing from your 1st/7th MEPs - Penny Farrow wrote an excellent article in the IIPA Journal on why Geminis would be one of the most seriously afflicted Ascendants this Year/last Year.- see They were also afflicting all the other odd-numbered Houses. Transit Rahu was also afflicting Natal Sun, but that is more or less finished now - this could have been causing problems for your [successes/Younger Siblings] as well as for [Father] possibly. It was also afflicting Natal Rahu - that too is over. It is still afflicting Natal Mercury, causing [Disruptions] to [Home/Mother] - this will be over by Late-March 2001. Transit Ketu was afflicting Natal Ketu - that is virtually over as I write! One point - as you are in Venus-Rahu, be cautious for a very short period between Mid-September to Late-September 2001 - Transit Rahu will be making an Exact 9th-aspect within 1 Degree to Natal Venus. 5th House matters may have noticeable problems then. A short duration though, so don't worry about it. Around Mid-April 2001 to Mid-October 2001, Transit Ketu will afflict Natal Saturn - so the best time for preventive remedies is now. *** Remedies - Strengthen [Moon/Sun/Jupiter/Saturn/Mars], and propitiate [Rahu and Ketu]. You can wear the appropriate Stones ( see ) or a Kavach - for Career Stability, perhaps a Pearl is required for Moon. Professor Choudhry would be able to recommend the exact Remedies. Very best - Sateesh. ======== Karan - Vedic Astrology Nov 11,1969 Time: 9:30PM Zone: 5:30 DST: 0 Delhi, India Longitude: 77E13 Latitude: 28N40 Lahiri Ayanamsa: 23:26 365.25 Day Year Current Period: Ve/Ra/Ma As 25:38 Ge Punarvasu Ju Su 25:39 Li Vishakha Ju Mo 18:53 Sc Jyeshtha Me Ma 11:32 Cp Shravana Mo Me 22:54 Li Vishakha Ju Ju 29:58 Vi Chitra Ma Ve 07:47 Li Swati Ra SaR 10:57 Ar Aswini Ke Ra 25:49 Aq P.Bhadra Ju Ke 25:49 Le P.Phalguni Ve Vimshottari Dashas ================== Me Nov-11-1969 Ke Jan-15-1984 Ve Jan-14-1991 Su Jan-14-2011 Mo Jan-14-2017 Ma Jan-14-2027 Ra Jan-14-2034 Ju Jan-15-2052 Sa Jan-15-2068 Rashi Chart ******************************************************* ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 * * 2 * * * * * * * * *KE 25:49 5 * AS 25:38 * 1 SAR10:57* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s * * * 3 * * * ** * * ** * JU 29:58 6 * 12 * ** * * ** * * * 9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *VE 07:47 * * * * * *ME 22:54 7 * * 11RA 25:49* *SU 25:39 * * * * * * * 8 * * 10 * * * * MO 18:53 * * MA 11:32 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ******************************************************* Navamsa Chart ******************************************************* ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MA * * * * 3 * * ME * * * * * * * * * SAR 4 * AS * 12 * * * * SU * * * * * * RA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 * * * ** * * ** * 5 * 11 * ** * * ** * * * 8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KE * * * * JU 6 * * 10 * * * * * * * * * 7 * * 9 * * * * * * MO * * * * * * VE * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ******************************************************* System's Approach Analysis ========================== Sun: Good Placement, Debilated in Rashi, in oldage 13%, Conjunct house 5 MEP 99% Conjunct functional benefic(s): Me 44%, Aspected by functional malefic(s): Ra 96%, Moon: Bad Placement, Debilated in Rashi, Mars: Bad Placement, Aspected by functional benefic(s): Sa 88%, Mercury: Good Placement, Combust, Conjunct house 5 MEP 45% Conjunct functional benefic(s): Su 44%, Aspected by functional malefic(s): Jupiter: Good Placement, in oldage 99%, Conjunct house 4 MEP 13% Venus: Good Placement, own sign, Aspected by functional benefic(s): Sa 36%, Saturn: Good Placement, Debilated in Rashi, weak dispositor, Aspected by functional benefic(s): Ma 88%, Ve 36%, Rahu: Afflicts houses 9 1 5 MEP 96% Ketu: Afflicts houses 3 7 11 MEP 96% Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis ======================== Me/Ke Nov 11,1969 Me/Ve Jun 9,1970 Me/Su Apr 9,1973 Me/Mo Feb 14,1974 Me/Ma Jul 16,1975 Me/Ra Jul 12,1976 Me/Ju Jan 30,1979 Me/Sa May 6,1981 Ke/Ke Jan 15,1984 Ke/Ve Jun 12,1984 Ke/Su Aug 12,1985 Ke/Mo Dec 18,1985 Ke/Ma Jul 19,1986 Ke/Ra Dec 15,1986 Ke/Ju Jan 2,1988 Ke/Sa Dec 8,1988 Ke/Me Jan 17,1990 Ve/Ve Jan 14,1991 Ve/Su May 16,1994 Ve/Mo May 16,1995 Ve/Ma Jan 14,1997 Ve/Ra Mar 16,1998 Ve/Ju Mar 16,2001 Ve/Sa Nov 15,2003 Ve/Me Jan 14,2007 Ve/Ke Nov 14,2009 Su/Su Jan 14,2011 Su/Mo May 4,2011 Su/Ma Nov 3,2011 Su/Ra Mar 9,2012 Su/Ju Feb 1,2013 Su/Sa Nov 20,2013 Su/Me Nov 2,2014 Su/Ke Sep 9,2015 Su/Ve Jan 15,2016 Mo/Mo Jan 14,2017 Mo/Ma Nov 14,2017 Mo/Ra Jun 15,2018 Mo/Ju Dec 15,2019 Mo/Sa Apr 15,2021 Mo/Me Nov 15,2022 Mo/Ke Apr 15,2024 Mo/Ve Nov 14,2024 Mo/Su Jul 16,2026 Ma/Ma Jan 14,2027 Ma/Ra Jun 13,2027 Ma/Ju Jun 30,2028 Ma/Sa Jun 6,2029 Ma/Me Jul 16,2030 Ma/Ke Jul 13,2031 Ma/Ve Dec 9,2031 Ma/Su Feb 7,2033 Ma/Mo Jun 15,2033 Ra/Ra Jan 14,2034 Ra/Ju Sep 26,2036 Ra/Sa Feb 20,2039 Ra/Me Dec 27,2041 Ra/Ke Jul 15,2044 Ra/Ve Aug 3,2045 Ra/Su Aug 3,2048 Ra/Mo Jun 27,2049 Ra/Ma Dec 27,2050 Ju/Ju Jan 15,2052 Ju/Sa Mar 4,2054 Ju/Me Sep 14,2056 