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Dear Wendy,

Thank you for your kind response. Shan did respond and my reply sent to him

yesterday has not reached him. I forwarded a copy of my response to him today.

You had some reservation about my thoughts. Would you kindly elaborate so that I

may learn.

Thank you.




Wendy Vasicek <wenvas wrote:

Dear David,


Very well put! I do hope Shan will respond to your thoughtful

commentary on his chart. Unfortunately though this often doesn't



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




Dear Shan,

Here's an analysis from a student of astrology.

You state that you are undergoing Sade Sati and that you are also

going through bad times.

If we take your operating dasa at the moment it is Saturn in its

final sub period which is Jupiter. It must be understood that with

the commencement of Sade Sati more than 5 years ago and in the final

stages of an operating dasa one may not expect life to be smooth


However, in the coming Mercury dasa which is expected to commence

from December 23, 2005 matters should improve although about 2 years

of the tail end of Sade Sati has to be put up with. This period

starting from may not be as severe as it was during the past 5 plus


I hope this helps.




nick2002000 <nick2002000 wrote:

Respected members,


I am going through very bad times, some learned members please help


by analyzing my chart.I am under sade sati too. I am losing my

confidence. I have been learning vedic astrology since 2 years. But


am confused in analyzing my chart.


DOB: 18/06/1977

TOB: 22:00 PM



Please assist......

Awaiting an earliest response....



















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Dear Shan,


As you haven't specify which area of your life is particularly having

problems, i have tried to give a broader view to your chart and looked

for patterns. Citing my observations below-


You have two very counteracting forces operating in your chart, one

tends to draw you towards spiritualism and another towards

materialistic indulgence. Let me explain them one after another.


Saturn(probably the most occult planet)lagna lord aspecting lagna, 9th

house and 10th lord; Jupiter being 12th lord and dispositor of Ketu

aspecting 9th house; moon(represents mind)with Sun. These are all

factors which promote spirituality.


On the other hand, Lagna falls on an earthy sign which is also

exaltation sign of Mars. Mars with 10th lord Venus is in 4th house

(represents things which support our physical and emotional existance

e.g. house, vehicles etc) aspects lagna lord. These are factors

supporting materialistic pursuit.


Hence, according to me, these two strong opposite forces will try to

destabilise you often and disturb your mind.


Two more additional important features are as below-


1. Kalasarpa Yoga >> those who support the existance of this Yoga, say

that this tend to limit human potential.

2. Look at your 7th, 6th and 5th houses. All their lords are posited in

the 12th houses from their respective houses. Frankly speaking, i can't

interpret the long term effect of this pattern; leaving it for other

learned members to comment.


Thanks & best regards,






jyotish-vidya, "nick2002000" <nick2002000>


> Respected members,


> I am going through very bad times, some learned members please help


> by analyzing my chart.I am under sade sati too. I am losing my

> confidence. I have been learning vedic astrology since 2 years. But i

> am confused in analyzing my chart.


> DOB: 18/06/1977

> TOB: 22:00 PM



> Please assist......

> Awaiting an earliest response....



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Dear David,


Either some mails are not reaching my mailbox at all or is

slow forwarding them on...either way I seem to have missed Shan's

earlier response.


In any case, might I draw your attention to Rahu's dispositor (9th

lord Mercury), conjunct 12th lord Jupiter in 5th house of mind,

whilst both are combust 8th lord Sun. Bearing in mind that 8th &

12th are moksha houses and 9th is the house of religion/higher

knowledge (Vedic knowledge) etc..


I'd be interested to see your (and others) interpretation of this



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




Dear Wendy,

Thank you for your kind response. Shan did respond and my reply sent

to him yesterday has not reached him. I forwarded a copy of my

response to him today.

You had some reservation about my thoughts. Would you kindly

elaborate so that I may learn.

Thank you.



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Thank you sumit,


You have provided a few valuable info, which i couldn't observe.If

you find time, could you please analyze my Navamsha chart too ?

And, you haven't specified which of the counteracting force is going

to have influence greater influence on me.


I am not taking too much of your valuable time.


Thanks & Regards





jyotish-vidya, "sumit_dasgupta"

<sumit_dasgupta> wrote:

> Dear Shan,


> As you haven't specify which area of your life is particularly


> problems, i have tried to give a broader view to your chart and


> for patterns. Citing my observations below-


> You have two very counteracting forces operating in your chart,


> tends to draw you towards spiritualism and another towards

> materialistic indulgence. Let me explain them one after another.


> Saturn(probably the most occult planet)lagna lord aspecting lagna,


> house and 10th lord; Jupiter being 12th lord and dispositor of


> aspecting 9th house; moon(represents mind)with Sun. These are all

> factors which promote spirituality.


> On the other hand, Lagna falls on an earthy sign which is also

> exaltation sign of Mars. Mars with 10th lord Venus is in 4th house

> (represents things which support our physical and emotional


> e.g. house, vehicles etc) aspects lagna lord. These are factors

> supporting materialistic pursuit.


> Hence, according to me, these two strong opposite forces will try


> destabilise you often and disturb your mind.


> Two more additional important features are as below-


> 1. Kalasarpa Yoga >> those who support the existance of this Yoga,


> that this tend to limit human potential.

> 2. Look at your 7th, 6th and 5th houses. All their lords are

posited in

> the 12th houses from their respective houses. Frankly speaking, i


> interpret the long term effect of this pattern; leaving it for


> learned members to comment.


> Thanks & best regards,

> Sumit





> jyotish-vidya, "nick2002000"


> wrote:

> > Respected members,

> >

> > I am going through very bad times, some learned members please


> me

> > by analyzing my chart.I am under sade sati too. I am losing my

> > confidence. I have been learning vedic astrology since 2 years.

But i

> > am confused in analyzing my chart.

> >

> > DOB: 18/06/1977

> > TOB: 22:00 PM


> >

> > Please assist......

> > Awaiting an earliest response....

> >

> > SHAN.

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Dear Shan,


With the information that you have provided, I am afraid t I will

not be able to add much to the comments made by David, Wendy and

Sumit. At the time your wrote your mail, it is quite obvious that

you were feeling very low. It will be useful if we knew how long

things have been that way and what exactly is the area of life which

is causing the problem.


Assuming that your problem is about 3-4 months old, I would say that

things should improve considerably by mid-June. Mid Jan saturn

reentered Gemini in its retrogade motion. There it is in the 6th

from your ascendant and 12th from the natal position of Dasa lord

saturn. Mid June it will enter cancer. It will then be conjunct Dasa

Lord and in a Kendra from the Ascendant.The Bhukti lord Jupiter is

already in the 9th from Ascendant and the 5th from its natal

position in taurus.


