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Wendy ji - BPHS, etc

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Wendy ji,


Some time back, while analyzing my chart, you had correctly

pointed out that:


> However, Mercury is a fickle planet and, with his dispositor

> in 12th, he may lead you on many a search for (other) secret

> or hidden knowledge...this may prove at times to be more of a

> hindrance than a help


It is 100% true - in Jyotish, while wishing to stick to

Parashara's system, I have continuously been interested in some

slightly offbeat systems.


Recently, I came across the book "Nadi System of Prediction" by

Rattan Lal. Have you read it? It seems not to stray from

Parashara's tenets, but one can never be sure!


In fact, until you said in one of your recent postings that

Badakadipati was a Jaimini system, I happily believed it to be



You have pointed out regularly that there is a lot of mixing

with BPHS. How does one know what is pure BPHS, and what is not?


Of course, one could read the BPHS, but, how much of this itself

is pure Parashara?


I'm so confused! Even wishing to stay in the straight and narrow

- with a few minor deviations - I don't know how much away from

the truth we all are!




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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Dear Balaji,


It really isn't all that complicated if you remember the basic

differences i.e:


Parashara = graha aspects, graha (vimsottari) dasa, natural karakas


Jaimini = rasi aspects, rasi dasa, chara karakas etc..


In spite of today's popular opinion, it takes a lifetime to master

the basic principles of Parashara jyotish...failing to master these

basics many move on to other techniques in order to understand what

they've failed to grasp...hoping some book, containing some secret

technique, will tell them what they should be able to discern

themselves from the basic horoscope. I've said many times that one

needs to have an intimate understanding of the significations of the

bhavas/grahas. I'll give an example of what I mean...


Some time ago there was a regular contributor on JyotishVidya who,

versed in many sastras, wore the cap of Guru with feigned humility.

This person hadn't even (yet) grasped the basic significations of

the grahas (nor the bhavas) although he was, as I say, well versed

in many sastras. He swore blind that Ketu was worldly/hedonistic in

nature and Rahu was secretive and shy. I eventually, after much

debating, became somewhat cutting in my condemnation of this (and

other basic misconceptions such as length of year and so forth) and

the person left...after all he was a respected guru with many

shishyas and who was I to point out his errors. This is such

nonsense, and it goes on all the time!


Although I'm a bit vague on the details now, I remember you once

asked me about a certain event in your life, commenting that you

couldn't see this in your chart. I checked the transits at that time

(related to your dasa lords) and you were amazed how clear the event

was. But (again) it's simple basics! The influence of transits is an

important consideration, varshaphala is an important consideration,

functional M/B status of grahas is an important consideration,

friendship between planets is an important consideration, the

relationship between the bhavas (one to the other) is an important

consideration, position and strength of nakshatra lords is an

important consideration - and so forth - this is the foundation of

Parashara jyotish.


I see from the posts of many (guru's particularly) that they're a

long way from understanding the basics. I will still be learning the

basics until the day I die!


Prasna chart is very popular today but, if I'm not mistaken, the

primary purpose of this chart is to answer queries for natives who's

birth chart is unknown. There is no need, in my opinion, to resort

to prasna when you have the birth chart sitting in front of you.


To get back to the transits for a moment. I was recently in hospital

(last week - my few days off) for another operation on kidney. Rahu

bhukti was running for both the first one (last Aug) and this recent

one. In Aug Rahu was transiting Aries with dispositor Mars in 8th

house...what could go wrong did go wrong and I was in for around 10

days...it was a really dreadful time and I recovered slowly. This

time Rahu is transiting Pisces with dispositor Jupiter in 9th

house...I was in for only one night and recovered quickly. We cannot

underestimate the role of transits.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Tuesday, March 01, 2005 2:58 PM

Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Wendy ji,


Some time back, while analyzing my chart, you had correctly

pointed out that:


> However, Mercury is a fickle planet and, with his dispositor

> in 12th, he may lead you on many a search for (other) secret

> or hidden knowledge...this may prove at times to be more of a

> hindrance than a help


It is 100% true - in Jyotish, while wishing to stick to

Parashara's system, I have continuously been interested in some

slightly offbeat systems.


