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Wendy ji - Guru Chandala Yoga

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Wendy ji,


<<< Just as Kundalika got her feathers ruffled by mention of

GU/KE conjunction and many people likewise get upset over

mention of GU/RA conjunction (Guru - Chandala Yoga), so people

are naturally disturbed by the mention of planetary positions

indicating state after death. >>>


Many people fail to realize that Guru must be weak for the Guru

Chandala Yoga to actually cause evil! One woman I know has GCY,

but Guru is strong, so she is very advanced spiritually. Of

course, Rahu's materialistic approach is also very evident in

her life! But, she has not sacrificed spirituality for



Sometimes, we know only little, and this causes fear. I was once

terrified that I had Ichita Mrityu Yoga - caused by Rahu in the

7th and Kuja in a Kendra. Only later did I realize that this

neutralized my Kuja Dosha to a good extent, since Kuja is

conjunct Rahu within 7 degrees!


Also, do Ketu and Guru together create GCY? I doubt it, both are





Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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Dear Balaji,


"Feathers ruffled" is a funny term :) No, I wasn't irked, its just

that I don't like it when people blindly quote verses. What is true in

one horoscope is not necessarily true in others.


Jupiter-Ketu is a spiritual yoga. You cannot put Rahu on the same

pedestal as Ketu, they have widely different charasteristics.






On Apr 7, 2005 5:33 PM, Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji wrote:


> Wendy ji,


> <<< Just as Kundalika got her feathers ruffled by mention of

> GU/KE conjunction and many people likewise get upset over

> mention of GU/RA conjunction (Guru - Chandala Yoga), so people

> are naturally disturbed by the mention of planetary positions

> indicating state after death. >>>



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Respected Gurujis,


I am late follower of this thread and my two cents...correct me if i

am wrong...


1.Guru Chandala yoga is created only when rahu is associated with

guru and not with ketu...


2. Again Guru Rahu combination does not mean, the person is not

spiritually oriented but his belief system may change from one path

to another path till he attains his karmic path..This is purely out

of my life..i do have guru (atmakaraka) sitting with rahu in 4 house

and my worship pattern has changed. I am born as vaishnavite but

become following Sivasakthi swaroopini srilalitha as i feel it is

better for me as per my chart as i have week moon sitting in 11th and

i believe this again due to atmakaraka as he always directs one's



3. I have not seen any link with mother as it is and i am very much

attached to her though people say because of this guru chandala, many

astrologers told me that i dont have good cordial relations with

mother... this is again i feel not correct if one considers the rahu

and ketu as karmic planets giving results of previous karma. In fact

i am too much attached with my mother as rahu is sitting in venus

house rishabha so far behaved like sukra only in real life. Hence

attaching with father and mother may be true to some extent but not

fully and one has to see entire chart to arrive at real cause...


4. I consider the combination of G and K as very good for spiritual

progress but again as i said earlier it depends on one's karma..


4. The bad effect so far i have seen with GCY is the native has

troubles with his own guru in any field he is into....say i had

problems with my principal in the CA firm when i was doing CA as the

system of CA education really considers them as gurus. I remember

learned member ravindramani words also in the old group message

thread on this same topic...


5. last i remember learned members discussed this GCY in our group

earlier also..but really sorry i could remember the message nos...


P.S. Madonna chart can reveal so many things abt this GCY


waiting to hear from wendiji, balaji and other members.




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Dear Sriganeshh


>>Again Guru Rahu combination does not mean, the person is not

spiritually oriented but his belief system may change from one path

to another path till he attains his karmic path..<<


This is a very good observation. Rahu, as we know, is a significator for change.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





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Dear friends,


I dont think Gurujis are available in this Group.


So far as the Jupiter and Ketu combination, why dont members cast this

cahrt and see what extent this individual was spiritual as Jupiter and

Ketu both are conjunct in this chart.



November 14, 1989

11:03 pm

25n27, 81e51, India

No day light time

5:30 Zone.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani

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Dear friends,


A small correction in the birth data. There was typo. The year of

birth was 1889 not 1989. Repeat not 1989.




November 14, 1889

11:03 pm

25n27, 81e51, India

No day light time

5:30 Zone.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani






> Male

> November 14, 1989

> 11:03 pm

> 25n27, 81e51, India

> No day light time

> 5:30 Zone.