So things should definitely look up by mid-June. All the best and




jyotish-vidya, "nick2002000"

<nick2002000> wrote:

> Thank you sumit,


> You have provided a few valuable info, which i couldn't observe.If

> you find time, could you please analyze my Navamsha chart too ?

> And, you haven't specified which of the counteracting force is


> to have influence greater influence on me.


> I am not taking too much of your valuable time.


> Thanks & Regards

> shan




> jyotish-vidya, "sumit_dasgupta"

> <sumit_dasgupta> wrote:

> > Dear Shan,

> >

> > As you haven't specify which area of your life is particularly

> having

> > problems, i have tried to give a broader view to your chart and

> looked

> > for patterns. Citing my observations below-

> >

> > You have two very counteracting forces operating in your chart,

> one

> > tends to draw you towards spiritualism and another towards

> > materialistic indulgence. Let me explain them one after another.

> >

> > Saturn(probably the most occult planet)lagna lord aspecting


> 9th

> > house and 10th lord; Jupiter being 12th lord and dispositor of

> Ketu

> > aspecting 9th house; moon(represents mind)with Sun. These are


> > factors which promote spirituality.

> >

> > On the other hand, Lagna falls on an earthy sign which is also

> > exaltation sign of Mars. Mars with 10th lord Venus is in 4th


> > (represents things which support our physical and emotional

> existance

> > e.g. house, vehicles etc) aspects lagna lord. These are factors

> > supporting materialistic pursuit.

> >

> > Hence, according to me, these two strong opposite forces will


> to

> > destabilise you often and disturb your mind.

> >

> > Two more additional important features are as below-

> >

> > 1. Kalasarpa Yoga >> those who support the existance of this


> say

> > that this tend to limit human potential.

> > 2. Look at your 7th, 6th and 5th houses. All their lords are

> posited in

> > the 12th houses from their respective houses. Frankly speaking,


> can't

> > interpret the long term effect of this pattern; leaving it for

> other

> > learned members to comment.

> >

> > Thanks & best regards,

> > Sumit

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > jyotish-vidya, "nick2002000"

> <nick2002000>

> > wrote:

> > > Respected members,

> > >

> > > I am going through very bad times, some learned members please

> help

> > me

> > > by analyzing my chart.I am under sade sati too. I am losing my

> > > confidence. I have been learning vedic astrology since 2


> But i

> > > am confused in analyzing my chart.

> > >

> > > DOB: 18/06/1977

> > > TOB: 22:00 PM


> > >

> > > Please assist......

> > > Awaiting an earliest response....

> > >

> > > SHAN.

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Dear David and All,


Just trying to point out that the upcoming Mercury dasa has to be

judged according to his overall condition...not just lordship. The

combustion is an important consideration and just who is combusting

who is equally important. Mercury is greatly influenced by the

planet(s) he's associated with and, as we see, he's strongly

associated with two moksha lords - conjunct 12th (moksha) lord

Jupiter and both he and Jupiter are combust 8th (moksha) lord Sun

who BTW occupies Mercury's own sign (Gemini).


Jupiter is the significator of religion/knowledge etc and Mercury is

lord of 9th house of religion and higher knowledge...being the

planet of the intellect (the planet of learning) in the 5th house of

mind/intelligence, we might perhaps assume that Mercury dasa will

draw the native to a deeper study of matters related to higher

knowledge/moksha and so forth...with the passion of Rahu who

occupies his home?


Of course even the best dasa has it's ups and downs and this is

particularly so for a combust planet. Combusted by 8th lord suggests

some changes/upheavals during this period.


Others may like to comment further... and (please) feel free to

correct if I've misjudged the influences on Mercury.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




Dear David,


Either some mails are not reaching my mailbox at all or is

slow forwarding them on...either way I seem to have missed Shan's

earlier response.


In any case, might I draw your attention to Rahu's dispositor (9th

lord Mercury), conjunct 12th lord Jupiter in 5th house of mind,

whilst both are combust 8th lord Sun. Bearing in mind that 8th &

12th are moksha houses and 9th is the house of religion/higher

knowledge (Vedic knowledge) etc..


I'd be interested to see your (and others) interpretation of this.




Dear Wendy,

Thank you for your kind response. Shan did respond and my reply sent

to him yesterday has not reached him. I forwarded a copy of my

response to him today.

You had some reservation about my thoughts. Would you kindly

elaborate so that I may learn.

Thank you.



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Dear Venkat,


Yes I agree, the transit of lagnesh Sani through 6th (12th from

natal position) is certain to bring some difficulties which should

ease significantly when he moves into Cancer.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





Dear Shan,


With the information that you have provided, I am afraid t I will

not be able to add much to the comments made by David, Wendy and

Sumit. At the time your wrote your mail, it is quite obvious that

you were feeling very low. It will be useful if we knew how long

things have been that way and what exactly is the area of life which

is causing the problem.


Assuming that your problem is about 3-4 months old, I would say that

things should improve considerably by mid-June. Mid Jan saturn

reentered Gemini in its retrogade motion. There it is in the 6th

from your ascendant and 12th from the natal position of Dasa lord

saturn. Mid June it will enter cancer. It will then be conjunct Dasa

Lord and in a Kendra from the Ascendant.The Bhukti lord Jupiter is

already in the 9th from Ascendant and the 5th from its natal

position in taurus.


So things should definitely look up by mid-June. All the best and




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Dear Shan,


In order to reply to earlier queries, i will resort to Mrs.Wendy's

mail below and add further by saying that after Mercury you will have

Ketu dasa. Hence the spiritual force acting in your chart will get

predominance for the next 24 years. Also note that, you are now

around 26 years old. As you get older your Jupiter and Saturn will

get more and more effective. Hope you can see the bigger picture now

after all these discussions.


Another comment on Mercury dasa. Since Mercury is a very fast moving

planet, it tends to destroy inertia and greatly destabilise the

current situation. You may suddenly find that the world around you

changed completely and you are doing something very very different

than what you are doing now.


Coming back to the mental agony you are going thru, a small piece of

advice from me as a friend. When asc lord is placed in 7th house, the

native normally is never satisfied in his life. Even if he is doing

very well, he will feel like achieving more and thus burns out

himself. As in your case, the planet is Saturn, it makes your drive

more focussed. However, as you have Jupiter's wisdom acting on your

asc i am sure you can dissociate yourself from such compulsions.


Have fun and take care.