Ju/Ke Dec 21,2058 Ju/Ve Nov 27,2059 Ju/Su Jul 28,2062 Ju/Mo May 16,2063 Ju/Ma Sep 14,2064 Ju/Ra Aug 21,2065 Sa/Sa Jan 15,2068 Sa/Me Jan 17,2071 Sa/Ke Sep 27,2073 Sa/Ve Nov 5,2074 Sa/Su Jan 5,2078 Sa/Mo Dec 18,2078 Sa/Ma Jul 18,2080 Sa/Ra Aug 27,2081 Sa/Ju Jul 3,2084 ======== - <karan <Vedic Astrology> 21 February 2001 20:22 [Vedic Astrology] DEAR SATEESHJI & LIST : Dear Sateeshji! : : I saw one of your posting where you gave very logic explanaions for : someone's wife's chart. : : Can you please help me understand my chart: : : My Data is: 11/11/1969 : Time : 21:30 at Delhi, India : : I am a new student of VA and was trying to read my own chart. I am : wondering if I should consider a change in my career. Some people : have predicted that my horoscope indicate two marriages. They also : indicated both of the marriages will have problems? (Yes, of course : if 2 marriages then obv. problem in the 1st one :-) : Which house do you see for that? I also was curious about my foreign : land stay. Will I settle or is it temporary. : What should I do to improve my profession/career? : : I would appreciate your comments. : : Thanks : : Karan --\ ----------------- 21st century air travel Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Karan - Vedic Astrology.txt [not stored] Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Karan - Vedic Astrology.jjy [not stored] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 22, 2001 Report Share Posted February 22, 2001 Dear Sateeshji, Thank You so much for your time. I am impressed. First let me tell you about some points you told me and the few questions: 1.Your analysis about older siblings is true. I have three , two brothers and one sister and I am the youngest. 2. Both of my olderbrothers help my father.(I still don't do as much as I want to :-( 3. I have weak eye sight the same is true for my father. 4. Financial/Career instability is very true. I Am not being able to finish my Ph.D. due to financial instability. Questions: 1. when you say High Life, Do you mean luxurious or spiritual? 2. 10th House significations-Career/Rise in Life/Male Children, since Jup. affects the MEP and also the 12th MEP. You have mentioned "this may delay some of the Significations of the 7th House " is it same for 10th and 12th significations? 3. "FM Ketu closely afflicts the 3rd/7th/9th/11th MEPs - in addition to the above things, this could cause [separations and Miseries] in regards to [Relationships and Marriage/Income]" based on this can someone say that break in marriage is possible(It's not that I want it but I am learning myself, hope you understand).4."Transit Saturn is also badly placed in the 12th House, but not giving/receiving any significant aspects in the Chart" DOESEN'T IT ASPECTS NATAL MOON? (7TH FROM TRANSIT SATURN) AND WHAT ABOUT TRANSIT JUPITER'S ASPECT ON NATAL MOON? (SHOULDN'T BOTH THESE ASPECTS GOOD FOR MOON?) 5 "Both the above Transits of the Lord of Father and the Karaka for Father in the 12th House are happening in the Sub-Period of Rahu, which afflicts the Sun and the 9th MEP - if applicable, care of Father should be taken." YOU MENTIONED HAPPENING IN SUB PERIOD OF RAHU---JUST CLARIFYING FOR SELF, THIS PERIOD IS OVER IN MID MARCH, RIGHT? IN WHICH OTHER PLANET'S SUB-PERIOD SHOULD WE PAY ATTENTION? WAHT ABOUT JUPITER/SATURNS OWN SUB PERIODS? (THEY SHOULD NOT CREATE ANY PROBLEM BEING FB? RIGHT?) 6. "Transit Rahu was also afflicting Natal Sun, but that is more or less finished now - this could have been causing problems for your [successes/Younger Siblings] as well as for [Father] possibly. It was also afflicting Natal Rahu - that too is over. It is still afflicting Natal Mercury, causing [Disruptions] to [Home/Mother] - this will be over by Late-March 2001." CAN YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW COME IT IS STILL AFFLICTING NATAL MERCURY? (Is there a way in junior jyotish that I can calculate these transits and see their exact positions in a chart form also?) 7. "One point - as you are in Venus-Rahu, be cautious for a very short period between Mid-September to Late-September 2001 - Transit Rahu will be making an Exact 9th-aspect within 1 Degree to Natal Venus." TRANSIT RAHU, I UNDERSTAND BUT WOUDN'T MY VEN/RAH BE OVER IN MID MARCH? PLEASE CLARIFY?8. "Around Mid-April 2001 to Mid-October 2001, Transit Ketu will afflict Natal Saturn - so the best time for preventive remedies is now". JUST FOR MY KNOWLEDGE-WHICH HOUSE TRANSIT KETU WILL BE IN(HOW TO CALCULATE THAT?) DEAR SATEESHJI, I UNDERSTAND YOUR TIME MAY BE LIMITED AS YOU MAY BE DOING OTHER CASES ALSO SO PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME FOR THESE. I ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU AND ALL THE BEST! HARI BOL ! KARAN .. - Batas, Sateesh K Vedic Astrology Cc: Satva Thursday, February 22, 2001 1:26 PM Re: [Vedic Astrology] DEAR SATEESHJI & LIST Dear Karan,I'm cc-ing in the Satva List as I use S.A., and I see Sally has already posted some responses on your Chart there.