Recently, I came across the book "Nadi System of Prediction" by

Rattan Lal. Have you read it? It seems not to stray from

Parashara's tenets, but one can never be sure!


In fact, until you said in one of your recent postings that

Badakadipati was a Jaimini system, I happily believed it to be



You have pointed out regularly that there is a lot of mixing

with BPHS. How does one know what is pure BPHS, and what is not?


Of course, one could read the BPHS, but, how much of this itself

is pure Parashara?


I'm so confused! Even wishing to stay in the straight and narrow

- with a few minor deviations - I don't know how much away from

the truth we all are!




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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Before it slips my mind...for those who may be curious about Rahu's

connection with kidneys. In birth chart bhukti lord Rahu occupies

sign of Cancer (ruled by Moon) and, as we know, the nodes manifest

through their dispositor. In this instance Moon's dispositor (Venus)

is afflicted in 8th house. Both Moon and Venus are significators for

kidneys (as per Maharishi Jyotish flyer I have sitting in front of

me - this information I have also put up on JyotishVidya website).


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas


Wednesday, March 02, 2005 10:41 AM

Re: Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Dear Balaji,


It really isn't all that complicated if you remember the basic

differences i.e:


Parashara = graha aspects, graha (vimsottari) dasa, natural karakas


Jaimini = rasi aspects, rasi dasa, chara karakas etc..


In spite of today's popular opinion, it takes a lifetime to master

the basic principles of Parashara jyotish...failing to master these

basics many move on to other techniques in order to understand what

they've failed to grasp...hoping some book, containing some secret

technique, will tell them what they should be able to discern

themselves from the basic horoscope. I've said many times that one

needs to have an intimate understanding of the significations of the

bhavas/grahas. I'll give an example of what I mean...


Some time ago there was a regular contributor on JyotishVidya who,

versed in many sastras, wore the cap of Guru with feigned humility.

This person hadn't even (yet) grasped the basic significations of

the grahas (nor the bhavas) although he was, as I say, well versed

in many sastras. He swore blind that Ketu was worldly/hedonistic in

nature and Rahu was secretive and shy. I eventually, after much

debating, became somewhat cutting in my condemnation of this (and

other basic misconceptions such as length of year and so forth) and

the person left...after all he was a respected guru with many

shishyas and who was I to point out his errors. This is such

nonsense, and it goes on all the time!


Although I'm a bit vague on the details now, I remember you once

asked me about a certain event in your life, commenting that you

couldn't see this in your chart. I checked the transits at that time

(related to your dasa lords) and you were amazed how clear the event

was. But (again) it's simple basics! The influence of transits is an

important consideration, varshaphala is an important consideration,

functional M/B status of grahas is an important consideration,

friendship between planets is an important consideration, the

relationship between the bhavas (one to the other) is an important

consideration, position and strength of nakshatra lords is an

important consideration - and so forth - this is the foundation of

Parashara jyotish.


I see from the posts of many (guru's particularly) that they're a

long way from understanding the basics. I will still be learning the

basics until the day I die!


Prasna chart is very popular today but, if I'm not mistaken, the

primary purpose of this chart is to answer queries for natives who's

birth chart is unknown. There is no need, in my opinion, to resort

to prasna when you have the birth chart sitting in front of you.