Best regards,





jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@j...>


> Dear David and All,


> Just trying to point out that the upcoming Mercury dasa has to be

> judged according to his overall condition...not just lordship. The

> combustion is an important consideration and just who is combusting

> who is equally important. Mercury is greatly influenced by the

> planet(s) he's associated with and, as we see, he's strongly

> associated with two moksha lords - conjunct 12th (moksha) lord

> Jupiter and both he and Jupiter are combust 8th (moksha) lord Sun

> who BTW occupies Mercury's own sign (Gemini).


> Jupiter is the significator of religion/knowledge etc and Mercury


> lord of 9th house of religion and higher knowledge...being the

> planet of the intellect (the planet of learning) in the 5th house


> mind/intelligence, we might perhaps assume that Mercury dasa will

> draw the native to a deeper study of matters related to higher

> knowledge/moksha and so forth...with the passion of Rahu who

> occupies his home?


> Of course even the best dasa has it's ups and downs and this is

> particularly so for a combust planet. Combusted by 8th lord


> some changes/upheavals during this period.


> Others may like to comment further... and (please) feel free to

> correct if I've misjudged the influences on Mercury.


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ____________________________


> Dear David,


> Either some mails are not reaching my mailbox at all or is

> slow forwarding them on...either way I seem to have missed Shan's

> earlier response.


> In any case, might I draw your attention to Rahu's dispositor (9th

> lord Mercury), conjunct 12th lord Jupiter in 5th house of mind,

> whilst both are combust 8th lord Sun. Bearing in mind that 8th &

> 12th are moksha houses and 9th is the house of religion/higher

> knowledge (Vedic knowledge) etc..


> I'd be interested to see your (and others) interpretation of this.


> __


> Dear Wendy,

> Thank you for your kind response. Shan did respond and my reply sent

> to him yesterday has not reached him. I forwarded a copy of my

> response to him today.

> You had some reservation about my thoughts. Would you kindly

> elaborate so that I may learn.

> Thank you.


> David

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Dear Shan,


As you wrote you have been learing Vedic Astrology and raised

questions about certain placements and talked of Astakavarga, I am

just making certain observations on them.


A planet which is connected with 5th house and Mercury given you the

opportunity to learn astrology in it is AD.


Mars certainly causes to rise Ruchaka Yoga in your chart. It does

not mean Mars would not behave as a malefic. Mars would behave as

malefic in certain areas. Consider the plaent which is conjoined

with him. Consider the mutual aspect of Saturn and Mars involving the

4th and 7th House. Of Course Saturn is your Lagna Lord and who is the

7th lord of your navamsa and placed in 7th house in both charts.



Your Mercury and Jupiter are having good points. Consider the house

in which they are placed. It has got below average points. Lagna

lord Saturn is having a poor points. He was transiting over the

houses which are having below average points in SAV. When Saturn

moves to Cancer the position would improve certainly but not

spectacularly since that house is also having 23 points only in SAV.


In my opinion, Mercury would take you away from your birth place for



Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.



PS: Your chart has good potential for learning astrology. Do not

leave it. The enusing Mercury dasha would be favourable for this

pursuit. My intention to post this message is to draw your attention

to certain points to be taken care of by a student of astrology not

to make you further worried.

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Dear friend,


It is a good question. Why a particular chart/question is getting

number of responses and some are totally avoided in the list.


I personally of the opinion that, the help or any kind of assistance

that one is going to get is also depend on one's effective dasha

running. Consider the dasha is operating in the chart of Shan. You

would understand.


It is the question of time avaliable with the Members of the List

could be one of the reasons that certain questions are not getting

enough response.


Generally, I cast all charts but at times I dont feel writing my view

to avoid unnecessary arguments.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.

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Dear Ravindramani,


For my part time is definately a big factor as I'm also quite busy off-list and

time must be taken for adequate rest. Also the way the query is put dertermines

greatly whether (or not) I'm moved to respond. I've commented on countless

charts over the years and more and more I find the feedback is less and

less...perhaps I expect too much, perhaps I'm too vigilant against jyotish-vidya

crossing over from a "discussion" group to a "shop for readings" - which can be

hard to turn around once it does. Perhaps dasa lord Mercury's transit through

Pisces is just a bit much to struggle through without sufficient stimulation

from the queriant.


I've seen the comments of Patrice (and many, many others) fall on deaf ears time

and time again...little wonder they're reluctant to go on doing that!


Having said that, I do agree that the running dasa and/or transits at the time

(of both the queriant and the astrologer) has a lot to do with how and/or

whether the question is responded to.


As for your reluctance to comment for fear of arguments(?) - I'm quite

surprised! Surely discussing the pros and cons of a chart (or a particular

jyotish principle) is the whole purpose of a "jyotish DISCUSSION group".

When that kind of discussion ceases the group has lost its intention.


Kundalika also recently made a similar comment i.e..

>>Many of you are old members of the original list, so I am posting an

update on my chart. For study only, not for onlist interpretations

(which sometimes get nasty and personal).<<


If members hold different views regarding certain principles they need only add

(IN MY OPINION) to their comments and it can be understood clearly that this is

the opinion of the member that's being put forward and not a hard and fast

dictum. Such opinions also add to the overall learning of the group if they can

be verified with examples. Unfortunately this can (too easily) be taken

personally and deemed to be argumentative??


There seems to be another mood on the list these days and I'm feeling that

perhaps it's time I stepped away from the internet and devoted my time

exclusively to putting my thoughts into another form...there just aren't enough

hours in the day for both and certainly, at the moment, the latter seems the

most appealing.


Years (and years) of dealing with so many different personalities, different

motives, different levels of understanding, different loyalties, different

techniques, and so on and on and on, is taking its toll.


So I'm going to take a break for the rest of the week and let the group take

care of itself for awhile...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




Dear friend,


It is a good question. Why a particular chart/question is getting

number of responses and some are totally avoided in the list.


I personally of the opinion that, the help or any kind of assistance

that one is going to get is also depend on one's effective dasha

running. Consider the dasha is operating in the chart of Shan. You

would understand.


It is the question of time avaliable with the Members of the List

could be one of the reasons that certain questions are not getting

enough response.


Generally, I cast all charts but at times I dont feel writing my view

to avoid unnecessary arguments.


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.



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Dear Mrs. Wendy,


There is no doubt at all in anybody's mind that generally you are the

first one to respond to the questions/charts posed by the members in

the List. I know you must be hard pressed for time of late.


I believe, we always want to open to the views of others, but at

times our mind is so conditiond that it is very difficult to unlearn

the learnt already.