***Your only Functional Malefics (FMs) are Rahu and Ketu.Significator for Self is the Sun, as the 1st House contains a Non-MT Sign - Sun here is also FB 3rd Lord of [initiatives/Success/Younger Siblings/Communications/Writing] - it is placed on the 5th MEP of [Children/Emotional Peace/Higher Learning/Speculations/Romance].Sun is well placed, as it is on the beneficial 5th MEP, and also 7th-aspects the 11th MEP of [income/Gains/Older Siblings/Happiness from friends] - since it is a Male Planet, and is the 3rd Lord and influences the MEP of the 11th House, it may indicate Older/Younger Brothers.However, Sun is in Debility and in Slight old age - on top of this, it receives an almost 100% 9th-aspect from FM Rahu. This all may deny 3rd House matters, and may cause some problems to [self/Father] - weak eyesight, perhaps.The conjunction with the Strong 4th Lord (Mercury) may indicate a closeness to Mother.The desire to Learn and achieve success through your own efforts may be there, as Sun is 3rd Lord on 5th MEP. Mother may also contribute to this.***FB 2nd Lord of [Wealth/Family/Status], and your Main Career Lord (as the 10th House is Non-MT) is Moon - it is badly placed in the 6th House of [Disputes/illness/Debts/Litigations/Enemies] and is Debilitated.This may cause Mother and Family some problems, but I have heard in Classical Astrology Moon in 6th can make a Doctor (I understand you are in a Medical Field). The weakness of the Karaka for [Emotions], which is fluctuating Moon may lead to some unsettled feelings, and possibly may give weak Eyesight (2nd Lord) - in addition, some Feminine problems could be there as Moon rules these and is Debilitated in the House of [illnesses].***FB 4th Lord of [Mother/Vehicles/Landed Properties/Fixed Assets/Basic Education/Marital and Domestic Happiness] is Mercury - it is very Strong and well placed on the 5th MEP, and aspects the 11th MEP.This combination of the 4th Lord in the 5th leads one to Higher Education after Basic, and augurs well for Happiness from [Mother] and [Children] - Marital Happiness is also seen here. I personally wouldn't predict 2 Marriages or multiple Marriages for someone, but this certainly reduces the possibility of the 1st Marriage breaking up :-) . This combination could also give Romantic inclinations.***FB 5th Lord of [Children/Emotional Peace/Higher Learning/Speculations/Romance] is Venus - it is very well placed in its own MT Sign - this is excellent, and would indicate I guess Female Children (as Venus is a Female Planet). This combination of 5th Lord strong in 5th House would heighten all 5th Matters - enjoy!As Venus is a Pleasure-seeking Planet, and the 5th House represents [Entertainments] you may enjoy the High Life. You could do well in Speculative fields.***FB 7th Lord of [spouse/Business Partnerships/Foreign travel/Relationships] is Jupiter - it is well placed on the 4th MEP, and aspects the 8th MEP of [Longevity/Marital Tie/Sudden Gains/Inheritance], the 10th MEP of [Career/Rise in Life/Male Children] and the 12th MEP of [Foreign Residence/Bed Comforts/Spirituality]. However, it is in Extreme old age - this may delay some of the Significations of the 7th House - as Jupiter is also Karaka for [Husband] as well as your Main Marriage Lord, strengthening it is important so as not to delay matters.Foreign Stay is definitely possible, as the 7th Lord influences the 12th MEP - again, strengthening of Jupiter will help make this more stable.***FB 9th Lord of [Father/Fortune/Short trips/Guru] is Saturn - it is well placed in the 11th House, but is Debilitated and has a weak Dispositor (Mars). It does receive the positive "mutual" aspects from Venus and from its Dispositor, Mars which both help a little - perhaps [Older Siblings] help [Father].There may be some weakness to Father. General fortune in Life may be affected due to Saturn's weakness.***FB 11th Lord of [income/Gains/Older Siblings/Happiness from friends] is Mars - it is Exalted in the Rasi and in its Own MT Sign (Aries) in Navamsa - this is excellent, but its bad placement in the 8th House of [Obstructions/Humiliations/Accidents] does not bode well for Older Siblings - perhaps there are Older Brothers as Sun also influences the 11th MEP.The bad placement of Mars may cause setbacks in regards to [income] - the 10th-aspect of Saturn may mean your [Father] could help with your [Gains], or he helps [Older Siblings].***FM Rahu closely afflicts the 9th/1st/3rd/5th MEPs - this could cause [Disputes and Manipulations] in regards to [Father/Self-Reputation/Success and Younger Siblings/Children and Higher Learning]. However, as Rahu rules [Foreign things], its influence on the 9th MEP of [short trips] and on the Sun could lead to frequent travel.Note - Rahu can still damage the 1st and 5th MEPs, as their Rulers (Mercury and Venus) are Strong, but Rahu is within 1 Degree of the MEP.FM Ketu closely afflicts the 3rd/7th/9th/11th MEPs - in addition to the above things, this could cause [separations and Miseries] in regards to [Relationships and Marriage/Income].Rahu and Ketu's Dispositors, Saturn and Sun are weak which do not help their Malice - however, they are Exalted in the Navamsa.