To get back to the transits for a moment. I was recently in hospital

(last week - my few days off) for another operation on kidney. Rahu

bhukti was running for both the first one (last Aug) and this recent

one. In Aug Rahu was transiting Aries with dispositor Mars in 8th

house...what could go wrong did go wrong and I was in for around 10

days...it was a really dreadful time and I recovered slowly. This

time Rahu is transiting Pisces with dispositor Jupiter in 9th

house...I was in for only one night and recovered quickly. We cannot

underestimate the role of transits.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Tuesday, March 01, 2005 2:58 PM

Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Wendy ji,


Some time back, while analyzing my chart, you had correctly

pointed out that:


> However, Mercury is a fickle planet and, with his dispositor

> in 12th, he may lead you on many a search for (other) secret

> or hidden knowledge...this may prove at times to be more of a

> hindrance than a help


It is 100% true - in Jyotish, while wishing to stick to

Parashara's system, I have continuously been interested in some

slightly offbeat systems.


Recently, I came across the book "Nadi System of Prediction" by

Rattan Lal. Have you read it? It seems not to stray from

Parashara's tenets, but one can never be sure!


In fact, until you said in one of your recent postings that

Badakadipati was a Jaimini system, I happily believed it to be



You have pointed out regularly that there is a lot of mixing

with BPHS. How does one know what is pure BPHS, and what is not?


Of course, one could read the BPHS, but, how much of this itself

is pure Parashara?


I'm so confused! Even wishing to stay in the straight and narrow

- with a few minor deviations - I don't know how much away from

the truth we all are!




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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Wendy ji,


Thanks for the mail.


<<<In spite of today's popular opinion, it takes a lifetime to

master the basic principles of Parashara jyotish...>>>


Yes, basics are everything, in any field. My uncle, a plastics

expert, once told me that, once one masters the 10% which

comprise the basics, then the remaining 90% becomes that much

easier to grasp. I have followed this dictum in IT, which

changes very fast, and it has helped me to keep a sane head.


<<<He swore blind that Ketu was worldly/hedonistic in nature and

Rahu was secretive and shy>>>


That IS ridiculous! Rahu is always materialistic, and Ketu is

introverted! Whoever heard of a materialistic Mokshakaraka?


<<<Although I'm a bit vague on the details now, I remember you

once asked me about a certain event in your life, commenting

that you couldn't see this in your chart.>>>


Yes, it was about my accident!


<<<I will still be learning the basics until the day I die!>>>


As Sherlock Holmes said in "The Adventure of the Red Circle"

"Education never ends, Watson. It is a series of lessons with

the greatest for the last."


But, Wendy ji, my issue is this - if a system is far apart from

Parashara's like Jaimini's and KP, I have no trouble refusing

it. The problem comes when it is close enough, and since my

knowledge is limited, I sometimes don't know if I'm right or



But well, as you had said in your earlier post, Budhan will lead

me a trifle astray... but, as long as he brings me back to the

straight and the narrow, no problems at all! :-)


Thanks for clearing the doubts, Wendy ji! I hope that your house

cleaning ensures that your house is as clean as your mind on the

BPHS is clear!


Which reminds me - my monster mobike needs a replacement of a

leaking oil seal. You must meet my mechanic, Wendy ji - once, I

went to his workshop, and told him to repair something, and he

told me to wait for some 10 mts. Afterwards, I asked him and he

said - he was waiting for Rahu Kalam to get over before he began

tinkering with my bike!


Before you ask - no, he doesn't know astrology, but, just by

looking at my spark plug, he can say that I'm getting a mileage

of 32 kilometers per litre! :-)


Once again, many thanks!




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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Hello Mrs Wendy,

I was going through your note and find that:'the

primary purpose of this chart is to answer queries for natives who's

birth chart is unknown. There is no need, in my opinion, to resort

to prasna when you have the birth chart sitting in front of you".

Hope you will agree with me that prasna chart as a 'tool"helps the jyotish

thecertainity of query as well as the data provided through the natal chart.

As a dictum:the natal charts asre meant for long perspective and

understanding.where as prasna chart carries importance to attend to short term

perspectives and link to the intricacies indicated in the natal chart.

Finally:Prasna Chart is nothing but the transit chart(Gochara) >Every astrology

necessarily has to decide about it and think what it is capable of doing.

Am I right?





