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USA Chart (Ron Gaunt)

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The following is the text of a proposed USA Chart has been issued

for general release.


I thought that in view of its topical nature, and the fact that

the chart was discovered by an innovative way, that it might be

of interest to members.


Ron Gaunt









It is suggested that Readers erect a chart as detailed in

Footnote 2 in order to see clearly the propositions advanced in

this paper.




In my search for an acceptable USA chart, I was struck by the

singular fact that non of the proposed charts showed the power

and strength, and the enigma that is the USA. Most proponents

appeared to have first taken a philosophical position; and then

tried to fit the astrological indications into their preferred

date. Moreover, non of the charts consistently back tested

successfully to events. I therefore decided to try to find an

acceptable chart using a different method.




Instead of a philosophical/historical approach I decided to use

primarily an astrological/historical approach. The emphasis

here would be first on the astrological. Only after I had found

the framework of the chart would I try to fit it to an historical



To this end I decided to examine events to try to determine what

they showed in common. The obvious area of examination was

events problematical to the USA, from which it might be possible

to determine the functional malefics in the USA chart. Also this

approach might isolate the Ascending degree (if the selected

charts showed a close bunching of the same planet/s in a tight

orb around the same degree.) The problem with events is that it

is frequently difficult to ascertain when an event really starts,

ie. does a war start with the first disagreement, the first

skirmish, the ultimatum, the declaration of war, or the first

major battle? Accordingly out of my list of over 100 events, I

decided to look for events which were not in doubt - and all had

something in common. These are shown later.


Having found the framework of the chart using the functional

malefics, it is easy then to limit the possible times of day to

approximately 6 hours or less, because only certain signs ascend

with the various malefics.


The next step was to test this framework chart against the

various historical dates back from the time of Columbus landing

in the New World. What I was looking for was a chart that

fulfilled the following:


enormous political power, phenomenal economic might, awesome

military power, great industrial capacity, leadership.

Enigma of opposites ie. great generosity whilst at the same time

extreme concern with own interests. Also extremes of wealth and

poverty. The chart should also show a clear disposition to

enemies and war.


Once I had found the chart I had to back test it with my

pre-determined events to see whether the chart showed not only

hits, but hits to the correct area of the chart for the event.

Only then would I consider it as a contender for the USA chart.


SATVA (see Notes at the end of this paper) and Hindu astrology in

general have two main methods of prediction - the dasha system

and transits. The dasha system is designed to show trends over

a period of time, and transits are for short term events. The

dasa system as commonly used can cover prolonged periods, and it

is possible for good things to happen in bad periods and bad

things to happen in good periods. This can confuse things, and


EVENTS RELATIVE TO TRANSITS ONLY as this is fundamental to

astrology and acceptable to all astrologers of whatever



With my found chart framework, I looked at many charts on all the

appropriate historical dates and it was easy to quickly eliminate

all of them except one, as they evinced non of the

characteristics that I sought. However, one chart blazed forth

as being VERY APPROPRIATE; and I would like to put it before the

astrological community for their consideration. It is the CHART


- George Washington. This took place in New York on the 30th

April 1789NS. The inauguration was scheduled for 12:00pm LMT

but I have rectified the chart to 11:47:16am set for Washington.

This is based on empirical evidence of consistent appropriate

aspects of events within 1* as can be checked below. THE


APPEARS. This is considered later in this paper under

Philosophical Considerations




To keep this paper to a reasonable length I will only cover the

main points of the chart.


The first thing we see is a very powerful EXALTED SUN in the 10th

house close to its maximum exaltation point. It is close to the

MEP (Most Effective Point - the same degree in each of the signs

as on the Ascendant) giving focus to the 10th house of Government

and aspecting the 4th house of homeland ie. people and

environment. The sun draws more strength from an association

with benefics Venus and Mercury.

Western astrologers will note the tremendously powerful mundane

square with Pluto in the 7th house which shows overwhelming power

at all costs. In addition the Sun's dispositor Mars is strongly

placed and powerful in the 9th house. Here we see the tremendous

powerhouse that is the USA and how it is likely to use its power

and influence. There are no afflictions to the Sun. With such

tenants the 10th house is exceptionally strong - which is what we

would expect from the USA. It receives a niggling malefic aspect

from a weak Saturn in extreme old age. This will always be a

thorn in the flesh but not terminal due to compensation from

strong tenants and dispositor. The Sun rules the 2nd house of

family, status, prosperity, and wealth. Here we see why the USA

is blessed with such abundance.