Yes. Healthy arguments are absolutely essential in a discussion

board/List. As you are quite aware, even in the old list, how may

members were really discussed/participated in the list activities.

You can count them very easily.


I think we know each others view ( that is to say most of the

members' view poits ) very well on most of the controversial issues

often visiting the lists time and again. My expression on "to avoid

arguments or fear of arguments" means, when those very issues are

raised again, I prefer to keep silent.


>>>>>Years (and years) of dealing with so many different

personalities, different motives, different levels of understanding,

different loyalties, different techniques, and so on and on and on,

is taking its toll.>>>>>


Well, no comments. :-))



Regards, Sincerely C.S. Ravindramani.


PS: Maharishi Ramana says, Why waste time in learning and learning,

reading and reading books after books. You have to unlearn

everything at one point of time. I think Jyotish is no exception.

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Dear Wendy,


Thank you for your personal perspective on answering/discussing

charts. I can appreciate your frustration and time restraints

responding to such requests when there is little interest in feedback

from the person themselves or further affirmation/discussion -

investigation from others.


That said - I would like to expand my thoughts.


On Jyotish-Vidya I find this to be a very sensitive area to know

one's place in putting forth or responding. I say that not as a

criticism as much as out of respect.


Let me explain.


Jyotish-Vidya is one of the VERY FEW groups on the forums to be

authentic and sincere. The description on the main page states that

Jyotish-Vidya is not the place for chart reading. In fact, it is

encouraged that one find a personal astrologer elsewhere.


The problem then becomes - how do members present a chart for

Discussion whether it is theirs or another's without crossing this

ethical line of agreement when joining Jyotish-Vidya.


Further - from my own position. I try to acknowledge anyone who has

taken the time to respond to a question or inquiry I have. Also,

too, I take a great deal of interest in what is put forth on this

group because I am learning. I don't think I have anything to debate

or question on someone's astrological perspective or breakdown - when

I don't know myself how to respond correctly in Astro speak or Vedas.


If I can say I understand the whole. And, I understand how and why

someone is putting forth their assessment and explanation - then it

is not for me to take a position to disagree or challenge. Rather, I

try to go to my books or your website to further investigate and

understand where I am confused or need further explanation. I

believe that others who have posted with doubt or further need have

been encouraged to do the same as I have been advised in the past.


Too, I am not on top of all the discussions here and when I go to

check the archives - or find the beginning of a thread - it often

does not follow everyone's response. I don't know if this is a

problem with or if people are communicating privately off list

and then when moved to share, post their most recent thought on the



This becomes a personal problem for me - in that on a few occasions

when I have posted, I have not received an answer. My conclusion

then is one: I didn't ask the question properly, two: I have

offended someone, three: I overstepped my inquiry or four: my

request was not worth an answer. Not worth an answer could mean -

the question has already been answered earlier and I was not on the

ball to catch it or the question was to simplistic or again, I

overstepped the quidelines of inquiry. The guidelines of inquiry

could mean that others view my post as self serving.


The sensitivity then becomes a need for further guidelines presenting

charts and inquiries. Then an encouragement of Discussion

surrounding an astrological point or question along with Jyothish

veda/s in a chart/inquiry that has been presented.


Finally, I appreciate Jyotish-Vidya and find it a refreshing forum

amongst the many that are less than their purpose and often feed on

exploitation and personal agendas.


Hope you rest well Wendy. I look forward to your return next week.




p.s. I don't have any suggestions to weed out those that use a forum

for their own gain without WANTING to be an active part of that

group. Unless the moderator/s follow posts and send private

notices/warnings to those that are not responding to others who have

taken the time, knowledge and energy to answer or acknowledge them.





jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@j...>


> Dear Ravindramani,


> For my part time is definately a big factor as I'm also quite busy

off-list and time must be taken for adequate rest. Also the way the

query is put dertermines greatly whether (or not) I'm moved to

respond. I've commented on countless charts over the years and more

and more I find the feedback is less and less...perhaps I expect too

much, perhaps I'm too vigilant against jyotish-vidya crossing over

from a "discussion" group to a "shop for readings" - which can be

hard to turn around once it does. Perhaps dasa lord Mercury's transit

through Pisces is just a bit much to struggle through without

sufficient stimulation from the queriant.


> I've seen the comments of Patrice (and many, many others) fall on

deaf ears time and time again...little wonder they're reluctant to go

on doing that!


> Having said that, I do agree that the running dasa and/or transits

at the time (of both the queriant and the astrologer) has a lot to do

with how and/or whether the question is responded to.


> As for your reluctance to comment for fear of arguments(?) - I'm

quite surprised! Surely discussing the pros and cons of a chart (or a

particular jyotish principle) is the whole purpose of a "jyotish


> When that kind of discussion ceases the group has lost its



> Kundalika also recently made a similar comment i.e..

> >>Many of you are old members of the original list, so I am posting


> update on my chart. For study only, not for onlist interpretations

> (which sometimes get nasty and personal).<<


> If members hold different views regarding certain principles they

need only add (IN MY OPINION) to their comments and it can be

understood clearly that this is the opinion of the member that's

being put forward and not a hard and fast dictum. Such opinions also

add to the overall learning of the group if they can be verified with

examples. Unfortunately this can (too easily) be taken personally and

deemed to be argumentative??


> There seems to be another mood on the list these days and I'm

feeling that perhaps it's time I stepped away from the internet and

devoted my time exclusively to putting my thoughts into another

form...there just aren't enough hours in the day for both and

certainly, at the moment, the latter seems the most appealing.


> Years (and years) of dealing with so many different personalities,

different motives, different levels of understanding, different

loyalties, different techniques, and so on and on and on, is taking

its toll.


> So I'm going to take a break for the rest of the week and let the

group take care of itself for awhile...


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ___


> Dear friend,


> It is a good question. Why a particular chart/question is getting

> number of responses and some are totally avoided in the list.


> I personally of the opinion that, the help or any kind of


> that one is going to get is also depend on one's effective dasha

> running. Consider the dasha is operating in the chart of Shan. You

> would understand.


> It is the question of time avaliable with the Members of the List

> could be one of the reasons that certain questions are not getting

> enough response.


> Generally, I cast all charts but at times I dont feel writing my


> to avoid unnecessary arguments.


> Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.



