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Wendy ji - some thoughts on HH Pope John Paul II

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Wendy ji,


I thought I would give a shot, with the astrodatabank.com data.

Please let me have your feedback.


* * *




By Balaji Narasimhan




It is not often that the budding jyotish happens to get the

chart of a religious person, and those with a religious bent of

mind will get much satisfaction from poring over such charts,

irrespective of the nationality and the religion of the

concerned person. If there is anything that Jyotish teaches us,

it is the fact that the Nava Grahas, irrespective of your

beliefs, race, religion, or creed, will bring upon you the

karmas that are destined to come about.


HH Pope John Paul II was one such great soul, and a study of his

chart can help illuminate the dark recesses in our mind




It is a hard task to rectify somebody's chart, and completely

beyond the ability of this author, who has decided to stick to

what is available from astrodatabank.com. This site rates HH's

data as "A" which is described as "accurate data as quoted by

the person, kin, friend, or associate." For what it is worth,

this author has derived some satisfaction from the fact that

some events match the data that astrodatabank.com has supplied.


According to this site, HH's birth details are as under:


DOB: 18 May 1920)

TOB: 17:30 hours

POB: Wadowice, Poland [02:00 East, no DST]

Coordinates: 49n53, 19e30


Using the above data, and Lahiri Ayanamsa of 22D 44M 53S, one

gets the following:


Lagna: 4 30'39", Thula

Surya: 4 37'15", Vrishabh

Chandra: 9 55'38", Vrishabh

Buddha: 25 49'20", Mesha

Sukra: 22 07'14", Mesha

Kuja: 29 42'12", Kanya

Guru: 18 15'40", Kataka

Sani: 12 10'37", Simha

Rahu: 22 51'40", Thula

Ketu: 22 51'40", Mesha




HH has Hamsa Yoga, and since Guru is associated with religion,

this would no doubt have helped him. However, for real religious

growth, one has to consider the position of Sani, who is posited

in Makha, a nakshatra owned by the divine Ketu. Ketu is well

positioned, in the 12th from Lagna in the Navamsa, and in the

12th from Chandra in the Rasi. Sani also aspects the 5th from

Lagna in the Rasi, his own house, and is a great beneficiary for

HH because he is a Raja Yoga Karaka from both Lagna and Chandra



HH was born on a Sukla Pratama, and this might not be great

under other circumstances, but here, Chandra is in his

Moolatrikona, and so is quite powerful, especially since its

Shadvarga Vimshopak is extremely robust at 17.65. Also, from

Shri Bhasin's book "Astrology in Vedas" one can deduce that

Chandra, who represents the mind, is extremely powerful in

Kritika, which is ruled by Surya, who represents the atma.


Chandra conjunct Surya within 6 degrees also implies that the

mind and the soul were together, with the mind heeding the

inherent spiritualistic tendencies of the soul, and not the

crass materialism of the body. In HH's chart, this implies that

the mind was constantly thinking of the soul, and the ways and

means of purifying it.


In Jyotish, Guru and Sukra are Brahmin grahas, and Guru, apart

from being Uccha in the Rasi, is in his Moolatrikona in the

Navamsa. Sukra aspects the Lagna in the Rasi, and is also, like

Guru, in his own Moolatrikona in the Navamsa. These imply high

progress in religion, and thanks to Sani, the graha of vairagya

or detachment, HH rose to a position of eminence in the

religious field.


The oratory skills of HH seem to spring from the fact that Budha

is the lord of the 2nd from the Chandra Lagna, and also because

Sani, by aspecting the 5th from the Lagna, his own house, also

endowed him with creativity. In fact, HH is reputed to have

given 25 speeches in one day, without repeating himself!


Among all houses, the 5th and the 9th are unique because they

refer to each other as per Bhavat Bhavam - the 5th is the 9th

from the 9th, and the 9th is the 5th from the 5th. HH's 9th

house from Chandra Lagna is aspected by Guru, who, as a natural

karaka for religion, helped enhance the latent capabilities of

religion, which were further strengthened because Sani aspects

the 5th, his own, from Lagna.


Some might opine that having Rahu in the Lagna is not good, but

Rahu is in Vishaka, a star owned by the divine Guru, and is

aspected by Sani, thus strengthening the dictum "Sani Vad Rahu."

Sani being Raja Yoga Karaka, and Rahu aspected by Budha and

Sukra, who are subha grahas from both Lagna and Chandra Lagna,

also meant that all evils were removed.