MARS IS VERY POWERFUL in this chart. It is in the 9th house of

luck and good fortune; and is just past the midheaven - the most

powerful of all positions for Mars. Michael Gauquelin a French

statistician carried out a monumental study of thousands of timed

births. He showed that this was the position for Mars of the

cream of sports champions and military men. Some of the

qualities they exhibited were Self-assertion, Competitive spirit,

desire to win, the need to become a champion. He termed these

as champions with an "Iron Will". In this USA chart Mars makes

for all of these qualities; and we see it exhibited by the USA in

international sporting contests such as the Olympics, the armed

forces and in war. Mars is ruled by an exalted Jupiter with all

its virtues and faults as next discussed.


The next thing we see is an EXALTED JUPITER in the 1st house. It

would appear to have some weakness because it is in infancy and

its dispositor the Moon is badly placed in the 12th house.

However, this is not quite what it seems in that Jupiter is VERY

CLOSE to its maximum exaltation point at 5* Cancer. Also the

Moon is much stronger than it appears.

Jupiter is the key to the enigma that is the USA. Not only is it

exalted but it is also Malefic. SATVA (see footnote) teaches

that an exalted malefic will protect its own significations

whilst at the same time acting malefically elsewhere. So Jupiter

will shower its beneficence on the USA such as giving wealth,

generosity etc, but at the same time will succumb to the worst

side of nature ie. rampant materialism, excesses of all kinds,

etc, which lead to antagonism from other parties and interests.

Jupiter rules the 6th house of litigation. Here we also see

extremes such as respect for the rule of law, but at the same

time litigation gone mad - with lawyers suing at the drop of a

hat. Jupiter also rules financial solvency and we have seen the

extremes of poverty powered by the USA during the depression

years and the affluence of a throw away society. There is also

the madness of inflated share markets leading to financial

panics. Jupiter and the 1st house has no affliction. The 1st

house is made additionally strong by having as its natural

significator an exalted Sun. Jupiter as malefic 6th house ruler

will ensure plenty of enemies but will always be able to overcome

them as Jupiter is exalted and will always protect its own




The MOON is stronger than it appears in that it is well aspected

by a powerful Mars which also aspects the MEP of the 12th house

giving strength to overcome potential losses. The Moon is also

EXALTED in the Navamsa (the main secondary chart used in Hindu

astrology). Also the 12th house ruler is an exceptionally strong

Mercury resident in the 10th house, associated with an exalted

sun and disposed by an exceptionally powerful Mars. There is no

affliction to the Moon or the 12th house.


VENUS is slightly combust the Sun. As Venus rules the 4th house

this manifests in problems in the homeland. However Venus is

associated with an exalted sun and receives strong support from

powerful Dispositor Mars and associated benefic Mercury. Venus

rules natural resources and the wealth of the country has been

local rather than based on Empire. This is shown by Venus

ruling the 4th house of homeland which Under SATVA rules makes

Venus the most benefic planet in the chart.


SATURN is another enigmatic planet in this chart. It is both

strong as it is in its own moolootrikona (MT) sign and weak by

being in old age. It is also aspected by exalted malefic

Jupiter. Saturn in Hindu astrology casts forward sextile,

opposition, and backward square aspects. In this USA chart as

it sits on the MEP of the 8th house (one of the most critical

points in any chart) it aspects the 10th (Government), 2nd

(family or population), and 4th (homeland) houses. It has the

potential to cause damage when aspected by the other Malefics and

we will see examples of this later. This is undoubtedly the

achilles heel of this chart. Fortunately, Saturn is in extreme

old age and loses much of its power to do harm, so we in fact see

more deleterious effects from Rahu and Jupiter. Saturn also has

its good side in that being in its own MT sign it will protect

its own significations such as authority, discipline, labor etc.


MERCURY is very strong in the 10th house, unafflicted, supported

by association with benefic Venus and exalted Sun, and

considerably strengthened by powerful dispositor Mars. Mercury

rules the 3rd house of initiative and communications. These are

both strong in the USA psyche as well as in this chart.





Out of many events, I decided to concentrate primarily on only

those which are not open to dispute and which had something in


GOVERNMENT HAD BEEN DISRUPTED. My method was to take each event

and lay them down in a 30* strip under each other. This was easy

as my 'Jigsaw' software has this facility. It was simple then

to see where a particular planet had similarities in each of the





concluded that Jupiter and Rahu were malefic in the USA chart.

