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My name is Devang Bhatt. I am a student in US. I would be highly

grateful if someone makes me a horoscope and posts their comments

Here are my details

Name Devang Bhatt

Date of Birth 5th october 1979

Place of Birth - Mumbai

Time Of Birth- 9 20am.


Thank you.

Devang .

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Dear Devang,

If you have your own computer you can download a free jyotish program at

jyotishtools.com. and view transits. You are a Libra rising, The Sun ruling

gains is in the twelfth house bringing income from foreign lands. All the

planets could be strengthened except for Mercury which could be propitiated.

Aloha, Sally




Hello,My name is Devang Bhatt. I am a student in US. I would be highly grateful

if someone makes me a horoscope and posts their comments Here are my detailsName

Devang BhattDate of Birth 5th october 1979Place of Birth - MumbaiTime Of Birth-

9 20am.Thank you. Devang .Get Free! astrological


from this group, send an email to:Vedic Astrology-OM TAT


Devang Bhatt

Oct 5,1979

Time: 9:20AM Zone: 5:30 DST: 0


Longitude: 72E50 Latitude: 18N58

Lahiri Ayanamsa: 23:34 365.25 Day Year

Current Period: Me/Ra/Ma


As 26:09 Li Vishakha Ju

Su 17:45 Vi Hasta Mo

Mo 08:32 Pi U.Bhadra Sa

Ma 12:29 Cn Pushya Sa

Me 03:25 Li Chitra Ma

Ju 07:33 Le Magha Ke

Ve 28:40 Vi Chitra Ma

Sa 26:42 Le U.Phalguni Su

Ra 14:37 Le P.Phalguni Ve

Ke 14:37 Aq Shatbisha Ra


Vimshottari Dashas


Sa Oct-05-1979

Me May-08-1991

Ke May-08-2008

Ve May-08-2015

Su May-08-2035

Mo May-08-2041

Ma May-08-2051

Ra May-08-2058

Ju May-08-2076


Rashi Chart


** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * SU 17:45 * *

* * 8 * VE 28:40* *

* * * ME 03:25 * * JU 07:33*

* 9 * AS 26:09 * 5 RA 14:37*

* * * * * SA 26:42*

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * 7 * * *

** * * **

* 10 * 4 MA 12:29 *

** * * **

* * * 1 * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

*KE 14:37 11* * 3 *

* * * * * *

* * 12 * * 2 * *

* * MO 08:32 * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **



Navamsa Chart


** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * SU * * 1 * *

* *JU * * * *

* 4 * AS * 12 *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * 2 * * *

** * * **

* RA 5 * 11 KE *

** * * **

* * * 8 * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* MO 6 * ME * 10 *

* VE * * * * *

* * 7 * * 9 * *

* * MA * * SA * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **




System's Approach Analysis


Sun: Bad Placement, weak dispositor,

Moon: Bad Placement, Bright,

Mars: Good Placement, Debilated in Rashi, weak dispositor,

Mercury: Good Placement, in infancy 31%, weak dispositor,

Conjunct functional benefic(s): Ve 0%,

Jupiter: Good Placement, weak dispositor,

Venus: Bad Placement, Combust, Debilated in Rashi, Debilated in Navamsa, in

oldage 73%, weak dispositor, Conjunct house 12 MEP 49%

Conjunct functional malefic(s): Me 0%,

Saturn: Good Placement, in oldage 34%, weak dispositor, Conjunct house 11 MEP



Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis


Sa/Ve Oct 5,1979

Sa/Su Apr 29,1982

Sa/Mo Apr 11,1983

