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[Mr. Sandhu ] Rply 2 Ur ?s

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Dear Kuldip ji,




Here are your chart details:-


Date of Birth : January 24, 1955

Time of Birth : 9:15:00 am

Time Zone of Birth : 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth : 77 E 12

Latitude of Birth : 28 N 36


Ayanamsa = 23-14-3



Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 17 Aq 11 Satabhisham 4 -

Sun 10 Cp 08 Sravanam 1 GK

Moon 11 Cp 26 Sravanam 1 PK

Mars 13 Pi 10 U.Bhaa. 3 PiK

Mercury 27 Cp 44 Dhanishtha 2 AK

Jupiter ® 0 Cn 33 Punarvasu 4 DK

Venus 23 Sc 19 Jyeshtha 2 BK

Saturn 26 Li 50 Visakha 3 AmK

Rahu 10 Sg 57 Moola 4 MK

Ketu 10 Ge 57 Aardra 2 -





Ans: 7 th lord Sun is in 12 th from Lagna and joins Moon the 6 th house of

obstructions. It is also joined by Mercury who is 5 th and 8 th lord. From Moon

the 7 th lord itself is moon and holds in its 7 th Jupiter in Exalation. From

Venus, 7 th lord is again Venus. Venus as a matter of fact holds Saturn in its

sign which is exalation sign of Saturn. Saturn - the 7 th lord Suns dispositor

as well as moon's dispositor - in turn is aspected by Mars who is in 2nd house

of speech. Venus is sorrounded by Saturn on one side and on Rahu from the

other. In navamsa Sun is exalted in 2nd house and joins moon the 5 th lord.

Mars the planet of argument aspects Sun from the 8 th. Mercury is exalted in 7

th in Navamsa which is the saving grace. Venus joins ketu and aspected by

benefic Jupiter but afflicted with Rahu.


Up-pada lies in Aries and its lord Mars is 12 th from it. Saturn aspects from

the 7 th UL and UL joins A6. UL lord Mars is aspected (Rasi-drishti) by Rahu

and Ketu both Malefics with saving grace of Jupiter from the 6 th(graha-drishti)

but not very helpful as he is in 6 th.


These are the factors that combine to the give rise to the above situation.




2nd from Up-pada is Taurus whose lord is Venus. Visit temples on Fridays and

fasting on Fridays.


Q2. I want to learn Astrology, Please check from my horoscope whether I will

be able to learn this subject or should I leave this subject ?

Ans: The Panaphara houses rule jyotish i.e. 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th. Also, For

becoming an astrologer 8 th house significance cannot be ruled out to be very

important and the planets, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter.


Saturn is exalted, Mercury is in friends Saturn's sign but in 12 th from Lagna.

Jupiter is exalted but again he is in 6 th. 2nd house - rules the ability to

predict - has mars but its lord Jupiter exalted and 7 th from moon. 5 th house

has ketu - 5th rules the ability to see - and go deep into the matters to come

out with in-depth analysis. Ketu is debiliated here. 8 th house - which rules

the actual place of jyotish - is empty and its lord is mercury who is with moon

and sun the two luminaries. 11 th house - which rules the knowledge of the same

- has debiliated Rahu. In navamsa Mercury is exalted in the 7 th with saturn in

the friendly sign and Jupiter afflicted with Rahu.


Hence, there are good points like Saturn exalted and 8 th lord of natal chart

Mercury also being Exalted. But negative points like Mars in 2nd, Debiliated

Ketu in the 5 th also exhist. Now, the dasha coming next is of Saturn who is

exalted in 9 th, holds Mercury the 8 th lord as well as aspects Jupiter with

jupiter being the 2nd and 11 th lord.


Hence, you can look forward to Saturn Mahadasha as giving good results in

Astrology for you.


Q.3 I want to improve my carrier, my job I try hard but not avail. Can you

suggest me what should I have to do?

Ans: 10 th lord of profession Mars is in 2nd in friendly sign of Jupiter who is

in 6 th. From moon 10 th lord is venus who has exalted Saturn and its lord

Venus in 11 th from moon. Saturn is in 3rd in Navamsa and aspects 10 th house.

Mars here falls in the 8 th in unfriendly sign of Venus which is Libra. In

D-10, Mars again is the 10 th lord and is afflicted by the nodes Rahu and ketu,

Rahu and Mars being the bad combination though saving grace of Jupiter is there.


The Current Mahadasha you are running is of Jupiter who is exalted but in 6 th.

In Navamsa he is afflicted with Rahu and aspected by Venus with whom he is not

friendly. But being 7 th from moon good effects of it(Jupiter being exalted)

have also been seen in the Jupiter Mahadasha.


The next Mahadasha is of Saturn exalted in 9 th in RAsi chart and in 10 th from

Moon. This period will see improvement in career.


Hope this suffices your queries.



Ashwin Hirani

(A student of Astrology)



On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 17:51:10

Kuldip Sandhu wrote:

>Dear Ashwin Ji,




>I am a student of astrology. I am learning from Mr. kumariaji of Delhi. In

the mean time I am learning from you and from this group..

> I want to put some Qs. for you . My DOB is 24-01-1955., Time 09-15 AM Place

is New Delhi. At present I am leaving in UK.


> Q1. I want to learn Astrology, Please check from my horoscope whether I

will be able to learn this subject or should I leave this subject ?


> Q.2 I want to improve my carrier, my job I try hard but not avail. Can you

suggest me what should I have to do?


> Hope you will reply soon.


> Thanks Kuldip Sandhu





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