Wendy Vasicek <wenvas wrote:



Before it slips my mind...for those who may be curious about Rahu's

connection with kidneys. In birth chart bhukti lord Rahu occupies

sign of Cancer (ruled by Moon) and, as we know, the nodes manifest

through their dispositor. In this instance Moon's dispositor (Venus)

is afflicted in 8th house. Both Moon and Venus are significators for

kidneys (as per Maharishi Jyotish flyer I have sitting in front of

me - this information I have also put up on JyotishVidya website).


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas


Wednesday, March 02, 2005 10:41 AM

Re: Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Dear Balaji,


It really isn't all that complicated if you remember the basic

differences i.e:


Parashara = graha aspects, graha (vimsottari) dasa, natural karakas


Jaimini = rasi aspects, rasi dasa, chara karakas etc..


In spite of today's popular opinion, it takes a lifetime to master

the basic principles of Parashara jyotish...failing to master these

basics many move on to other techniques in order to understand what

they've failed to grasp...hoping some book, containing some secret

technique, will tell them what they should be able to discern

themselves from the basic horoscope. I've said many times that one

needs to have an intimate understanding of the significations of the

bhavas/grahas. I'll give an example of what I mean...


Some time ago there was a regular contributor on JyotishVidya who,

versed in many sastras, wore the cap of Guru with feigned humility.

This person hadn't even (yet) grasped the basic significations of

the grahas (nor the bhavas) although he was, as I say, well versed

in many sastras. He swore blind that Ketu was worldly/hedonistic in

nature and Rahu was secretive and shy. I eventually, after much

debating, became somewhat cutting in my condemnation of this (and

other basic misconceptions such as length of year and so forth) and

the person left...after all he was a respected guru with many

shishyas and who was I to point out his errors. This is such

nonsense, and it goes on all the time!


Although I'm a bit vague on the details now, I remember you once

asked me about a certain event in your life, commenting that you

couldn't see this in your chart. I checked the transits at that time

(related to your dasa lords) and you were amazed how clear the event

was. But (again) it's simple basics! The influence of transits is an

important consideration, varshaphala is an important consideration,

functional M/B status of grahas is an important consideration,

friendship between planets is an important consideration, the

relationship between the bhavas (one to the other) is an important

consideration, position and strength of nakshatra lords is an

important consideration - and so forth - this is the foundation of

Parashara jyotish.


I see from the posts of many (guru's particularly) that they're a

long way from understanding the basics. I will still be learning the

basics until the day I die!


Prasna chart is very popular today but, if I'm not mistaken, the

primary purpose of this chart is to answer queries for natives who's

birth chart is unknown. There is no need, in my opinion, to resort

to prasna when you have the birth chart sitting in front of you.


To get back to the transits for a moment. I was recently in hospital

(last week - my few days off) for another operation on kidney. Rahu

bhukti was running for both the first one (last Aug) and this recent

one. In Aug Rahu was transiting Aries with dispositor Mars in 8th

house...what could go wrong did go wrong and I was in for around 10

days...it was a really dreadful time and I recovered slowly. This

time Rahu is transiting Pisces with dispositor Jupiter in 9th

house...I was in for only one night and recovered quickly. We cannot

underestimate the role of transits.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Tuesday, March 01, 2005 2:58 PM

Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Wendy ji,


Some time back, while analyzing my chart, you had correctly

pointed out that:


> However, Mercury is a fickle planet and, with his dispositor

> in 12th, he may lead you on many a search for (other) secret

> or hidden knowledge...this may prove at times to be more of a

> hindrance than a help


It is 100% true - in Jyotish, while wishing to stick to

Parashara's system, I have continuously been interested in some

slightly offbeat systems.


Recently, I came across the book "Nadi System of Prediction" by

Rattan Lal. Have you read it? It seems not to stray from

Parashara's tenets, but one can never be sure!


In fact, until you said in one of your recent postings that

Badakadipati was a Jaimini system, I happily believed it to be



You have pointed out regularly that there is a lot of mixing

with BPHS. How does one know what is pure BPHS, and what is not?