Sa/Ma Nov 9,1984

Sa/Ra Dec 19,1985

Sa/Ju Oct 25,1988

Me/Me May 8,1991

Me/Ke Oct 4,1993

Me/Ve Oct 1,1994

Me/Su Aug 1,1997

Me/Mo Jun 8,1998

Me/Ma Nov 7,1999

Me/Ra Nov 3,2000

Me/Ju May 24,2003

Me/Sa Aug 29,2005

Ke/Ke May 8,2008

Ke/Ve Oct 4,2008

Ke/Su Dec 4,2009

Ke/Mo Apr 11,2010

Ke/Ma Nov 10,2010

Ke/Ra Apr 8,2011

Ke/Ju Apr 25,2012

Ke/Sa Apr 1,2013

Ke/Me May 11,2014

Ve/Ve May 8,2015

Ve/Su Sep 7,2018

Ve/Mo Sep 7,2019

Ve/Ma May 8,2021

Ve/Ra Jul 8,2022

Ve/Ju Jul 8,2025

Ve/Sa Mar 8,2028

Ve/Me May 8,2031

Ve/Ke Mar 8,2034

Su/Su May 8,2035

Su/Mo Aug 26,2035

Su/Ma Feb 25,2036

Su/Ra Jul 1,2036

Su/Ju May 26,2037

Su/Sa Mar 14,2038

Su/Me Feb 24,2039

Su/Ke Jan 1,2040

Su/Ve May 8,2040

Mo/Mo May 8,2041

Mo/Ma Mar 8,2042

Mo/Ra Oct 7,2042

Mo/Ju Apr 7,2044

Mo/Sa Aug 7,2045

Mo/Me Mar 9,2047

Mo/Ke Aug 7,2048

Mo/Ve Mar 8,2049

Mo/Su Nov 7,2050

Ma/Ma May 8,2051

Ma/Ra Oct 5,2051

Ma/Ju Oct 22,2052

Ma/Sa Sep 28,2053

Ma/Me Nov 7,2054

Ma/Ke Nov 4,2055

Ma/Ve Apr 1,2056

Ma/Su Jun 1,2057

Ma/Mo Oct 7,2057

Ra/Ra May 8,2058

Ra/Ju Jan 18,2061

Ra/Sa Jun 14,2063

Ra/Me Apr 20,2066

Ra/Ke Nov 6,2068

Ra/Ve Nov 25,2069

Ra/Su Nov 25,2072

Ra/Mo Oct 19,2073

Ra/Ma Apr 20,2075

Ju/Ju May 8,2076

Ju/Sa Jun 26,2078

Ju/Me Jan 6,2081

Ju/Ke Apr 14,2083

Ju/Ve Mar 20,2084

Ju/Su Nov 19,2086

Ju/Mo Sep 7,2087

Ju/Ma Jan 6,2089

Ju/Ra Dec 13,2089

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You were born in Libra Ascendant, which is the 7th sign of the zodiac and ruled

by Venus. You have a well formed body, are tall, slender in youth but with a

tendency to become stout in middle age. Of course, you have a good complexion,

with smooth, brown to black hair, blue or brown eyes, a prominent nose (parrot

like nose), a round or oval face, and perhaps dimples. Your features are good,

the curves and contours of your body regular. Overall, you are attractive,

graceful, good looking, with a sweet smile, attractive countenance, and a

youthful, impressive personality. You are always smiling, which makes you even

more attractive, a quality enhanced by your impressive eyes.As a Libran, you

are very helpful to others and a competent business person. You are fond of

astrology, of traveling to religious places, and other auspicious things. Your

voice is sweet and impressive which makes you much like a celebrity or some

model. You will travel to many places and may live far from your family. You

would have had some unhappiness in childhood but will be happy in your later

life. You are blessed with a normal life and will rise in life after 33 year of

age. You will make many friends among the opposite sex.

Analysis according to YOGA CHART

Presence of lord of 10th house, Moon in the 6th, indicates that you may have had

an unhappy childhood with some opposition from your parents or uncle. Your

foremost qualities are courage and strength of purpose and dignity of action.

These will stand you in good stead and with your capacity to work hard you will

achieve success in your profession. You have a tendency to spend a lot and may

face anxiety on this score as well as trouble from opponents. Gains from

foreign contacts are indicated.