***Current Dasa-Bhukti - Venus-Rahu is in operation - there may be issues regarding 5th House Matters, as you are running the Dasa of the 5th Lord and the Bhukti of the FM which afflicts the 5th MEP. 9th and 5th matters may be unsettled, as well as 1st and 3rd matters.***Current Transits - Transit Jupiter is badly placed in the 12th House (although this is good for Foreign Residence!), and aspects Natal MarsTransit Saturn is also badly placed in the 12th House, but not giving/receiving any significant aspects in the Chart.Both the above Transits of the Lord of Father and the Karaka for Father in the 12th House are happening in the Sub-Period of Rahu, which afflicts the Sun and the 9th MEP - if applicable, care of Father should be taken.Transit Rahu and Transit Ketu are just clearing from your 1st/7th MEPs - Penny Farrow wrote an excellent article in the IIPA Journal on why Geminis would be one of the most seriously afflicted Ascendants this Year/last Year.- see They were also afflicting all the other odd-numbered Houses.Transit Rahu was also afflicting Natal Sun, but that is more or less finished now - this could have been causing problems for your [successes/Younger Siblings] as well as for [Father] possibly. It was also afflicting Natal Rahu - that too is over. It is still afflicting Natal Mercury, causing [Disruptions] to [Home/Mother] - this will be over by Late-March 2001.Transit Ketu was afflicting Natal Ketu - that is virtually over as I write!One point - as you are in Venus-Rahu, be cautious for a very short period between Mid-September to Late-September 2001 - Transit Rahu will be making an Exact 9th-aspect within 1 Degree to Natal Venus. 5th House matters may have noticeable problems then. A short duration though, so don't worry about it. Around Mid-April 2001 to Mid-October 2001, Transit Ketu will afflict Natal Saturn - so the best time for preventive remedies is now.***Remedies - Strengthen [Moon/Sun/Jupiter/Saturn/Mars], and propitiate [Rahu and Ketu]. You can wear the appropriate Stones ( see ) or a Kavach - for Career Stability, perhaps a Pearl is required for Moon. would be able to recommend the exact Remedies.Very best - Sateesh.========Karan - Vedic AstrologyNov 11,1969Time: 9:30PM Zone: 5:30 DST: 0Delhi, IndiaLongitude: 77E13 Latitude: 28N40Lahiri Ayanamsa: 23:26 365.25 Day YearCurrent Period: Ve/Ra/MaAs 25:38 Ge Punarvasu JuSu 25:39 Li Vishakha JuMo 18:53 Sc Jyeshtha MeMa 11:32 Cp Shravana MoMe 22:54 Li Vishakha JuJu 29:58 Vi Chitra MaVe 07:47 Li Swati RaSaR 10:57 Ar Aswini KeRa 25:49 Aq P.Bhadra JuKe 25:49 Le P.Phalguni VeVimshottari Dashas==================Me Nov-11-1969Ke Jan-15-1984Ve Jan-14-1991Su Jan-14-2011Mo Jan-14-2017Ma Jan-14-2027Ra Jan-14-2034Ju Jan-15-2052Sa Jan-15-2068Rashi Chart******************************************************* ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 * * 2 * * * * * * * * *KE 25:49 5 * AS 25:38 * 1 SAR10:57* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s* * * 3 * * * ** * * ** * JU 29:58 6 * 12 * ** * * ** * * * 9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *VE 07:47 * * * * * *ME 22:54 7 * * 11RA 25:49* *SU 25:39 * * * * * * * 8 * * 10 * * * * MO 18:53 * * MA 11:32 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ******************************************************* Navamsa Chart******************************************************* ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MA * * * * 3 * * ME * * * * * * * * * SAR 4 * AS * 12 * * * * SU * * * * * * RA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 * * * ** * * ** * 5 * 11 * ** * * ** * * * 8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KE * * * * JU 6 * * 10 * * * * * * * * * 7 * * 9 * * * * * * MO * * * * * * VE * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ******************************************************* System's Approach Analysis==========================Sun: Good Placement, Debilated in Rashi, in oldage 13%, Conjunct house 5 MEP 99% Conjunct functional benefic(s): Me 44%, Aspected by functional malefic(s): Ra 96%, Moon: Bad Placement, Debilated in Rashi, Mars: Bad Placement, Aspected by functional benefic(s): Sa 88%, Mercury: Good Placement, Combust, Conjunct house 5 MEP 45% Conjunct functional benefic(s): Su 44%, Aspected by functional malefic(s): Jupiter: Good Placement, in oldage 99%, Conjunct house 4 MEP 13% Venus: Good Placement, own sign, Aspected by functional benefic(s): Sa 36%, Saturn: Good Placement, Debilated in Rashi, weak dispositor, Aspected by functional benefic(s): Ma 88%, Ve 36%, Rahu: Afflicts houses 9 1 5 MEP 96%Ketu: Afflicts houses 3 7 11 MEP 96%Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis========================Me/Ke Nov 11,1969Me/Ve Jun 9,1970Me/Su Apr 9,1973Me/Mo Feb 14,1974Me/Ma Jul 16,1975Me/Ra Jul 12,1976Me/Ju Jan 30,1979Me/Sa May 6,1981Ke/Ke Jan 15,1984Ke/Ve Jun 12,1984Ke/Su Aug 12,1985Ke/Mo Dec 18,1985Ke/Ma Jul 19,1986Ke/Ra Dec 15,1986Ke/Ju Jan 2,1988Ke/Sa Dec 8,1988Ke/Me Jan 17,1990Ve/Ve Jan 14,1991Ve/Su May 16,1994Ve/Mo May 16,1995Ve/Ma Jan 14,1997Ve/Ra Mar 16,1998Ve/Ju Mar 16,2001Ve/Sa Nov 15,2003Ve/Me Jan 14,2007Ve/Ke Nov 14,2009Su/Su Jan 14,2011Su/Mo May 4,2011Su/Ma Nov 3,2011Su/Ra Mar 9,2012Su/Ju