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Beginners Study 10 th house

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Hello List members,


I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career) in the following chart(my own)


Name ; Ashok Garg

Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

Time : 4:02 Am

Location : Delhi India


I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora Light".


Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall have Successful

Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th house, The native shall have

fluctuation in the career dramatically. Life would be tedious and filled with

struggle, adversity.


10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure how to judge

the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me interpret so many influences.


I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some give some more information.


In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be helped. In D-10

the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is good for Career as well.)


Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some one please help.


My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very satisfying. I

have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an Engineer and switched to

Computing in 1983 due to changed circumstances. The career has been mostly been

at the Technical level ( good money but did not result in many promotions)


About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business, so far I am

struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had success within 3 months

of start. I am planning to abandon the business and go back to job. There are

problems in this as well. My current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/ Jupiter. I expect

that Jupitor being Vargottama should not be difficult period for Career. (Also

Jupito being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should help).

I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama should have

been neutral to helpful.


Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in the current

period and what can do to help it astrologically.



Best Regards





In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/ Mooltrikona. This would

improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in the Rasi chart as it is in the 6th



NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or MoolTrikona, As

per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and Mooltrikona is "when 3deg to

30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do we interpret this)


These calculations were made using "Jagannatha Hora Lite". It is a

free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it

from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or http://www.sjvc.net.



Date of Birth: April 3, 1952

Time of Birth: 4:02:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 77 E 12

Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36

Lunar month (maasa): Chaitra

Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Navami

Tithi balance: 0.9824

Nakshatra balance: 0.5396

Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda

Sun-Moon Karana: Balava

Vara (weekday): Wednesday


Sunrise = 6:12 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 23-11-34

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 4 Aq 07 Dhanishtha 4 -

Sun 19 Pi 55 Revathi 1 PK

Moon 26 Ge 08 Punarvasu 2 AmK

Mars ® 24 Li 48 Visakha 2 BK

Mercury ® 24 Pi 16 Revathi 3 PiK

Jupiter 0 Ar 34 Aswini 1 DK

Venus 28 Aq 09 Poo.Bhaa. 3 AK

Saturn ® 18 Vi 18 Hastha 3 GK

Rahu 5 Aq 20 Dhanishtha 4 MK

Ketu 5 Le 20 Makha 2 -

BhavaLg 16 Aq 31 Satabhisham 3 -

HoraLg 14 Cp 00 Sravanam 2 -

GhatiLg 6 Li 29 Chitra 4 -

Dhooma 3 Le 15 Makha 1 -

Vyati 26 Sc 44 Jyeshtha 4 -

Pari 26 Ta 44 Mrigasira 2 -

I.Chapa 3 Aq 15 Dhanishtha 3 -

Upaketu 19 Aq 55 Satabhisham 4 -

Kaala 20 Vi 22 Hastha 4 -

Mrityu 27 Li 46 Visakha 3 -

ArthaPr 16 Sc 14 Anuradha 4 -

YamaGha 5 Sg 20 Moola 2 -

Mandi 3 Aq 53 Dhanishtha 4 -

Gulika 20 Cp 15 Sravanam 4 -




| | | | |

| Sun | | | |

| | Jup | | Moo |

| MerR | | | |

| | | | |


| Mnd Asc | | |

| | | |

| Rah | | |

| | | |

| BL Ven | | |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| HL | | |

| | | Ket |

| Glk | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | GL | |

| | | | SatR |

| | | MarR | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | | Moo Ket | SatR |

| | Jup | | |

| | | MarR HL | Ven |

| | | | |


| | | |

| BL | | |

| | | Glk |

| MerR | | |

| | | |

|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | GL Mnd | | |

| Sun | | | |

| | Asc Rah | | |

| | | | |




Vimsottari Dasa:


Jupi 1952-04-03 Venu 1952-10-02

Sun 1955-06-03 Moon 1956-03-21 Mars 1957-07-21 Rahu


Satu 1960-11-20 Merc 1963-11-24 Ketu 1966-08-03 Venu 1967-09-12 Sun


Moon 1971-10-24 Mars 1973-05-24 Rahu 1974-07-03 Jupi


Merc 1979-11-20 Ketu 1982-04-18 Venu 1983-04-15 Sun 1986-02-13 Moon


Mars 1988-05-21 Rahu 1989-05-18 Jupi 1991-12-06 Satu


Ketu 1996-11-20 Venu 1997-04-18 Sun 1998-06-18 Moon 1998-10-24 Mars


Rahu 1999-10-21 Jupi 2000-11-07 Satu 2001-10-14 Merc


Venu 2003-11-20 Sun 2007-03-22 Moon 2008-03-21 Mars 2009-11-20 Rahu


Jupi 2014-01-20 Satu 2016-09-20 Merc 2019-11-20 Ketu


Sun 2023-11-20 Moon 2024-03-09 Mars 2024-09-07 Rahu 2025-01-13 Jupi


Satu 2026-09-26 Merc 2027-09-08 Ketu 2028-07-15 Venu


Moon 2029-11-20 Mars 2030-09-20 Rahu 2031-04-21 Jupi 2032-10-20 Satu


Merc 2035-09-20 Ketu 2037-02-19 Venu 2037-09-20 Sun


Mars 2039-11-20 Rahu 2040-04-17 Jupi 2041-05-06 Satu 2042-04-12 Merc


Ketu 2044-05-18 Venu 2044-10-14 Sun 2045-12-14 Moon


Rahu 2046-11-20 Jupi 2049-08-02 Satu 2051-12-26 Merc 2054-11-01 Ketu


Venu 2058-06-08 Sun 2061-06-08 Moon 2062-05-03 Mars



Ashtottari Dasa:


Sun 1952-04-03 Satu 1952-08-14

Jupi 1953-03-05 Rahu 1954-03-26 Venu 1954-11-24

Moon 1956-01-24 Mars 1958-02-23 Merc 1959-04-05 Satu 1961-08-14 Jupi


Rahu 1965-08-24 Venu 1967-04-25 Sun 1970-03-26

Mars 1971-01-24 Merc 1971-08-28 Satu 1972-11-30 Jupi 1973-08-28 Rahu


Venu 1975-12-15 Sun 1977-07-05 Moon 1977-12-14

Merc 1979-01-24 Satu 1981-09-27 Jupi 1983-04-25 Rahu 1986-04-21 Venu


Sun 1991-07-02 Moon 1992-06-11 Mars 1994-10-21

Satu 1996-01-24 Jupi 1996-12-27 Rahu 1998-10-01 Venu 1999-11-11 Sun


Moon 2002-05-12 Mars 2003-10-01 Merc 2004-06-27

Jupi 2006-01-23 Rahu 2009-05-28 Venu 2011-07-08 Sun 2015-03-19 Moon


Mars 2018-11-27 Merc 2020-04-24 Satu 2023-04-21

Rahu 2025-01-23 Venu 2026-05-25 Sun 2028-09-23 Moon 2029-05-25 Mars


Merc 2031-12-14 Satu 2033-11-03 Jupi 2034-12-14

Venu 2037-01-23 Sun 2041-02-22 Moon 2042-04-24 Mars 2045-03-25 Merc


Satu 2050-02-02 Jupi 2052-01-13 Rahu 2055-09-24

Sun 2058-01-23 Moon 2058-05-25 Mars 2059-03-25 Merc 2059-09-03 Satu


Jupi 2061-03-04 Rahu 2062-03-25 Venu 2062-11-23


Kalachakra Dasa:


Le 1952-04-03 Cp 1952-07-16 Aq 1952-10-10 Pi 1953-01-04

Sc 1953-08-07 Li 1954-01-05 Vi 1954-12-15 Cn 1955-06-26

Ge 1956-09-20 Cp 1957-09-03 Aq 1958-02-04 Pi 1958-07-09 Sc 1959-07-31

Li 1960-04-27 Vi 1962-01-05 Cn 1962-12-19 Le 1965-03-10

Ta 1965-09-20 Ar 1968-10-20 Pi 1970-02-25 Aq 1972-01-30 Cp 1972-11-07

Sg 1973-08-16 Ar 1975-07-21 Ta 1976-11-24 Ge 1979-12-26

Ar 1981-09-20 Pi 1982-04-23 Aq 1983-02-25 Cp 1983-06-29 Sg 1983-10-30

Ar 1984-09-02 Ta 1985-04-05 Ge 1986-08-11 Ta 1987-05-16

Pi 1988-09-19 Aq 1989-12-03 Cp 1990-05-28 Sg 1990-11-20 Ar 1992-02-04

Ta 1992-12-08 Ge 1994-11-12 Ta 1995-12-13 Ar 1997-11-16

Aq 1998-09-20 Cp 1998-11-29 Sg 1999-02-08 Ar 1999-08-03 Ta 1999-12-04

Ge 2000-09-11 Ta 2001-02-16 Ar 2001-11-25 Pi 2002-03-28

Cp 2002-09-20 Sg 2002-11-29 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2003-09-24 Ge 2004-07-02

Ta 2004-12-07 Ar 2005-09-15 Pi 2006-01-16 Aq 2006-07-11

Sg 2006-09-20 Ar 2007-12-04 Ta 2008-10-07 Ge 2010-09-11 Ta 2011-10-12

Ar 2013-09-15 Pi 2014-07-20 Aq 2015-10-03 Cp 2016-03-27

Ar 2016-09-19 Ta 2017-04-23 Ge 2018-08-29 Ta 2019-06-02 Ar 2020-10-07

Pi 2021-05-10 Aq 2022-03-14 Cp 2022-07-16 Sg 2022-11-16

Ta 2023-09-20 Ge 2026-10-20 Ta 2028-07-15 Ar 2031-08-16 Pi 2032-12-20

Aq 2034-11-25 Cp 2035-09-02 Sg 2036-06-10 Ar 2038-05-15

Ge 2039-09-20 Ta 2040-09-10 Ar 2042-06-06 Pi 2043-03-10 Aq 2044-04-09

Cp 2044-09-15 Sg 2045-02-20 Ar 2046-03-23 Ta 2046-12-25

Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction):


Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

Sun 5 4 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 2 3*

Moon 4 3 4* 5 4 2 4 6 6 4 3 4

Mars 4 4 1 6 4 3 1* 3 4 5 2 2

Merc 4 5 3 6 3 5 3 6 4 4 5 6*

Jupi 5* 4 5 6 4 1 6 7 5 5 4 4

Venu 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5* 3

Satu 3 1 1 4 4 3* 2 4 5 4 5 3

Total 29 26 22 35 28 21 23 35 34 33 26 25


Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction):


Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

Sun 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0

Moon 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0

Mars 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

Merc 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0

Jupi 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 4 0 0

Venu 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

Satu 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 4 0

Total 1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 6 4 4 0


Sodya Pindas:


RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra


Sun 49 13 62 Cp Hastha

Moon 63 13 76 Cn Punarvasu

Mars 50 7 57 Pi U.Pha.

Merc 53 29 82 Cn Rohini

Jupi 94 31 125 Sc Chitra

Venu 51 12 63 Ge Jyeshtha

Satu 101 46 147 Pi U.Shaa.




| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | | Moo MarR |

| | | |

| | | HL |

| | | |

| | | BL Ven |

|-------------| H O R A |-------------|

| | | Jup Ket |

| | | SatR GL |

| | | Glk Mnd |

| | | Asc Rah |

| | | Sun MerR |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | | | MarR |

| | Jup | HL | |

| | | | BL |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Moo Mnd | | |

| | | Sun |

| Asc Rah | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 3 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| SatR | | Ket |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | GL | |

| | MerR | | Glk |

| | | Ven | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| Moo | Jup | | |

| | | | |

| SatR | HL | | |

| | | | |


| Mnd | | |

| | | MarR |

| Asc | | |

| | | Glk |

| Rah | | |

|-------------| D - 4 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | Ket |

| | | |

| | | BL |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| MerR | Ven | GL | Sun |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | Jup Ket | | |

| | | | |

| HL | Mnd | | |

| | | | |

| | Asc Rah | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| GL | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 5 |-------------|

| SatR | | |

| | | |

| Glk | | |

| | | |

| Sun | | |


| | | Moo | |

| | | | |

| BL | MerR | MarR | |

| | | | |

| | | Ven | |




| | Jup | Ket | |

| | | | |

| | Mnd | GL | |

| | | | |

| | Asc | Rah | |


| | | |

| Glk | | |

| | | BL |

| MerR | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 6 |-------------|

| | | |

| SatR | | |

| | | MarR |

| Sun | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | Moo |

| HL | | | |

| | | | Ven |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| MarR | | | |

| | Jup | BL | |

| Rah | | | |

| | | | |


| Mnd | | |

| | | |

| Asc | | SatR |

| | | |

| MerR | | |

|-------------| D - 7 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| Sun | | Ven |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | GL | | |

| Moo | | HL | Ket |

| | Glk | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | Jup | | |

| | | GL | |

| | BL | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Moo | | HL |

| | | |

| MerR | | Ven |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 8 |-------------|

| Ket Mnd | | |

| | | |

| Asc | | |

| | | |

| Rah Sun | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| SatR | | MarR | Glk |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| Glk Mnd | | | |

| | Jup | Sun | MarR |

| Asc Rah | | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | BL |

| Moo | | |

| | | MerR |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| HL | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | SatR | | |

| GL | | | Ket |

| | Ven | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | Jup | | |

| | | SatR | |

| | Ven | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | MarR Mnd |

| Glk | | |

| | | Asc Rah |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------|

| | | |

| Ket | | |

| | | |

| MerR | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| GL HL | | | |

| | Moo | | |

| BL Sun | | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| Mnd | Jup Moo | | |

| | | | HL |

| Asc | SatR Rah | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| | | MarR |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| Ven | | BL |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| GL | | Ket | |

| | | | Glk |

| MerR | | Sun | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | Jup | | |

| | | MarR | |

| | BL | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| Glk | | GL |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| Moo | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | Ket Mnd | |

| | HL | | |

| MerR | | Asc | SatR |

| | Ven | | |

| | | Rah Sun | |




| | | | |

| Ket | | | |

| | Jup | Glk | Ven |

| Rah | | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Mnd | | |

| | | |

| Asc | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------|

| | | SatR |

| Moo | | |

| | | GL |

| HL | | |

| | | MarR |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| MerR | BL | | Sun |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | | | HL |

| MarR | Moo | | |

| | | | Ven |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| MerR | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 2 4 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| GL | | Jup |

| | | |

| | | |


| | Glk | | |

| Ket | | | SatR |

| | Mnd | Sun | |

| Rah | | | BL |

| | Asc | | |




| | | | |

| | | | |

| GL | Jup | | Sun |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| Rah | | HL |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 2 7 |-------------|

| Glk | | |

| | | Ket |

| Mnd | | |

| | | MarR |

| Asc | | |


| | | | |

| | SatR | | |

| BL | | MerR | Moo |

| | Ven | | |

| | | | |




| SatR | Jup | | |

| | | | |

| HL | Mnd | | MarR |

| | | | |

| Sun | Asc | | |


| Ket | | |

| | | |

| GL | | |

| | | |

| Rah | | |

|-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| Glk | | |

| | | |

| MerR | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | Moo | |

| BL | | | |

| | | Ven | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | Jup | | |

| | | Ven | MerR |

| | HL | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Moo | | |

| | | |

| BL | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 4 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| MarR | | |

| | | |

| Glk | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| GL | Ket | | Mnd |

| | | SatR | |

| Sun | Rah | | Asc |

| | | | |




| | Jup | | |

| Moo | | MarR | |

| | Ket | | |

| SatR | | Sun | |

| | Rah | | |


| | | |

| Asc | | |

| | | |

| Ven | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 4 5 |-------------|

| GL | | |

| | | |

| HL | | BL |

| | | |

| Mnd | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| MerR | | Glk | |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | | Jup | |

| | | | Ket |

| MerR | | HL | |

| | | | Sun |

| | | Glk | |


| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 6 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | MarR | Moo GL | SatR |

| Rah | | | |

| | BL | Asc Ven | Mnd |

| | | | |


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Vedic Astrology, "Ashok Garg" <agarg@a...> wrote:

> Hello List members,


> I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career)

in the following chart(my own)


> Name ; Ashok Garg

> Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

> Time : 4:02 Am

> Location : Delhi India


> I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora



> Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall

have Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th

house, The native shall have fluctuation in the career dramatically.

Life would be tedious and filled with struggle, adversity.


> 10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure

how to judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me

interpret so many influences.


> I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some

give some more information.


> In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be

helped. In D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is

good for Career as well.)


> Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some

one please help.


> My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very

satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an

Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed

circumstances. The career has been mostly been at the Technical level

( good money but did not result in many promotions)


> About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business,

so far I am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had

success within 3 months of start. I am planning to abandon the

business and go back to job. There are problems in this as well. My

current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/ Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor being

Vargottama should not be difficult period for Career. (Also Jupito

being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should help).

> I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama

should have been neutral to helpful.


> Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in

the current period and what can do to help it astrologically.



> Best Regards

> Ashok

> _______

> NB:


> In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/

Mooltrikona. This would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in

the Rasi chart as it is in the 6th house.


> NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or

MoolTrikona, As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and

Mooltrikona is "when 3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do

we interpret this)


well I'm a beginner too so what I say may not be of any help. In the

Rasi as you say mars is 10th lord in the ninth, but in libra and

retrograde. Then if ya look at the 9th lord venus, its in the 1st.

This is a good thing I think although Rahu is there and very close to

the Asc. Asc. lord Saturn is in the 8th aspecting your Sun. The other

luminary (Moon) is weak receiving only an aspect from Saturn.

Rajayoga exists in your 2nd (5th lord and 7th lord) Not real strong

but something to work with.

Navamsa once again similar themes, Saturn in 8th aspecting Sun(10th

lord). Rajayoga in the 7th (Moon and Mars)and like you say Moon is


D-10 again the Sun is aspected by Saturn. All through these varga's

the 2nd house has significance. Here Acs. lord is in the 2nd.


Finally, my training is in western astrology and I have the same

configuration you do. Sun oppisite Saturn and Moon square them both.

I have found that this tones down the personality. But gives great

ability in accepting huge amounts of responsibility. Partner might

add the spark of personality needed to compliment your lack of.


Regards, Jeff (only a student)


> --

> These calculations were made using "Jagannatha Hora Lite". It is a

> free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it

> from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or http://www.sjvc.net.

