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I'm new here and would like to ask the groups opinion of this.



The Chart Heard 'round the World

John Mirehiel

The total lunar eclipse of November 8/91, 2003 reveals a moment in

time with echoes that are at least as provocative as the August,


Solar Eclipse and potentially more potent than the "cosmic stampede"

in Taurus in May of 2000 or of any of a host of other "important"

dates projected for 2003. Here at Astrosite, it is our wish to

present the facts of the chart of that date, suggest some possible

interpretations as to its meaning, and to provide a forum for the

dissemination of information and opinions on its import.


The Discovery


According to NASA and the Goddard Space Flight Center, on the evening

of August 27th, 1998, a "magnetar," a super dense neutron star some

26,000 light years away from us, imploded. A burst of gamma rays

from the magnetar SGR 1900+14 struck the Earth's ionosphere while the

west coast was in night time and the east coast was in day light.

The pulse lasted about 5 minutes, during which it released the energy

that is the equivalent to that which would be emitted by the Sun in

300,000 years. That burst of energy had the effect of suppressing the

level of the Earth's nighttime ionosphere down to a day-like level

above the roughly 4,000 mile slice of the planet which was exposed to

the magnetar's emissions. Radio transmissions were seriously

affected, and many orbital satellites even went into their fail-safe

modes, shutting down in order to protect their sensitive

instrumentation. In radio astronomy, it was a very big deal.


Umran Inan, an internationally respected Astronomer from Stanford

University, was quoted as saying, "It is extremely rare for an


occurring outside the solar system to have any measurable effect on

the Earth."


Unaware of this event (indeed the general public wasn't informed of

it until some 5 weeks after the fact), on morning of August 28th, I

sat at my computer and began "surfing the future." One of the

several astrological programs that I have (Astrolog, V. 5.3) allowed

me to see the planetary aspects as they form, from day to day, via

its programmable animation function. I was looking for a specific

planetary aspect pattern called the "Mystic Rectangle," but, the

reason now escapes me. What caught my attention as I bounced back in

forth in Time that day was this startling chart, in living color.




(Please click on this image for a much clearer view of the chart as I

first saw it)


I have been studying it ever since, and have taken the liberty of

calling it the Harmonic Concordance. For those of you who have some

astrological software, the pertinent data is as follows:



Time: 08:12:41 EST,

Place: Middle Island, NY

(Although any place will do if the time is set to the moment of the


a 6° orb is allowed for the Lights, and Chiron is used as a



I had set the chart on Long Island, New York because that is where I

lived at the discovery moment. As such, it is an appropriate chart

of its "birth." The fact, however, remains that, since the Grand

Sextile pattern (the chart's distinctive signature) appears among


planets only, the Tropical Zodiac used, and the time is set for the

exact moment of the total Lunar Eclipse, the chart can be erected for

virtually any location on the face of the Earth, in any house system,

and the pattern will remain the same.


Basic Chart Highlights


This most hopeful planetary alignment is a moment of rare beauty,

astrologically. I know the immediate impact that it had on me, and I

have seen that impact repeated in the recognition on the faces of

countless others. Knowing anything at all about astrology, one

cannot but be impressed. Even non-astrologers notice the symmetry

and patterns in the chart that are its unique hallmark.


You will no doubt note that I have used Chiron as a planet. I have

done so because I have seen it work, consistently and with the

legitimate energy of a planet, in many hundreds of charts. Were you

to ignore it, the pattern would not emerge. Using Chiron completes

the Grand Sextile, and its significance as the "rainbow bridge

between the inner and outer planets," thus comes into high focus.


The hexagonal outer frame of the of the chart is called a Grand

Sextile. However, this pattern, in the compatible, feminine Earth

and Water signs, is very rare, and this one is especially unique,

since its widest orb is just some five and a half degrees (for the

Sun and Moon) among all the planets, and it includes a total lunar



Briefly, the Grand Sextile pattern in astrology signifies the mutual

and unobstructed flow of energy between six planets through a

sequence of sextile (60°) aspects.2 Add to that, the flow of


that each of the six main planets in the configuration receives from

two other trining planets, and one may see that the path of that flow

between and among those six planets is wide open. This effect is only

enhanced by the aforementioned tight aspect orbs among the planets.