This meant that the Ascendant had to be either around 25* Taurus,

25* Cancer, or 25* Capricorn as I use the Lordships of the

sidereal zodiac. Please see footnote regarding SATVA. The events

are shown below and indicate the position of the appropriate

planet (Rahu/Ketu are considered shadowy planets).


Primary events:


25 Aug 1814 - British capture and burn Washington. Jup 25Leo11

4 Apr 1841 - Pres. W. Harrison dies in Office. Rahu 24Can56

9 Jul 1850 - Pres Z. Taylor dies in Office Rahu 23Can06,

Jup 26Leo18

24 Dec 1851 - Capitol Bldg partly destroyed - fire Rahu 25Gem24

14 Apr 1865 - Lincoln shot (see below)

22 Feb 1868 - House impeaches Pres. A. Johnson Rahu 24Aqu13

2 Jul 1881 - Pres. Garfield shot Rahu 25Sco45

Jup 26Ari11

2 Aug 1923 - Pres Harding dies in Office (see below)

12 Apr 1945 - Pres F.D. Roosevelt dies in Office Jup 25Leo58

23 Mar 1951 - Gen MacArthur defies Pres. Truman Rahu 25Leo52

22 Nov 1963 - Pres. Kennedy shot (see below)

27 Jul 1974 - House starts impeachment Pres Nixon Rahu 23Sco25

Jup 23Aqu23

11 Dec 1998 - House starts impeachment Pres Clinton Jup 25Aqu39





The Cancer Ascendant of the Inauguration Chart was the one

chosen, because malefics aspected the correct parts of the chart

for the above events. For problems for the Executive arm of

government we would expect to see aspects to the MEPs of 8th

house (obstacles), the 10th house (Governmnent), the Sun (The

Office of the President), the MC (the President himself as the

hope and aspirations of the people), the Lord of the 10th house

of Government, and the Moon (the corporate entity that is the

USA). Note SATVA does not use the MC but my 25 years plus of

Western astrology will not allow me to drop it.


Looking at the first event the CAPTURE AND BURNING OF WASHINGTON

we note that transiting Malefic Jupiter is afflicting the MEP of

the 2nd house of the people and aspecting the MEP of the 8th

house of disputes and natal Saturn, and the MEP of the 10th house

of the Government. Transiting malefic Saturn Lord of the house

of disputes is opposition natal Jupiter Lord of the sixth house

of enemies. Malefic Ketu (Moon's south node aspects also aspects

the MEP of the 10th house ant transit Rahu afflicts natal Moon

ruler of the chart. This is entirely appropriate.


We can compare this with the DESTRUCTION OF THE CAPITOL BUILDING

nearly 40 years later when the building was partially destroyed

by fire. Again Ketu aspects the MEP of the 10th house and Rahu

afflicts natal Moon. Again Jupiter aspects the MEP of the 10th

house from where it afflicts the MEP of the homeland 4th house.

Here we see similar situations, with exactly the same malefics

aspecting exactly the same point.


Looking now at the Presidents who died in office: for the DEATH

OF PRESIDENT HARRISON we see Malefic Ketu closely afflicting the

Asc from where it closely aspects natal Mars (Mars is the Lord of

the 10th house of Government.) Transiting malefic Jupiter

closely aspects natal Ascendant whilst at the same time being

afflicted by natal Saturn (In SATVA natal planets can aspect

transits. Malefics set up static problems by their aspect, very

much like creating a pot hole in the road.)


For the DEATH OF PRESIDENT Z. TAYLOR we see a similar situation

except that the Rahu/Ketu axis has reversed and Rahu closely

afflicts natal Ascendant and natal Mars. In this case Jupiter

also afflicts the 2nd, 8th and 10th house MEPs and gives and

receives a malefic aspect from natal Saturn.


For the DEATH OF PRESIDENT W. HARDING we see something slightly

different, it is not the houses that are under stress it is the

personal points. Could this be because he died away from

Washington on a trip to San Fransisco? The morbid indications

are transit Rahu exactly aspects natal Sun, transit Saturn

exactly aspects natal Mars, and transit Jupiter exactly aspects

natal MC. In the other examples two malefics were involved. Here

we see all three of them participating.


For the DEATH OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT we see again transit Ketu

closely afflicting natal Sun and transit Jupiter closely

afflicting the 10th house MEP whilst afflicting and being

afflicted by natal Saturn.