Feb 1,2013Su/Sa Nov 20,2013Su/Me Nov 2,2014Su/Ke Sep 9,2015Su/Ve Jan 15,2016Mo/Mo Jan 14,2017Mo/Ma Nov 14,2017Mo/Ra Jun 15,2018Mo/Ju Dec 15,2019Mo/Sa Apr 15,2021Mo/Me Nov 15,2022Mo/Ke Apr 15,2024Mo/Ve Nov 14,2024Mo/Su Jul 16,2026Ma/Ma Jan 14,2027Ma/Ra Jun 13,2027Ma/Ju Jun 30,2028Ma/Sa Jun 6,2029Ma/Me Jul 16,2030Ma/Ke Jul 13,2031Ma/Ve Dec 9,2031Ma/Su Feb 7,2033Ma/Mo Jun 15,2033Ra/Ra Jan 14,2034Ra/Ju Sep 26,2036Ra/Sa Feb 20,2039Ra/Me Dec 27,2041Ra/Ke Jul 15,2044Ra/Ve Aug 3,2045Ra/Su Aug 3,2048Ra/Mo Jun 27,2049Ra/Ma Dec 27,2050Ju/Ju Jan 15,2052Ju/Sa Mar 4,2054Ju/Me Sep 14,2056Ju/Ke Dec 21,2058Ju/Ve Nov 27,2059Ju/Su Jul 28,2062Ju/Mo May 16,2063Ju/Ma Sep 14,2064Ju/Ra Aug 21,2065Sa/Sa Jan 15,2068Sa/Me Jan 17,2071Sa/Ke Sep 27,2073Sa/Ve Nov 5,2074Sa/Su Jan 5,2078Sa/Mo Dec 18,2078Sa/Ma Jul 18,2080Sa/Ra Aug 27,2081Sa/Ju Jul 3,2084========----- Original Message -----<karan (AT) chaltechalte (DOT) net><Vedic Astrology>21 February 2001 20:22[Vedic Astrology] DEAR SATEESHJI & LIST: Dear Sateeshji!:: I saw one of your posting where you gave very logic explanaions for: someone's wife's chart.:: Can you please help me understand my chart::: My Data is: 11/11/1969: Time : 21:30 at Delhi, India:: I am a new student of VA and was trying to read my own chart. I am: wondering if I should consider a change in my career. Some people: have predicted that my horoscope indicate two marriages. They also: indicated both of the marriages will have problems? (Yes, of course: if 2 marriages then obv. problem in the 1st one :-): Which house do you see for that? I also was curious about my foreign: land stay. Will I settle or is it temporary.: What should I do to improve my profession/career?:: I would appreciate your comments.:: Thanks:: Karan-------------------21st century air travel http://www.britishairways.comJoin Vedic Astrology Chat Room Free!http://www.sonipat.comTo from this group, send an email to:Vedic Astrology-OM TAT SATYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 22, 2001 Report Share Posted February 22, 2001 Dear Karan, My answers are in ** **. - "Karan" <karan "Batas, Sateesh K" <Sateesh.K.Batas Cc: <Vedic Astrology> 23 February 2001 05:04 Re: [Vedic Astrology] DEAR SATEESHJI & LIST Dear Sateeshji, Thank You so much for your time. I am impressed. First let me tell you about some points you told me and the few questions: 1.Your analysis about older siblings is true. I have three , two brothers and one sister and I am the youngest. 2. Both of my olderbrothers help my father.(I still don't do as much as I want to :-( 3. I have weak eye sight the same is true for my father. 4. Financial/Career instability is very true. I Am not being able to finish my Ph.D. due to financial instability. ** Great - thanks for the feedback. ** Questions: 1. when you say High Life, Do you mean luxurious or spiritual? ** I meant Luxury-seeking - Spiritual is also possible too, although I would be more inclined to put that among the 12th and 9th Houses/Lords - hence Luxurious was my first choice. ** 2. 10th House significations-Career/Rise in Life/Male Children, since Jup. affects the MEP and also the 12th MEP. You have mentioned "this may delay some of the Significations of the 7th House " is it same for 10th and 12th significations? ** Not necessarily - Jupiter is on Old Age, and its MT Sign is in the 7th House - so it is the Significations of the 7th House only that would be noticeably delayed - for 10th Matters, I move to 2nd [status] as there is no MT Sign in the 10th - similarly, Jupiter is not responsible for the 12th House, just casts a FB aspect on its MEP. ** 3. "FM Ketu closely afflicts the 3rd/7th/9th/11th MEPs - in addition to the above things, this could cause [separations and Miseries] in regards to [Relationships and Marriage/Income]" based on this can someone say that break in marriage is possible(It's not that I want it but I am learning myself, hope you understand). ** That is one possibility, but should not be taken as will happen - the Strength of the 4th Lord may offset this factor. ** 4."Transit Saturn is also badly placed in the 12th House, but not giving/receiving any significant aspects in the Chart" DOESEN'T IT ASPECTS NATAL MOON? (7TH FROM TRANSIT SATURN) AND WHAT ABOUT TRANSIT JUPITER'S ASPECT ON NATAL MOON? (SHOULDN'T BOTH THESE ASPECTS GOOD FOR MOON?) ** They aren't within the 5-Degree Orb of influence yet - when they are, the effects will be good for all 3 Planets as all are FBs - however, all 3 will still be in Dushthanas and therefore somewhat weak. ** 5 "Both the above Transits of the Lord of Father and the Karaka for Father in the 12th House are happening in the Sub-Period of Rahu, which afflicts the Sun and the 9th MEP - if applicable, care of Father should be taken." YOU MENTIONED HAPPENING IN SUB PERIOD OF RAHU---JUST CLARIFYING FOR SELF, THIS PERIOD IS OVER IN MID MARCH, RIGHT? IN WHICH OTHER PLANET'S SUB-PERIOD SHOULD WE PAY ATTENTION? WAHT ABOUT JUPITER/SATURNS OWN SUB PERIODS? (THEY SHOULD NOT CREATE ANY PROBLEM BEING FB? RIGHT?) ** Yes, the Sub-Period will be over in March - the Sub-Periods of the [9th Lord, 4th Lord, Sun or Jupiter] can