Another excellent thing in HH's chart is the aspect of Sani on

Chandra. This may produce some gloom, but is excellent for

religious development. Sani's glance is so powerful that, merely

by aspecting Chandra's dispositor, he is capable of turning the

mind away from materialistic pursuits. So, imagine what Sani can

do when he aspects Chandra directly! In HH's chart, Sani aspects

Chandra powerfully, within 3 degrees. Surya too is afflicted by

Sani, but here, the aspect is over 7 degrees, and so is not as

powerful as in Chandra's case.


In the words of "scientists," who can see "truths" but can't see

a maraka dasa if it were handed to them on a silver salver and

hit on the head with a hammer for good measure, Surya is more

powerful than Chandra because Surya is a star and Chandra is a

mere satellite of the Earth. However, it is also important for

us to consider sacred religious texts, which were written by

great sages who knew more than modern scientists. One particular

text, the Purusa Suktam, holds that "Chandrama manaso jataha,

chakso Suryo ajayata" which means that "the moon sprang from His

mind, and the sun from His eyes." Naturally, the mind being more

powerful than the eye, we could pronounce in this context that

Chandra is more powerful than Surya!


In a religious context, the eye tries to draw the mind towards

sensory pursuits, but, if the mind is strong, then it can

overpower the eye and train it not to get carried away. But for

this, Chandra has to be stronger than Surya. In HH's chart,

Surya's Shadbala power stands at 1.24 and Chandra's at 1.30, and

so Chandra is marginally better. However, in the Shadvarga

Vimshopak, Surya's power is 10.50, while Chandra's is 17.65, and

clearly, Chandra, representing the mind, overpowers Surya,

representing the eye.


Additionally, in the Navamsa, Chandra is in the amsa ruled by

Guru, while Surya is afflicted by falling in Sani's amsa. Sani,

thereby, directly and indirectly, ensures that Surya is weaker

than Chandra, and paved the way for HH's path of vairagya.




HH's father passed away in February 1941, when HH was running

Rahu Dasa - Guru Bukti [Feb 1940 - Jul 1942]. Rahu of course is

always inimical to Surya, who represents the father, and Guru

owns the 11th (the 2nd from the 10) from Chandra Lagna, and this

could be the possible reason. HH's father had a dream of seeing

his son getting ordained into priesthood, which was unfulfilled.

However, HH fulfilled it later, when he was ordained.




HH was ordained in 1946 in Krakow, when he was undergoing Rahu

Dasa - Budha Bukti [May 1945 - Nov 1947]. Budha owns the 9th

from Lagna and the 5th from Chandra Lagna, and since both of

these are connected with religion, it is but meet that HH was

destined for religious growth.


HH became the Pope in Oct 1978, and at that time, he was not

considered a frontrunner for the post by those in the know.

Fortunately, the grahas do not feel that it is incumbent upon

them to consider the opinions of mortals on who should become

the next Pope and who should not. HH was running Sani Dasa -

Sukra Bukti [ Mar 1978 - May 1981], and Sani as Raja Yoga Karaka

got him appointed Pope, and Sukra, as the lord of the Lagna and

the Chandra Lagna, and a priestly graha, helped him. It is nice

to see how Sani fulfilled his obligations - as the Raja Yoga

Karaka, he was expected to help HH rise, and as the natural

karaka for vairagya, he was also expected to ensure that HH rose

on the level of the soul, not just in power. Admittedly, Sani

fulfilled both duties admirably well!




We now come to the final analysis. HH was hit by a truck way

back in 1944, when he was running Rahu Dasa - Sani Bukti [Jul

1942 - May 1945]. Rahu is aspected by Budha, who is in the 7th

from Lagna and owns the 2nd from Chandra Lagna, but Raja Yoga

Karaka Sani perhaps provided respite and saved HH.


HH also suffered an assassination attempt on 13 May 1978. The

involvement of weapons is clear from Kuja's ownership of the 2nd

and the 7th from Lagna, but HH's stars were lucky, and he got

saved. He was still running Sani Dasa - Sukra Bukti [ Mar 1978 -

May 1981], and the combination that enabled him to rise to the

position of Pope ensured that he didn't die. However, the threat

was there because Sukra is in the 7th house from Lagna.


The final blow came on 2 Apr 2005, when HH was running Budha

Dasa - Sani Bukti - Budha Antar [Feb 2005 - Jul 2005].

Ironically, he died when all subha grahas were operating, but

Budha is in the 7th, and aspected by Kuja, who owns the 2nd and

the 7th from Lagna, and the 7th from Chandra Lagna. Budha also

owns the 2nd from Chandra Lagna, and all this meant that Sani,

his capacity as a Raja Yoga Karaka apart, couldn't do much.




Thus far, we have analysed the chart as per BPHS, but now, let

us look at SBC, which can help us get a different point of view.