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Dear Uttara,


Many thanks for your thoughtful mail. I think the crux of the

problem is that everybody (astrologers included, if not

particularly) are affected by negative transits. No doubt with dasa

lord Mercury (ascendant lord's dispositor) transiting sign of

debilitation in company of bhukti lord Rahu whilst dispositor

Jupiter is conjunct Ketu in 9th; and PD lord (lagnesh Sani) transits

6th house of obstacles, there is sure to be some uneasiness...to put

it mildly :-(


I can understand members sensitivity in regards to requests for

readings but really the difference between a genuine query or

request for discussion on a particular chart as opposed to one that

simply demands "hey tell me about my career" (or some such thing) is

fairly obvious.


But again, the current transits are not all that favourable in terms

of patience and understanding on my part and I can only apologise to

all for my bad humour at the moment...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




Dear Wendy,


Thank you for your personal perspective on answering/discussing

charts. I can appreciate your frustration and time restraints

responding to such requests when there is little interest in


from the person themselves or further affirmation/discussion -

investigation from others.


That said - I would like to expand my thoughts.


On Jyotish-Vidya I find this to be a very sensitive area to know

one's place in putting forth or responding. I say that not as a

criticism as much as out of respect.


Let me explain.


Jyotish-Vidya is one of the VERY FEW groups on the forums to be

authentic and sincere. The description on the main page states that

Jyotish-Vidya is not the place for chart reading. In fact, it is

encouraged that one find a personal astrologer elsewhere.


The problem then becomes - how do members present a chart for

Discussion whether it is theirs or another's without crossing this

ethical line of agreement when joining Jyotish-Vidya.


Further - from my own position. I try to acknowledge anyone who has

taken the time to respond to a question or inquiry I have. Also,

too, I take a great deal of interest in what is put forth on this

group because I am learning. I don't think I have anything to


or question on someone's astrological perspective or breakdown -


I don't know myself how to respond correctly in Astro speak or



If I can say I understand the whole. And, I understand how and why

someone is putting forth their assessment and explanation - then it

is not for me to take a position to disagree or challenge. Rather,


try to go to my books or your website to further investigate and

understand where I am confused or need further explanation. I

believe that others who have posted with doubt or further need have

been encouraged to do the same as I have been advised in the past.


Too, I am not on top of all the discussions here and when I go to

check the archives - or find the beginning of a thread - it often

does not follow everyone's response. I don't know if this is a

problem with or if people are communicating privately off list

and then when moved to share, post their most recent thought on the



This becomes a personal problem for me - in that on a few occasions

when I have posted, I have not received an answer. My conclusion

then is one: I didn't ask the question properly, two: I have

offended someone, three: I overstepped my inquiry or four: my

request was not worth an answer. Not worth an answer could mean -

the question has already been answered earlier and I was not on the

ball to catch it or the question was to simplistic or again, I

overstepped the quidelines of inquiry. The guidelines of inquiry

could mean that others view my post as self serving.


The sensitivity then becomes a need for further guidelines


charts and inquiries. Then an encouragement of Discussion

surrounding an astrological point or question along with Jyothish

veda/s in a chart/inquiry that has been presented.


Finally, I appreciate Jyotish-Vidya and find it a refreshing forum

amongst the many that are less than their purpose and often feed on

exploitation and personal agendas.


Hope you rest well Wendy. I look forward to your return next week.




p.s. I don't have any suggestions to weed out those that use a forum

for their own gain without WANTING to be an active part of that

group. Unless the moderator/s follow posts and send private

notices/warnings to those that are not responding to others who have

taken the time, knowledge and energy to answer or acknowledge them.

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Dear Sumit, David, Ravindramani and Wendy,


You will remember Shan who came on the list a few days back saying

that he was feeling very low in life. We could not help him too much

then because he was not too forthcoming with the details of his

problem. Recently I had a chat with him on the net when he opened

out more freely. I have his permission to share the details with you

all. I will myself get back with my analysis in a day or two. Would

like to see your views as well on this case.


The transcript of our chat is below:


nick2002000: hi

nick2002000: i am a member of jyothish group

nick2002000: how r u...?

svenkat52: hello, i am fine

nick2002000: free for a talk....?

svenkat52: for some time yes

nick2002000: nothing, just some talk about astrology

svenkat52: are you on jyotish-vidya

nick2002000: yea

nick2002000: where r u from

svenkat52: bombay, what about you

nick2002000: i am in dubai

nick2002000: shall i ask u few doubts

svenkat52: you are shan

nick2002000: yes

svenkat52: please ask

nick2002000: how dou knwo me

nick2002000: did we talk b4

svenkat52: no, you posted recently saying that you were feeling very


nick2002000: yea

svenkat52: how are things now

nick2002000: still the same

nick2002000: no idea, wat's going on

svenkat52: as i said in my post things should look up by mid june

nick2002000: u mean, after sani moves to cancer ?

svenkat52: yes, if i remember right you are running sani dasa now

nick2002000: yes

svenkat52: sani in 12th to natal sani can cause such problems

nick2002000: but struggles have been going on from long time

svenkat52: when did your problem start

nick2002000: hmmm

nick2002000: to say, it was in 1994. my we had business. suddenly it

all came to an end due to some problem.

nick2002000: we moved back to india.

nick2002000: my father fell ill, his leg had to be amputated

nick2002000: i was studying

nick2002000: he passed away in 1998

nick2002000: my studies came to and

nick2002000: an end

nick2002000: i had to go looking for a job

nick2002000: b'cos i was the eldest

nick2002000: sorry , from 1996

svenkat52: you mean problems started in 1996

nick2002000: my life had been full of struggles

nick2002000: yes

svenkat52: what are you doing now in dubai

nick2002000: literally, mine and familes life changed entirely

nick2002000: just managing a computer business

nick2002000: for the time being

nick2002000: as i can't do anything now, i want to continue my


svenkat52: while doing your computer business

nick2002000: no

nick2002000: i will quit it

svenkat52: anybody to support you

nick2002000: nope

nick2002000: i am all alone

nick2002000: i told u, from 1996 all our relatives turned their back

on us

svenkat52: you say us - who else is with you

nick2002000: i was supporting my family from then, and by god's

grace i had done it very well

nick2002000: i meant my bro, sis, mother

svenkat52: they are in dubai or india

nick2002000: india

svenkat52: my advice - continue in business and support them

svenkat52: you will get a chance to study later

nick2002000: my brother has finished his studies & he will soon get

a job

svenkat52: good, your family will be less dependent then on you

nick2002000: i hope so

nick2002000: my marriage is fixed this august,

nick2002000: any suggestion

svenkat52: great, continue to work. you have now a wife to support

svenkat52: don't lose heart

nick2002000: i won't

nick2002000: i have reached this far and i will go on

svenkat52: great

nick2002000: i am planning to go fo rmy higher studies aftre marriage

svenkat52: what would you like to do

nick2002000: but i need support from friends like you

nick2002000: i am an aircraft engineer

svenkat52: what support

nick2002000: finished diploma (london)

nick2002000: analyze my chart

nick2002000: & tell me all u can

svenkat52: most certainly, can i share this additional info with

friends in jyotish-vidya

svenkat52: they are great

nick2002000: wouldn't they think i am hopeless ?