Of course, one could read the BPHS, but, how much of this itself

is pure Parashara?


I'm so confused! Even wishing to stay in the straight and narrow

- with a few minor deviations - I don't know how much away from

the truth we all are!




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection













Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web



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Dear Krishnan,


Yes you're right... Prasna is identical to transit chart, except for

the fact that lagna is variable - is this not so? However if one is

in the habit of noting transits (from lagna and/or Moon) where is

the need for Prasna...you already have the information at hand!


Prasna, in my opinion, is invaluable when birthtime is unknown,

superfluous otherwise...even then I don't see the great necessity

(except for those who are unsure even of date of birth) if one

considers transits from Moon. When I want clarification of a

particular event or greater clarification of what's on the horizon

I'll cast a chart for that time...you may do it a little differently

and call it "Prasna"...for me it's just observing the planets

(transits) as they relate to that particular time period.


The point is, if it's the same as transit chart (and we agree it

is), where is the necessity? Prasna's value is in arriving at a

workable chart and, I believe, this is/was always it's primary

purpose...to provide a chart to work with when no birth chart was



If you have information that refutes this I'd be happy to hear it



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"vattem krishnan" <bursar_99


Wednesday, March 02, 2005 10:28 PM

Re: Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Hello Mrs Wendy,

I was going through your note and find that:'the

primary purpose of this chart is to answer queries for natives who's

birth chart is unknown. There is no need, in my opinion, to resort

to prasna when you have the birth chart sitting in front of you".

Hope you will agree with me that prasna chart as a 'tool"helps the

jyotish thecertainity of query as well as the data provided through

the natal chart.

As a dictum:the natal charts asre meant for long perspective and

understanding.where as prasna chart carries importance to attend to

short term perspectives and link to the intricacies indicated in the

natal chart.

Finally:Prasna Chart is nothing but the transit chart(Gochara)

>Every astrology necessarily has to decide about it and think what

it is capable of doing.

Am I right?


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Hello Mr Bala ji,

I felt really fascinated to intrude when it has been opined:

"if a system is far apart from

Parashara's like Jaimini's and KP, I have no trouble refusing


The root of anysystem of Astrology can never be other than Parashara whether it

is jaimini or K..P

Infact with the evolution of the subject Astrology,analytical approaches have

made inroads into subject Astrology.Perhaps all validations of these approaches

are still under progress.In that direction,what jaimin has bestowed to all of us

is an evolved system of Parasara which has it's rootsundoubtedly in Parasara

Sidhantas.Page 293 (Ch 29,1-3 of BPHS )it is ofcourse we in our own way

distinguish Parasara from others.I think for Jaimini the basis is only Parasara

though we opine as different from Parasara.."jaimini delved deep and loacted

many pearls" .

K.P a well known school of thought and has been widely acclaimed is yet to reach

it's destination and may be on test run is also an evolving method of the same

bahvas,same rasies and same zodiac but to analyses in sectional aspect like the

divisonal charts of traditional subject of Astrology.

Certainly you are right when you say:'once one masters the 10% which

comprise the basics, then the remaining 90% becomes that much

easier to grasp'

Really I like the kind of views being putforth



Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji wrote:

Wendy ji,


Thanks for the mail.


<<<In spite of today's popular opinion, it takes a lifetime to

master the basic principles of Parashara jyotish...>>>


Yes, basics are everything, in any field. My uncle, a plastics

expert, once told me that, once one masters the 10% which

comprise the basics, then the remaining 90% becomes that much

easier to grasp. I have followed this dictum in IT, which

changes very fast, and it has helped me to keep a sane head.


<<<He swore blind that Ketu was worldly/hedonistic in nature and

Rahu was secretive and shy>>>


That IS ridiculous! Rahu is always materialistic, and Ketu is

introverted! Whoever heard of a materialistic Mokshakaraka?