Presence of lord of 11th house, Sun Twelfth House Sun. Intelligent, respected

and will hold a power and authority. Gain from Govt. generous and of sanguine

thinking. Deceitful friends who may cause much sufferings. Sorrowful friends.

One may become worried due to unwanted expenditure but will soon control them.

Kind to everybody. Good friendship amongst occult people. Pleasure in peaceful,

quiet, harmonious or secluded places.


Presence of Lord of the 2nd and 7th house, Mars in the 5th house indicates you

are very passionate, will do daily occupation in a lofty manner due to

association of other places, get some weakness and disorder of body, some loss

on the side of children and some deficiency in education. By working hard you

get honor from govt. and society, but face loss in the house of father and some

deficiency along with dignity in house of spouse and restlessness, together with

dignity as regards of physical pleasure.


Presence of Lord of the 9th and 12th house, Mercury in Ascendant indicates that

you are a wise person with a soft temperament. You will be liked by all. You

are also very religious and will do many auspicious deeds. You may be a judge.

You are intelligent and have high morals. You have a good physique. You will be

very active. You are obliging and helpful.


Presence of Lord of 3rd and 6th house Jupiter, in the 11th house indicates that

you will get gains from foreign countries. You will face trouble from opponents

but will win over them. You will get respect in society and will make large

gains. You will get good children and friends and will be respected by noble

people. You are active, victorious, and luxurious and enjoy pleasures. You have

good friends and earn their respect. You enjoy all the comforts of life. You are

famous for your intellect.


Master of Ascendant and 8th house, Venus in the 12th house indicates that you'll

have a hoarse voice but will be a good orator. You will indulge in bad thinking

and will adopt some unusual method for physical pleasures. You will have

problems due to overeating and have a tendency to put on weight. You may

indulge in dubious deals. You are very passionate, proud and talkative. You

have no will power. You waste a lot of money and are always in debt. You will

travel to foreign countries. You will face a lot of troubles and obstacles. You

may lose money in gambling. You will get in to trouble because of your bad

associates. You will not keep good health. You are quarrelsome and

unscrupulous. You like to be independent. You may suffer from eye troubles.

There will be a drastic change in your life style at the age of 12.


Presence of lord of the 4th and 5th house, Saturn in 11th house indicates you

are very helpful to your father. You are very rich. You travel to many places.

You are liked by the masses. You pass your life happily. You have few but good

children .You are fond of many types of arts, songs, music, etc. You get fame

in society and govt. You are happy from money point of view. You may have some

opposition of views with son and there may be separation. You are careful with

your money. It is very difficult to cheat you. You will get success in

elections and hold an honorable post. You may face certain hindrances and

difficulties in the beginning of life but during middle age you'll enjoy many

comforts. In the later part of your life there may be opposition from your

counter part and children. Though you have some opposition with parents still

you are very affectionate to them. You enjoy good health and age. You are

famous for your grand and auspicious deeds. You travel a lot. You are very

competent and take interest in music and arts. You will be successful in your

career. You attend big meetings. Your voice is very impressive. You are born in

a noble family. You get high favors from royal people. You are very intelligent,

wise, wealthy and respected. You acquire good degrees. You are always eager to

acquire knowledge.


Analysis According to Moon Nakshtra

As you were born in UTTRABHADRAPAD asterism (Nakshatra) you will be good

natured, rich, confident, intelligent and will earn money through fair means.

You respect and obey your parents and elders. You must perform rituals in

respect of Soil, Water, Plants and Air as you are born in the gund mool

asterism (Nakshatra). . The 17th, 21st and 24th years of your life are lucky.

DHAN YOGA (Combination for Wealth)


Due to the help of Venus you will get a lot of earning after marriage and such

Dhan Yoga are time and event related. It is a Raj Yoga also as Trouble creator

is also placed in 12th house.