all have implications for Father - even if these Planets are all FBs, during their Sub-Period if any Natal or Transit FM afflicts their Natal or Transit position or the MEP of the Signs ruled by them, it can cause Problems for Father. ** 6. "Transit Rahu was also afflicting Natal Sun, but that is more or less finished now - this could have been causing problems for your [successes/Younger Siblings] as well as for [Father] possibly. It was also afflicting Natal Rahu - that too is over. It is still afflicting Natal Mercury, causing [Disruptions] to [Home/Mother] - this will be over by Late-March 2001." CAN YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW COME IT IS STILL AFFLICTING NATAL MERCURY? (Is there a way in junior jyotish that I can calculate these transits and see their exact positions in a chart form also?) ** TR Rahu is at around 20 Degrees (go to VIEW, EPHEMERIS and enter a Start Date) - Natal Mercury is at 22 Degrees - so Transit Rahu will be afflicting Natal Mercury until TR Rahu passes beyond the 5 Degree Orb, i.e. 17 Degrees.** ** Go to VIEW, SA TRANSITS and select a Date - JJ gives [Transit to Natal] - you need to look out for [Transit to Transit] and [Natal to Transit] yourself. ** 7. "One point - as you are in Venus-Rahu, be cautious for a very short period between Mid-September to Late-September 2001 - Transit Rahu will be making an Exact 9th-aspect within 1 Degree to Natal Venus." TRANSIT RAHU, I UNDERSTAND BUT WOUDN'T MY VEN/RAH BE OVER IN MID MARCH? PLEASE CLARIFY? ** Whoops - you are right :-) - you will then be in the Sub-Period of Jupiter, which will from March to Late-May 2001 still be in the 12th House in Transit. However, then Jupiter will pass in to your 1st House, which will be very good during its Sub-Period. Also, note that the [Transit Bhukti Lord] will be 5th-aspecting the [Natal Dasa Lord] for a while in June 2001 - this will be excellent for Marriage, 7th and 5th Matters. ** ** One other point - right now Transit Venus is in Exaltation in Pisces for a long while until around the End of May 2001- this will heighten 5th Matters for you, and as it is happening in the 10th House, this should assist you in [Career/5th Matters]. I am sure whatever you are being led to will be for the best. ** 8. "Around Mid-April 2001 to Mid-October 2001, Transit Ketu will afflict Natal Saturn - so the best time for preventive remedies is now". JUST FOR MY KNOWLEDGE-WHICH HOUSE TRANSIT KETU WILL BE IN(HOW TO CALCULATE THAT?) ** If you use the VIEW, EPHEMERIS feature, you can see which Sign TR Rahu will be in - just take the Sign opposite that for TR Ketu - and work out the House from that - e.g. if Rahu will be in Gemini, then Ketu will be in Sagittarius - which is your 7th House. ** Very best - Sateesh. ======== - Batas, Sateesh K Vedic Astrology Cc: Satva Thursday, February 22, 2001 1:26 PM Re: [Vedic Astrology] DEAR SATEESHJI & LIST Dear Karan, I'm cc-ing in the Satva List as I use S.A., and I see Sally has already posted some responses on your Chart there. *** Your only Functional Malefics (FMs) are Rahu and Ketu. Significator for Self is the Sun, as the 1st House contains a Non-MT Sign - Sun here is also FB 3rd Lord of [initiatives/Success/Younger Siblings/Communications/Writing] - it is placed on the 5th MEP of [Children/Emotional Peace/Higher Learning/Speculations/Romance]. Sun is well placed, as it is on the beneficial 5th MEP, and also 7th-aspects the 11th MEP of [income/Gains/Older Siblings/Happiness from friends] - since it is a Male Planet, and is the 3rd Lord and influences the MEP of the 11th House, it may indicate Older/Younger Brothers. However, Sun is in Debility and in Slight old age - on top of this, it receives an almost 100% 9th-aspect from FM Rahu. This all may deny 3rd House matters, and may cause some problems to [self/Father] - weak eyesight, perhaps. The conjunction with the Strong 4th Lord (Mercury) may indicate a closeness to Mother. The desire to Learn and achieve success through your own efforts may be there, as Sun is 3rd Lord on 5th MEP. Mother may also contribute to this. *** FB 2nd Lord of [Wealth/Family/Status], and your Main Career Lord (as the 10th House is Non-MT) is Moon - it is badly placed in the 6th House of [Disputes/illness/Debts/Litigations/Enemies] and is Debilitated. This may cause Mother and Family some problems, but I have heard in Classical Astrology Moon in 6th can make a Doctor (I understand you are in a Medical Field). The weakness of the Karaka for [Emotions], which is fluctuating Moon may lead to some unsettled feelings, and possibly may give weak Eyesight (2nd Lord) - in addition, some Feminine problems could be there as Moon rules these and is Debilitated in the House of [illnesses]. *** FB 4th Lord of [Mother/Vehicles/Landed Properties/Fixed Assets/Basic Education/Marital and Domestic Happiness] is Mercury - it is very Strong and well placed on the 5th MEP, and aspects the 11th MEP. This combination of the 4th Lord in the 5th leads one to Higher Education after Basic, and augurs well for Happiness from [Mother] and [Children] - Marital Happiness is also seen here. I