<<<Although I'm a bit vague on the details now, I remember you

once asked me about a certain event in your life, commenting

that you couldn't see this in your chart.>>>


Yes, it was about my accident!


<<<I will still be learning the basics until the day I die!>>>


As Sherlock Holmes said in "The Adventure of the Red Circle"

"Education never ends, Watson. It is a series of lessons with

the greatest for the last."


But, Wendy ji, my issue is this - if a system is far apart from

Parashara's like Jaimini's and KP, I have no trouble refusing

it. The problem comes when it is close enough, and since my

knowledge is limited, I sometimes don't know if I'm right or



But well, as you had said in your earlier post, Budhan will lead

me a trifle astray... but, as long as he brings me back to the

straight and the narrow, no problems at all! :-)


Thanks for clearing the doubts, Wendy ji! I hope that your house

cleaning ensures that your house is as clean as your mind on the

BPHS is clear!


Which reminds me - my monster mobike needs a replacement of a

leaking oil seal. You must meet my mechanic, Wendy ji - once, I

went to his workshop, and told him to repair something, and he

told me to wait for some 10 mts. Afterwards, I asked him and he

said - he was waiting for Rahu Kalam to get over before he began

tinkering with my bike!


Before you ask - no, he doesn't know astrology, but, just by

looking at my spark plug, he can say that I'm getting a mileage

of 32 kilometers per litre! :-)


Once again, many thanks!




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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your friends today! Download Messenger Now











Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web



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Dear Krishnan,


>>K.P a well known school of thought and has been widely acclaimed

>>is yet to reach it's destination and may be on test run is also an

>>evolving method of the same bahvas,same rasies and same zodiac but

>>to analyses in sectional aspect like the divisonal charts of

>>traditional subject of Astrology.<<


The basis of Parashara jyotish is Rasi. The Rasi (sign of the

zodiac) becomes the bhava at the moment of birth...whole sign, whole

bhava 00:00 to 30:00. You cannot divide the bhavas up into unequal

portions and still call it Rasi. The placidus system of houses

introduced by Krishnamurthy is the same technique used in Western

astrology. So, if we're to make comparisons, it would be more

accurate to say that the KP chart is based more on the Western

sidereal system of astrology...it uses the same bhavas (as KP), same

rasis, same zodiac etc..


Of course everyone is free to work with whatever system they choose

but let's be quite clear that KP, SA and many others are break away

systems with their own rules and methodologies. Jaimini too is based

on very different methods of prediction, which I'm sure you know. I

have no interest in declaring one system better than the

other...it's a matter of personal choice, always. But let's be clear

on what's what :-)


There's never any need to refuse or reject any system in order to

stay on the straight and narrow (as Balaji put it - sorry I didn't

respond to that Balaji). However there is a need not to confuse the

systems by lumping them all under the umbrella of Parashara...it

gives rise to endless contradictions!


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"vattem krishnan" <bursar_99


Thursday, March 03, 2005 12:16 AM

Re: Re: Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Hello Mr Bala ji,

I felt really fascinated to intrude when it has been opined:

"if a system is far apart from

Parashara's like Jaimini's and KP, I have no trouble refusing


The root of anysystem of Astrology can never be other than Parashara

whether it is jaimini or K..P

Infact with the evolution of the subject Astrology,analytical

approaches have made inroads into subject Astrology.Perhaps all

validations of these approaches are still under progress.In that

direction,what jaimin has bestowed to all of us is an evolved system

of Parasara which has it's rootsundoubtedly in Parasara

Sidhantas.Page 293 (Ch 29,1-3 of BPHS )it is ofcourse we in our own

way distinguish Parasara from others.I think for Jaimini the basis

is only Parasara though we opine as different from

Parasara.."jaimini delved deep and loacted many pearls" .