In SBC, Guru, Sukra, Budha, and Chandra are benefic, and the

rest are malefic, irrespective of the birth chart data. Thus,

Sani, a Raja Yoga Karaka in HH's birth chart, has to be viewed

as a malefic graha in the SBC.


To get the highest possible accuracy, let us take the exact

date, time, and place when HH threw off his mortal coils, namely

2 Apr 2005, 09:37 PM, Vatican City [41n54, 12e27, 1 East, no

DST]. At this point in time, this is how the grahas were placed:


1. Sury is in Reva

2. Chan is in UAsh

3. Budd is in UBha

4. Sukr is in Reva

5. Kuja is in Srav

6. Guru is in Hast

7. Sani is in Purn

8. Rahu is in Reva

9. Ketu is in Chit


The afflictions on Kritika on that day were:


For Krit, Sury affecting Reva [25] = -2

For Krit, Sury affecting UPha [10] = -1

For Krit, Sury affecting Mrig [03] = -2

For Krit, Sury affecting Mool [17] = -0

(Krit.Sury -5

For Krit, Chan affecting UAsh [19] = +1

For Krit, Chan affecting Mrig [03] = +0

For Krit, Chan affecting PBha [23] = +0

For Krit, Chan affecting PPha [09] = +2

(Krit.Chan 3

For Krit, Budd affecting UBha [24] = +2

For Krit, Budd affecting Hast [11] = +2

For Krit, Budd affecting Arid [04] = +2

For Krit, Budd affecting PAsh [18] = +2

(Krit.Budd 8

For Krit, Sukr affecting Reva [25] = +0

For Krit, Sukr affecting UPha [10] = +1

For Krit, Sukr affecting Mrig [03] = +0

For Krit, Sukr affecting Mool [17] = +2

(Krit.Sukr 3

For Krit, Kuja affecting Srav [20] = -0

For Krit, Kuja affecting Krit [01] = -1

For Krit, Kuja affecting Dhan [21] = -2

For Krit, Kuja affecting Makh [08] = -0

(Krit.Kuja -3

For Krit, Guru affecting Hast [11] = +2

For Krit, Guru affecting UBha [24] = +2

For Krit, Guru affecting Arid [04] = +2

For Krit, Guru affecting PAsh [18] = +2

(Krit.Guru 8

For Krit, Sani affecting Purn [05] = -2

For Krit, Sani affecting Mool [17] = -0

For Krit, Sani affecting PBha [23] = -2

For Krit, Sani affecting UPha [10] = -1

(Krit.Sani -5

For Krit, Rahu affecting Reva [25] = -2

For Krit, Rahu affecting UPha [10] = -1

For Krit, Rahu affecting Mrig [03] = -2

For Krit, Rahu affecting Mool [17] = -0

(Krit.Rahu -5

For Krit, Ketu affecting Chit [12] = -2

For Krit, Ketu affecting PBha [23] = -2

For Krit, Ketu affecting Mool [17] = -0

For Krit, Ketu affecting Mrig [03] = -2

(Krit.Ketu -6

{Krit. -2


Note that, while everybody with Kritika Nakshatra, on that day,

would have got the above score of -2, not everybody would have

been afflicted because of the issues pertaining to Dasa/Bukti,

affliction in the SBC chart to Day, Tithi, etc.


So, to get the full SBC picture, we have to consider HH's

important birth data, namely:


Star: Kritika

Tithi: Pratama

Day: Tuesday

Name: "K" (Karol, HH's birth name)

Lagna: Tula


When we plot it in the SBC chart, we find that:


Star is afflicted by Kuja.

Tithi is afflicted by Surya and Rahu.

Day is also afflicted by Surya and Rahu.

Name is afflicted by Sani and Ketu.

Lagna is afflicted by Ketu.


Of course, the subha grahas are not totally nonexistent. For

example, Chandra is protecting Lagna, and Sukra is protecting

Tithi and Day, but the overall impacts are malefic in nature.


The listing of the afflictions to Kritika Nakshatra above gives

all the data, but we could take some specific stars and study

them carefully. Since we are discussing HH's passing away, we

could study the stars associated with this, which are the Vinash

Nakshatra (23), the Janma Nakshtra (1) and the Adhana Nakshatra

(19). Both the Janma Nakshatra and the Adana Nakshatra are

afflicted by Kuja, and the Vinash Nakshatra is afflicted by Sani

and Ketu. Though Chandra was also aspecting this point, his

powers were no match against Ketu's and Sani's.




It is said that, when a great man passes away, one should not

grieve, and instead be happy that the person has found God. In

HH's chart, the good position of Ketu, as explained earlier,

indicates a high probability of Moksha. In effect, right now, he

is probably "touching and seeing God."


* * *




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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