TRUMAN because it did disrupt the Executive Head of Government as

he had to fly half out of the USA to meet MacArthur. Here we see

transit Ketu on the MEP of the 2nd house aspecting the MEPs of

the 8th (obstruction) of 10th (Government) and afflicting and

being afflicted by natal Saturn. Also transit Rahu afflicts

chart ruler natal Moon which is also aspected by Mars showing the

military connection as it also came close conjunct natal Mars.


Turning to the ASSASSINATED PRESIDENTS we see in the case of

PRESIDENT LINCOLN a different type of chart affliction. The

Civil War had started on the 12th April 1861 with Pluto exactly

afflicting the MC of the USA chart (it also had transiting

Jupiter exactly afflicting natal Ascendant, transiting Rahu

exactly afflicting 10th house MEP, and transiting Ketu exactly

afflicting natal Moon ruler of the chart). But we are mainly

concerned here with Pluto. One of the best keyword for Pluto is

'upheaval'. It slowly traversed the USA 10th house during the

whole period of the war when the country was in turmoil. When it

came exactly on to the natal Sun President Lincoln was

assassinated. Also transiting Saturn Lord of the 8th house of

death, aspected natal Jupiter Lord of 6th enemies ie. death from



PRESIDENT GARFIELD was shot and assassinated when Jupiter came

exact conjunction with 10th house MEP from where it was also

aspected by natal Saturn, transit Rahu aspected natal Ascendant

and natal Mars, and Saturn exactly aspected natal MC and Sun.


PRESIDENT MCKINLEY was shot and assassinated when Ketu came exact

conjunction with 10th house MEP and within orb of Sun.

Transiting Rahu aspected the 8th house MEP of death and also

aspected the Moon ruler of the chart.


PRESIDENT KENNEDY was shot and assassinated when transiting Ketu

exactly aspected natal Sun, and transiting Saturn closely

afflicted natal Mars and was opposition natal Ascendant. Natal

Saturn afflicted transiting Mars.



PRESIDENT A. JOHNSON was impeached on 22 Feb 1868. Transiting

Malefic Jupiter was exactly on the MEP of the 8th house (this is

the point of family disputes) from there it afflicts natal Moon

ruler of the chart.


The first article of Impeachment for PRESIDENT CLINTON took place

on the 11th December 1998. Exactly the same situation as for

President Johnson. Transiting Jupiter is on the MEP of the 8th

house from where it afflicts natal Moon. Also natal Saturn

aspects transit Sun.


The first article of Impeachment for President NIXON took place

on 27th July 1974. Here we again have transiting Jupiter on the

MEP of the 8th house, and affliction of natal Moon. In addition

transiting Rahu afflicts natal Mars. President Nixon resigned in

order to avoid completion of the impeachment process. The

question of whether he would have been found guilty is open to

question. Here astrology suggests he would have been aquited

because like the charts of President's Johnson and Clinton who

were both aquited, President Nixon also had no affliction to the

MEP of the 10th house or the Sun.





Readers may object to the fact the country had been effectively

self governing for 13 years before the date of this chart. That

is true; but in fact the country only had a defacto government

during this period. Some people object to calling President

George Washington the First President of the USA, and quote the

names of 10 Presidents who preceeded him. In reality these men

were not Presidents of the USA but Presidents of the apparatus of

Government. Washington was the first President after the

acceptance of the Constitution - as such he became the first

President of the USA. This fact was clearly recognized by his

contemporaries who recognized the importance of this first

inauguration and named him the first President. Also now for

the FIRST TIME there was a clearly recognized Head of State.

Also there was a totally separate arm of Executive Government. In

other words the long drawn out process started in 1775 had

finally matured to completion.


My whole approach has been empirical using the most basic of

astrological tools - transits. I thought it would be nice to

find a chart that had an appropriate date but it was beyond my

wildest hopes to find a chart that was within 37 seconds of an

important historical event. Despite the observed accuracy of

the chart, readers may be puzzled or doubtful about a time for

the chart which appears to be 16 minutes from the planned time of

the event if using New York. There are two possible reasons for



1. In an eyewitness account it is stated that the doors of the

Senate opened at 11:00am and members descended to take carriages

to the inauguration venue. It goes on to say that George

Washington decided to walk, and when he arrived he went straight

to the balcony for the inauguration ceremony. Unless his timing

was perfect this could account for the earlier time.