Certainly you are right when you say:'once one masters the 10% which

comprise the basics, then the remaining 90% becomes that much

easier to grasp'

Really I like the kind of views being putforth


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Dear Wendy,

Some how it is a belief in Nadi Astrology (we believe):

the person(needy of course) is not stranger

and expected to consult at that time on a particular issue

at that particular place and the person(in this case consider as Astrologer)

So Prasna Chart =more or less of same significations(if genuine)of birth

chart+of that particular person+signifying the problem of that particular


what ever i said is more or less as per Nadi Astrology.I cast prasna chart to

link up the issue posed as well as understand(if not guess) about the querist

and his relavance to the facts presented through birth details for a natal


In case if birth details are not known moon rasi always works well.But

surprisngly can you believe that even also coincides with birth chart if not in

degrees.This is our experience.Also a confirmation of two set of datas before

you:1) planets configuration in horizon as of that nature(problem) as well as of

that person also(lagna/moon sign).

The person analysing(birth chart) is at ease to go in to the details as accuracy

of the data(birth) is established.may be these issues else where may not be due

to laws of the land all births are registerd.

The extent of birth details not available/not known /not confirmed is as large

as 25-30 percent due to which these alternate methods are applied in vogue.In

most of these case the prudent way is to cast prasna chart and apply to confirm

all other datas made avilable before we delve into details of birth





Wendy Vasicek <wenvas wrote:

Dear Krishnan,


Yes you're right... Prasna is identical to transit chart, except for

the fact that lagna is variable - is this not so? However if one is

in the habit of noting transits (from lagna and/or Moon) where is

the need for Prasna...you already have the information at hand!


Prasna, in my opinion, is invaluable when birthtime is unknown,

superfluous otherwise...even then I don't see the great necessity

(except for those who are unsure even of date of birth) if one

considers transits from Moon. When I want clarification of a

particular event or greater clarification of what's on the horizon

I'll cast a chart for that time...you may do it a little differently

and call it "Prasna"...for me it's just observing the planets

(transits) as they relate to that particular time period.


The point is, if it's the same as transit chart (and we agree it

is), where is the necessity? Prasna's value is in arriving at a

workable chart and, I believe, this is/was always it's primary

purpose...to provide a chart to work with when no birth chart was



If you have information that refutes this I'd be happy to hear it



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"vattem krishnan" <bursar_99


Wednesday, March 02, 2005 10:28 PM

Re: Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Hello Mrs Wendy,

I was going through your note and find that:'the

primary purpose of this chart is to answer queries for natives who's

birth chart is unknown. There is no need, in my opinion, to resort

to prasna when you have the birth chart sitting in front of you".

Hope you will agree with me that prasna chart as a 'tool"helps the

jyotish thecertainity of query as well as the data provided through

the natal chart.

As a dictum:the natal charts asre meant for long perspective and

understanding.where as prasna chart carries importance to attend to

short term perspectives and link to the intricacies indicated in the

natal chart.

Finally:Prasna Chart is nothing but the transit chart(Gochara)

>Every astrology necessarily has to decide about it and think what

it is capable of doing.

Am I right?













Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web



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Dear Krishnan,


Thank you for your explanation. I have an old book on my shelf "Nadi

System of Prediction (Stellar-Theory)" which I haven't opened for

years...I must find some time to sit down and read it again :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"vattem krishnan" <bursar_99


Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:49 AM

Re: Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Dear Wendy,

Some how it is a belief in Nadi Astrology (we believe):

the person(needy of course) is not stranger

and expected to consult at that time on a particular issue

at that particular place and the person(in this case consider as


So Prasna Chart =more or less of same significations(if genuine)of

birth chart+of that particular person+signifying the problem of that

particular bhava/house(transit/gochara).

what ever i said is more or less as per Nadi Astrology.I cast prasna

chart to link up the issue posed as well as understand(if not guess)

about the querist and his relavance to the facts presented through

birth details for a natal chart.

In case if birth details are not known moon rasi always works

well.But surprisngly can you believe that even also coincides with

birth chart if not in degrees.This is our experience.Also a

confirmation of two set of datas before you:1) planets configuration

in horizon as of that nature(problem) as well as of that person

also(lagna/moon sign).