personally wouldn't predict 2 Marriages or multiple Marriages for someone, but this certainly reduces the possibility of the 1st Marriage breaking up :-) . This combination could also give Romantic inclinations. *** FB 5th Lord of [Children/Emotional Peace/Higher Learning/Speculations/Romance] is Venus - it is very well placed in its own MT Sign - this is excellent, and would indicate I guess Female Children (as Venus is a Female Planet). This combination of 5th Lord strong in 5th House would heighten all 5th Matters - enjoy! As Venus is a Pleasure-seeking Planet, and the 5th House represents [Entertainments] you may enjoy the High Life. You could do well in Speculative fields. *** FB 7th Lord of [spouse/Business Partnerships/Foreign travel/Relationships] is Jupiter - it is well placed on the 4th MEP, and aspects the 8th MEP of [Longevity/Marital Tie/Sudden Gains/Inheritance], the 10th MEP of [Career/Rise in Life/Male Children] and the 12th MEP of [Foreign Residence/Bed Comforts/Spirituality]. However, it is in Extreme old age - this may delay some of the Significations of the 7th House - as Jupiter is also Karaka for [Husband] as well as your Main Marriage Lord, strengthening it is important so as not to delay matters. Foreign Stay is definitely possible, as the 7th Lord influences the 12th MEP - again, strengthening of Jupiter will help make this more stable. *** FB 9th Lord of [Father/Fortune/Short trips/Guru] is Saturn - it is well placed in the 11th House, but is Debilitated and has a weak Dispositor (Mars). It does receive the positive "mutual" aspects from Venus and from its Dispositor, Mars which both help a little - perhaps [Older Siblings] help [Father]. There may be some weakness to Father. General fortune in Life may be affected due to Saturn's weakness. *** FB 11th Lord of [income/Gains/Older Siblings/Happiness from friends] is Mars - it is Exalted in the Rasi and in its Own MT Sign (Aries) in Navamsa - this is excellent, but its bad placement in the 8th House of [Obstructions/Humiliations/Accidents] does not bode well for Older Siblings - perhaps there are Older Brothers as Sun also influences the 11th MEP. The bad placement of Mars may cause setbacks in regards to [income] - the 10th-aspect of Saturn may mean your [Father] could help with your [Gains], or he helps [Older Siblings]. *** FM Rahu closely afflicts the 9th/1st/3rd/5th MEPs - this could cause [Disputes and Manipulations] in regards to [Father/Self-Reputation/Success and Younger Siblings/Children and Higher Learning]. However, as Rahu rules [Foreign things], its influence on the 9th MEP of [short trips] and on the Sun could lead to frequent travel. Note - Rahu can still damage the 1st and 5th MEPs, as their Rulers (Mercury and Venus) are Strong, but Rahu is within 1 Degree of the MEP. FM Ketu closely afflicts the 3rd/7th/9th/11th MEPs - in addition to the above things, this could cause [separations and Miseries] in regards to [Relationships and Marriage/Income]. Rahu and Ketu's Dispositors, Saturn and Sun are weak which do not help their Malice - however, they are Exalted in the Navamsa. *** Current Dasa-Bhukti - Venus-Rahu is in operation - there may be issues regarding 5th House Matters, as you are running the Dasa of the 5th Lord and the Bhukti of the FM which afflicts the 5th MEP. 9th and 5th matters may be unsettled, as well as 1st and 3rd matters. *** Current Transits - Transit Jupiter is badly placed in the 12th House (although this is good for Foreign Residence!), and aspects Natal Mars Transit Saturn is also badly placed in the 12th House, but not giving/receiving any significant aspects in the Chart. Both the above Transits of the Lord of Father and the Karaka for Father in the 12th House are happening in the Sub-Period of Rahu, which afflicts the Sun and the 9th MEP - if applicable, care of Father should be taken. Transit Rahu and Transit Ketu are just clearing from your 1st/7th MEPs - Penny Farrow wrote an excellent article in the IIPA Journal on why Geminis would be one of the most seriously afflicted Ascendants this Year/last Year.- see They were also afflicting all the other odd-numbered Houses. Transit Rahu was also afflicting Natal Sun, but that is more or less finished now - this could have been causing problems for your [successes/Younger Siblings] as well as for [Father] possibly. It was also afflicting Natal Rahu - that too is over. It is still afflicting Natal Mercury, causing [Disruptions] to [Home/Mother] - this will be over by Late-March 2001. Transit Ketu was afflicting Natal Ketu - that is virtually over as I write! One point - as you are in Venus-Rahu, be cautious for a very short period between Mid-September to Late-September 2001 - Transit Rahu will be making an Exact 9th-aspect within 1 Degree to Natal Venus. 