nick2002000: i don't want people to sympathatize with me

svenkat52: no, they are the most helpful lot i know

nick2002000: if u think so, i would appreciate it

svenkat52: idea is not sympathy but get all the help that is

possible thro jyotish

nick2002000: that's wat i am trying to

svenkat52: anything else you want to share that can help us in

analysing your chart

nick2002000: listen, since my lagna lord is in 7th. I should be

following the dwisapthati sama dasha & not vimshottari. Right ?

svenkat52: i know only vimshottari

nick2002000: i meant, i have read that since the lagna lord is in 7th

svenkat52: vimshottari has all the answers

svenkat52: people on jyotish-vidya may know more about other dasa

nick2002000: k

nick2002000: few people commented on vimshottari

nick2002000: see, from my chart can u tell me how successful will i

be financially

svenkat52: will try

nick2002000: will my next dasha of mercury, will be good for me ?

svenkat52: i don't have your chart with me now, will study and

revert in a day or two

nick2002000: great of you

svenkat52: as i said, will share this info with Jyotish-vidya

friends and you can have even better advice

nick2002000: my mercury is in 5th (taurus) , lord of 6th & 9th.

with 5 points in astakavarga

nick2002000: any comments

svenkat52: no comments now, i like to comment on the basis of the

whole chart and not on just one factor or the other

nick2002000: just asking

svenkat52: shall we say bye for now; got to go out

nick2002000: when shall i expect your reply ?

svenkat52: as i said in a day or two on jyotish-vidya

nick2002000: thaks & regards

nick2002000: nice meeting you

svenkat52: bye

nick2002000: bye & take care





jyotish-vidya, "S. Venkatraman"

<svenkat52> wrote:

> Dear Shan,


> With the information that you have provided, I am afraid t I will

> not be able to add much to the comments made by David, Wendy and

> Sumit. At the time your wrote your mail, it is quite obvious that

> you were feeling very low. It will be useful if we knew how long

> things have been that way and what exactly is the area of life


> is causing the problem.


> Assuming that your problem is about 3-4 months old, I would say


> things should improve considerably by mid-June. Mid Jan saturn

> reentered Gemini in its retrogade motion. There it is in the 6th

> from your ascendant and 12th from the natal position of Dasa lord

> saturn. Mid June it will enter cancer. It will then be conjunct


> Lord and in a Kendra from the Ascendant.The Bhukti lord Jupiter is

> already in the 9th from Ascendant and the 5th from its natal

> position in taurus.


> So things should definitely look up by mid-June. All the best and

> regards,


> venkat

> jyotish-vidya, "nick2002000"

> <nick2002000> wrote:

> > Thank you sumit,

> >

> > You have provided a few valuable info, which i couldn't


> > you find time, could you please analyze my Navamsha chart too ?

> > And, you haven't specified which of the counteracting force is

> going

> > to have influence greater influence on me.

> >

> > I am not taking too much of your valuable time.

> >

> > Thanks & Regards

> > shan

> >

> >

> >

> > jyotish-vidya, "sumit_dasgupta"

> > <sumit_dasgupta> wrote:

> > > Dear Shan,

> > >

> > > As you haven't specify which area of your life is particularly

> > having

> > > problems, i have tried to give a broader view to your chart


> > looked

> > > for patterns. Citing my observations below-

> > >

> > > You have two very counteracting forces operating in your


> > one

> > > tends to draw you towards spiritualism and another towards

> > > materialistic indulgence. Let me explain them one after


> > >

> > > Saturn(probably the most occult planet)lagna lord aspecting

> lagna,

> > 9th

> > > house and 10th lord; Jupiter being 12th lord and dispositor of

> > Ketu

> > > aspecting 9th house; moon(represents mind)with Sun. These are

> all

> > > factors which promote spirituality.

> > >

> > > On the other hand, Lagna falls on an earthy sign which is also

> > > exaltation sign of Mars. Mars with 10th lord Venus is in 4th

> house

> > > (represents things which support our physical and emotional

> > existance

> > > e.g. house, vehicles etc) aspects lagna lord. These are


> > > supporting materialistic pursuit.

> > >

> > > Hence, according to me, these two strong opposite forces will

> try

> > to

> > > destabilise you often and disturb your mind.

> > >

> > > Two more additional important features are as below-

> > >

> > > 1. Kalasarpa Yoga >> those who support the existance of this

> Yoga,

> > say

> > > that this tend to limit human potential.

> > > 2. Look at your 7th, 6th and 5th houses. All their lords are

> > posited in

> > > the 12th houses from their respective houses. Frankly


> i

> > can't

> > > interpret the long term effect of this pattern; leaving it for

> > other

> > > learned members to comment.

> > >

> > > Thanks & best regards,

> > > Sumit

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > jyotish-vidya, "nick2002000"

> > <nick2002000>

> > > wrote:

> > > > Respected members,

> > > >

> > > > I am going through very bad times, some learned members


> > help

> > > me

> > > > by analyzing my chart.I am under sade sati too. I am losing


> > > > confidence. I have been learning vedic astrology since 2

> years.

> > But i

> > > > am confused in analyzing my chart.

> > > >

> > > > DOB: 18/06/1977

> > > > TOB: 22:00 PM

> > > > POB:PARAVUR(KERALA). LONG: 76E44, LAT:8N46.

> > > >

> > > > Please assist......

> > > > Awaiting an earliest response....

> > > >

> > > > SHAN.

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Dear Shri Venkatraman,

You elicited a lot of information which will enable members of the group to

analyse his chart and thus help him.

I tried to get as much information as possible and realized that he may not

divulge and withdrew from further analysis.

Thank you for sharing the information you gleaned from him.





"S. Venkatraman" <svenkat52 wrote:

Dear Sumit, David, Ravindramani and Wendy,


You will remember Shan who came on the list a few days back saying

that he was feeling very low in life. We could not help him too much

then because he was not too forthcoming with the details of his

problem. Recently I had a chat with him on the net when he opened

out more freely. I have his permission to share the details with you

all. I will myself get back with my analysis in a day or two. Would

like to see your views as well on this case.