> --


> Date of Birth: April 3, 1952

> Time of Birth: 4:02:00 am

> Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

> Longitude of Birth: 77 E 12

> Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36

> Lunar month (maasa): Chaitra

> Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Navami

> Tithi balance: 0.9824

> Nakshatra balance: 0.5396

> Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda

> Sun-Moon Karana: Balava

> Vara (weekday): Wednesday


> Sunrise = 6:12 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

> Ayanamsa = 23-11-34

> Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


> Planet Position Pada CharaK


> Ascdt 4 Aq 07 Dhanishtha 4 -

> Sun 19 Pi 55 Revathi 1 PK

> Moon 26 Ge 08 Punarvasu 2 AmK

> Mars ® 24 Li 48 Visakha 2 BK

> Mercury ® 24 Pi 16 Revathi 3 PiK

> Jupiter 0 Ar 34 Aswini 1 DK

> Venus 28 Aq 09 Poo.Bhaa. 3 AK

> Saturn ® 18 Vi 18 Hastha 3 GK

> Rahu 5 Aq 20 Dhanishtha 4 MK

> Ketu 5 Le 20 Makha 2 -

> BhavaLg 16 Aq 31 Satabhisham 3 -

> HoraLg 14 Cp 00 Sravanam 2 -

> GhatiLg 6 Li 29 Chitra 4 -

> Dhooma 3 Le 15 Makha 1 -

> Vyati 26 Sc 44 Jyeshtha 4 -

> Pari 26 Ta 44 Mrigasira 2 -

> I.Chapa 3 Aq 15 Dhanishtha 3 -

> Upaketu 19 Aq 55 Satabhisham 4 -

> Kaala 20 Vi 22 Hastha 4 -

> Mrityu 27 Li 46 Visakha 3 -

> ArthaPr 16 Sc 14 Anuradha 4 -

> YamaGha 5 Sg 20 Moola 2 -

> Mandi 3 Aq 53 Dhanishtha 4 -

> Gulika 20 Cp 15 Sravanam 4 -



> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | Sun | | | |

> | | Jup | | Moo |

> | MerR | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | Mnd Asc | | |

> | | | |

> | Rah | | |

> | | | |

> | BL Ven | | |

> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> | | | |

> | HL | | |

> | | | Ket |

> | Glk | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | GL | |

> | | | | SatR |

> | | | MarR | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | | Moo Ket | SatR |

> | | Jup | | |

> | | | MarR HL | Ven |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | BL | | |

> | | | Glk |

> | MerR | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | GL Mnd | | |

> | Sun | | | |

> | | Asc Rah | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+



> Vimsottari Dasa:


> Jupi 1952-04-03 Venu 1952-10-02

> Sun 1955-06-03 Moon 1956-03-21 Mars 1957-07-21

Rahu 1958-06-27

> Satu 1960-11-20 Merc 1963-11-24 Ketu 1966-08-03 Venu 1967-09-12

Sun 1970-11-11

> Moon 1971-10-24 Mars 1973-05-24 Rahu 1974-07-03

Jupi 1977-05-09

> Merc 1979-11-20 Ketu 1982-04-18 Venu 1983-04-15 Sun 1986-02-13

Moon 1986-12-21

> Mars 1988-05-21 Rahu 1989-05-18 Jupi 1991-12-06

Satu 1994-03-12

> Ketu 1996-11-20 Venu 1997-04-18 Sun 1998-06-18 Moon 1998-10-24

Mars 1999-05-25

> Rahu 1999-10-21 Jupi 2000-11-07 Satu 2001-10-14

Merc 2002-11-23

> Venu 2003-11-20 Sun 2007-03-22 Moon 2008-03-21 Mars 2009-11-20

Rahu 2011-01-20

> Jupi 2014-01-20 Satu 2016-09-20 Merc 2019-11-20

Ketu 2022-09-20

> Sun 2023-11-20 Moon 2024-03-09 Mars 2024-09-07 Rahu 2025-01-13

Jupi 2025-12-08

> Satu 2026-09-26 Merc 2027-09-08 Ketu 2028-07-15

Venu 2028-11-19

> Moon 2029-11-20 Mars 2030-09-20 Rahu 2031-04-21 Jupi 2032-10-20

Satu 2034-02-19

> Merc 2035-09-20 Ketu 2037-02-19 Venu 2037-09-20

Sun 2039-05-21

> Mars 2039-11-20 Rahu 2040-04-17 Jupi 2041-05-06 Satu 2042-04-12

Merc 2043-05-21

> Ketu 2044-05-18 Venu 2044-10-14 Sun 2045-12-14

Moon 2046-04-21

> Rahu 2046-11-20 Jupi 2049-08-02 Satu 2051-12-26 Merc 2054-11-01

Ketu 2057-05-21

> Venu 2058-06-08 Sun 2061-06-08 Moon 2062-05-03

Mars 2063-11-02


> Ashtottari Dasa:


> Sun 1952-04-03 Satu 1952-08-14

> Jupi 1953-03-05 Rahu 1954-03-26 Venu 1954-11-24

> Moon 1956-01-24 Mars 1958-02-23 Merc 1959-04-05 Satu 1961-08-14

Jupi 1963-01-04

> Rahu 1965-08-24 Venu 1967-04-25 Sun 1970-03-26

> Mars 1971-01-24 Merc 1971-08-28 Satu 1972-11-30 Jupi 1973-08-28

Rahu 1975-01-24

> Venu 1975-12-15 Sun 1977-07-05 Moon 1977-12-14

> Merc 1979-01-24 Satu 1981-09-27 Jupi 1983-04-25 Rahu 1986-04-21

Venu 1988-03-11

> Sun 1991-07-02 Moon 1992-06-11 Mars 1994-10-21

> Satu 1996-01-24 Jupi 1996-12-27 Rahu 1998-10-01 Venu 1999-11-11

Sun 2001-10-21

> Moon 2002-05-12 Mars 2003-10-01 Merc 2004-06-27

> Jupi 2006-01-23 Rahu 2009-05-28 Venu 2011-07-08 Sun 2015-03-19

Moon 2016-04-07

> Mars 2018-11-27 Merc 2020-04-24 Satu 2023-04-21

> Rahu 2025-01-23 Venu 2026-05-25 Sun 2028-09-23 Moon 2029-05-25

Mars 2031-01-23

> Merc 2031-12-14 Satu 2033-11-03 Jupi 2034-12-14

> Venu 2037-01-23 Sun 2041-02-22 Moon 2042-04-24 Mars 2045-03-25

Merc 2046-10-14

> Satu 2050-02-02 Jupi 2052-01-13 Rahu 2055-09-24

> Sun 2058-01-23 Moon 2058-05-25 Mars 2059-03-25 Merc 2059-09-03

Satu 2060-08-13

> Jupi 2061-03-04 Rahu 2062-03-25 Venu 2062-11-23


> Kalachakra Dasa:


> Le 1952-04-03 Cp 1952-07-16 Aq 1952-10-10 Pi 1953-01-04

> Sc 1953-08-07 Li 1954-01-05 Vi 1954-12-15 Cn 1955-


> Ge 1956-09-20 Cp 1957-09-03 Aq 1958-02-04 Pi 1958-07-09 Sc 1959-


> Li 1960-04-27 Vi 1962-01-05 Cn 1962-12-19 Le 1965-


> Ta 1965-09-20 Ar 1968-10-20 Pi 1970-02-25 Aq 1972-01-30 Cp 1972-


> Sg 1973-08-16 Ar 1975-07-21 Ta 1976-11-24 Ge 1979-


> Ar 1981-09-20 Pi 1982-04-23 Aq 1983-02-25 Cp 1983-06-29 Sg 1983-


> Ar 1984-09-02 Ta 1985-04-05 Ge 1986-08-11 Ta 1987-


> Pi 1988-09-19 Aq 1989-12-03 Cp 1990-05-28 Sg 1990-11-20 Ar 1992-


> Ta 1992-12-08 Ge 1994-11-12 Ta 1995-12-13 Ar 1997-


> Aq 1998-09-20 Cp 1998-11-29 Sg 1999-02-08 Ar 1999-08-03 Ta 1999-


> Ge 2000-09-11 Ta 2001-02-16 Ar 2001-11-25 Pi 2002-


> Cp 2002-09-20 Sg 2002-11-29 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2003-09-24 Ge 2004-


> Ta 2004-12-07 Ar 2005-09-15 Pi 2006-01-16 Aq 2006-


> Sg 2006-09-20 Ar 2007-12-04 Ta 2008-10-07 Ge 2010-09-11 Ta 2011-


> Ar 2013-09-15 Pi 2014-07-20 Aq 2015-10-03 Cp 2016-


> Ar 2016-09-19 Ta 2017-04-23 Ge 2018-08-29 Ta 2019-06-02 Ar 2020-


> Pi 2021-05-10 Aq 2022-03-14 Cp 2022-07-16 Sg 2022-


> Ta 2023-09-20 Ge 2026-10-20 Ta 2028-07-15 Ar 2031-08-16 Pi 2032-


> Aq 2034-11-25 Cp 2035-09-02 Sg 2036-06-10 Ar 2038-


> Ge 2039-09-20 Ta 2040-09-10 Ar 2042-06-06 Pi 2043-03-10 Aq 2044-


> Cp 2044-09-15 Sg 2045-02-20 Ar 2046-03-23 Ta 2046-


> Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction):


> Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> Sun 5 4 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 2 3*

> Moon 4 3 4* 5 4 2 4 6 6 4 3 4

> Mars 4 4 1 6 4 3 1* 3 4 5 2 2

> Merc 4 5 3 6 3 5 3 6 4 4 5 6*

> Jupi 5* 4 5 6 4 1 6 7 5 5 4 4

> Venu 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5* 3

> Satu 3 1 1 4 4 3* 2 4 5 4 5 3

> Total 29 26 22 35 28 21 23 35 34 33 26 25


> Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction):


> Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> Sun 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0

> Moon 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0

> Mars 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

> Merc 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0

> Jupi 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 4 0 0

> Venu 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

> Satu 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 4 0

> Total 1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 6 4 4 0


> Sodya Pindas:


> RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra


> Sun 49 13 62 Cp Hastha

> Moon 63 13 76 Cn Punarvasu

> Mars 50 7 57 Pi U.Pha.

> Merc 53 29 82 Cn Rohini

> Jupi 94 31 125 Sc Chitra

> Venu 51 12 63 Ge Jyeshtha

> Satu 101 46 147 Pi U.Shaa.



> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | Moo MarR |

> | | | |

> | | | HL |

> | | | |

> | | | BL Ven |

> |-------------| H O R A |-------------|

> | | | Jup Ket |

> | | | SatR GL |

> | | | Glk Mnd |

> | | | Asc Rah |

> | | | Sun MerR |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | | | MarR |

> | | Jup | HL | |

> | | | | BL |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | Moo Mnd | | |

> | | | Sun |

> | Asc Rah | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 3 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | SatR | | Ket |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | GL | |

> | | MerR | | Glk |

> | | | Ven | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | Moo | Jup | | |

> | | | | |

> | SatR | HL | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | Mnd | | |

> | | | MarR |

> | Asc | | |

> | | | Glk |

> | Rah | | |

> |-------------| D - 4 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | Ket |

> | | | |

> | | | BL |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | MerR | Ven | GL | Sun |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | Jup Ket | | |

> | | | | |

> | HL | Mnd | | |

> | | | | |

> | | Asc Rah | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | GL | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 5 |-------------|

> | SatR | | |

> | | | |

> | Glk | | |

> | | | |

> | Sun | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | Moo | |

> | | | | |

> | BL | MerR | MarR | |

> | | | | |

> | | | Ven | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | Jup | Ket | |

> | | | | |

> | | Mnd | GL | |

> | | | | |

> | | Asc | Rah | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | Glk | | |

> | | | BL |

> | MerR | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 6 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | SatR | | |

> | | | MarR |

> | Sun | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | | Moo |

> | HL | | | |

> | | | | Ven |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | MarR | | | |

> | | Jup | BL | |

> | Rah | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | Mnd | | |

> | | | |

> | Asc | | SatR |

> | | | |

> | MerR | | |

> |-------------| D - 7 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | Sun | | Ven |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | GL | | |

> | Moo | | HL | Ket |

> | | Glk | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | Jup | | |

> | | | GL | |

> | | BL | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | Moo | | HL |

> | | | |

> | MerR | | Ven |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 8 |-------------|

> | Ket Mnd | | |

> | | | |

> | Asc | | |

> | | | |

> | Rah Sun | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | SatR | | MarR | Glk |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | Glk Mnd | | | |

> | | Jup | Sun | MarR |

> | Asc Rah | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | BL |

> | Moo | | |

> | | | MerR |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | HL | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | SatR | | |

> | GL | | | Ket |

> | | Ven | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | Jup | | |

> | | | SatR | |

> | | Ven | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | MarR Mnd |

> | Glk | | |

> | | | Asc Rah |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | Ket | | |

> | | | |

> | MerR | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | GL HL | | | |

> | | Moo | | |

> | BL Sun | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | Mnd | Jup Moo | | |

> | | | | HL |

> | Asc | SatR Rah | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | MarR |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | Ven | | BL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | GL | | Ket | |

> | | | | Glk |

> | MerR | | Sun | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | Jup | | |

> | | | MarR | |

> | | BL | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | Glk | | GL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | Moo | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | Ket Mnd | |

> | | HL | | |

> | MerR | | Asc | SatR |

> | | Ven | | |

> | | | Rah Sun | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | Ket | | | |

> | | Jup | Glk | Ven |

> | Rah | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | Mnd | | |

> | | | |

> | Asc | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------|

> | | | SatR |

> | Moo | | |

> | | | GL |

> | HL | | |

> | | | MarR |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | MerR | BL | | Sun |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | | | HL |

> | MarR | Moo | | |

> | | | | Ven |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | MerR | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 2 4 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | GL | | Jup |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | Glk | | |

> | Ket | | | SatR |

> | | Mnd | Sun | |

> | Rah | | | BL |

> | | Asc | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | GL | Jup | | Sun |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | Rah | | HL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 2 7 |-------------|

> | Glk | | |

> | | | Ket |

> | Mnd | | |

> | | | MarR |

> | Asc | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | SatR | | |

> | BL | | MerR | Moo |

> | | Ven | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | SatR | Jup | | |

> | | | | |

> | HL | Mnd | | MarR |

> | | | | |

> | Sun | Asc | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | Ket | | |

> | | | |

> | GL | | |

> | | | |

> | Rah | | |

> |-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | Glk | | |

> | | | |

> | MerR | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | Moo | |

> | BL | | | |

> | | | Ven | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | Jup | | |

> | | | Ven | MerR |

> | | HL | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | Moo | | |

> | | | |

> | BL | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 4 0 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | MarR | | |

> | | | |

> | Glk | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | GL | Ket | | Mnd |

> | | | SatR | |

> | Sun | Rah | | Asc |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | Jup | | |

> | Moo | | MarR | |

> | | Ket | | |

> | SatR | | Sun | |

> | | Rah | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | Asc | | |

> | | | |

> | Ven | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 4 5 |-------------|

> | GL | | |

> | | | |

> | HL | | BL |

> | | | |

> | Mnd | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | MerR | | Glk | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | Jup | |

> | | | | Ket |

> | MerR | | HL | |

> | | | | Sun |

> | | | Glk | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| D - 6 0 |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | MarR | Moo GL | SatR |

> | Rah | | | |

> | | BL | Asc Ven | Mnd |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+

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Dear Jeff, I see that your subperiod lord and ruler of the house of

gains(11H), Jupiter is in extreme weakness at 0 degrees Aries, has a

weak dispositor Mars(it's dispositor is weak because it's in old

age(delays)and it's dispositor Sa is weakened by being in the 8H in rasi

and nv) and resides in the 6H of obstacles in the Navamsa. Jupiter

needs strengthened, so does Saturn, Mars and Venus.

You are in a Mercury subperiod until March and it's a functional

malefic, debilitated in the 2H of status and wealth. Hope this helps.


Jeff wrote:


> Vedic Astrology, "Ashok Garg" <agarg@a...> wrote:

> > Hello List members,

> >

> > I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career)

> in the following chart(my own)

> >

> > Name ; Ashok Garg

> > Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

> > Time : 4:02 Am

> > Location : Delhi India

> >

> > I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora

> Light".

> >

> > Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall

> have Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th

> house, The native shall have fluctuation in the career dramatically.

> Life would be tedious and filled with struggle, adversity.

> >

> > 10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure

> how to judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me

> interpret so many influences.

> >

> > I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some

> give some more information.

> >

> > In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be

> helped. In D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is

> good for Career as well.)

> >

> > Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some

> one please help.

> >

> > My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very

> satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an

> Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed

> circumstances. The career has been mostly been at the Technical level

> ( good money but did not result in many promotions)

> >

> > About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business,

> so far I am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had

> success within 3 months of start. I am planning to abandon the

> business and go back to job. There are problems in this as well. My

> current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/ Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor being

> Vargottama should not be difficult period for Career. (Also Jupito

> being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should help).

> > I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama

> should have been neutral to helpful.

> >

> > Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in

> the current period and what can do to help it astrologically.

> >

> >

> > Best Regards

> > Ashok

> > _______

> > NB:

> >

> > In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/

> Mooltrikona. This would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in

> the Rasi chart as it is in the 6th house.

> >

> > NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or

> MoolTrikona, As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and

> Mooltrikona is "when 3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do

> we interpret this)


> well I'm a beginner too so what I say may not be of any help. In the

> Rasi as you say mars is 10th lord in the ninth, but in libra and

> retrograde. Then if ya look at the 9th lord venus, its in the 1st.

> This is a good thing I think although Rahu is there and very close to

> the Asc. Asc. lord Saturn is in the 8th aspecting your Sun. The other

> luminary (Moon) is weak receiving only an aspect from Saturn.

> Rajayoga exists in your 2nd (5th lord and 7th lord) Not real strong

> but something to work with.

> Navamsa once again similar themes, Saturn in 8th aspecting Sun(10th

> lord). Rajayoga in the 7th (Moon and Mars)and like you say Moon is


> D-10 again the Sun is aspected by Saturn. All through these varga's

> the 2nd house has significance. Here Acs. lord is in the 2nd.


> Finally, my training is in western astrology and I have the same

> configuration you do. Sun oppisite Saturn and Moon square them both.

> I have found that this tones down the personality. But gives great

> ability in accepting huge amounts of responsibility. Partner might

> add the spark of personality needed to compliment your lack of.


> Regards, Jeff (only a student)

> >

> > --

> > These calculations were made using "Jagannatha Hora Lite". It is a

> > free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it

> > from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or http://www.sjvc.net.