5th House matters may have noticeable problems then. A short duration though, so don't worry about it. Around Mid-April 2001 to Mid-October 2001, Transit Ketu will afflict Natal Saturn - so the best time for preventive remedies is now. *** Remedies - Strengthen [Moon/Sun/Jupiter/Saturn/Mars], and propitiate [Rahu and Ketu]. You can wear the appropriate Stones ( see ) or a Kavach - for Career Stability, perhaps a Pearl is required for Moon. would be able to recommend the exact Remedies. Very best - Sateesh. ======== Karan - Vedic Astrology Nov 11,1969 Time: 9:30PM Zone: 5:30 DST: 0 Delhi, India Longitude: 77E13 Latitude: 28N40 Lahiri Ayanamsa: 23:26 365.25 Day Year Current Period: Ve/Ra/Ma As 25:38 Ge Punarvasu Ju Su 25:39 Li Vishakha Ju Mo 18:53 Sc Jyeshtha Me Ma 11:32 Cp Shravana Mo Me 22:54 Li Vishakha Ju Ju 29:58 Vi Chitra Ma Ve 07:47 Li Swati Ra SaR 10:57 Ar Aswini Ke Ra 25:49 Aq P.Bhadra Ju Ke 25:49 Le P.Phalguni Ve Vimshottari Dashas ================== Me Nov-11-1969 Ke Jan-15-1984 Ve Jan-14-1991 Su Jan-14-2011 Mo Jan-14-2017 Ma Jan-14-2027 Ra Jan-14-2034 Ju Jan-15-2052 Sa Jan-15-2068 Rashi Chart ******************************************************* ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 * * 2 * * * * * * * * *KE 25:49 5 * AS 25:38 * 1 SAR10:57* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s * * * 3 * * * ** * * ** * JU 29:58 6 * 12 * ** * * ** * * * 9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *VE 07:47 * * * * * *ME 22:54 7 * * 11RA 25:49* *SU 25:39 * * * * * * * 8 * * 10 * * * * MO 18:53 * * MA 11:32 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ******************************************************* Navamsa Chart ******************************************************* ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MA * * * * 3 * * ME * * * * * * * * * SAR 4 * AS * 12 * * * * SU * * * * * * RA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 * * * ** * * ** * 5 * 11 * ** * * ** * * * 8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KE * * * * JU 6 * * 10 * * * * * * * * * 7 * * 9 * * * * * * MO * * * * * * VE * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ******************************************************* System's Approach Analysis ========================== Sun: Good Placement, Debilated in Rashi, in oldage 13%, Conjunct house 5 MEP 99% Conjunct functional benefic(s): Me 44%, Aspected by functional malefic(s): Ra 96%, Moon: Bad Placement, Debilated in Rashi, Mars: Bad Placement, Aspected by functional benefic(s): Sa 88%, Mercury: Good Placement, Combust, Conjunct house 5 MEP 45% Conjunct functional benefic(s): Su 44%, Aspected by functional malefic(s): Jupiter: Good Placement, in oldage 99%, Conjunct house 4 MEP 13% Venus: Good Placement, own sign, Aspected by functional benefic(s): Sa 36%, Saturn: Good Placement, Debilated in Rashi, weak dispositor, Aspected by functional benefic(s): Ma 88%, Ve 36%, Rahu: Afflicts houses 9 1 5 MEP 96% Ketu: Afflicts houses 3 7 11 MEP 96% Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis ======================== Me/Ke Nov 11,1969 Me/Ve Jun 9,1970 Me/Su Apr 9,1973 Me/Mo Feb 14,1974 Me/Ma Jul 16,1975 Me/Ra Jul 12,1976 Me/Ju Jan 30,1979 Me/Sa May 6,1981 Ke/Ke Jan 15,1984 Ke/Ve Jun 12,1984 Ke/Su Aug 12,1985 Ke/Mo Dec 18,1985 Ke/Ma Jul 19,1986 Ke/Ra Dec 15,1986 Ke/Ju Jan 2,1988 Ke/Sa Dec 8,1988 Ke/Me Jan 17,1990 Ve/Ve Jan 14,1991 Ve/Su May 16,1994 Ve/Mo May 16,1995 Ve/Ma Jan 14,1997 Ve/Ra Mar 16,1998 Ve/Ju Mar 16,2001 Ve/Sa Nov 15,2003 Ve/Me Jan 14,2007 Ve/Ke Nov 14,2009 Su/Su Jan 14,2011 Su/Mo May 4,2011 Su/Ma Nov 3,2011 Su/Ra Mar 9,2012 Su/Ju Feb 1,2013 Su/Sa Nov 20,2013 Su/Me Nov 2,2014 Su/Ke Sep 9,2015 Su/Ve Jan 15,2016 Mo/Mo Jan 14,2017 Mo/Ma Nov 14,2017 Mo/Ra Jun 15,2018 Mo/Ju Dec 15,2019 Mo/Sa Apr 15,2021 Mo/Me Nov 15,2022 Mo/Ke Apr 15,2024 Mo/Ve Nov 14,2024 Mo/Su Jul 16,2026 Ma/Ma Jan 14,2027 Ma/Ra Jun 13,2027 Ma/Ju Jun 30,2028 Ma/Sa Jun 6,2029 Ma/Me Jul 16,2030 Ma/Ke Jul 13,2031 Ma/Ve Dec 9,2031 Ma/Su Feb 7,2033 Ma/Mo Jun 15,2033 Ra/Ra Jan 14,2034 Ra/Ju Sep 26,2036 Ra/Sa Feb 20,2039 Ra/Me Dec 27,2041 Ra/Ke Jul 15,2044 Ra/Ve Aug 3,2045 Ra/Su Aug 3,2048 Ra/Mo Jun 27,2049 Ra/Ma Dec 27,2050 Ju/Ju Jan 15,2052 Ju/Sa Mar 4,2054 Ju/Me Sep 14,2056 Ju/Ke Dec 21,2058 Ju/Ve Nov 27,2059 Ju/Su Jul 28,2062 Ju/Mo May 16,2063 Ju/Ma Sep 14,2064 Ju/Ra Aug 21,2065 Sa/Sa Jan 15,2068 Sa/Me Jan 17,2071 Sa/Ke Sep 27,2073 Sa/Ve Nov 5,2074 Sa/Su Jan 5,2078 Sa/Mo Dec 18,2078 Sa/Ma Jul 18,2080 Sa/Ra Aug 27,2081 Sa/Ju Jul 3,2084 ======== - <karan <Vedic Astrology> 21 February 2001 20:22 [Vedic Astrology] DEAR SATEESHJI & LIST : Dear Sateeshji! : : I saw one of your posting where you gave very logic explanaions for : someone's wife's chart. : : Can you please help me understand my chart: : : My Data is: 11/11/1969 : Time : 21:30 at Delhi, India : : I am a new student of VA and was trying to read my own chart. I am : wondering if I should consider a change in my career. Some people : have predicted that my horoscope indicate two marriages. They also : indicated both of the marriages will have problems? (Yes, of course : if 2 marriages then obv. problem in the 1st one :-) : Which house do you see for that? I also was curious about my foreign : land stay. Will I settle or is it temporary. : What should I do to improve my profession/career? : : I would appreciate your comments. : : Thanks : : Karan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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