> Regards, C.S. Ravindramani

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Dear Sriganeshh and All,


To expand a little more on your post:

>>i do have guru (atmakaraka) sitting with rahu in 4 house

and my worship pattern has changed. I am born as vaishnavite but

become following Sivasakthi swaroopini srilalitha<<


It was during JU/RA dasa that I received initiation (TM meditation) and was

drawn totally to Hinduism. Now, after much wavering these last few years, ME/RA

dasa has brought me back (confidently) to where I began...richer by far, I

believe, for the religious insights gained over the last 25-30 yrs :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





Dear Sriganeshh


>>Again Guru Rahu combination does not mean, the person is not

spiritually oriented but his belief system may change from one path

to another path till he attains his karmic path..<<


This is a very good observation. Rahu, as we know, is a significator for change.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





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What are the significations of the planets in question? As I was



Jupiter: Religious beliefs and religion, natural and social duties

approved of the society, astrology including astronomy, Vedanta,

dharma, doing good to others Mantra, dvijas, intellect, sattivic

nature, tantra , sound knowledge of the sacred texts and scriptures,

performing religious and moral acts, teacher, fame, charity, holy

water or place of pilgrimage, moving towards heaven, worship of lord

Shiva, gentleness.




Falsehood, perplexity, wickedness, a person belongs to a caste

outside the four main castes, faulty logic, harsh speech. A sinful

woman, An irreligious person or a shudra, gambling, having sex with a

wicked woman, going to a different country, serpents, world of





Instability of mind, suffering from foes, vultures, stupidity,

conversation or association with shudras, gambling etc.


One should not forget that Rahu and Ketu are spiritual planets too.

In the periods of Rahu , a person tends to perform pilgrimages also.

In modern education and the area of profession, both Rahu and Ketu

represent technical education and allied professions. Both planets

have good and as well as bad significations.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani

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Dear Wendy ji,


I dont know exact date but manually calculating the dasa periods,it

is interesting to learn that i also received TM initiation (1988) in

my Venus/Rahu dasa. (Venus is in 12th house). Devi worship started in

Moon/Saturn (2002) but though i have not left it, but nowadays going

back to where i started surprisingly after 17 years..


thanks and regards


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Dear Ravindramani and All,



Falsehood, perplexity, wickedness, a person belongs to a caste

outside the four main castes, faulty logic, harsh speech. A sinful

woman, An irreligious person or a shudra, gambling, having sex with


wicked woman, going to a different country, serpents, world of




Instability of mind, suffering from foes, vultures, stupidity,

conversation or association with shudras, gambling etc.<<<


We musn't lose sight of the fact that the Nodes are influenced (for

better or worse) by their associations. As we know the conjunction

with a benefic such as Jupiter modifies their nature

accordingly...providing of course, as Balaji has said, that Jupiter

has strength and is otherwise unafflicted. Nakshatra lord and

dispositor also have a great say. In my opinion it's impossible to

judge the intentions of the nodes without judging those he's

associated with.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy


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Dear Mrs Wendy,


Jupiter do get afflicted because of the conjunction (being with

Rahu.) Here, it is not only that Rahu has been benefitted but in the

process Jupiter himslef get afflicted. In the case of JUP & Ketu,

further affliction leads to problems. My simple point in this thread

is this only.


Jupiter conjunct Rahu or Ketu if it is afflicted by another malefic,

this Jupiter is not going to behave fully benefic as is his original



Regards, Ravindramani.


PS: I do have this combination. I have already experienced this

Dasha. My Jupiter has not been afflicted further by any other

malefic. I was saved to some extent. Still I undergone the so called

results attributed to this Guru Chandala Yoga.






jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@j...>


> Dear Ravindramani and All,


> >>>Rahu:

> Falsehood, perplexity, wickedness, a person belongs to a caste

> outside the four main castes, faulty logic, harsh speech. A sinful

> woman, An irreligious person or a shudra, gambling, having sex with

> a

> wicked woman, going to a different country, serpents, world of

> snakes.


> Ketu:

> Instability of mind, suffering from foes, vultures, stupidity,

> conversation or association with shudras, gambling etc.<<<


> We musn't lose sight of the fact that the Nodes are influenced (for

> better or worse) by their associations. As we know the conjunction

> with a benefic such as Jupiter modifies their nature

> accordingly...providing of course, as Balaji has said, that Jupiter

> has strength and is otherwise unafflicted. Nakshatra lord and

> dispositor also have a great say. In my opinion it's impossible to

> judge the intentions of the nodes without judging those he's

> associated with.


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

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Dear Ravindramani,


>>>PS: I do have this combination. I have already experienced this

Dasha. My Jupiter has not been afflicted further by any other

malefic. I was saved to some extent. Still I undergone the so called

results attributed to this Guru Chandala Yoga.<<<


Particularly so, I would imagine, if Jupiter and Rahu both occupy

nakshatra of Rahu himself. However your own experience, unique to

you alone, may not necessarily be the benchmark for everyone...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




Dear Mrs Wendy,


Jupiter do get afflicted because of the conjunction (being with

Rahu.) Here, it is not only that Rahu has been benefitted but in


process Jupiter himslef get afflicted. In the case of JUP & Ketu,

further affliction leads to problems. My simple point in this


is this only.


Jupiter conjunct Rahu or Ketu if it is afflicted by another malefic,

this Jupiter is not going to behave fully benefic as is his original



Regards, Ravindramani.



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