The transcript of our chat is below:


nick2002000: hi

nick2002000: i am a member of jyothish group

nick2002000: how r u...?

svenkat52: hello, i am fine

nick2002000: free for a talk....?

svenkat52: for some time yes

nick2002000: nothing, just some talk about astrology

svenkat52: are you on jyotish-vidya

nick2002000: yea

nick2002000: where r u from

svenkat52: bombay, what about you

nick2002000: i am in dubai

nick2002000: shall i ask u few doubts

svenkat52: you are shan

nick2002000: yes

svenkat52: please ask

nick2002000: how dou knwo me

nick2002000: did we talk b4

svenkat52: no, you posted recently saying that you were feeling very


nick2002000: yea

svenkat52: how are things now

nick2002000: still the same

nick2002000: no idea, wat's going on

svenkat52: as i said in my post things should look up by mid june

nick2002000: u mean, after sani moves to cancer ?

svenkat52: yes, if i remember right you are running sani dasa now

nick2002000: yes

svenkat52: sani in 12th to natal sani can cause such problems

nick2002000: but struggles have been going on from long time

svenkat52: when did your problem start

nick2002000: hmmm

nick2002000: to say, it was in 1994. my we had business. suddenly it

all came to an end due to some problem.

nick2002000: we moved back to india.

nick2002000: my father fell ill, his leg had to be amputated

nick2002000: i was studying

nick2002000: he passed away in 1998

nick2002000: my studies came to and

nick2002000: an end

nick2002000: i had to go looking for a job

nick2002000: b'cos i was the eldest

nick2002000: sorry , from 1996

svenkat52: you mean problems started in 1996

nick2002000: my life had been full of struggles

nick2002000: yes

svenkat52: what are you doing now in dubai

nick2002000: literally, mine and familes life changed entirely

nick2002000: just managing a computer business

nick2002000: for the time being

nick2002000: as i can't do anything now, i want to continue my


svenkat52: while doing your computer business

nick2002000: no

nick2002000: i will quit it

svenkat52: anybody to support you

nick2002000: nope

nick2002000: i am all alone

nick2002000: i told u, from 1996 all our relatives turned their back

on us

svenkat52: you say us - who else is with you

nick2002000: i was supporting my family from then, and by god's

grace i had done it very well

nick2002000: i meant my bro, sis, mother

svenkat52: they are in dubai or india

nick2002000: india

svenkat52: my advice - continue in business and support them

svenkat52: you will get a chance to study later

nick2002000: my brother has finished his studies & he will soon get

a job

svenkat52: good, your family will be less dependent then on you

nick2002000: i hope so

nick2002000: my marriage is fixed this august,

nick2002000: any suggestion

svenkat52: great, continue to work. you have now a wife to support

svenkat52: don't lose heart

nick2002000: i won't

nick2002000: i have reached this far and i will go on

svenkat52: great

nick2002000: i am planning to go fo rmy higher studies aftre marriage

svenkat52: what would you like to do

nick2002000: but i need support from friends like you

nick2002000: i am an aircraft engineer

svenkat52: what support

nick2002000: finished diploma (london)

nick2002000: analyze my chart

nick2002000: & tell me all u can

svenkat52: most certainly, can i share this additional info with

friends in jyotish-vidya

svenkat52: they are great

nick2002000: wouldn't they think i am hopeless ?

nick2002000: i don't want people to sympathatize with me

svenkat52: no, they are the most helpful lot i know

nick2002000: if u think so, i would appreciate it

svenkat52: idea is not sympathy but get all the help that is

possible thro jyotish

nick2002000: that's wat i am trying to

svenkat52: anything else you want to share that can help us in

analysing your chart

nick2002000: listen, since my lagna lord is in 7th. I should be

following the dwisapthati sama dasha & not vimshottari. Right ?

svenkat52: i know only vimshottari

nick2002000: i meant, i have read that since the lagna lord is in 7th

svenkat52: vimshottari has all the answers

svenkat52: people on jyotish-vidya may know more about other dasa

nick2002000: k

nick2002000: few people commented on vimshottari

nick2002000: see, from my chart can u tell me how successful will i

be financially

svenkat52: will try

nick2002000: will my next dasha of mercury, will be good for me ?

svenkat52: i don't have your chart with me now, will study and

revert in a day or two

nick2002000: great of you

svenkat52: as i said, will share this info with Jyotish-vidya

friends and you can have even better advice

nick2002000: my mercury is in 5th (taurus) , lord of 6th & 9th.

with 5 points in astakavarga

nick2002000: any comments

svenkat52: no comments now, i like to comment on the basis of the

whole chart and not on just one factor or the other

nick2002000: just asking

svenkat52: shall we say bye for now; got to go out

nick2002000: when shall i expect your reply ?

svenkat52: as i said in a day or two on jyotish-vidya

nick2002000: thaks & regards

nick2002000: nice meeting you

svenkat52: bye

nick2002000: bye & take care





jyotish-vidya, "S. Venkatraman"

<svenkat52> wrote:

> Dear Shan,


> With the information that you have provided, I am afraid t I will

> not be able to add much to the comments made by David, Wendy and

> Sumit. At the time your wrote your mail, it is quite obvious that

> you were feeling very low. It will be useful if we knew how long

> things have been that way and what exactly is the area of life


> is causing the problem.


> Assuming that your problem is about 3-4 months old, I would say


> things should improve considerably by mid-June. Mid Jan saturn

> reentered Gemini in its retrogade motion. There it is in the 6th

> from your ascendant and 12th from the natal position of Dasa lord

> saturn. Mid June it will enter cancer. It will then be conjunct


> Lord and in a Kendra from the Ascendant.The Bhukti lord Jupiter is

> already in the 9th from Ascendant and the 5th from its natal

> position in taurus.


> So things should definitely look up by mid-June. All the best and

> regards,


> venkat

> jyotish-vidya, "nick2002000"

> <nick2002000> wrote:

> > Thank you sumit,

> >

> > You have provided a few valuable info, which i couldn't


> > you find time, could you please analyze my Navamsha chart too ?

> > And, you haven't specified which of the counteracting force is

> going

> > to have influence greater influence on me.

> >

> > I am not taking too much of your valuable time.