> > --

> >

> > Date of Birth: April 3, 1952

> > Time of Birth: 4:02:00 am

> > Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

> > Longitude of Birth: 77 E 12

> > Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36

> > Lunar month (maasa): Chaitra

> > Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Navami

> > Tithi balance: 0.9824

> > Nakshatra balance: 0.5396

> > Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda

> > Sun-Moon Karana: Balava

> > Vara (weekday): Wednesday

> >

> > Sunrise = 6:12 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

> > Ayanamsa = 23-11-34

> > Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

> >

> > Planet Position Pada CharaK

> >

> > Ascdt 4 Aq 07 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > Sun 19 Pi 55 Revathi 1 PK

> > Moon 26 Ge 08 Punarvasu 2 AmK

> > Mars ® 24 Li 48 Visakha 2 BK

> > Mercury ® 24 Pi 16 Revathi 3 PiK

> > Jupiter 0 Ar 34 Aswini 1 DK

> > Venus 28 Aq 09 Poo.Bhaa. 3 AK

> > Saturn ® 18 Vi 18 Hastha 3 GK

> > Rahu 5 Aq 20 Dhanishtha 4 MK

> > Ketu 5 Le 20 Makha 2 -

> > BhavaLg 16 Aq 31 Satabhisham 3 -

> > HoraLg 14 Cp 00 Sravanam 2 -

> > GhatiLg 6 Li 29 Chitra 4 -

> > Dhooma 3 Le 15 Makha 1 -

> > Vyati 26 Sc 44 Jyeshtha 4 -

> > Pari 26 Ta 44 Mrigasira 2 -

> > I.Chapa 3 Aq 15 Dhanishtha 3 -

> > Upaketu 19 Aq 55 Satabhisham 4 -

> > Kaala 20 Vi 22 Hastha 4 -

> > Mrityu 27 Li 46 Visakha 3 -

> > ArthaPr 16 Sc 14 Anuradha 4 -

> > YamaGha 5 Sg 20 Moola 2 -

> > Mandi 3 Aq 53 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > Gulika 20 Cp 15 Sravanam 4 -

> >

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Sun | | | |

> > | | Jup | | Moo |

> > | MerR | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Mnd Asc | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Rah | | |

> > | | | |

> > | BL Ven | | |

> > |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | HL | | |

> > | | | Ket |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | GL | |

> > | | | | SatR |

> > | | | MarR | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | Moo Ket | SatR |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | MarR HL | Ven |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | BL | | |

> > | | | Glk |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | GL Mnd | | |

> > | Sun | | | |

> > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> >

> > Vimsottari Dasa:

> >

> > Jupi 1952-04-03 Venu 1952-10-02

> > Sun 1955-06-03 Moon 1956-03-21 Mars 1957-07-21

> Rahu 1958-06-27

> > Satu 1960-11-20 Merc 1963-11-24 Ketu 1966-08-03 Venu 1967-09-12

> Sun 1970-11-11

> > Moon 1971-10-24 Mars 1973-05-24 Rahu 1974-07-03

> Jupi 1977-05-09

> > Merc 1979-11-20 Ketu 1982-04-18 Venu 1983-04-15 Sun 1986-02-13

> Moon 1986-12-21

> > Mars 1988-05-21 Rahu 1989-05-18 Jupi 1991-12-06

> Satu 1994-03-12

> > Ketu 1996-11-20 Venu 1997-04-18 Sun 1998-06-18 Moon 1998-10-24

> Mars 1999-05-25

> > Rahu 1999-10-21 Jupi 2000-11-07 Satu 2001-10-14

> Merc 2002-11-23

> > Venu 2003-11-20 Sun 2007-03-22 Moon 2008-03-21 Mars 2009-11-20

> Rahu 2011-01-20

> > Jupi 2014-01-20 Satu 2016-09-20 Merc 2019-11-20

> Ketu 2022-09-20

> > Sun 2023-11-20 Moon 2024-03-09 Mars 2024-09-07 Rahu 2025-01-13

> Jupi 2025-12-08

> > Satu 2026-09-26 Merc 2027-09-08 Ketu 2028-07-15

> Venu 2028-11-19

> > Moon 2029-11-20 Mars 2030-09-20 Rahu 2031-04-21 Jupi 2032-10-20

> Satu 2034-02-19

> > Merc 2035-09-20 Ketu 2037-02-19 Venu 2037-09-20

> Sun 2039-05-21

> > Mars 2039-11-20 Rahu 2040-04-17 Jupi 2041-05-06 Satu 2042-04-12

> Merc 2043-05-21

> > Ketu 2044-05-18 Venu 2044-10-14 Sun 2045-12-14

> Moon 2046-04-21

> > Rahu 2046-11-20 Jupi 2049-08-02 Satu 2051-12-26 Merc 2054-11-01

> Ketu 2057-05-21

> > Venu 2058-06-08 Sun 2061-06-08 Moon 2062-05-03

> Mars 2063-11-02

> >

> > Ashtottari Dasa:

> >

> > Sun 1952-04-03 Satu 1952-08-14

> > Jupi 1953-03-05 Rahu 1954-03-26 Venu 1954-11-24

> > Moon 1956-01-24 Mars 1958-02-23 Merc 1959-04-05 Satu 1961-08-14

> Jupi 1963-01-04

> > Rahu 1965-08-24 Venu 1967-04-25 Sun 1970-03-26

> > Mars 1971-01-24 Merc 1971-08-28 Satu 1972-11-30 Jupi 1973-08-28

> Rahu 1975-01-24

> > Venu 1975-12-15 Sun 1977-07-05 Moon 1977-12-14

> > Merc 1979-01-24 Satu 1981-09-27 Jupi 1983-04-25 Rahu 1986-04-21

> Venu 1988-03-11

> > Sun 1991-07-02 Moon 1992-06-11 Mars 1994-10-21

> > Satu 1996-01-24 Jupi 1996-12-27 Rahu 1998-10-01 Venu 1999-11-11

> Sun 2001-10-21

> > Moon 2002-05-12 Mars 2003-10-01 Merc 2004-06-27

> > Jupi 2006-01-23 Rahu 2009-05-28 Venu 2011-07-08 Sun 2015-03-19

> Moon 2016-04-07

> > Mars 2018-11-27 Merc 2020-04-24 Satu 2023-04-21

> > Rahu 2025-01-23 Venu 2026-05-25 Sun 2028-09-23 Moon 2029-05-25

> Mars 2031-01-23

> > Merc 2031-12-14 Satu 2033-11-03 Jupi 2034-12-14

> > Venu 2037-01-23 Sun 2041-02-22 Moon 2042-04-24 Mars 2045-03-25

> Merc 2046-10-14

> > Satu 2050-02-02 Jupi 2052-01-13 Rahu 2055-09-24

> > Sun 2058-01-23 Moon 2058-05-25 Mars 2059-03-25 Merc 2059-09-03

> Satu 2060-08-13

> > Jupi 2061-03-04 Rahu 2062-03-25 Venu 2062-11-23

> >

> > Kalachakra Dasa:

> >

> > Le 1952-04-03 Cp 1952-07-16 Aq 1952-10-10 Pi 1953-01-04

> > Sc 1953-08-07 Li 1954-01-05 Vi 1954-12-15 Cn 1955-

> 06-26

> > Ge 1956-09-20 Cp 1957-09-03 Aq 1958-02-04 Pi 1958-07-09 Sc 1959-

> 07-31

> > Li 1960-04-27 Vi 1962-01-05 Cn 1962-12-19 Le 1965-

> 03-10

> > Ta 1965-09-20 Ar 1968-10-20 Pi 1970-02-25 Aq 1972-01-30 Cp 1972-

> 11-07

> > Sg 1973-08-16 Ar 1975-07-21 Ta 1976-11-24 Ge 1979-

> 12-26

> > Ar 1981-09-20 Pi 1982-04-23 Aq 1983-02-25 Cp 1983-06-29 Sg 1983-

> 10-30

> > Ar 1984-09-02 Ta 1985-04-05 Ge 1986-08-11 Ta 1987-

> 05-16

> > Pi 1988-09-19 Aq 1989-12-03 Cp 1990-05-28 Sg 1990-11-20 Ar 1992-

> 02-04

> > Ta 1992-12-08 Ge 1994-11-12 Ta 1995-12-13 Ar 1997-

> 11-16

> > Aq 1998-09-20 Cp 1998-11-29 Sg 1999-02-08 Ar 1999-08-03 Ta 1999-

> 12-04

> > Ge 2000-09-11 Ta 2001-02-16 Ar 2001-11-25 Pi 2002-

> 03-28

> > Cp 2002-09-20 Sg 2002-11-29 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2003-09-24 Ge 2004-

> 07-02

> > Ta 2004-12-07 Ar 2005-09-15 Pi 2006-01-16 Aq 2006-

> 07-11

> > Sg 2006-09-20 Ar 2007-12-04 Ta 2008-10-07 Ge 2010-09-11 Ta 2011-

> 10-12

> > Ar 2013-09-15 Pi 2014-07-20 Aq 2015-10-03 Cp 2016-

> 03-27

> > Ar 2016-09-19 Ta 2017-04-23 Ge 2018-08-29 Ta 2019-06-02 Ar 2020-

> 10-07

> > Pi 2021-05-10 Aq 2022-03-14 Cp 2022-07-16 Sg 2022-

> 11-16

> > Ta 2023-09-20 Ge 2026-10-20 Ta 2028-07-15 Ar 2031-08-16 Pi 2032-

> 12-20

> > Aq 2034-11-25 Cp 2035-09-02 Sg 2036-06-10 Ar 2038-

> 05-15

> > Ge 2039-09-20 Ta 2040-09-10 Ar 2042-06-06 Pi 2043-03-10 Aq 2044-

> 04-09

> > Cp 2044-09-15 Sg 2045-02-20 Ar 2046-03-23 Ta 2046-

> 12-25

> > Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction):

> >

> > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > Sun 5 4 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 2 3*

> > Moon 4 3 4* 5 4 2 4 6 6 4 3 4

> > Mars 4 4 1 6 4 3 1* 3 4 5 2 2

> > Merc 4 5 3 6 3 5 3 6 4 4 5 6*

> > Jupi 5* 4 5 6 4 1 6 7 5 5 4 4

> > Venu 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5* 3

> > Satu 3 1 1 4 4 3* 2 4 5 4 5 3

> > Total 29 26 22 35 28 21 23 35 34 33 26 25

> >

> > Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction):

> >

> > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > Sun 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0

> > Moon 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0

> > Mars 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

> > Merc 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0

> > Jupi 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 4 0 0

> > Venu 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

> > Satu 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 4 0

> > Total 1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 6 4 4 0

> >

> > Sodya Pindas:

> >

> > RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

> >

> > Sun 49 13 62 Cp Hastha

> > Moon 63 13 76 Cn Punarvasu

> > Mars 50 7 57 Pi U.Pha.

> > Merc 53 29 82 Cn Rohini

> > Jupi 94 31 125 Sc Chitra

> > Venu 51 12 63 Ge Jyeshtha

> > Satu 101 46 147 Pi U.Shaa.

> >

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | Moo MarR |

> > | | | |

> > | | | HL |

> > | | | |

> > | | | BL Ven |

> > |-------------| H O R A |-------------|

> > | | | Jup Ket |

> > | | | SatR GL |

> > | | | Glk Mnd |

> > | | | Asc Rah |

> > | | | Sun MerR |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | MarR |

> > | | Jup | HL | |

> > | | | | BL |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Moo Mnd | | |

> > | | | Sun |

> > | Asc Rah | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 3 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | SatR | | Ket |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | GL | |

> > | | MerR | | Glk |

> > | | | Ven | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Moo | Jup | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | SatR | HL | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Mnd | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | Asc | | |

> > | | | Glk |

> > | Rah | | |

> > |-------------| D - 4 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | Ket |

> > | | | |

> > | | | BL |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | MerR | Ven | GL | Sun |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | Jup Ket | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | HL | Mnd | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | GL | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 5 |-------------|

> > | SatR | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Sun | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | Moo | |

> > | | | | |

> > | BL | MerR | MarR | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | Ven | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | Jup | Ket | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | Mnd | GL | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | Asc | Rah | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | BL |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 6 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | SatR | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | Sun | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | Moo |

> > | HL | | | |

> > | | | | Ven |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | MarR | | | |

> > | | Jup | BL | |

> > | Rah | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Mnd | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Asc | | SatR |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | |

> > |-------------| D - 7 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Sun | | Ven |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | GL | | |

> > | Moo | | HL | Ket |

> > | | Glk | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | GL | |

> > | | BL | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Moo | | HL |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | Ven |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 8 |-------------|

> > | Ket Mnd | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Asc | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Rah Sun | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | SatR | | MarR | Glk |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Glk Mnd | | | |

> > | | Jup | Sun | MarR |

> > | Asc Rah | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | BL |

> > | Moo | | |

> > | | | MerR |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | HL | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | SatR | | |

> > | GL | | | Ket |

> > | | Ven | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | SatR | |

> > | | Ven | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | MarR Mnd |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | Asc Rah |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Ket | | |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | GL HL | | | |

> > | | Moo | | |

> > | BL Sun | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Mnd | Jup Moo | | |

> > | | | | HL |

> > | Asc | SatR Rah | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | |

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Dear Jeff, I see that your subperiod lord and ruler of the house of

gains(11H), Jupiter is in extreme weakness at 0 degrees Aries, has a

weak dispositor Mars(it's dispositor is weak because it's in old

age(delays)and it's dispositor Sa is weakened by being in the 8H in rasi

and nv) and resides in the 6H of obstacles in the Navamsa. Jupiter

needs strengthened, so does Saturn, Mars and Venus.

You are in a Mercury subperiod until March and it's a functional

malefic, debilitated in the 2H of status and wealth. It will protect

it's 8H of easy gains though. Hope this helps.



Jeff wrote:


> Vedic Astrology, "Ashok Garg" <agarg@a...> wrote:

> > Hello List members,

> >

> > I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career)

> in the following chart(my own)

> >

> > Name ; Ashok Garg

> > Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

> > Time : 4:02 Am

> > Location : Delhi India

> >

> > I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora

> Light".

> >

> > Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall

> have Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th

> house, The native shall have fluctuation in the career dramatically.

> Life would be tedious and filled with struggle, adversity.

> >

> > 10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure

> how to judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me

> interpret so many influences.

> >

> > I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some

> give some more information.

> >

> > In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be

> helped. In D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is

> good for Career as well.)

> >

> > Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some

> one please help.

> >

> > My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very

> satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an

> Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed

> circumstances. The career has been mostly been at the Technical level

> ( good money but did not result in many promotions)

> >

> > About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business,

> so far I am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had

> success within 3 months of start. I am planning to abandon the

> business and go back to job. There are problems in this as well. My

> current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/ Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor being

> Vargottama should not be difficult period for Career. (Also Jupito

> being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should help).

> > I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama

> should have been neutral to helpful.

> >

> > Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in

> the current period and what can do to help it astrologically.

> >

> >

> > Best Regards

> > Ashok

> > _______

> > NB:

> >

> > In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/

> Mooltrikona. This would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in

> the Rasi chart as it is in the 6th house.

> >

> > NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or

> MoolTrikona, As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and

> Mooltrikona is "when 3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do

> we interpret this)


> well I'm a beginner too so what I say may not be of any help. In the

> Rasi as you say mars is 10th lord in the ninth, but in libra and

> retrograde. Then if ya look at the 9th lord venus, its in the 1st.

> This is a good thing I think although Rahu is there and very close to

> the Asc. Asc. lord Saturn is in the 8th aspecting your Sun. The other

> luminary (Moon) is weak receiving only an aspect from Saturn.

> Rajayoga exists in your 2nd (5th lord and 7th lord) Not real strong

> but something to work with.

> Navamsa once again similar themes, Saturn in 8th aspecting Sun(10th

> lord). Rajayoga in the 7th (Moon and Mars)and like you say Moon is


> D-10 again the Sun is aspected by Saturn. All through these varga's

> the 2nd house has significance. Here Acs. lord is in the 2nd.


> Finally, my training is in western astrology and I have the same

> configuration you do. Sun oppisite Saturn and Moon square them both.

> I have found that this tones down the personality. But gives great

> ability in accepting huge amounts of responsibility. Partner might

> add the spark of personality needed to compliment your lack of.


> Regards, Jeff (only a student)

> >

> > --

> > These calculations were made using "Jagannatha Hora Lite". It is a

> > free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it

> > from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or http://www.sjvc.net.

> > --

> >

> > Date of Birth: April 3, 1952

> > Time of Birth: 4:02:00 am

> > Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

> > Longitude of Birth: 77 E 12

> > Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36

> > Lunar month (maasa): Chaitra

> > Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Navami

> > Tithi balance: 0.9824

> > Nakshatra balance: 0.5396

> > Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda

> > Sun-Moon Karana: Balava

> > Vara (weekday): Wednesday

> >

> > Sunrise = 6:12 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

> > Ayanamsa = 23-11-34

> > Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

> >

> > Planet Position Pada CharaK

> >

> > Ascdt 4 Aq 07 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > Sun 19 Pi 55 Revathi 1 PK

> > Moon 26 Ge 08 Punarvasu 2 AmK

> > Mars ® 24 Li 48 Visakha 2 BK

> > Mercury ® 24 Pi 16 Revathi 3 PiK

> > Jupiter 0 Ar 34 Aswini 1 DK

> > Venus 28 Aq 09 Poo.Bhaa. 3 AK

> > Saturn ® 18 Vi 18 Hastha 3 GK

> > Rahu 5 Aq 20 Dhanishtha 4 MK

> > Ketu 5 Le 20 Makha 2 -

> > BhavaLg 16 Aq 31 Satabhisham 3 -

> > HoraLg 14 Cp 00 Sravanam 2 -

> > GhatiLg 6 Li 29 Chitra 4 -

> > Dhooma 3 Le 15 Makha 1 -

> > Vyati 26 Sc 44 Jyeshtha 4 -

> > Pari 26 Ta 44 Mrigasira 2 -

> > I.Chapa 3 Aq 15 Dhanishtha 3 -

> > Upaketu 19 Aq 55 Satabhisham 4 -

> > Kaala 20 Vi 22 Hastha 4 -

> > Mrityu 27 Li 46 Visakha 3 -

> > ArthaPr 16 Sc 14 Anuradha 4 -

> > YamaGha 5 Sg 20 Moola 2 -

> > Mandi 3 Aq 53 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > Gulika 20 Cp 15 Sravanam 4 -

> >

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Sun | | | |

> > | | Jup | | Moo |

> > | MerR | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Mnd Asc | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Rah | | |

> > | | | |

> > | BL Ven | | |

> > |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | HL | | |

> > | | | Ket |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | GL | |

> > | | | | SatR |

> > | | | MarR | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | Moo Ket | SatR |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | MarR HL | Ven |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | BL | | |

> > | | | Glk |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | GL Mnd | | |

> > | Sun | | | |

> > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> >

> > Vimsottari Dasa:

> >

> > Jupi 1952-04-03 Venu 1952-10-02

> > Sun 1955-06-03 Moon 1956-03-21 Mars 1957-07-21

> Rahu 1958-06-27

> > Satu 1960-11-20 Merc 1963-11-24 Ketu 1966-08-03 Venu 1967-09-12

> Sun 1970-11-11

> > Moon 1971-10-24 Mars 1973-05-24 Rahu 1974-07-03

> Jupi 1977-05-09

> > Merc 1979-11-20 Ketu 1982-04-18 Venu 1983-04-15 Sun 1986-02-13

> Moon 1986-12-21

> > Mars 1988-05-21 Rahu 1989-05-18 Jupi 1991-12-06

> Satu 1994-03-12

> > Ketu 1996-11-20 Venu 1997-04-18 Sun 1998-06-18 Moon 1998-10-24

> Mars 1999-05-25

> > Rahu 1999-10-21 Jupi 2000-11-07 Satu 2001-10-14

> Merc 2002-11-23

> > Venu 2003-11-20 Sun 2007-03-22 Moon 2008-03-21 Mars 2009-11-20

> Rahu 2011-01-20

> > Jupi 2014-01-20 Satu 2016-09-20 Merc 2019-11-20

> Ketu 2022-09-20

> > Sun 2023-11-20 Moon 2024-03-09 Mars 2024-09-07 Rahu 2025-01-13

> Jupi 2025-12-08

> > Satu 2026-09-26 Merc 2027-09-08 Ketu 2028-07-15

> Venu 2028-11-19

> > Moon 2029-11-20 Mars 2030-09-20 Rahu 2031-04-21 Jupi 2032-10-20

> Satu 2034-02-19

> > Merc 2035-09-20 Ketu 2037-02-19 Venu 2037-09-20

> Sun 2039-05-21

> > Mars 2039-11-20 Rahu 2040-04-17 Jupi 2041-05-06 Satu 2042-04-12

> Merc 2043-05-21

> > Ketu 2044-05-18 Venu 2044-10-14 Sun 2045-12-14

> Moon 2046-04-21

> > Rahu 2046-11-20 Jupi 2049-08-02 Satu 2051-12-26 Merc 2054-11-01

> Ketu 2057-05-21

> > Venu 2058-06-08 Sun 2061-06-08 Moon 2062-05-03

> Mars 2063-11-02

> >

> > Ashtottari Dasa:

> >

> > Sun 1952-04-03 Satu 1952-08-14

> > Jupi 1953-03-05 Rahu 1954-03-26 Venu 1954-11-24

> > Moon 1956-01-24 Mars 1958-02-23 Merc 1959-04-05 Satu 1961-08-14

> Jupi 1963-01-04

> > Rahu 1965-08-24 Venu 1967-04-25 Sun 1970-03-26

> > Mars 1971-01-24 Merc 1971-08-28 Satu 1972-11-30 Jupi 1973-08-28

> Rahu 1975-01-24

> > Venu 1975-12-15 Sun 1977-07-05 Moon 1977-12-14

> > Merc 1979-01-24 Satu 1981-09-27 Jupi 1983-04-25 Rahu 1986-04-21

> Venu 1988-03-11

> > Sun 1991-07-02 Moon 1992-06-11 Mars 1994-10-21

> > Satu 1996-01-24 Jupi 1996-12-27 Rahu 1998-10-01 Venu 1999-11-11

> Sun 2001-10-21

> > Moon 2002-05-12 Mars 2003-10-01 Merc 2004-06-27

> > Jupi 2006-01-23 Rahu 2009-05-28 Venu 2011-07-08 Sun 2015-03-19

> Moon 2016-04-07

> > Mars 2018-11-27 Merc 2020-04-24 Satu 2023-04-21

> > Rahu 2025-01-23 Venu 2026-05-25 Sun 2028-09-23 Moon 2029-05-25

> Mars 2031-01-23

> > Merc 2031-12-14 Satu 2033-11-03 Jupi 2034-12-14

> > Venu 2037-01-23 Sun 2041-02-22 Moon 2042-04-24 Mars 2045-03-25

> Merc 2046-10-14

> > Satu 2050-02-02 Jupi 2052-01-13 Rahu 2055-09-24

> > Sun 2058-01-23 Moon 2058-05-25 Mars 2059-03-25 Merc 2059-09-03

> Satu 2060-08-13

> > Jupi 2061-03-04 Rahu 2062-03-25 Venu 2062-11-23

> >

> > Kalachakra Dasa:

> >

> > Le 1952-04-03 Cp 1952-07-16 Aq 1952-10-10 Pi 1953-01-04

> > Sc 1953-08-07 Li 1954-01-05 Vi 1954-12-15 Cn 1955-

> 06-26

> > Ge 1956-09-20 Cp 1957-09-03 Aq 1958-02-04 Pi 1958-07-09 Sc 1959-

> 07-31

> > Li 1960-04-27 Vi 1962-01-05 Cn 1962-12-19 Le 1965-

> 03-10

> > Ta 1965-09-20 Ar 1968-10-20 Pi 1970-02-25 Aq 1972-01-30 Cp 1972-

> 11-07

> > Sg 1973-08-16 Ar 1975-07-21 Ta 1976-11-24 Ge 1979-

> 12-26

> > Ar 1981-09-20 Pi 1982-04-23 Aq 1983-02-25 Cp 1983-06-29 Sg 1983-

> 10-30

> > Ar 1984-09-02 Ta 1985-04-05 Ge 1986-08-11 Ta 1987-

> 05-16

> > Pi 1988-09-19 Aq 1989-12-03 Cp 1990-05-28 Sg 1990-11-20 Ar 1992-

> 02-04

> > Ta 1992-12-08 Ge 1994-11-12 Ta 1995-12-13 Ar 1997-

> 11-16

> > Aq 1998-09-20 Cp 1998-11-29 Sg 1999-02-08 Ar 1999-08-03 Ta 1999-

> 12-04

> > Ge 2000-09-11 Ta 2001-02-16 Ar 2001-11-25 Pi 2002-

> 03-28

> > Cp 2002-09-20 Sg 2002-11-29 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2003-09-24 Ge 2004-

> 07-02

> > Ta 2004-12-07 Ar 2005-09-15 Pi 2006-01-16 Aq 2006-

> 07-11

> > Sg 2006-09-20 Ar 2007-12-04 Ta 2008-10-07 Ge 2010-09-11 Ta 2011-

> 10-12

> > Ar 2013-09-15 Pi 2014-07-20 Aq 2015-10-03 Cp 2016-

> 03-27

> > Ar 2016-09-19 Ta 2017-04-23 Ge 2018-08-29 Ta 2019-06-02 Ar 2020-

> 10-07

> > Pi 2021-05-10 Aq 2022-03-14 Cp 2022-07-16 Sg 2022-

> 11-16

> > Ta 2023-09-20 Ge 2026-10-20 Ta 2028-07-15 Ar 2031-08-16 Pi 2032-

> 12-20

> > Aq 2034-11-25 Cp 2035-09-02 Sg 2036-06-10 Ar 2038-

> 05-15

> > Ge 2039-09-20 Ta 2040-09-10 Ar 2042-06-06 Pi 2043-03-10 Aq 2044-

> 04-09

> > Cp 2044-09-15 Sg 2045-02-20 Ar 2046-03-23 Ta 2046-

> 12-25

> > Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction):

> >

> > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > Sun 5 4 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 2 3*

> > Moon 4 3 4* 5 4 2 4 6 6 4 3 4

> > Mars 4 4 1 6 4 3 1* 3 4 5 2 2

> > Merc 4 5 3 6 3 5 3 6 4 4 5 6*

> > Jupi 5* 4 5 6 4 1 6 7 5 5 4 4

> > Venu 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5* 3

> > Satu 3 1 1 4 4 3* 2 4 5 4 5 3

> > Total 29 26 22 35 28 21 23 35 34 33 26 25

> >

> > Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction):

> >

> > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > Sun 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0

> > Moon 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0

> > Mars 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

> > Merc 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0

> > Jupi 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 4 0 0

> > Venu 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

> > Satu 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 4 0

> > Total 1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 6 4 4 0

> >

> > Sodya Pindas:

> >

> > RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

> >

> > Sun 49 13 62 Cp Hastha

> > Moon 63 13 76 Cn Punarvasu

> > Mars 50 7 57 Pi U.Pha.

> > Merc 53 29 82 Cn Rohini

> > Jupi 94 31 125 Sc Chitra

> > Venu 51 12 63 Ge Jyeshtha

> > Satu 101 46 147 Pi U.Shaa.

> >

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | Moo MarR |

> > | | | |

> > | | | HL |

> > | | | |

> > | | | BL Ven |

> > |-------------| H O R A |-------------|

> > | | | Jup Ket |

> > | | | SatR GL |

> > | | | Glk Mnd |

> > | | | Asc Rah |

> > | | | Sun MerR |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | MarR |

> > | | Jup | HL | |

> > | | | | BL |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Moo Mnd | | |

> > | | | Sun |

> > | Asc Rah | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 3 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | SatR | | Ket |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | GL | |

> > | | MerR | | Glk |

> > | | | Ven | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Moo | Jup | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | SatR | HL | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Mnd | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | Asc | | |

> > | | | Glk |

> > | Rah | | |

> > |-------------| D - 4 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | Ket |

> > | | | |

> > | | | BL |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | MerR | Ven | GL | Sun |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | Jup Ket | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | HL | Mnd | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | GL | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 5 |-------------|

> > | SatR | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Sun | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | Moo | |

> > | | | | |

> > | BL | MerR | MarR | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | Ven | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | Jup | Ket | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | Mnd | GL | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | Asc | Rah | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | BL |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 6 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | SatR | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | Sun | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | Moo |

> > | HL | | | |

> > | | | | Ven |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | MarR | | | |

> > | | Jup | BL | |

> > | Rah | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Mnd | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Asc | | SatR |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | |

> > |-------------| D - 7 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Sun | | Ven |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | GL | | |

> > | Moo | | HL | Ket |

> > | | Glk | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | GL | |

> > | | BL | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Moo | | HL |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | Ven |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 8 |-------------|

> > | Ket Mnd | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Asc | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Rah Sun | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | SatR | | MarR | Glk |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Glk Mnd | | | |

> > | | Jup | Sun | MarR |

> > | Asc Rah | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | BL |

> > | Moo | | |

> > | | | MerR |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | HL | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | SatR | | |

> > | GL | | | Ket |

> > | | Ven | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | SatR | |

> > | | Ven | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | MarR Mnd |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | Asc Rah |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Ket | | |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | GL HL | | | |

> > | | Moo | | |

> > | BL Sun | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Mnd | Jup Moo | | |

> > | | | | HL |

> > | Asc | SatR Rah | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | |

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Hello Sally and Jeff,


Thanks to both for your comments.


Sally mentions that Jupitor , Saturn, Mars and Venus needs strengthening.

How can this be done.

Best regards





Devichandra <sara

<Vedic Astrology>

Wednesday, February 28, 2001 9:47 AM

Re: [Vedic Astrology] Re: Beginners Study 10 th house



> Dear Jeff, I see that your subperiod lord and ruler of the house of

> gains(11H), Jupiter is in extreme weakness at 0 degrees Aries, has a

> weak dispositor Mars(it's dispositor is weak because it's in old

> age(delays)and it's dispositor Sa is weakened by being in the 8H in rasi

> and nv) and resides in the 6H of obstacles in the Navamsa. Jupiter

> needs strengthened, so does Saturn, Mars and Venus.

> You are in a Mercury subperiod until March and it's a functional

> malefic, debilitated in the 2H of status and wealth. Hope this helps.

> Sally

> Jeff wrote:

> >

> > Vedic Astrology, "Ashok Garg" <agarg@a...> wrote:

> > > Hello List members,

> > >

> > > I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career)

> > in the following chart(my own)

> > >

> > > Name ; Ashok Garg

> > > Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

> > > Time : 4:02 Am

> > > Location : Delhi India

> > >

> > > I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora

> > Light".

> > >

> > > Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall

> > have Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th

> > house, The native shall have fluctuation in the career dramatically.

> > Life would be tedious and filled with struggle, adversity.

> > >

> > > 10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure

> > how to judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me

> > interpret so many influences.

> > >

> > > I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some

> > give some more information.

> > >

> > > In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be

> > helped. In D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is

> > good for Career as well.)

> > >

> > > Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some

> > one please help.

> > >

> > > My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very

> > satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an

> > Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed

> > circumstances. The career has been mostly been at the Technical level

> > ( good money but did not result in many promotions)

> > >

> > > About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business,

> > so far I am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had

> > success within 3 months of start. I am planning to abandon the

> > business and go back to job. There are problems in this as well. My

> > current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/ Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor being

> > Vargottama should not be difficult period for Career. (Also Jupito

> > being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should help).

> > > I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama

> > should have been neutral to helpful.

> > >

> > > Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in

> > the current period and what can do to help it astrologically.

> > >

> > >

> > > Best Regards

> > > Ashok

> > > _______

> > > NB:

> > >

> > > In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/

> > Mooltrikona. This would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in

> > the Rasi chart as it is in the 6th house.

> > >

> > > NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or

> > MoolTrikona, As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and

> > Mooltrikona is "when 3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do

> > we interpret this)

> >

> > well I'm a beginner too so what I say may not be of any help. In the

> > Rasi as you say mars is 10th lord in the ninth, but in libra and

> > retrograde. Then if ya look at the 9th lord venus, its in the 1st.

> > This is a good thing I think although Rahu is there and very close to

> > the Asc. Asc. lord Saturn is in the 8th aspecting your Sun. The other

> > luminary (Moon) is weak receiving only an aspect from Saturn.

> > Rajayoga exists in your 2nd (5th lord and 7th lord) Not real strong

> > but something to work with.

> > Navamsa once again similar themes, Saturn in 8th aspecting Sun(10th

> > lord). Rajayoga in the 7th (Moon and Mars)and like you say Moon is


> > D-10 again the Sun is aspected by Saturn. All through these varga's

> > the 2nd house has significance. Here Acs. lord is in the 2nd.

> >

> > Finally, my training is in western astrology and I have the same

> > configuration you do. Sun oppisite Saturn and Moon square them both.

> > I have found that this tones down the personality. But gives great

> > ability in accepting huge amounts of responsibility. Partner might

> > add the spark of personality needed to compliment your lack of.

> >

> > Regards, Jeff (only a student)

> > >

> > > --

> > > These calculations were made using "Jagannatha Hora Lite". It is a

> > > free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it

> > > from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or http://www.sjvc.net.

> > > --

> > >

> > > Date of Birth: April 3, 1952

> > > Time of Birth: 4:02:00 am

> > > Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

> > > Longitude of Birth: 77 E 12

> > > Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36

> > > Lunar month (maasa): Chaitra

> > > Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Navami

> > > Tithi balance: 0.9824

> > > Nakshatra balance: 0.5396

> > > Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda

> > > Sun-Moon Karana: Balava

> > > Vara (weekday): Wednesday

> > >

> > > Sunrise = 6:12 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

> > > Ayanamsa = 23-11-34

> > > Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

> > >

> > > Planet Position Pada CharaK

> > >

> > > Ascdt 4 Aq 07 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > > Sun 19 Pi 55 Revathi 1 PK

> > > Moon 26 Ge 08 Punarvasu 2 AmK

> > > Mars ® 24 Li 48 Visakha 2 BK

> > > Mercury ® 24 Pi 16 Revathi 3 PiK

> > > Jupiter 0 Ar 34 Aswini 1 DK

> > > Venus 28 Aq 09 Poo.Bhaa. 3 AK

> > > Saturn ® 18 Vi 18 Hastha 3 GK

> > > Rahu 5 Aq 20 Dhanishtha 4 MK

> > > Ketu 5 Le 20 Makha 2 -

> > > BhavaLg 16 Aq 31 Satabhisham 3 -

> > > HoraLg 14 Cp 00 Sravanam 2 -

> > > GhatiLg 6 Li 29 Chitra 4 -

> > > Dhooma 3 Le 15 Makha 1 -

> > > Vyati 26 Sc 44 Jyeshtha 4 -

> > > Pari 26 Ta 44 Mrigasira 2 -

> > > I.Chapa 3 Aq 15 Dhanishtha 3 -

> > > Upaketu 19 Aq 55 Satabhisham 4 -

> > > Kaala 20 Vi 22 Hastha 4 -

> > > Mrityu 27 Li 46 Visakha 3 -

> > > ArthaPr 16 Sc 14 Anuradha 4 -

> > > YamaGha 5 Sg 20 Moola 2 -

> > > Mandi 3 Aq 53 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > > Gulika 20 Cp 15 Sravanam 4 -

> > >

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | Sun | | | |

> > > | | Jup | | Moo |

> > > | MerR | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | Mnd Asc | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | Rah | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | BL Ven | | |

> > > |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | HL | | |

> > > | | | Ket |

> > > | Glk | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | GL | |

> > > | | | | SatR |

> > > | | | MarR | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | Moo Ket | SatR |

> > > | | Jup | | |

> > > | | | MarR HL | Ven |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | BL | | |

> > > | | | Glk |

> > > | MerR | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | GL Mnd | | |

> > > | Sun | | | |

> > > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > >

> > > Vimsottari Dasa:

> > >

> > > Jupi 1952-04-03 Venu 1952-10-02

> > > Sun 1955-06-03 Moon 1956-03-21 Mars 1957-07-21

> > Rahu 1958-06-27

> > > Satu 1960-11-20 Merc 1963-11-24 Ketu 1966-08-03 Venu 1967-09-12

> > Sun 1970-11-11

> > > Moon 1971-10-24 Mars 1973-05-24 Rahu 1974-07-03

> > Jupi 1977-05-09

> > > Merc 1979-11-20 Ketu 1982-04-18 Venu 1983-04-15 Sun 1986-02-13

> > Moon 1986-12-21

> > > Mars 1988-05-21 Rahu 1989-05-18 Jupi 1991-12-06

> > Satu 1994-03-12

> > > Ketu 1996-11-20 Venu 1997-04-18 Sun 1998-06-18 Moon 1998-10-24

> > Mars 1999-05-25

> > > Rahu 1999-10-21 Jupi 2000-11-07 Satu 2001-10-14

> > Merc 2002-11-23

> > > Venu 2003-11-20 Sun 2007-03-22 Moon 2008-03-21 Mars 2009-11-20

> > Rahu 2011-01-20

> > > Jupi 2014-01-20 Satu 2016-09-20 Merc 2019-11-20

> > Ketu 2022-09-20

> > > Sun 2023-11-20 Moon 2024-03-09 Mars 2024-09-07 Rahu 2025-01-13

> > Jupi 2025-12-08

> > > Satu 2026-09-26 Merc 2027-09-08 Ketu 2028-07-15

> > Venu 2028-11-19

> > > Moon 2029-11-20 Mars 2030-09-20 Rahu 2031-04-21 Jupi 2032-10-20

> > Satu 2034-02-19

> > > Merc 2035-09-20 Ketu 2037-02-19 Venu 2037-09-20

> > Sun 2039-05-21

> > > Mars 2039-11-20 Rahu 2040-04-17 Jupi 2041-05-06 Satu 2042-04-12

> > Merc 2043-05-21

> > > Ketu 2044-05-18 Venu 2044-10-14 Sun 2045-12-14

> > Moon 2046-04-21

> > > Rahu 2046-11-20 Jupi 2049-08-02 Satu 2051-12-26 Merc 2054-11-01

> > Ketu 2057-05-21

> > > Venu 2058-06-08 Sun 2061-06-08 Moon 2062-05-03

> > Mars 2063-11-02

> > >

> > > Ashtottari Dasa:

> > >

> > > Sun 1952-04-03 Satu 1952-08-14

> > > Jupi 1953-03-05 Rahu 1954-03-26 Venu 1954-11-24

> > > Moon 1956-01-24 Mars 1958-02-23 Merc 1959-04-05 Satu 1961-08-14

> > Jupi 1963-01-04

> > > Rahu 1965-08-24 Venu 1967-04-25 Sun 1970-03-26

> > > Mars 1971-01-24 Merc 1971-08-28 Satu 1972-11-30 Jupi 1973-08-28

> > Rahu 1975-01-24

> > > Venu 1975-12-15 Sun 1977-07-05 Moon 1977-12-14

> > > Merc 1979-01-24 Satu 1981-09-27 Jupi 1983-04-25 Rahu 1986-04-21

> > Venu 1988-03-11

> > > Sun 1991-07-02 Moon 1992-06-11 Mars 1994-10-21

> > > Satu 1996-01-24 Jupi 1996-12-27 Rahu 1998-10-01 Venu 1999-11-11

> > Sun 2001-10-21

> > > Moon 2002-05-12 Mars 2003-10-01 Merc 2004-06-27

> > > Jupi 2006-01-23 Rahu 2009-05-28 Venu 2011-07-08 Sun 2015-03-19

> > Moon 2016-04-07

> > > Mars 2018-11-27 Merc 2020-04-24 Satu 2023-04-21

> > > Rahu 2025-01-23 Venu 2026-05-25 Sun 2028-09-23 Moon 2029-05-25

> > Mars 2031-01-23

> > > Merc 2031-12-14 Satu 2033-11-03 Jupi 2034-12-14

> > > Venu 2037-01-23 Sun 2041-02-22 Moon 2042-04-24 Mars 2045-03-25

> > Merc 2046-10-14

> > > Satu 2050-02-02 Jupi 2052-01-13 Rahu 2055-09-24

> > > Sun 2058-01-23 Moon 2058-05-25 Mars 2059-03-25 Merc 2059-09-03

> > Satu 2060-08-13

> > > Jupi 2061-03-04 Rahu 2062-03-25 Venu 2062-11-23

> > >

> > > Kalachakra Dasa:

> > >

> > > Le 1952-04-03 Cp 1952-07-16 Aq 1952-10-10 Pi 1953-01-04

> > > Sc 1953-08-07 Li 1954-01-05 Vi 1954-12-15 Cn 1955-

> > 06-26

> > > Ge 1956-09-20 Cp 1957-09-03 Aq 1958-02-04 Pi 1958-07-09 Sc 1959-

> > 07-31

> > > Li 1960-04-27 Vi 1962-01-05 Cn 1962-12-19 Le 1965-

> > 03-10

> > > Ta 1965-09-20 Ar 1968-10-20 Pi 1970-02-25 Aq 1972-01-30 Cp 1972-

> > 11-07

> > > Sg 1973-08-16 Ar 1975-07-21 Ta 1976-11-24 Ge 1979-

> > 12-26

> > > Ar 1981-09-20 Pi 1982-04-23 Aq 1983-02-25 Cp 1983-06-29 Sg 1983-

> > 10-30

> > > Ar 1984-09-02 Ta 1985-04-05 Ge 1986-08-11 Ta 1987-

> > 05-16

> > > Pi 1988-09-19 Aq 1989-12-03 Cp 1990-05-28 Sg 1990-11-20 Ar 1992-

> > 02-04

> > > Ta 1992-12-08 Ge 1994-11-12 Ta 1995-12-13 Ar 1997-

> > 11-16

> > > Aq 1998-09-20 Cp 1998-11-29 Sg 1999-02-08 Ar 1999-08-03 Ta 1999-

> > 12-04

> > > Ge 2000-09-11 Ta 2001-02-16 Ar 2001-11-25 Pi 2002-

> > 03-28

> > > Cp 2002-09-20 Sg 2002-11-29 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2003-09-24 Ge 2004-

> > 07-02

> > > Ta 2004-12-07 Ar 2005-09-15 Pi 2006-01-16 Aq 2006-

> > 07-11

> > > Sg 2006-09-20 Ar 2007-12-04 Ta 2008-10-07 Ge 2010-09-11 Ta 2011-

> > 10-12

> > > Ar 2013-09-15 Pi 2014-07-20 Aq 2015-10-03 Cp 2016-

> > 03-27

> > > Ar 2016-09-19 Ta 2017-04-23 Ge 2018-08-29 Ta 2019-06-02 Ar 2020-

> > 10-07

> > > Pi 2021-05-10 Aq 2022-03-14 Cp 2022-07-16 Sg 2022-

> > 11-16

> > > Ta 2023-09-20 Ge 2026-10-20 Ta 2028-07-15 Ar 2031-08-16 Pi 2032-

> > 12-20

> > > Aq 2034-11-25 Cp 2035-09-02 Sg 2036-06-10 Ar 2038-

> > 05-15

> > > Ge 2039-09-20 Ta 2040-09-10 Ar 2042-06-06 Pi 2043-03-10 Aq 2044-

> > 04-09

> > > Cp 2044-09-15 Sg 2045-02-20 Ar 2046-03-23 Ta 2046-

> > 12-25

> > > Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction):

> > >

> > > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > > Sun 5 4 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 2 3*

> > > Moon 4 3 4* 5 4 2 4 6 6 4 3 4

> > > Mars 4 4 1 6 4 3 1* 3 4 5 2 2

> > > Merc 4 5 3 6 3 5 3 6 4 4 5 6*

> > > Jupi 5* 4 5 6 4 1 6 7 5 5 4 4

> > > Venu 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5* 3

> > > Satu 3 1 1 4 4 3* 2 4 5 4 5 3

> > > Total 29 26 22 35 28 21 23 35 34 33 26 25

> > >

> > > Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction):

> > >

> > > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > > Sun 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0

> > > Moon 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0

> > > Mars 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

> > > Merc 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0

> > > Jupi 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 4 0 0

> > > Venu 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

> > > Satu 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 4 0

> > > Total 1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 6 4 4 0

> > >

> > > Sodya Pindas:

> > >

> > > RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

> > >

> > > Sun 49 13 62 Cp Hastha

> > > Moon 63 13 76 Cn Punarvasu

> > > Mars 50 7 57 Pi U.Pha.

> > > Merc 53 29 82 Cn Rohini

> > > Jupi 94 31 125 Sc Chitra

> > > Venu 51 12 63 Ge Jyeshtha

> > > Satu 101 46 147 Pi U.Shaa.

> > >

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | Moo MarR |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | HL |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | BL Ven |

> > > |-------------| H O R A |-------------|

> > > | | | Jup Ket |

> > > | | | SatR GL |

> > > | | | Glk Mnd |

> > > | | | Asc Rah |

> > > | | | Sun MerR |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | MarR |

> > > | | Jup | HL | |

> > > | | | | BL |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | Moo Mnd | | |

> > > | | | Sun |

> > > | Asc Rah | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------| D - 3 |-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | SatR | | Ket |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | GL | |

> > > | | MerR | | Glk |

> > > | | | Ven | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | Moo | Jup | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | SatR | HL | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | Mnd | | |

> > > | | | MarR |

> > > | Asc | | |

> > > | | | Glk |

> > > | Rah | | |

> > > |-------------| D - 4 |-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | Ket |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | BL |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | MerR | Ven | GL | Sun |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | Jup Ket | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | HL | Mnd | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | GL | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------| D - 5 |-------------|

> > > | SatR | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | Glk | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | Sun | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | Moo | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | BL | MerR | MarR | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | Ven | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | Jup | Ket | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | Mnd | GL | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | Asc | Rah | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | Glk | | |

> > > | | | BL |

> > > | MerR | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------| D - 6 |-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | SatR | | |

> > > | | | MarR |

> > > | Sun | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | Moo |

> > > | HL | | | |

> > > | | | | Ven |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | MarR | | | |

> > > | | Jup | BL | |

> > > | Rah | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | Mnd | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | Asc | | SatR |

> > > | | | |

> > > | MerR | | |

> > > |-------------| D - 7 |-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | Sun | | Ven |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | GL | | |

> > > | Moo | | HL | Ket |

> > > | | Glk | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | Jup | | |

> > > | | | GL | |

> > > | | BL | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | Moo | | HL |

> > > | | | |

> > > | MerR | | Ven |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------| D - 8 |-------------|

> > > | Ket Mnd | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | Asc | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | Rah Sun | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | SatR | | MarR | Glk |

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | Glk Mnd | | | |

> > > | | Jup | Sun | MarR |

> > > | Asc Rah | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | BL |

> > > | Moo | | |

> > > | | | MerR |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | HL | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | SatR | | |

> > > | GL | | | Ket |

> > > | | Ven | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | | Jup | | |

> > > | | | SatR | |

> > > | | Ven | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | MarR Mnd |

> > > | Glk | | |

> > > | | | Asc Rah |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | Ket | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | MerR | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | | |

> > > | GL HL | | | |

> > > | | Moo | | |

> > > | BL Sun | | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > +----------------------+

> > >

> > > +----------------------+

> > > | | | | |

> > > | Mnd | Jup Moo | | |

> > > | | | | HL |

> > > | Asc | SatR Rah | | |

> > > | | | | |

> > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | MarR |

> > > | | | |

> > > | | | |

> > > |-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------|

> > > | | | |

> > > | |



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There are many ways to strengthen, wearing a kavach with the mystical

numbers of the planets on it(cheaper than gems and some find very

effective), wearing their colors on their days of the week, or




Ashok Garg wrote:


> Hello Sally and Jeff,


> Thanks to both for your comments.


> Sally mentions that Jupitor , Saturn, Mars and Venus needs

> strengthening.

> How can this be done.

> Best regards

> Ashok


> -

> Devichandra <sara

> <Vedic Astrology>

> Wednesday, February 28, 2001 9:47 AM

> Re: [Vedic Astrology] Re: Beginners Study 10 th house


> > Dear Jeff, I see that your subperiod lord and ruler of the house of

> > gains(11H), Jupiter is in extreme weakness at 0 degrees Aries, has a

> > weak dispositor Mars(it's dispositor is weak because it's in old

> > age(delays)and it's dispositor Sa is weakened by being in the 8H in

> rasi

> > and nv) and resides in the 6H of obstacles in the Navamsa. Jupiter

> > needs strengthened, so does Saturn, Mars and Venus.

> > You are in a Mercury subperiod until March and it's a functional

> > malefic, debilitated in the 2H of status and wealth. Hope this

> helps.

> > Sally

> > Jeff wrote:

> > >

> > > Vedic Astrology, "Ashok Garg" <agarg@a...> wrote:

> > > > Hello List members,

> > > >

> > > > I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house

> (career)

> > > in the following chart(my own)

> > > >

> > > > Name ; Ashok Garg

> > > > Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

> > > > Time : 4:02 Am

> > > > Location : Delhi India

> > > >

> > > > I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha

> Hora

> > > Light".

> > > >

> > > > Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall

> > > have Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th

> > > house, The native shall have fluctuation in the career

> dramatically.

> > > Life would be tedious and filled with struggle, adversity.

> > > >

> > > > 10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not

> sure

> > > how to judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me

> > > interpret so many influences.

> > > >

> > > > I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some

> > > give some more information.

> > > >

> > > > In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be

> > > helped. In D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which

> is

> > > good for Career as well.)

> > > >

> > > > Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can

> some

> > > one please help.

> > > >

> > > > My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not

> very

> > > satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as

> an

> > > Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed

> > > circumstances. The career has been mostly been at the Technical

> level

> > > ( good money but did not result in many promotions)

> > > >

> > > > About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a

> business,

> > > so far I am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have

> had

> > > success within 3 months of start. I am planning to abandon the

> > > business and go back to job. There are problems in this as well.

> My

> > > current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/ Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor

> being

> > > Vargottama should not be difficult period for Career. (Also Jupito

> > > being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should help).

> > > > I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama

> > > should have been neutral to helpful.

> > > >

> > > > Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms

> in

> > > the current period and what can do to help it astrologically.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Best Regards

> > > > Ashok

> > > > _______

> > > > NB:

> > > >

> > > > In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/

> > > Mooltrikona. This would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak

> in

> > > the Rasi chart as it is in the 6th house.

> > > >

> > > > NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or

> > > MoolTrikona, As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and

> > > Mooltrikona is "when 3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how

> do

> > > we interpret this)

> > >

> > > well I'm a beginner too so what I say may not be of any help. In

> the

> > > Rasi as you say mars is 10th lord in the ninth, but in libra and

> > > retrograde. Then if ya look at the 9th lord venus, its in the 1st.

> > > This is a good thing I think although Rahu is there and very close

> to

> > > the Asc. Asc. lord Saturn is in the 8th aspecting your Sun. The

> other

> > > luminary (Moon) is weak receiving only an aspect from Saturn.

> > > Rajayoga exists in your 2nd (5th lord and 7th lord) Not real

> strong

> > > but something to work with.

> > > Navamsa once again similar themes, Saturn in 8th aspecting

> Sun(10th

> > > lord). Rajayoga in the 7th (Moon and Mars)and like you say Moon is


> > > D-10 again the Sun is aspected by Saturn. All through these

> varga's

> > > the 2nd house has significance. Here Acs. lord is in the 2nd.

> > >

> > > Finally, my training is in western astrology and I have the same

> > > configuration you do. Sun oppisite Saturn and Moon square them

> both.

> > > I have found that this tones down the personality. But gives great

> > > ability in accepting huge amounts of responsibility. Partner might

> > > add the spark of personality needed to compliment your lack of.

> > >

> > > Regards, Jeff (only a student)

> > > >

> > > >

> --

> > > > These calculations were made using "Jagannatha Hora Lite". It

> is a

> > > > free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download

> it

> > > > from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or

> http://www.sjvc.net.

> > > >

> --

> > > >

> > > > Date of Birth: April 3, 1952

> > > > Time of Birth: 4:02:00 am

> > > > Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

> > > > Longitude of Birth: 77 E 12

> > > > Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36

> > > > Lunar month (maasa): Chaitra

> > > > Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Navami

> > > > Tithi balance: 0.9824

> > > > Nakshatra balance: 0.5396

> > > > Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda

> > > > Sun-Moon Karana: Balava

> > > > Vara (weekday): Wednesday

> > > >

> > > > Sunrise = 6:12 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

> > > > Ayanamsa = 23-11-34

> > > > Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

> > > >

> > > > Planet Position Pada CharaK

> > > >

> > > > Ascdt 4 Aq 07 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > > > Sun 19 Pi 55 Revathi 1 PK

> > > > Moon 26 Ge 08 Punarvasu 2 AmK

> > > > Mars ® 24 Li 48 Visakha 2 BK

> > > > Mercury ® 24 Pi 16 Revathi 3 PiK

> > > > Jupiter 0 Ar 34 Aswini 1 DK

> > > > Venus 28 Aq 09 Poo.Bhaa. 3 AK

> > > > Saturn ® 18 Vi 18 Hastha 3 GK

> > > > Rahu 5 Aq 20 Dhanishtha 4 MK

> > > > Ketu 5 Le 20 Makha 2 -

> > > > BhavaLg 16 Aq 31 Satabhisham 3 -

> > > > HoraLg 14 Cp 00 Sravanam 2 -

> > > > GhatiLg 6 Li 29 Chitra 4 -

> > > > Dhooma 3 Le 15 Makha 1 -

> > > > Vyati 26 Sc 44 Jyeshtha 4 -

> > > > Pari 26 Ta 44 Mrigasira 2 -

> > > > I.Chapa 3 Aq 15 Dhanishtha 3 -

> > > > Upaketu 19 Aq 55 Satabhisham 4 -

> > > > Kaala 20 Vi 22 Hastha 4 -

> > > > Mrityu 27 Li 46 Visakha 3 -

> > > > ArthaPr 16 Sc 14 Anuradha 4 -

> > > > YamaGha 5 Sg 20 Moola 2 -

> > > > Mandi 3 Aq 53 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > > > Gulika 20 Cp 15 Sravanam 4 -

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | Sun | | | |

> > > > | | Jup | | Moo |

> > > > | MerR | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | Mnd Asc | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Rah | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | BL Ven | | |

> > > > |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | HL | | |

> > > > | | | Ket |

> > > > | Glk | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | GL | |

> > > > | | | | SatR |

> > > > | | | MarR | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | Moo Ket | SatR |

> > > > | | Jup | | |

> > > > | | | MarR HL | Ven |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | BL | | |

> > > > | | | Glk |

> > > > | MerR | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | GL Mnd | | |

> > > > | Sun | | | |

> > > > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vimsottari Dasa:

> > > >

> > > > Jupi 1952-04-03 Venu 1952-10-02

> > > > Sun 1955-06-03 Moon 1956-03-21 Mars

> 1957-07-21

> > > Rahu 1958-06-27

> > > > Satu 1960-11-20 Merc 1963-11-24 Ketu 1966-08-03 Venu

> 1967-09-12

> > > Sun 1970-11-11

> > > > Moon 1971-10-24 Mars 1973-05-24 Rahu

> 1974-07-03

> > > Jupi 1977-05-09

> > > > Merc 1979-11-20 Ketu 1982-04-18 Venu 1983-04-15 Sun

> 1986-02-13

> > > Moon 1986-12-21

> > > > Mars 1988-05-21 Rahu 1989-05-18 Jupi

> 1991-12-06

> > > Satu 1994-03-12

> > > > Ketu 1996-11-20 Venu 1997-04-18 Sun 1998-06-18 Moon

> 1998-10-24

> > > Mars 1999-05-25

> > > > Rahu 1999-10-21 Jupi 2000-11-07 Satu

> 2001-10-14

> > > Merc 2002-11-23

> > > > Venu 2003-11-20 Sun 2007-03-22 Moon 2008-03-21 Mars

> 2009-11-20

> > > Rahu 2011-01-20

> > > > Jupi 2014-01-20 Satu 2016-09-20 Merc

> 2019-11-20

> > > Ketu 2022-09-20

> > > > Sun 2023-11-20 Moon 2024-03-09 Mars 2024-09-07 Rahu

> 2025-01-13

> > > Jupi 2025-12-08

> > > > Satu 2026-09-26 Merc 2027-09-08 Ketu

> 2028-07-15

> > > Venu 2028-11-19

> > > > Moon 2029-11-20 Mars 2030-09-20 Rahu 2031-04-21 Jupi

> 2032-10-20

> > > Satu 2034-02-19

> > > > Merc 2035-09-20 Ketu 2037-02-19 Venu

> 2037-09-20

> > > Sun 2039-05-21

> > > > Mars 2039-11-20 Rahu 2040-04-17 Jupi 2041-05-06 Satu

> 2042-04-12

> > > Merc 2043-05-21

> > > > Ketu 2044-05-18 Venu 2044-10-14 Sun

> 2045-12-14

> > > Moon 2046-04-21

> > > > Rahu 2046-11-20 Jupi 2049-08-02 Satu 2051-12-26 Merc

> 2054-11-01

> > > Ketu 2057-05-21

> > > > Venu 2058-06-08 Sun 2061-06-08 Moon

> 2062-05-03

> > > Mars 2063-11-02

> > > >

> > > > Ashtottari Dasa:

> > > >

> > > > Sun 1952-04-03 Satu 1952-08-14

> > > > Jupi 1953-03-05 Rahu 1954-03-26 Venu

> 1954-11-24

> > > > Moon 1956-01-24 Mars 1958-02-23 Merc 1959-04-05 Satu

> 1961-08-14

> > > Jupi 1963-01-04

> > > > Rahu 1965-08-24 Venu 1967-04-25 Sun

> 1970-03-26

> > > > Mars 1971-01-24 Merc 1971-08-28 Satu 1972-11-30 Jupi

> 1973-08-28

> > > Rahu 1975-01-24

> > > > Venu 1975-12-15 Sun 1977-07-05 Moon

> 1977-12-14

> > > > Merc 1979-01-24 Satu 1981-09-27 Jupi 1983-04-25 Rahu

> 1986-04-21

> > > Venu 1988-03-11

> > > > Sun 1991-07-02 Moon 1992-06-11 Mars

> 1994-10-21

> > > > Satu 1996-01-24 Jupi 1996-12-27 Rahu 1998-10-01 Venu

> 1999-11-11

> > > Sun 2001-10-21

> > > > Moon 2002-05-12 Mars 2003-10-01 Merc

> 2004-06-27

> > > > Jupi 2006-01-23 Rahu 2009-05-28 Venu 2011-07-08 Sun

> 2015-03-19

> > > Moon 2016-04-07

> > > > Mars 2018-11-27 Merc 2020-04-24 Satu

> 2023-04-21

> > > > Rahu 2025-01-23 Venu 2026-05-25 Sun 2028-09-23 Moon

> 2029-05-25

> > > Mars 2031-01-23

> > > > Merc 2031-12-14 Satu 2033-11-03 Jupi

> 2034-12-14

> > > > Venu 2037-01-23 Sun 2041-02-22 Moon 2042-04-24 Mars

> 2045-03-25

> > > Merc 2046-10-14

> > > > Satu 2050-02-02 Jupi 2052-01-13 Rahu

> 2055-09-24

> > > > Sun 2058-01-23 Moon 2058-05-25 Mars 2059-03-25 Merc

> 2059-09-03

> > > Satu 2060-08-13

> > > > Jupi 2061-03-04 Rahu 2062-03-25 Venu

> 2062-11-23

> > > >

> > > > Kalachakra Dasa:

> > > >

> > > > Le 1952-04-03 Cp 1952-07-16 Aq 1952-10-10 Pi 1953-01-04

> > > > Sc 1953-08-07 Li 1954-01-05 Vi 1954-12-15 Cn

> 1955-

> > > 06-26

> > > > Ge 1956-09-20 Cp 1957-09-03 Aq 1958-02-04 Pi 1958-07-09 Sc

> 1959-

> > > 07-31

> > > > Li 1960-04-27 Vi 1962-01-05 Cn 1962-12-19 Le

> 1965-

> > > 03-10

> > > > Ta 1965-09-20 Ar 1968-10-20 Pi 1970-02-25 Aq 1972-01-30 Cp

> 1972-

> > > 11-07

> > > > Sg 1973-08-16 Ar 1975-07-21 Ta 1976-11-24 Ge

> 1979-

> > > 12-26

> > > > Ar 1981-09-20 Pi 1982-04-23 Aq 1983-02-25 Cp 1983-06-29 Sg

> 1983-

> > > 10-30

> > > > Ar 1984-09-02 Ta 1985-04-05 Ge 1986-08-11 Ta

> 1987-

> > > 05-16

> > > > Pi 1988-09-19 Aq 1989-12-03 Cp 1990-05-28 Sg 1990-11-20 Ar

> 1992-

> > > 02-04

> > > > Ta 1992-12-08 Ge 1994-11-12 Ta 1995-12-13 Ar

> 1997-

> > > 11-16

> > > > Aq 1998-09-20 Cp 1998-11-29 Sg 1999-02-08 Ar 1999-08-03 Ta

> 1999-

> > > 12-04

> > > > Ge 2000-09-11 Ta 2001-02-16 Ar 2001-11-25 Pi

> 2002-

> > > 03-28

> > > > Cp 2002-09-20 Sg 2002-11-29 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2003-09-24 Ge

> 2004-

> > > 07-02

> > > > Ta 2004-12-07 Ar 2005-09-15 Pi 2006-01-16 Aq

> 2006-

> > > 07-11

> > > > Sg 2006-09-20 Ar 2007-12-04 Ta 2008-10-07 Ge 2010-09-11 Ta

> 2011-

> > > 10-12

> > > > Ar 2013-09-15 Pi 2014-07-20 Aq 2015-10-03 Cp

> 2016-

> > > 03-27

> > > > Ar 2016-09-19 Ta 2017-04-23 Ge 2018-08-29 Ta 2019-06-02 Ar

> 2020-

> > > 10-07

> > > > Pi 2021-05-10 Aq 2022-03-14 Cp 2022-07-16 Sg

> 2022-

> > > 11-16

> > > > Ta 2023-09-20 Ge 2026-10-20 Ta 2028-07-15 Ar 2031-08-16 Pi

> 2032-

> > > 12-20

> > > > Aq 2034-11-25 Cp 2035-09-02 Sg 2036-06-10 Ar

> 2038-

> > > 05-15

> > > > Ge 2039-09-20 Ta 2040-09-10 Ar 2042-06-06 Pi 2043-03-10 Aq

> 2044-

> > > 04-09

> > > > Cp 2044-09-15 Sg 2045-02-20 Ar 2046-03-23 Ta

> 2046-

> > > 12-25

> > > > Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction):

> > > >

> > > > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > > > Sun 5 4 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 2 3*

> > > > Moon 4 3 4* 5 4 2 4 6 6 4 3 4

> > > > Mars 4 4 1 6 4 3 1* 3 4 5 2 2

> > > > Merc 4 5 3 6 3 5 3 6 4 4 5 6*

> > > > Jupi 5* 4 5 6 4 1 6 7 5 5 4 4

> > > > Venu 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5* 3

> > > > Satu 3 1 1 4 4 3* 2 4 5 4 5 3

> > > > Total 29 26 22 35 28 21 23 35 34 33 26 25

> > > >

> > > > Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction):

> > > >

> > > > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > > > Sun 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0

> > > > Moon 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0

> > > > Mars 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

> > > > Merc 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0

> > > > Jupi 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 4 0 0

> > > > Venu 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

> > > > Satu 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 4 0

> > > > Total 1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 6 4 4 0

> > > >

> > > > Sodya Pindas:

> > > >

> > > > RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

> > > >

> > > > Sun 49 13 62 Cp Hastha

> > > > Moon 63 13 76 Cn Punarvasu

> > > > Mars 50 7 57 Pi U.Pha.

> > > > Merc 53 29 82 Cn Rohini

> > > > Jupi 94 31 125 Sc Chitra

> > > > Venu 51 12 63 Ge Jyeshtha

> > > > Satu 101 46 147 Pi U.Shaa.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | Moo MarR |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | HL |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | BL Ven |

> > > > |-------------| H O R A |-------------|

> > > > | | | Jup Ket |

> > > > | | | SatR GL |

> > > > | | | Glk Mnd |

> > > > | | | Asc Rah |

> > > > | | | Sun MerR |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | MarR |

> > > > | | Jup | HL | |

> > > > | | | | BL |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Moo Mnd | | |

> > > > | | | Sun |

> > > > | Asc Rah | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------| D - 3 |-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | SatR | | Ket |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | GL | |

> > > > | | MerR | | Glk |

> > > > | | | Ven | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | Moo | Jup | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | SatR | HL | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | Mnd | | |

> > > > | | | MarR |

> > > > | Asc | | |

> > > > | | | Glk |

> > > > | Rah | | |

> > > > |-------------| D - 4 |-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | Ket |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | BL |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | MerR | Ven | GL | Sun |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | Jup Ket | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | HL | Mnd | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | GL | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------| D - 5 |-------------|

> > > > | SatR | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Glk | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Sun | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | Moo | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | BL | MerR | MarR | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | Ven | |

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | Jup | Ket | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | Mnd | GL | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | Asc | Rah | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Glk | | |

> > > > | | | BL |

> > > > | MerR | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------| D - 6 |-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | SatR | | |

> > > > | | | MarR |

> > > > | Sun | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | Moo |

> > > > | HL | | | |

> > > > | | | | Ven |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | MarR | | | |

> > > > | | Jup | BL | |

> > > > | Rah | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | Mnd | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Asc | | SatR |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | MerR | | |

> > > > |-------------| D - 7 |-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Sun | | Ven |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | GL | | |

> > > > | Moo | | HL | Ket |

> > > > | | Glk | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | Jup | | |

> > > > | | | GL | |

> > > > | | BL | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Moo | | HL |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | MerR | | Ven |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > |-------------| D - 8 |-------------|

> > > > | Ket Mnd | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Asc | | |

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | Rah Sun | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | SatR | | MarR | Glk |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > >

> > > > +----------------------+

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > | Glk Mnd | | | |

> > > > | | Jup | Sun | MarR |

> > > > | Asc Rah | | | |

> > > > | | | | |

> > > > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > > > | | | |

> > > > | | | BL |

> > > > | Moo | | |

> > > > |

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Guest guest

Attn : Satish, Sally and others,


Can I request comments from Satish wrt SA approach. I seek these because as per

your approach Jupiter is not FM ( as opposed to Monn and Jupiter being FM as

per Ashtakavarga System system).


Sally mentioned that Venus also needs strengthing. As per my original thinking

Venus is the strongest planet (being yogakarka Acq ascend). Does Venus being 28

deg Aq 09 would make it so week. This clarification would be of immense help to

me and may be others on the list.


I have another question re strengthing the planets. Normally one needs to be

careful when strengthing the planets as helping one planet could affect another

negatively. As a beginner I would think strengthening Venus, Jupiter at least

should not be a problem because they would cast benefic aspect (even though

they themselves may be melific because of their position as is the case with

Jupitor in this case)


So going back to this example. Jupitor being weak can be strengthed for the rest

of the life with out looking at any other aspects ( am I right ?)

In the same wane Venus can also be strengthened for rest of the life in this case.


Am I having a seriously wrong assumption here?. Would Sally and other senior

members on this list like to comment please


Best Regards



- Ashok Garg

Vedic Astrology

Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:13 PM

Beginners Study 10 th house

Hello List members,


I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career) in the following chart(my own)


Name ; Ashok Garg

Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

Time : 4:02 Am

Location : Delhi India


I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora Light".


Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall have Successful

Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th house, The native shall have

fluctuation in the career dramatically. Life would be tedious and filled with

struggle, adversity.


10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure how to judge

the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me interpret so many influences.


I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some give some more information.


In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be helped. In D-10

the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is good for Career as well.)


Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some one please help.


My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very satisfying. I

have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an Engineer and switched to

Computing in 1983 due to changed circumstances. The career has been mostly been

at the Technical level ( good money but did not result in many promotions)


About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business, so far I am

struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had success within 3 months

of start. I am planning to abandon the business and go back to job. There are

problems in this as well. My current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/ Jupiter. I expect

that Jupitor being Vargottama should not be difficult period for Career. (Also

Jupito being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should help).

I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama should have

been neutral to helpful.


Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in the current

period and what can do to help it astrologically.



Best Regards





In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/ Mooltrikona. This would

improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in the Rasi chart as it is in the 6th



NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or MoolTrikona, As

per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and Mooltrikona is "when 3deg to

30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do we interpret this)


These calculations were made using "Jagannatha Hora Lite". It is a

free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it

from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or http://www.sjvc.net.



Date of Birth: April 3, 1952

Time of Birth: 4:02:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 77 E 12

Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36

Lunar month (maasa): Chaitra

Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Navami

Tithi balance: 0.9824

Nakshatra balance: 0.5396

Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda

Sun-Moon Karana: Balava

Vara (weekday): Wednesday


Sunrise = 6:12 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 23-11-34

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 4 Aq 07 Dhanishtha 4 -

Sun 19 Pi 55 Revathi 1 PK

Moon 26 Ge 08 Punarvasu 2 AmK

Mars ® 24 Li 48 Visakha 2 BK

Mercury ® 24 Pi 16 Revathi 3 PiK

Jupiter 0 Ar 34 Aswini 1 DK

Venus 28 Aq 09 Poo.Bhaa. 3 AK

Saturn ® 18 Vi 18 Hastha 3 GK

Rahu 5 Aq 20 Dhanishtha 4 MK

Ketu 5 Le 20 Makha 2 -

BhavaLg 16 Aq 31 Satabhisham 3 -

HoraLg 14 Cp 00 Sravanam 2 -

GhatiLg 6 Li 29 Chitra 4 -

Dhooma 3 Le 15 Makha 1 -

Vyati 26 Sc 44 Jyeshtha 4 -

Pari 26 Ta 44 Mrigasira 2 -

I.Chapa 3 Aq 15 Dhanishtha 3 -

Upaketu 19 Aq 55 Satabhisham 4 -

Kaala 20 Vi 22 Hastha 4 -

Mrityu 27 Li 46 Visakha 3 -

ArthaPr 16 Sc 14 Anuradha 4 -

YamaGha 5 Sg 20 Moola 2 -

Mandi 3 Aq 53 Dhanishtha 4 -

Gulika 20 Cp 15 Sravanam 4 -




| | | | |

| Sun | | | |

| | Jup | | Moo |

| MerR | | | |

| | | | |


| Mnd Asc | | |

| | | |

| Rah | | |

| | | |

| BL Ven | | |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| HL | | |

| | | Ket |

| Glk | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | GL | |

| | | | SatR |

| | | MarR | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | | Moo Ket | SatR |

| | Jup | | |

| | | MarR HL | Ven |

| | | | |


| | | |

| BL | | |

| | | Glk |

| MerR | | |

| | | |

|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | GL Mnd | | |

| Sun | | | |

| | Asc Rah | | |

| | | | |




Vimsottari Dasa:


Jupi 1952-04-03 Venu 1952-10-02

Sun 1955-06-03 Moon 1956-03-21 Mars 1957-07-21 Rahu


Satu 1960-11-20 Merc 1963-11-24 Ketu 1966-08-03 Venu 1967-09-12 Sun


Moon 1971-10-24 Mars 1973-05-24 Rahu 1974-07-03 Jupi


Merc 1979-11-20 Ketu 1982-04-18 Venu 1983-04-15 Sun 1986-02-13 Moon


Mars 1988-05-21 Rahu 1989-05-18 Jupi 1991-12-06 Satu


Ketu 1996-11-20 Venu 1997-04-18 Sun 1998-06-18 Moon 1998-10-24 Mars


Rahu 1999-10-21 Jupi 2000-11-07 Satu 2001-10-14 Merc


Venu 2003-11-20 Sun 2007-03-22 Moon 2008-03-21 Mars 2009-11-20 Rahu


Jupi 2014-01-20 Satu 2016-09-20 Merc 2019-11-20 Ketu


Sun 2023-11-20 Moon 2024-03-09 Mars 2024-09-07 Rahu 2025-01-13 Jupi


Satu 2026-09-26 Merc 2027-09-08 Ketu 2028-07-15 Venu


Moon 2029-11-20 Mars 2030-09-20 Rahu 2031-04-21 Jupi 2032-10-20 Satu


Merc 2035-09-20 Ketu 2037-02-19 Venu 2037-09-20 Sun


Mars 2039-11-20 Rahu 2040-04-17 Jupi 2041-05-06 Satu 2042-04-12 Merc


Ketu 2044-05-18 Venu 2044-10-14 Sun 2045-12-14 Moon


Rahu 2046-11-20 Jupi 2049-08-02 Satu 2051-12-26 Merc 2054-11-01 Ketu


Venu 2058-06-08 Sun 2061-06-08 Moon 2062-05-03 Mars



Ashtottari Dasa:


Sun 1952-04-03 Satu 1952-08-14

Jupi 1953-03-05 Rahu 1954-03-26 Venu 1954-11-24

Moon 1956-01-24 Mars 1958-02-23 Merc 1959-04-05 Satu 1961-08-14 Jupi


Rahu 1965-08-24 Venu 1967-04-25 Sun 1970-03-26

Mars 1971-01-24 Merc 1971-08-28 Satu 1972-11-30 Jupi 1973-08-28 Rahu


Venu 1975-12-15 Sun 1977-07-05 Moon 1977-12-14

Merc 1979-01-24 Satu 1981-09-27 Jupi 1983-04-25 Rahu 1986-04-21 Venu


Sun 1991-07-02 Moon 1992-06-11 Mars 1994-10-21

Satu 1996-01-24 Jupi 1996-12-27 Rahu 1998-10-01 Venu 1999-11-11 Sun


Moon 2002-05-12 Mars 2003-10-01 Merc 2004-06-27

Jupi 2006-01-23 Rahu 2009-05-28 Venu 2011-07-08 Sun 2015-03-19 Moon


Mars 2018-11-27 Merc 2020-04-24 Satu 2023-04-21

Rahu 2025-01-23 Venu 2026-05-25 Sun 2028-09-23 Moon 2029-05-25 Mars


Merc 2031-12-14 Satu 2033-11-03 Jupi 2034-12-14

Venu 2037-01-23 Sun 2041-02-22 Moon 2042-04-24 Mars 2045-03-25 Merc


Satu 2050-02-02 Jupi 2052-01-13 Rahu 2055-09-24

Sun 2058-01-23 Moon 2058-05-25 Mars 2059-03-25 Merc 2059-09-03 Satu


Jupi 2061-03-04 Rahu 2062-03-25 Venu 2062-11-23


Kalachakra Dasa:


Le 1952-04-03 Cp 1952-07-16 Aq 1952-10-10 Pi 1953-01-04

Sc 1953-08-07 Li 1954-01-05 Vi 1954-12-15 Cn 1955-06-26

Ge 1956-09-20 Cp 1957-09-03 Aq 1958-02-04 Pi 1958-07-09 Sc 1959-07-31

Li 1960-04-27 Vi 1962-01-05 Cn 1962-12-19 Le 1965-03-10

Ta 1965-09-20 Ar 1968-10-20 Pi 1970-02-25 Aq 1972-01-30 Cp 1972-11-07

Sg 1973-08-16 Ar 1975-07-21 Ta 1976-11-24 Ge 1979-12-26

Ar 1981-09-20 Pi 1982-04-23 Aq 1983-02-25 Cp 1983-06-29 Sg 1983-10-30

Ar 1984-09-02 Ta 1985-04-05 Ge 1986-08-11 Ta 1987-05-16

Pi 1988-09-19 Aq 1989-12-03 Cp 1990-05-28 Sg 1990-11-20 Ar 1992-02-04

Ta 1992-12-08 Ge 1994-11-12 Ta 1995-12-13 Ar 1997-11-16

Aq 1998-09-20 Cp 1998-11-29 Sg 1999-02-08 Ar 1999-08-03 Ta 1999-12-04

Ge 2000-09-11 Ta 2001-02-16 Ar 2001-11-25 Pi 2002-03-28

Cp 2002-09-20 Sg 2002-11-29 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2003-09-24 Ge 2004-07-02

Ta 2004-12-07 Ar 2005-09-15 Pi 2006-01-16 Aq 2006-07-11

Sg 2006-09-20 Ar 2007-12-04 Ta 2008-10-07 Ge 2010-09-11 Ta 2011-10-12

Ar 2013-09-15 Pi 2014-07-20 Aq 2015-10-03 Cp 2016-03-27

Ar 2016-09-19 Ta 2017-04-23 Ge 2018-08-29 Ta 2019-06-02 Ar 2020-10-07

Pi 2021-05-10 Aq 2022-03-14 Cp 2022-07-16 Sg 2022-11-16

Ta 2023-09-20 Ge 2026-10-20 Ta 2028-07-15 Ar 2031-08-16 Pi 2032-12-20

Aq 2034-11-25 Cp 2035-09-02 Sg 2036-06-10 Ar 2038-05-15

Ge 2039-09-20 Ta 2040-09-10 Ar 2042-06-06 Pi 2043-03-10 Aq 2044-04-09

Cp 2044-09-15 Sg 2045-02-20 Ar 2046-03-23 Ta 2046-12-25

Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction):


Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

Sun 5 4 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 2 3*

Moon 4 3 4* 5 4 2 4 6 6 4 3 4

Mars 4 4 1 6 4 3 1* 3 4 5 2 2

Merc 4 5 3 6 3 5 3 6 4 4 5 6*

Jupi 5* 4 5 6 4 1 6 7 5 5 4 4

Venu 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5* 3

Satu 3 1 1 4 4 3* 2 4 5 4 5 3

Total 29 26 22 35 28 21 23 35 34 33 26 25


Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction):


Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

Sun 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0

Moon 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0

Mars 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

Merc 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0

Jupi 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 4 0 0

Venu 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

Satu 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 4 0

Total 1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 6 4 4 0


Sodya Pindas:


RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra


Sun 49 13 62 Cp Hastha

Moon 63 13 76 Cn Punarvasu

Mars 50 7 57 Pi U.Pha.