The person analysing(birth chart) is at ease to go in to the details

as accuracy of the data(birth) is established.may be these issues

else where may not be due to laws of the land all births are


The extent of birth details not available/not known /not confirmed

is as large as 25-30 percent due to which these alternate methods

are applied in vogue.In most of these case the prudent way is to

cast prasna chart and apply to confirm all other datas made avilable

before we delve into details of birth



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Dear Wendy,

Iam sure what ever may delineation method you need ultimately link with:

Das System and of thar Vimsottari is widely accpeted though other dasas are also


Applying Rasi dasa,lagna dasa may be helpful but ca not be considered as the

basis for our interpretations.

Iam of the opinion/view:"by lumping them all under the umbrella of Parashara"

may not be the idea Iam promoting.Yet the relevance of Parasari always remained

in our basic concepts.I have no problem in identifying/recognising as

independent school of thoughts.

Yet jaimini system of having many lagnas is a note worthy feature but not

final.Yet Parasara approach is final for me.

Even K.P the stellar based analysis is also part of Parasari but not

used/applied widely at one time and now caught the imagination of practising


You may be wondering that the method uniquely followed by learned scholars in

Astrology is Phalit Jyotish.No where a mention has been made and yet it is a

naive subject even though classicals deal them very extensively.



Wendy Vasicek <wenvas wrote:

Dear Krishnan,


>>K.P a well known school of thought and has been widely acclaimed

>>is yet to reach it's destination and may be on test run is also an

>>evolving method of the same bahvas,same rasies and same zodiac but

>>to analyses in sectional aspect like the divisonal charts of

>>traditional subject of Astrology.<<


The basis of Parashara jyotish is Rasi. The Rasi (sign of the

zodiac) becomes the bhava at the moment of birth...whole sign, whole

bhava 00:00 to 30:00. You cannot divide the bhavas up into unequal

portions and still call it Rasi. The placidus system of houses

introduced by Krishnamurthy is the same technique used in Western

astrology. So, if we're to make comparisons, it would be more

accurate to say that the KP chart is based more on the Western

sidereal system of astrology...it uses the same bhavas (as KP), same

rasis, same zodiac etc..


Of course everyone is free to work with whatever system they choose

but let's be quite clear that KP, SA and many others are break away

systems with their own rules and methodologies. Jaimini too is based

on very different methods of prediction, which I'm sure you know. I

have no interest in declaring one system better than the

other...it's a matter of personal choice, always. But let's be clear

on what's what :-)


There's never any need to refuse or reject any system in order to

stay on the straight and narrow (as Balaji put it - sorry I didn't

respond to that Balaji). However there is a need not to confuse the

systems by lumping them all under the umbrella of Parashara...it

gives rise to endless contradictions!


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"vattem krishnan" <bursar_99


Thursday, March 03, 2005 12:16 AM

Re: Re: Wendy ji - BPHS, etc



Hello Mr Bala ji,

I felt really fascinated to intrude when it has been opined:

"if a system is far apart from

Parashara's like Jaimini's and KP, I have no trouble refusing


The root of anysystem of Astrology can never be other than Parashara

whether it is jaimini or K..P

Infact with the evolution of the subject Astrology,analytical

approaches have made inroads into subject Astrology.Perhaps all

validations of these approaches are still under progress.In that

direction,what jaimin has bestowed to all of us is an evolved system

of Parasara which has it's rootsundoubtedly in Parasara

Sidhantas.Page 293 (Ch 29,1-3 of BPHS )it is ofcourse we in our own

way distinguish Parasara from others.I think for Jaimini the basis

is only Parasara though we opine as different from

Parasara.."jaimini delved deep and loacted many pearls" .

Certainly you are right when you say:'once one masters the 10% which

comprise the basics, then the remaining 90% becomes that much

easier to grasp'

Really I like the kind of views being putforth













Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web



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