> >

> > Thanks & Regards

> > shan

> >

> >

> >

> > jyotish-vidya, "sumit_dasgupta"

> > <sumit_dasgupta> wrote:

> > > Dear Shan,

> > >

> > > As you haven't specify which area of your life is particularly

> > having

> > > problems, i have tried to give a broader view to your chart


> > looked

> > > for patterns. Citing my observations below-

> > >

> > > You have two very counteracting forces operating in your


> > one

> > > tends to draw you towards spiritualism and another towards

> > > materialistic indulgence. Let me explain them one after


> > >

> > > Saturn(probably the most occult planet)lagna lord aspecting

> lagna,

> > 9th

> > > house and 10th lord; Jupiter being 12th lord and dispositor of

> > Ketu

> > > aspecting 9th house; moon(represents mind)with Sun. These are

> all

> > > factors which promote spirituality.

> > >

> > > On the other hand, Lagna falls on an earthy sign which is also

> > > exaltation sign of Mars. Mars with 10th lord Venus is in 4th

> house

> > > (represents things which support our physical and emotional

> > existance

> > > e.g. house, vehicles etc) aspects lagna lord. These are


> > > supporting materialistic pursuit.

> > >

> > > Hence, according to me, these two strong opposite forces will

> try

> > to

> > > destabilise you often and disturb your mind.

> > >

> > > Two more additional important features are as below-

> > >

> > > 1. Kalasarpa Yoga >> those who support the existance of this

> Yoga,

> > say

> > > that this tend to limit human potential.

> > > 2. Look at your 7th, 6th and 5th houses. All their lords are

> > posited in

> > > the 12th houses from their respective houses. Frankly


> i

> > can't

> > > interpret the long term effect of this pattern; leaving it for

> > other

> > > learned members to comment.

> > >

> > > Thanks & best regards,

> > > Sumit

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > jyotish-vidya, "nick2002000"

> > <nick2002000>

> > > wrote:

> > > > Respected members,

> > > >

> > > > I am going through very bad times, some learned members


> > help

> > > me

> > > > by analyzing my chart.I am under sade sati too. I am losing


> > > > confidence. I have been learning vedic astrology since 2

> years.

> > But i

> > > > am confused in analyzing my chart.

> > > >

> > > > DOB: 18/06/1977

> > > > TOB: 22:00 PM

> > > > POB:PARAVUR(KERALA). LONG: 76E44, LAT:8N46.

> > > >

> > > > Please assist......

> > > > Awaiting an earliest response....

> > > >

> > > > SHAN.














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Hello Wendy,

Despite the fact of tranist and influence ones own issues,

probably it is most appropriate and your observation that

"demands "hey tell me about my career

in this platform just for the sake of getting rid of some curiosity,many people

come forward and post them to the group.Sure as you say:"I can understand

members sensitivity in regards to requests for readings" but then it is not that

we meant only for the sake of providing replies to the future and assure their

future.I am of the opinion the posts need some where some kind of ratings from

the point of helplessness and need and in a general to improve the morale of the

people who have really got frustated with their lot.

That's how we can do some justice in the group and get in the process enhanced

scope of knowledge.

I am sure every body may also be feeling but might not have ventilated.I join

with your views i this regard.

with best wishes



Wendy Vasicek <wenvas wrote:

Dear Uttara,


Many thanks for your thoughtful mail. I think the crux of the

problem is that everybody (astrologers included, if not

particularly) are affected by negative transits. No doubt with dasa

lord Mercury (ascendant lord's dispositor) transiting sign of

debilitation in company of bhukti lord Rahu whilst dispositor

Jupiter is conjunct Ketu in 9th; and PD lord (lagnesh Sani) transits

6th house of obstacles, there is sure to be some uneasiness...to put

it mildly :-(


I can understand members sensitivity in regards to requests for

readings but really the difference between a genuine query or

request for discussion on a particular chart as opposed to one that

simply demands "hey tell me about my career" (or some such thing) is

fairly obvious.


But again, the current transits are not all that favourable in terms

of patience and understanding on my part and I can only apologise to

all for my bad humour at the moment...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




Dear Wendy,


Thank you for your personal perspective on answering/discussing

charts. I can appreciate your frustration and time restraints

responding to such requests when there is little interest in


from the person themselves or further affirmation/discussion -

investigation from others.


That said - I would like to expand my thoughts.


On Jyotish-Vidya I find this to be a very sensitive area to know

one's place in putting forth or responding. I say that not as a

criticism as much as out of respect.


Let me explain.


Jyotish-Vidya is one of the VERY FEW groups on the forums to be

authentic and sincere. The description on the main page states that

Jyotish-Vidya is not the place for chart reading. In fact, it is

encouraged that one find a personal astrologer elsewhere.


The problem then becomes - how do members present a chart for

Discussion whether it is theirs or another's without crossing this

ethical line of agreement when joining Jyotish-Vidya.


Further - from my own position. I try to acknowledge anyone who has

taken the time to respond to a question or inquiry I have. Also,

too, I take a great deal of interest in what is put forth on this

group because I am learning. I don't think I have anything to


or question on someone's astrological perspective or breakdown -


I don't know myself how to respond correctly in Astro speak or



If I can say I understand the whole. And, I understand how and why

someone is putting forth their assessment and explanation - then it

is not for me to take a position to disagree or challenge. Rather,


try to go to my books or your website to further investigate and

understand where I am confused or need further explanation. I

believe that others who have posted with doubt or further need have

been encouraged to do the same as I have been advised in the past.


Too, I am not on top of all the discussions here and when I go to

check the archives - or find the beginning of a thread - it often

does not follow everyone's response. I don't know if this is a

problem with or if people are communicating privately off list

and then when moved to share, post their most recent thought on the



This becomes a personal problem for me - in that on a few occasions

when I have posted, I have not received an answer. My conclusion

then is one: I didn't ask the question properly, two: I have

offended someone, three: I overstepped my inquiry or four: my

request was not worth an answer. Not worth an answer could mean -

the question has already been answered earlier and I was not on the

ball to catch it or the question was to simplistic or again, I

overstepped the quidelines of inquiry. The guidelines of inquiry

could mean that others view my post as self serving.


The sensitivity then becomes a need for further guidelines


charts and inquiries. Then an encouragement of Discussion

surrounding an astrological point or question along with Jyothish

veda/s in a chart/inquiry that has been presented.


Finally, I appreciate Jyotish-Vidya and find it a refreshing forum

amongst the many that are less than their purpose and often feed on

exploitation and personal agendas.


Hope you rest well Wendy. I look forward to your return next week.




p.s. I don't have any suggestions to weed out those that use a forum

for their own gain without WANTING to be an active part of that

group. Unless the moderator/s follow posts and send private

notices/warnings to those that are not responding to others who have

taken the time, knowledge and energy to answer or acknowledge them.


















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