Merc 53 29 82 Cn Rohini

Jupi 94 31 125 Sc Chitra

Venu 51 12 63 Ge Jyeshtha

Satu 101 46 147 Pi U.Shaa.




| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | | Moo MarR |

| | | |

| | | HL |

| | | |

| | | BL Ven |

|-------------| H O R A |-------------|

| | | Jup Ket |

| | | SatR GL |

| | | Glk Mnd |

| | | Asc Rah |

| | | Sun MerR |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | | | MarR |

| | Jup | HL | |

| | | | BL |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Moo Mnd | | |

| | | Sun |

| Asc Rah | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 3 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| SatR | | Ket |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | GL | |

| | MerR | | Glk |

| | | Ven | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| Moo | Jup | | |

| | | | |

| SatR | HL | | |

| | | | |


| Mnd | | |

| | | MarR |

| Asc | | |

| | | Glk |

| Rah | | |

|-------------| D - 4 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | Ket |

| | | |

| | | BL |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| MerR | Ven | GL | Sun |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | Jup Ket | | |

| | | | |

| HL | Mnd | | |

| | | | |

| | Asc Rah | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| GL | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 5 |-------------|

| SatR | | |

| | | |

| Glk | | |

| | | |

| Sun | | |


| | | Moo | |

| | | | |

| BL | MerR | MarR | |

| | | | |

| | | Ven | |




| | Jup | Ket | |

| | | | |

| | Mnd | GL | |

| | | | |

| | Asc | Rah | |


| | | |

| Glk | | |

| | | BL |

| MerR | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 6 |-------------|

| | | |

| SatR | | |

| | | MarR |

| Sun | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | Moo |

| HL | | | |

| | | | Ven |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| MarR | | | |

| | Jup | BL | |

| Rah | | | |

| | | | |


| Mnd | | |

| | | |

| Asc | | SatR |

| | | |

| MerR | | |

|-------------| D - 7 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| Sun | | Ven |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | GL | | |

| Moo | | HL | Ket |

| | Glk | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | Jup | | |

| | | GL | |

| | BL | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Moo | | HL |

| | | |

| MerR | | Ven |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 8 |-------------|

| Ket Mnd | | |

| | | |

| Asc | | |

| | | |

| Rah Sun | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| SatR | | MarR | Glk |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| Glk Mnd | | | |

| | Jup | Sun | MarR |

| Asc Rah | | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | BL |

| Moo | | |

| | | MerR |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| HL | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | SatR | | |

| GL | | | Ket |

| | Ven | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | Jup | | |

| | | SatR | |

| | Ven | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | MarR Mnd |

| Glk | | |

| | | Asc Rah |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------|

| | | |

| Ket | | |

| | | |

| MerR | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| GL HL | | | |

| | Moo | | |

| BL Sun | | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| Mnd | Jup Moo | | |

| | | | HL |

| Asc | SatR Rah | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| | | MarR |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| Ven | | BL |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| GL | | Ket | |

| | | | Glk |

| MerR | | Sun | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | Jup | | |

| | | MarR | |

| | BL | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| Glk | | GL |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| Moo | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | Ket Mnd | |

| | HL | | |

| MerR | | Asc | SatR |

| | Ven | | |

| | | Rah Sun | |




| | | | |

| Ket | | | |

| | Jup | Glk | Ven |

| Rah | | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Mnd | | |

| | | |

| Asc | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------|

| | | SatR |

| Moo | | |

| | | GL |

| HL | | |

| | | MarR |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| MerR | BL | | Sun |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | | | HL |

| MarR | Moo | | |

| | | | Ven |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| MerR | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 2 4 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| GL | | Jup |

| | | |

| | | |


| | Glk | | |

| Ket | | | SatR |

| | Mnd | Sun | |

| Rah | | | BL |

| | Asc | | |




| | | | |

| | | | |

| GL | Jup | | Sun |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| Rah | | HL |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 2 7 |-------------|

| Glk | | |

| | | Ket |

| Mnd | | |

| | | MarR |

| Asc | | |


| | | | |

| | SatR | | |

| BL | | MerR | Moo |

| | Ven | | |

| | | | |




| SatR | Jup | | |

| | | | |

| HL | Mnd | | MarR |

| | | | |

| Sun | Asc | | |


| Ket | | |

| | | |

| GL | | |

| | | |

| Rah | | |

|-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| Glk | | |

| | | |

| MerR | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | Moo | |

| BL | | | |

| | | Ven | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | Jup | | |

| | | Ven | MerR |

| | HL | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| Moo | | |

| | | |

| BL | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 4 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| MarR | | |

| | | |

| Glk | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| GL | Ket | | Mnd |

| | | SatR | |

| Sun | Rah | | Asc |

| | | | |




| | Jup | | |

| Moo | | MarR | |

| | Ket | | |

| SatR | | Sun | |

| | Rah | | |


| | | |

| Asc | | |

| | | |

| Ven | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 4 5 |-------------|

| GL | | |

| | | |

| HL | | BL |

| | | |

| Mnd | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| MerR | | Glk | |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| | | Jup | |

| | | | Ket |

| MerR | | HL | |

| | | | Sun |

| | | Glk | |


| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 6 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | MarR | Moo GL | SatR |

| Rah | | | |

| | BL | Asc Ven | Mnd |

| | | | |


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Guest guest

Dear Ashok,


Jupiter and Venus are both FBs, not FMs - they can both be strengthened -

Venus is weak due to Old Age.


Very best - Sateesh.








"Ashok Garg" <agarg

<Vedic Astrology>

01 March 2001 22:52

[Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house



Attn : Satish, Sally and others,


Can I request comments from Satish wrt SA approach. I seek these because as

per your approach Jupiter is not FM ( as opposed to Monn and Jupiter being

FM as per Ashtakavarga System system).


Sally mentioned that Venus also needs strengthing. As per my original

thinking Venus is the strongest planet (being yogakarka Acq ascend). Does

Venus being 28 deg Aq 09 would make it so week. This clarification would be

of immense help to me and may be others on the list.


I have another question re strengthing the planets. Normally one needs to be

careful when strengthing the planets as helping one planet could affect

another negatively. As a beginner I would think strengthening Venus, Jupiter

at least should not be a problem because they would cast benefic aspect

(even though they themselves may be melific because of their position as is

the case with Jupitor in this case)


So going back to this example. Jupitor being weak can be strengthed for the

rest of the life with out looking at any other aspects ( am I right ?)

In the same wane Venus can also be strengthened for rest of the life in this



Am I having a seriously wrong assumption here?. Would Sally and other senior

members on this list like to comment please


Best Regards




Ashok Garg

Vedic Astrology

Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:13 PM

Beginners Study 10 th house



Hello List members,


I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career) in the

following chart(my own)


Name ; Ashok Garg

Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

Time : 4:02 Am

Location : Delhi India


I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora Light".


Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall have

Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th house, The native

shall have fluctuation in the career dramatically. Life would be tedious and

filled with struggle, adversity.


10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure how to

judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me interpret so many



I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some give some

more information.


In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be helped. In

D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is good for Career

as well.)


Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some one please



My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very

satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an

Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed circumstances. The

career has been mostly been at the Technical level ( good money but did not

result in many promotions)


About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business, so far I

am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had success within 3

months of start. I am planning to abandon the business and go back to job.

There are problems in this as well. My current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/

Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor being Vargottama should not be difficult

period for Career. (Also Jupito being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should


I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama should have

been neutral to helpful.


Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in the

current period and what can do to help it astrologically.



Best Regards





In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/ Mooltrikona. This

would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in the Rasi chart as it is in

the 6th house.


NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or MoolTrikona,

As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and Mooltrikona is "when

3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do we interpret this)

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Guest guest

Dear Ashok, As per the SA approach..yes you can always strengthen

functional benefics and yogakarakas can be strengthened as well. 25to

30 degrees is considered weak as it is in old age. Sally


Ashok Garg wrote:


> Part 1.1.1 Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

> Encoding: quoted-printable


> Name: Jagannatha Hora Chart_Ashok1.txt

> Jagannatha Hora Chart_Ashok1.txt Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

> Encoding: quoted-printable

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Guest guest

Dear Satish,


Thanks for your comments.


How about the 2nd point about strengtheing Venus and Jupitor, can they

strengthened with out any other consideration since they are FB's


Best Regards




Sateesh Batas <makara

<Vedic Astrology>

Friday, March 02, 2001 10:07 AM

Re: [Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house



> Dear Ashok,


> Jupiter and Venus are both FBs, not FMs - they can both be strengthened -

> Venus is weak due to Old Age.


> Very best - Sateesh.


> =========





> -

> "Ashok Garg" <agarg

> <Vedic Astrology>

> 01 March 2001 22:52

> [Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house



> Attn : Satish, Sally and others,


> Can I request comments from Satish wrt SA approach. I seek these because


> per your approach Jupiter is not FM ( as opposed to Monn and Jupiter being

> FM as per Ashtakavarga System system).


> Sally mentioned that Venus also needs strengthing. As per my original

> thinking Venus is the strongest planet (being yogakarka Acq ascend). Does

> Venus being 28 deg Aq 09 would make it so week. This clarification would


> of immense help to me and may be others on the list.


> I have another question re strengthing the planets. Normally one needs to


> careful when strengthing the planets as helping one planet could affect

> another negatively. As a beginner I would think strengthening Venus,


> at least should not be a problem because they would cast benefic aspect

> (even though they themselves may be melific because of their position as


> the case with Jupitor in this case)


> So going back to this example. Jupitor being weak can be strengthed for


> rest of the life with out looking at any other aspects ( am I right ?)

> In the same wane Venus can also be strengthened for rest of the life in


> case.


> Am I having a seriously wrong assumption here?. Would Sally and other


> members on this list like to comment please


> Best Regards

> Ashok


> -

> Ashok Garg

> Vedic Astrology

> Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:13 PM

> Beginners Study 10 th house



> Hello List members,


> I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career) in the

> following chart(my own)


> Name ; Ashok Garg

> Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

> Time : 4:02 Am

> Location : Delhi India


> I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora Light".


> Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall have

> Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th house, The


> shall have fluctuation in the career dramatically. Life would be tedious


> filled with struggle, adversity.


> 10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure how to

> judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me interpret so many

> influences.


> I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some give some

> more information.


> In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be helped.


> D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is good for Career

> as well.)


> Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some one


> help.


> My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very

> satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an

> Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed circumstances.


> career has been mostly been at the Technical level ( good money but did


> result in many promotions)


> About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business, so far I

> am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had success within


> months of start. I am planning to abandon the business and go back to job.

> There are problems in this as well. My current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/

> Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor being Vargottama should not be difficult

> period for Career. (Also Jupito being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should

> help).

> I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama should


> been neutral to helpful.


> Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in the

> current period and what can do to help it astrologically.



> Best Regards

> Ashok

> _______

> NB:


> In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/ Mooltrikona. This

> would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in the Rasi chart as it is


> the 6th house.


> NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or MoolTrikona,

> As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and Mooltrikona is "when

> 3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do we interpret this)




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> Vedic Astrology-





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Guest guest

Dear Satish and Sally,


Thanks and hurray, that is a very imporatant point to me.





Sateesh Batas <makara

<Vedic Astrology>

Friday, March 02, 2001 10:38 AM

Re: [Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house



> Dear Ashok,


> In my reply, I answeted Yes to this.


> Very best - Sateesh.


> ========




> -

> "Ashok Garg" <agarg

> <Vedic Astrology>

> 01 March 2001 23:31

> Re: [Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house



> : Dear Satish,

> :

> : Thanks for your comments.

> :

> : How about the 2nd point about strengtheing Venus and Jupitor, can they

> : strengthened with out any other consideration since they are FB's

> :

> : Best Regards

> : Ashok

> :

> : -

> : Sateesh Batas <makara

> : <Vedic Astrology>

> : Friday, March 02, 2001 10:07 AM

> : Re: [Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house

> :

> :

> : > Dear Ashok,

> : >

> : > Jupiter and Venus are both FBs, not FMs - they can both be

> strengthened -

> : > Venus is weak due to Old Age.

> : >

> : > Very best - Sateesh.

> : >

> : > =========

> : >

> : >

> : >

> : >

> : > -

> : > "Ashok Garg" <agarg

> : > <Vedic Astrology>

> : > 01 March 2001 22:52

> : > [Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house

> : >

> : >

> : > Attn : Satish, Sally and others,

> : >

> : > Can I request comments from Satish wrt SA approach. I seek these


> : as

> : > per your approach Jupiter is not FM ( as opposed to Monn and Jupiter

> being

> : > FM as per Ashtakavarga System system).

> : >

> : > Sally mentioned that Venus also needs strengthing. As per my original

> : > thinking Venus is the strongest planet (being yogakarka Acq ascend).

> Does

> : > Venus being 28 deg Aq 09 would make it so week. This clarification


> : be

> : > of immense help to me and may be others on the list.

> : >

> : > I have another question re strengthing the planets. Normally one needs

> to

> : be

> : > careful when strengthing the planets as helping one planet could


> : > another negatively. As a beginner I would think strengthening Venus,

> : Jupiter

> : > at least should not be a problem because they would cast benefic


> : > (even though they themselves may be melific because of their position


> : is

> : > the case with Jupitor in this case)

> : >

> : > So going back to this example. Jupitor being weak can be strengthed


> : the

> : > rest of the life with out looking at any other aspects ( am I right ?)

> : > In the same wane Venus can also be strengthened for rest of the life


> : this

> : > case.

> : >

> : > Am I having a seriously wrong assumption here?. Would Sally and other

> : senior

> : > members on this list like to comment please

> : >

> : > Best Regards

> : > Ashok

> : >

> : > -

> : > Ashok Garg

> : > Vedic Astrology

> : > Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:13 PM

> : > Beginners Study 10 th house

> : >

> : >

> : > Hello List members,

> : >

> : > I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career) in

> the

> : > following chart(my own)

> : >

> : > Name ; Ashok Garg

> : > Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

> : > Time : 4:02 Am

> : > Location : Delhi India

> : >

> : > I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora

> Light".

> : >

> : > Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall have

> : > Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th house, The

> : native

> : > shall have fluctuation in the career dramatically. Life would be


> : and

> : > filled with struggle, adversity.

> : >

> : > 10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure how


> : > judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me interpret so

> many

> : > influences.

> : >

> : > I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some give

> some

> : > more information.

> : >

> : > In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be


> : In

> : > D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is good for

> Career

> : > as well.)

> : >

> : > Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some one

> : please

> : > help.

> : >

> : > My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very

> : > satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an

> : > Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed


> : The

> : > career has been mostly been at the Technical level ( good money but


> : not

> : > result in many promotions)

> : >

> : > About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business, so


> I

> : > am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had success

> within

> : 3

> : > months of start. I am planning to abandon the business and go back to

> job.

> : > There are problems in this as well. My current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/

> : > Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor being Vargottama should not be


> : > period for Career. (Also Jupito being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd


> : > help).

> : > I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama


> : have

> : > been neutral to helpful.

> : >

> : > Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in


> : > current period and what can do to help it astrologically.

> : >

> : >

> : > Best Regards

> : > Ashok

> : > _______

> : > NB:

> : >

> : > In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/ Mooltrikona.

> This

> : > would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in the Rasi chart as it

> is

> : in

> : > the 6th house.

> : >

> : > NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or

> MoolTrikona,

> : > As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and Mooltrikona is

> "when

> : > 3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do we interpret this)

> : >

> : >

> : >

> : > Join Vedic Astrology Chat Room Free!

> : > http://www.sonipat.com

> : >

> : >

> : > Vedic Astrology-

> : >

> : > OM TAT SAT

> : >

> : >

> : > Your use of is subject to


> : >

> : >

> :

> :

> : Sponsor

> :

> :

> :

> : Join Vedic Astrology Chat Room Free!

> : http://www.sonipat.com

> :

> :

> : Vedic Astrology-

> :


> :

> :

> :

> :

> :



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Guest guest

Dear Ashok,


In my reply, I answeted Yes to this.


Very best - Sateesh.







"Ashok Garg" <agarg

<Vedic Astrology>

01 March 2001 23:31

Re: [Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house



: Dear Satish,


: Thanks for your comments.


: How about the 2nd point about strengtheing Venus and Jupitor, can they

: strengthened with out any other consideration since they are FB's


: Best Regards

: Ashok


: -

: Sateesh Batas <makara

: <Vedic Astrology>

: Friday, March 02, 2001 10:07 AM

: Re: [Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house



: > Dear Ashok,

: >

: > Jupiter and Venus are both FBs, not FMs - they can both be

strengthened -

: > Venus is weak due to Old Age.

: >

: > Very best - Sateesh.

: >

: > =========

: >

: >

: >

: >

: > -

: > "Ashok Garg" <agarg

: > <Vedic Astrology>

: > 01 March 2001 22:52

: > [Vedic Astrology] Fw: Beginners Study 10 th house

: >

: >

: > Attn : Satish, Sally and others,

: >

: > Can I request comments from Satish wrt SA approach. I seek these because

: as

: > per your approach Jupiter is not FM ( as opposed to Monn and Jupiter


: > FM as per Ashtakavarga System system).

: >

: > Sally mentioned that Venus also needs strengthing. As per my original

: > thinking Venus is the strongest planet (being yogakarka Acq ascend).


: > Venus being 28 deg Aq 09 would make it so week. This clarification would

: be

: > of immense help to me and may be others on the list.

: >

: > I have another question re strengthing the planets. Normally one needs


: be

: > careful when strengthing the planets as helping one planet could affect

: > another negatively. As a beginner I would think strengthening Venus,

: Jupiter

: > at least should not be a problem because they would cast benefic aspect

: > (even though they themselves may be melific because of their position as

: is

: > the case with Jupitor in this case)

: >

: > So going back to this example. Jupitor being weak can be strengthed for

: the

: > rest of the life with out looking at any other aspects ( am I right ?)

: > In the same wane Venus can also be strengthened for rest of the life in

: this

: > case.

: >

: > Am I having a seriously wrong assumption here?. Would Sally and other

: senior

: > members on this list like to comment please

: >

: > Best Regards

: > Ashok

: >

: > -

: > Ashok Garg

: > Vedic Astrology

: > Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:13 PM

: > Beginners Study 10 th house

: >

: >

: > Hello List members,

: >

: > I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career) in


: > following chart(my own)

: >

: > Name ; Ashok Garg

: > Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

: > Time : 4:02 Am

: > Location : Delhi India

: >

: > I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora


: >

: > Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall have

: > Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th house, The

: native

: > shall have fluctuation in the career dramatically. Life would be tedious

: and

: > filled with struggle, adversity.

: >

: > 10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure how to

: > judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me interpret so


: > influences.

: >

: > I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some give


: > more information.

: >

: > In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be helped.

: In

: > D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is good for


: > as well.)

: >

: > Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some one

: please

: > help.

: >

: > My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very

: > satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an

: > Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed circumstances.

: The

: > career has been mostly been at the Technical level ( good money but did

: not

: > result in many promotions)

: >

: > About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business, so far


: > am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had success


: 3

: > months of start. I am planning to abandon the business and go back to


: > There are problems in this as well. My current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/

: > Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor being Vargottama should not be difficult

: > period for Career. (Also Jupito being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should

: > help).

: > I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama should

: have

: > been neutral to helpful.

: >

: > Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in the

: > current period and what can do to help it astrologically.

: >

: >

: > Best Regards

: > Ashok

: > _______

: > NB:

: >

: > In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/ Mooltrikona.


: > would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in the Rasi chart as it


: in

: > the 6th house.

: >

: > NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or


: > As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and Mooltrikona is


: > 3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do we interpret this)

: >

: >

: >

: > Join Vedic Astrology Chat Room Free!

: > http://www.sonipat.com

: >

: >

: > Vedic Astrology-

: >


: >

: >

: > Your use of is subject to


: >

: >



: Sponsor




: Join Vedic Astrology Chat Room Free!

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Guest guest

Hello Jeff,


Thanks for your comments. You mentioned that Rajyoga exist in 2nd Mercury

and Sun (but not real strong), Is it because Mecury is combust and aspected

by Saturn or something else. Your comments about Rajyoga (something to work

with) What do you mean by it







Jeff <amcafe

<Vedic Astrology>

Wednesday, February 28, 2001 4:30 AM

[Vedic Astrology] Re: Beginners Study 10 th house



> Vedic Astrology, "Ashok Garg" <agarg@a...> wrote:

> > Hello List members,

> >

> > I am attempting to give interpretation of the 10 th house (career)

> in the following chart(my own)

> >

> > Name ; Ashok Garg

> > Date of Birth : 3rd April 1952

> > Time : 4:02 Am

> > Location : Delhi India

> >

> > I am also attaching ASCII ver of the chart using "Jagannatha Hora

> Light".