In essence, this energy flow creates a very powerful vortex, the

exact likes of which does not occur in the 6,000 year span between

3000 BC and 3000 CE that I have personally researched, and perhaps a

good deal longer.3


Aside from the phenomena of the Grand Sextile, the planetary energies

present at each of the pattern's six "stations" are very appropriate

to a moment that would carry the astrological signature of the

Ascension. Consider the qualities of the planets as they are

represented through the metaphors of astrology:


The Sun - the primal energy; the cause for being; masculine in

nature; the basic will and vitality that inspires life; our

creativity and conscious aim;that which expresses the best of who we


The Moon - the archetypical feminine; the mother; the personal

subconscious mind, memory and imagination the; tidal ebb and flow of

emotion; the avenues of habit and instinct; the shelter of home,

Jupiter - the king of the gods; beneficence, good fortune and

expansion; the publication of ideals; the higher mind, wisdom and

enthusiasm; generosity, optimism and increase on all levels,

Mars - the courage, desire, energy and willingness to act; the

stimulation of passion; the ability to be the spiritual warrior,

Saturn - the physical bones of the Earth and our bodies; the

disciplinarian and 'tester' of our metal; the limitations of the

physical; endurance, perseverance, and stability, and finally,

Chiron - the crystal rainbow bridge between physicality and

spirit, the inner and outer planets; the wounded healer; Christ

consciousness; initiation; the interface between God and Godling.


Could anyone want a better group of complimentary traveling

companions for the voyage to the Ascended World?


The fact that a total lunar eclipse is part of the Grand Sextile

pattern adds to its significance immensely. In at least one

viewpoint, an eclipse carries the implication of the beginning of

some important undertaking or the bringing to fruition of an issue

that had its conception at an earlier time. This eclipse could just

so mark one of those milestone events on a global level.


While the eclipse is one of the defining elements in the chart, it is

only one of several factors that make it unique. Remember, the chart

is not "place specific." That is to say, that since the Grand

Sextile pattern arises from between planets only and does not rely on

any "moving" point of the chart, such as the Ascendant or MC (as was

the case with the Gaia Mind Day chart that was circulated for January

23, 1997), it is in effect, at the moment of the eclipse, at any

location on Earth.


Within the Grand Sextile pattern there is the pattern known as

the "Star of David" - formed by the two inverted Grand Trines.

This pattern is also universally recognized as the three dimensional

representation of the Merkabah, the Light Body Vehicle of

Consciousness (a very important symbol for those working with Light

energies). Another name for this planetary pattern is the "Seal of

Solomon," which contains the promise of the advent of Divine Wisdom

attendant upon this moment. Other pattern by-products of this tight

Grand Sextile include: the three Mystic Rectangles, four Kites, and

six Minor Grand Trines.


Astrologers will note that there are also three oppositions within

the pattern, (four, if the wide Mercury/Moon is included) and a T-

Square involving the Sun, Moon and Neptune (effectively bringing

Neptune's voice into the pattern). While the three oppositions

themselves might seem to indicate difficulties in the chart, I

contend that the interconnectedness of the planets, through their

mutual trines and sextiles (natural by-products of the Grand

Sextile), allows them to find a "way around" the normal obstacles of

each opposition, while also easing the stress of the T-Square.


Further, I see the square between Venus and Mars, along with the

oppositions emphasizing the male/female, Yin/Yang relationship

quality which the oppositions strongly suggest. This balance may be

thought of as providing an energetic equilibrium for the vortex.


Several other key astrological factors are in play at this moment:


The Concordance Eclipse is a member of the Saros Series 5 New South,

considered by Bernadette Brady as the "best" of all series.


Like the appropriateness of the planets involved in the Grand

Sextile pattern, the Sabian Symbols of the planetary degrees are

highly suggestive of the "Ascensional" character of the moment,


Mercury changes degree during the course of the eclipse, thereby

giving it two Sabians,


Uranus, having reached its final Stationary Direct in Aquarius on

that morning, will be at its strongest position during its entire 84+

year transit cycle.


The dynamic of the Mercury/Uranus square is heightened by its

exclusivity allowing unencumbered communication between the two

planets that represent the lower and higher intellectual capacities,


Mars finally clears the shadow of its relatively rare Pisces

retrograde on the evening before the eclipse, freeing it to function

in the "retrofitted" capacity of a spiritual warrior,


The goddesses Venus, Vesta and Juno are conjunct in the truth

seeking sign of Sagittarius while Venus is in partile parallel (read

conjunct) to Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom, fairly trumpeting

the presence of the Goddess in this moment,


Five "power squares" appear between dynamically compatible planets:

Jupiter and Pluto, the Sun and Neptune, Mercury and Uranus, Venus and

Mars, and Neptune and the Moon.


Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are conspicuous by their absence from the

Grand Sextile pattern, indicating that the basic energy pattern is

one of uncompelled personal and individual choice,


There are several prominent Parallels of Declination,


For those interested in such things, Saturn and Chiron are in close

conjunction to the fixed stars SIRIUS and VEGA respectively, and

Lilith is in partile conjunction to ALCYONE (the Pleiades), calling

into the moment the esoteric energies that those Star Beings



The North Node is at a Critical Degree,


The significance of the Part of Fortune at the 7th house cusp, at

any location, and finally5,


When viewed as a Seventh Harmonic chart, it reveals a moment in time

that is profoundly numinous, that is to say, it is filled with the

sense of the presence of Divinity.



Perhaps other astrologers will find even more there.

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