RAJ YOGA / DHAN YOGA (due to Exchange yoga related of 2nd house lord)


The Exchange of lord of 1st house and 12th house gives a lot of easy earning

from overseas countries or far place and will also get fame but not in your own

region. You are destined to get easy earning and much wealth. No doubt that you

will get fame and


RAJ YOGA / DHAN YOGA (due to Placement of Badhak in Malefic House)


The lord of 11th house is known as Badhak (problem Creator) planet and when

Problem creator gets some palefic position then it gives very good impact to


Sun Sextile Mars

This combination of Sun and Mars indicates that you have tact and very good

leadership capacities. You have abundant energy and are likely to be very


Sun Sextile Neptune

This aspect between Sun and Neptune indicates that you are likely to become a

very prominent person. You have a very strong imagination, often supported by

intuition. You may become a visionary.

Sun Conjunction Pluto

The conjunction of Sun with Pluto makes you power hungry and very presumptuous.

You may become very boastful. This aspect makes you a bit crisis-prone.

Moon Trine Mars

The Moon and Mars thus positioned are very beneficial to you. You are ambitious

and you have the drive and good constitution for achievement. You are very

lucky in money matters and will gain a lot.

Moon Sesquare Uranus

The above aspect of Moon and Uranus gives you a very mercurial temperament. You

may become very cantankerous and high-strung. You should guard against becoming

totally careless and unstable.

Mars Semisquare Saturn

This aspect of Mars and Saturn indicates that you will experience physical and

emotional strain. You may become impatient, suspicious, bad tempered and at

times even tend to be ruthless.

Mars Sesquare Neptune

This aspect indicates that you may develop some sort of inferiority complex. You

may misdirect your energies, may become self-destructive and subject to various

forms of addiction. You are very imaginative but at times very unrealistic.

Mercury Sextile Jupiter

This aspect of Mercury and Jupiter makes you optimistic and philosophically

inclined. You are very thorough in intellectual pursuits and may even develop a

superiority complex.

Mercury Conjunction Venus

The conjunction of Mercury with Venus makes you excellent at self-expression &

charming in speech and manner. You have artistic traits, you love pleasure and

the arts. You need to cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Jupiter Semisquare Pluto

This aspect of Jupiter and Pluto makes you arrogant and fanatical. You will have

conflicts with those in authority. You may get extravagant and tend to squander.

Venus Sextile Neptune

This aspect between Venus and Neptune indicates that all forms of artistic

abilities are enhanced in you. You will be popular, but at times you will be


Venus Conjunction Pluto

The conjunction of Venus and Pluto in your birth chart indicates that you may

have more than one love-affair. You are very sensitive and are easily hurt. You

are very possessive and at times develop fanatical tendencies.

Saturn Sextile Uranus

This aspect will bestow on you very good ability to concentrate. You will be

serious and thorough in your work. You will be ambitious & inventive. At the

same time, you will also be able to shoulder great responsibility. You will be


Saturn Square Neptune

This aspect between Saturn and Neptune makes you inhibited, self-deluding and

moody. You may tend to be a hypochondriac. You will be subject to criticism and

may develop an inferiority complex.

Neptune Sextile Pluto

The presence of this aspect will arouse mystical and spiritual forces in you.

You will have intuitive knowledge of higher forces and depth perception. You

will strive for inner knowledge. You have the ability to orient yourself to the

needs of others.

Best of luck, fatima hussain.

Devang Bhatt <devang_bhatt_99 > wrote:

Hello,My name is Devang Bhatt. I am a student in US. I would be highly grateful

if someone makes me a horoscope and posts their comments Here are my

detailsName Devang BhattDate of Birth 5th october 1979Place of Birth -

MumbaiTime Of Birth- 9 20am.Thank you. Devang .Get Free! astrological


from this group, send an email to:Vedic Astrology-OM TAT



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