> >

> > Since the 10 the lord Mars is in the 9th house, the person shall

> have Successful Career, but since Saturn is aspecting the 10 th

> house, The native shall have fluctuation in the career dramatically.

> Life would be tedious and filled with struggle, adversity.

> >

> > 10 th house Karka are Sun, Saturn, Mer and Jupitor. I am not sure

> how to judge the affects of Karka, Can some one please help me

> interpret so many influences.

> >

> > I am trying for the first time D-10 interpretation. SO can some

> give some more information.

> >

> > In D-10 chart Jupiter is Vargottamma. Hence the Career should be

> helped. In D-10 the 10th house Lord (jupiter is in 2nd house which is

> good for Career as well.)

> >

> > Is there any more interpretation of the D-10 to be done. Can some

> one please help.

> >

> > My career in my opinion has been rewarding money wise but not very

> satisfying. I have had change in Career in 1983. I started work as an

> Engineer and switched to Computing in 1983 due to changed

> circumstances. The career has been mostly been at the Technical level

> ( good money but did not result in many promotions)

> >

> > About 5 months ago, I planned to change by going into a business,

> so far I am struggeling. As per my original plan, I should have had

> success within 3 months of start. I am planning to abandon the

> business and go back to job. There are problems in this as well. My

> current Dasa/ bukhti are Ketu/ Jupiter. I expect that Jupitor being

> Vargottama should not be difficult period for Career. (Also Jupito

> being lord of 10th in D-10 in 2nd should help).

> > I do agree Jupiter is Melific for Acq Lagna but being Vargottama

> should have been neutral to helpful.

> >

> > Can some one please help judging what has been causing probelms in

> the current period and what can do to help it astrologically.

> >

> >

> > Best Regards

> > Ashok

> > _______

> > NB:

> >

> > In Navamsa chart Jupitor is Vargottama, Moon is Exalted/

> Mooltrikona. This would improve the Moon results as Moon is weak in

> the Rasi chart as it is in the 6th house.

> >

> > NB (Can some one clarify how to confirm if Moon is Exalted or

> MoolTrikona, As per the book moon is "Exalted is 3 deg Taurus" and

> Mooltrikona is "when 3deg to 30 deg Taurus", so in a Navamsa how do

> we interpret this)


> well I'm a beginner too so what I say may not be of any help. In the

> Rasi as you say mars is 10th lord in the ninth, but in libra and

> retrograde. Then if ya look at the 9th lord venus, its in the 1st.

> This is a good thing I think although Rahu is there and very close to

> the Asc. Asc. lord Saturn is in the 8th aspecting your Sun. The other

> luminary (Moon) is weak receiving only an aspect from Saturn.

> Rajayoga exists in your 2nd (5th lord and 7th lord) Not real strong

> but something to work with.

> Navamsa once again similar themes, Saturn in 8th aspecting Sun(10th

> lord). Rajayoga in the 7th (Moon and Mars)and like you say Moon is


> D-10 again the Sun is aspected by Saturn. All through these varga's

> the 2nd house has significance. Here Acs. lord is in the 2nd.


> Finally, my training is in western astrology and I have the same

> configuration you do. Sun oppisite Saturn and Moon square them both.

> I have found that this tones down the personality. But gives great

> ability in accepting huge amounts of responsibility. Partner might

> add the spark of personality needed to compliment your lack of.


> Regards, Jeff (only a student)

> >

> > --

> > These calculations were made using "Jagannatha Hora Lite". It is a

> > free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it

> > from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or http://www.sjvc.net.

> > --

> >

> > Date of Birth: April 3, 1952

> > Time of Birth: 4:02:00 am

> > Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

> > Longitude of Birth: 77 E 12

> > Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36

> > Lunar month (maasa): Chaitra

> > Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Navami

> > Tithi balance: 0.9824

> > Nakshatra balance: 0.5396

> > Sun-Moon Yoga: Atiganda

> > Sun-Moon Karana: Balava

> > Vara (weekday): Wednesday

> >

> > Sunrise = 6:12 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

> > Ayanamsa = 23-11-34

> > Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

> >

> > Planet Position Pada CharaK

> >

> > Ascdt 4 Aq 07 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > Sun 19 Pi 55 Revathi 1 PK

> > Moon 26 Ge 08 Punarvasu 2 AmK

> > Mars ® 24 Li 48 Visakha 2 BK

> > Mercury ® 24 Pi 16 Revathi 3 PiK

> > Jupiter 0 Ar 34 Aswini 1 DK

> > Venus 28 Aq 09 Poo.Bhaa. 3 AK

> > Saturn ® 18 Vi 18 Hastha 3 GK

> > Rahu 5 Aq 20 Dhanishtha 4 MK

> > Ketu 5 Le 20 Makha 2 -

> > BhavaLg 16 Aq 31 Satabhisham 3 -

> > HoraLg 14 Cp 00 Sravanam 2 -

> > GhatiLg 6 Li 29 Chitra 4 -

> > Dhooma 3 Le 15 Makha 1 -

> > Vyati 26 Sc 44 Jyeshtha 4 -

> > Pari 26 Ta 44 Mrigasira 2 -

> > I.Chapa 3 Aq 15 Dhanishtha 3 -

> > Upaketu 19 Aq 55 Satabhisham 4 -

> > Kaala 20 Vi 22 Hastha 4 -

> > Mrityu 27 Li 46 Visakha 3 -

> > ArthaPr 16 Sc 14 Anuradha 4 -

> > YamaGha 5 Sg 20 Moola 2 -

> > Mandi 3 Aq 53 Dhanishtha 4 -

> > Gulika 20 Cp 15 Sravanam 4 -

> >

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Sun | | | |

> > | | Jup | | Moo |

> > | MerR | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Mnd Asc | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Rah | | |

> > | | | |

> > | BL Ven | | |

> > |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | HL | | |

> > | | | Ket |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | GL | |

> > | | | | SatR |

> > | | | MarR | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | Moo Ket | SatR |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | MarR HL | Ven |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | BL | | |

> > | | | Glk |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | GL Mnd | | |

> > | Sun | | | |

> > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> >

> > Vimsottari Dasa:

> >

> > Jupi 1952-04-03 Venu 1952-10-02

> > Sun 1955-06-03 Moon 1956-03-21 Mars 1957-07-21

> Rahu 1958-06-27

> > Satu 1960-11-20 Merc 1963-11-24 Ketu 1966-08-03 Venu 1967-09-12

> Sun 1970-11-11

> > Moon 1971-10-24 Mars 1973-05-24 Rahu 1974-07-03

> Jupi 1977-05-09

> > Merc 1979-11-20 Ketu 1982-04-18 Venu 1983-04-15 Sun 1986-02-13

> Moon 1986-12-21

> > Mars 1988-05-21 Rahu 1989-05-18 Jupi 1991-12-06

> Satu 1994-03-12

> > Ketu 1996-11-20 Venu 1997-04-18 Sun 1998-06-18 Moon 1998-10-24

> Mars 1999-05-25

> > Rahu 1999-10-21 Jupi 2000-11-07 Satu 2001-10-14

> Merc 2002-11-23

> > Venu 2003-11-20 Sun 2007-03-22 Moon 2008-03-21 Mars 2009-11-20

> Rahu 2011-01-20

> > Jupi 2014-01-20 Satu 2016-09-20 Merc 2019-11-20

> Ketu 2022-09-20

> > Sun 2023-11-20 Moon 2024-03-09 Mars 2024-09-07 Rahu 2025-01-13

> Jupi 2025-12-08

> > Satu 2026-09-26 Merc 2027-09-08 Ketu 2028-07-15

> Venu 2028-11-19

> > Moon 2029-11-20 Mars 2030-09-20 Rahu 2031-04-21 Jupi 2032-10-20

> Satu 2034-02-19

> > Merc 2035-09-20 Ketu 2037-02-19 Venu 2037-09-20

> Sun 2039-05-21

> > Mars 2039-11-20 Rahu 2040-04-17 Jupi 2041-05-06 Satu 2042-04-12

> Merc 2043-05-21

> > Ketu 2044-05-18 Venu 2044-10-14 Sun 2045-12-14

> Moon 2046-04-21

> > Rahu 2046-11-20 Jupi 2049-08-02 Satu 2051-12-26 Merc 2054-11-01

> Ketu 2057-05-21

> > Venu 2058-06-08 Sun 2061-06-08 Moon 2062-05-03

> Mars 2063-11-02

> >

> > Ashtottari Dasa:

> >

> > Sun 1952-04-03 Satu 1952-08-14

> > Jupi 1953-03-05 Rahu 1954-03-26 Venu 1954-11-24

> > Moon 1956-01-24 Mars 1958-02-23 Merc 1959-04-05 Satu 1961-08-14

> Jupi 1963-01-04

> > Rahu 1965-08-24 Venu 1967-04-25 Sun 1970-03-26

> > Mars 1971-01-24 Merc 1971-08-28 Satu 1972-11-30 Jupi 1973-08-28

> Rahu 1975-01-24

> > Venu 1975-12-15 Sun 1977-07-05 Moon 1977-12-14

> > Merc 1979-01-24 Satu 1981-09-27 Jupi 1983-04-25 Rahu 1986-04-21

> Venu 1988-03-11

> > Sun 1991-07-02 Moon 1992-06-11 Mars 1994-10-21

> > Satu 1996-01-24 Jupi 1996-12-27 Rahu 1998-10-01 Venu 1999-11-11

> Sun 2001-10-21

> > Moon 2002-05-12 Mars 2003-10-01 Merc 2004-06-27

> > Jupi 2006-01-23 Rahu 2009-05-28 Venu 2011-07-08 Sun 2015-03-19

> Moon 2016-04-07

> > Mars 2018-11-27 Merc 2020-04-24 Satu 2023-04-21

> > Rahu 2025-01-23 Venu 2026-05-25 Sun 2028-09-23 Moon 2029-05-25

> Mars 2031-01-23

> > Merc 2031-12-14 Satu 2033-11-03 Jupi 2034-12-14

> > Venu 2037-01-23 Sun 2041-02-22 Moon 2042-04-24 Mars 2045-03-25

> Merc 2046-10-14

> > Satu 2050-02-02 Jupi 2052-01-13 Rahu 2055-09-24

> > Sun 2058-01-23 Moon 2058-05-25 Mars 2059-03-25 Merc 2059-09-03

> Satu 2060-08-13

> > Jupi 2061-03-04 Rahu 2062-03-25 Venu 2062-11-23

> >

> > Kalachakra Dasa:

> >

> > Le 1952-04-03 Cp 1952-07-16 Aq 1952-10-10 Pi 1953-01-04

> > Sc 1953-08-07 Li 1954-01-05 Vi 1954-12-15 Cn 1955-

> 06-26

> > Ge 1956-09-20 Cp 1957-09-03 Aq 1958-02-04 Pi 1958-07-09 Sc 1959-

> 07-31

> > Li 1960-04-27 Vi 1962-01-05 Cn 1962-12-19 Le 1965-

> 03-10

> > Ta 1965-09-20 Ar 1968-10-20 Pi 1970-02-25 Aq 1972-01-30 Cp 1972-

> 11-07

> > Sg 1973-08-16 Ar 1975-07-21 Ta 1976-11-24 Ge 1979-

> 12-26

> > Ar 1981-09-20 Pi 1982-04-23 Aq 1983-02-25 Cp 1983-06-29 Sg 1983-

> 10-30

> > Ar 1984-09-02 Ta 1985-04-05 Ge 1986-08-11 Ta 1987-

> 05-16

> > Pi 1988-09-19 Aq 1989-12-03 Cp 1990-05-28 Sg 1990-11-20 Ar 1992-

> 02-04

> > Ta 1992-12-08 Ge 1994-11-12 Ta 1995-12-13 Ar 1997-

> 11-16

> > Aq 1998-09-20 Cp 1998-11-29 Sg 1999-02-08 Ar 1999-08-03 Ta 1999-

> 12-04

> > Ge 2000-09-11 Ta 2001-02-16 Ar 2001-11-25 Pi 2002-

> 03-28

> > Cp 2002-09-20 Sg 2002-11-29 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2003-09-24 Ge 2004-

> 07-02

> > Ta 2004-12-07 Ar 2005-09-15 Pi 2006-01-16 Aq 2006-

> 07-11

> > Sg 2006-09-20 Ar 2007-12-04 Ta 2008-10-07 Ge 2010-09-11 Ta 2011-

> 10-12

> > Ar 2013-09-15 Pi 2014-07-20 Aq 2015-10-03 Cp 2016-

> 03-27

> > Ar 2016-09-19 Ta 2017-04-23 Ge 2018-08-29 Ta 2019-06-02 Ar 2020-

> 10-07

> > Pi 2021-05-10 Aq 2022-03-14 Cp 2022-07-16 Sg 2022-

> 11-16

> > Ta 2023-09-20 Ge 2026-10-20 Ta 2028-07-15 Ar 2031-08-16 Pi 2032-

> 12-20

> > Aq 2034-11-25 Cp 2035-09-02 Sg 2036-06-10 Ar 2038-

> 05-15

> > Ge 2039-09-20 Ta 2040-09-10 Ar 2042-06-06 Pi 2043-03-10 Aq 2044-

> 04-09

> > Cp 2044-09-15 Sg 2045-02-20 Ar 2046-03-23 Ta 2046-

> 12-25

> > Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction):

> >

> > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > Sun 5 4 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 2 3*

> > Moon 4 3 4* 5 4 2 4 6 6 4 3 4

> > Mars 4 4 1 6 4 3 1* 3 4 5 2 2

> > Merc 4 5 3 6 3 5 3 6 4 4 5 6*

> > Jupi 5* 4 5 6 4 1 6 7 5 5 4 4

> > Venu 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5* 3

> > Satu 3 1 1 4 4 3* 2 4 5 4 5 3

> > Total 29 26 22 35 28 21 23 35 34 33 26 25

> >

> > Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction):

> >

> > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi

> > Sun 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0

> > Moon 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0

> > Mars 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

> > Merc 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0

> > Jupi 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 4 0 0

> > Venu 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

> > Satu 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 4 0

> > Total 1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 6 4 4 0

> >

> > Sodya Pindas:

> >

> > RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

> >

> > Sun 49 13 62 Cp Hastha

> > Moon 63 13 76 Cn Punarvasu

> > Mars 50 7 57 Pi U.Pha.

> > Merc 53 29 82 Cn Rohini

> > Jupi 94 31 125 Sc Chitra

> > Venu 51 12 63 Ge Jyeshtha

> > Satu 101 46 147 Pi U.Shaa.

> >

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | Moo MarR |

> > | | | |

> > | | | HL |

> > | | | |

> > | | | BL Ven |

> > |-------------| H O R A |-------------|

> > | | | Jup Ket |

> > | | | SatR GL |

> > | | | Glk Mnd |

> > | | | Asc Rah |

> > | | | Sun MerR |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | MarR |

> > | | Jup | HL | |

> > | | | | BL |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Moo Mnd | | |

> > | | | Sun |

> > | Asc Rah | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 3 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | SatR | | Ket |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | GL | |

> > | | MerR | | Glk |

> > | | | Ven | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Moo | Jup | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | SatR | HL | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Mnd | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | Asc | | |

> > | | | Glk |

> > | Rah | | |

> > |-------------| D - 4 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | Ket |

> > | | | |

> > | | | BL |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | MerR | Ven | GL | Sun |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | Jup Ket | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | HL | Mnd | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | Asc Rah | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | GL | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 5 |-------------|

> > | SatR | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Sun | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | Moo | |

> > | | | | |

> > | BL | MerR | MarR | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | Ven | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | Jup | Ket | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | Mnd | GL | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | Asc | Rah | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | BL |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 6 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | SatR | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | Sun | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | Moo |

> > | HL | | | |

> > | | | | Ven |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | MarR | | | |

> > | | Jup | BL | |

> > | Rah | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Mnd | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Asc | | SatR |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | |

> > |-------------| D - 7 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Sun | | Ven |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | GL | | |

> > | Moo | | HL | Ket |

> > | | Glk | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | GL | |

> > | | BL | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Moo | | HL |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | Ven |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 8 |-------------|

> > | Ket Mnd | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Asc | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Rah Sun | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | SatR | | MarR | Glk |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Glk Mnd | | | |

> > | | Jup | Sun | MarR |

> > | Asc Rah | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | BL |

> > | Moo | | |

> > | | | MerR |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | HL | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | SatR | | |

> > | GL | | | Ket |

> > | | Ven | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | SatR | |

> > | | Ven | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | MarR Mnd |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | Asc Rah |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Ket | | |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | GL HL | | | |

> > | | Moo | | |

> > | BL Sun | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Mnd | Jup Moo | | |

> > | | | | HL |

> > | Asc | SatR Rah | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Ven | | BL |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | GL | | Ket | |

> > | | | | Glk |

> > | MerR | | Sun | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | MarR | |

> > | | BL | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Glk | | GL |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Moo | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | Ket Mnd | |

> > | | HL | | |

> > | MerR | | Asc | SatR |

> > | | Ven | | |

> > | | | Rah Sun | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | Ket | | | |

> > | | Jup | Glk | Ven |

> > | Rah | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Mnd | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Asc | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------|

> > | | | SatR |

> > | Moo | | |

> > | | | GL |

> > | HL | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | MerR | BL | | Sun |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | HL |

> > | MarR | Moo | | |

> > | | | | Ven |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 2 4 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | GL | | Jup |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | Glk | | |

> > | Ket | | | SatR |

> > | | Mnd | Sun | |

> > | Rah | | | BL |

> > | | Asc | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | GL | Jup | | Sun |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Rah | | HL |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 2 7 |-------------|

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | Ket |

> > | Mnd | | |

> > | | | MarR |

> > | Asc | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | SatR | | |

> > | BL | | MerR | Moo |

> > | | Ven | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | SatR | Jup | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | HL | Mnd | | MarR |

> > | | | | |

> > | Sun | Asc | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | Ket | | |

> > | | | |

> > | GL | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Rah | | |

> > |-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | |

> > | MerR | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | Moo | |

> > | BL | | | |

> > | | | Ven | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | | |

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | | | Ven | MerR |

> > | | HL | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Moo | | |

> > | | | |

> > | BL | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 4 0 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | MarR | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Glk | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | GL | Ket | | Mnd |

> > | | | SatR | |

> > | Sun | Rah | | Asc |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | Jup | | |

> > | Moo | | MarR | |

> > | | Ket | | |

> > | SatR | | Sun | |

> > | | Rah | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Asc | | |

> > | | | |

> > | Ven | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 4 5 |-------------|

> > | GL | | |

> > | | | |

> > | HL | | BL |

> > | | | |

> > | Mnd | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | MerR | | Glk | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+

> >

> > +----------------------+

> > | | | Jup | |

> > | | | | Ket |

> > | MerR | | HL | |

> > | | | | Sun |

> > | | | Glk | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------| D - 6 0 |-------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> > | | | | |

> > | | MarR | Moo GL | SatR |

> > | Rah | | | |

> > | | BL | Asc Ven | Mnd |

> > | | | | |

> > +----------------------+



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