2. In 1800 the Government of the country was transferred to

Washington. All of the above events took place after this time.

If we set up a chart for Washington time this becomes 11:47:53am

equivalent to 12:00pm New York time for the inauguration

ceremony. My 'best fit' method of rectification suggested a time

of 11:47:16am which is only 37 seconds away from the planned

time. This could reasonable be correct in view of his going

straight to the balcony for the ceremony.



Anyone wishing to use New York should use a time of 11:43:42am to

get the correct Ascendant, but please note that transits to the

New York MC are no-where near as accurate as to the Washington





No bias or preconception was entertained in searching for this

chart. The approach was pragmatic; and the only conditions were

that it had to show the power and authority, and the puzzling

extremes of the USA. It also had to back test successfully.


The method was to first find the framework of the chart from

similar undisputed events; and then to check this framework on

various historical dates to arrive at the best chart.


Events were chosen that should reasonably be expected to show in

the correct chart. They had to be of a similar nature and they


CHART WAS DISCOVERED. The events had to be 'instantaneous' i.e

NOT a 'trend', because we sought to check with the most basic

astrological tool - transits, rather than trend tools ie. dashas

and directions which might be open to doubt and dispute.




I have tried to keep the approach to finding this chart as simple

as possible, to make it understandable and acceptable to other



The main point of contention may come from my Western astrology

colleagues who object to a sidereal perspective.

As a Western astrologer of over 25 years I can understand the

disinclination to even contemplate looking at the alternative.

However, I assure them that the sidereal system as taught by

SATVA is easier to learn than Western. In fact I was up and

running with it in less that two months and achieving much better

results immediately. Anyone interested can refer to the



SATVA colleagues and other sidereal and Hindu astrologers may

object to the mention of Pluto and the possibilities of

relocating the chart to Washington. All I can say there, is

that omitting Pluto and keeping the location as New York makes

little difference - if the indicated Ascendant is maintained.


In a major study such as this, someone can always pick a point

and make it contentious. I am happy to discuss any points

raised; but I would ask readers to consider the whole approach

and the results obtained in order to arrive at their own

conclusion as to whether this is a valid chart for the USA.


I think the results speak for themselves. We had thirteen

similar events - all affecting the Executive arm of government.


In the two events of destruction by fire in Washington we saw

EXACTLY the same planet Ketu, aspect EXACTLT the same place, from

EXACTLY the same location.


In all four assassinations the Sun was under attack from

Malefics, together with other indications.


In the case of all three presidents who died in office transit

Jupiter received a malefic aspect from natal Saturn among other



In the case of all three impeachments Jupiter was in EXACTLY the

same position on the MEP of the 8th house of 'family disputes'

and aspected the Moon ruler of the chart. Plus other indications.




Ron Gaunt.





1. SATVA (Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology) is the

distillation by Professor V.K. Choudhry of the best of Hindu

astrology. His Approach is attracting wide support in both

East and West. Anyone interested in learning more about this

can obtain information and lots of learning material

including free software from satva and

associated sites.




In order to see and appreciate this USA Chart in its SATVA

setting, readers should set up the chart using the Sidereal

system with Lahiri ayanamsa. The houses are Whole sign,

geocentric. I personally prefer True node and Parallax Moon.

The chart should be set up for 30th April 1789NS, 11:47:16am

LMT +5:08:09 Washington DC 38N53'42", 077W02'12".

Anyone preferring to use the New York location should use

11:43:43am LMT +4:56:01, 40N42'51", 074W00'23"

The Ascendant in both cases is 25* Cancer 44'




MEP (Most Effective Point). This is the point in EVERY sign

that has the SAME degree as in the Ascending sign. It is

like an equal house cusp except that in SATVA the houses are

always Whole sign, therefore the MEP can be anywhere within

the house.




This chart is very responsive to Nodal transits. The Nodes

both Rahu and Ketu cast trinal as well as opposition aspects.

Likewise the other very active malefic Jupiter casts trinal

and opposition aspects.

It is therefor wise to keep these in mind, because with the

Sun at 19*, Mars at 22*, Moon at 25 * and the MEPs also at

25* the aspects sweep across these in turn and can give

good indication and progression of events.





SATVA has a very systemised approach to astrology. Please

note that Pluto and the other outer planets, and relocation

astrology are not part of this system.





This paper is copywrite Ron Gaunt 17/10/2002. As a service

to the astrological community readers may publish all or part

provided authorship is acknowledged.

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