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Thanks---Sarup n Rashmi

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Respected Astrogurus,


It's almost a fortnight that I posted a mail regarding a manglik dosh

prediction in my partner's kundli, which is a major hindrance for us

to get married. Since then I have recvd some responses, all of which

indicated that the prediction were away from the truth. However there

were no responses against the same.


This comes as a re-assurance to us and we are more confident than in

the past. I wish to thank everybody who responded from the various

forums of astrology. I'm including within this mail, the texts of the

various mails recvd(in no partiular order). I hope there are no

objections to the same.


I wish to thank all of you who have responded, and also request

others who may have missed my posting to reply to my mail. I'm also

attaching the original mail. The terminology used in the replies is

new to me, and thus sometimes difficult to interpret and thus

sometimes the remedies are also diff to follow. I request you to

kindly reply in layman language


It's great that there exists on this forum who labor to study,

interpret and reply in such coherent manner to the request posted.



Seeking kind blessings

Sarup Paul



Respected Astrogurus,


Sorry for cross-posting this mail.


I wish to marry my school-time friend and my best companion so far.

We had our parents consent, but since our horoscope's have been

matched, hell has fallen upon our prospective marriage. My family

astrologer has suggested that there is a strong manglik dosh in the

female's kundli which may adversly affect my health and work life.

However it's more than 8 years that we know each other and 4 years

since we have been together. We have been through a lot of strifes,

but have emerged victorious and stronger everytime. We strongly

compliment each other and are sure that we will be best for each

other. I dont want to learn or know what the future holds for us, but

wish to know the remedies for living a peaceful married life.

As per information available on the internet, I have asked Rashmi to

keep a fast on every tuesday and start chanting the Hanuman Chalisa.

Also we have decided to not take non-veg items hence forth. I wish to

know of all the remedial actions that can be undertaken to pacify the

negative effects and also have our parent's consent to our marriage.


I hope you all understand that this relationship is the backbone of

my life, falling down of which will break me down completely. I dont

need much financial success in my life. I love life and romance and

they are the succor for me. I will go to all lengths and to all

forums to relieve me of this misfortune that has been predicted.

Please help me. I'm sending in the details, please respond either on

the forum, or we may take it offline by mailing to me at

sarup.paul or paulsarup.


Sarup Paul

Male, born on Sunday, 1980-05-18 03:30:00 at Dhanbad, India

Latitude: 023:48:N / Longitude: 086:27:E

Currently working with Tata Consultancy Services



Rashmi Agarwal

Female, born on Saturday, 1979-09-01 15:10:xx at Jharia, India

Latitude: 023:45:N / Longitude: 086:24:E

Currently working with Mphasis


I believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that

with will power we can control the negative effects and change our

predicted destiny.


Requesting the help of all those out there.


Sincere Regards

Sarup Paul







Hello Mr Paul,

You have shown your strong determination and yet the same hesitation

is seen in the following words:


"it's more than 8 years that we know each other and 4 years

since we have been together. We have been through a lot of strifes,

but have emerged victorious and stronger everytime. We strongly

compliment each other and are sure that we will be best for each


In all such case mangalik dosha has no sense as it is God's will that

you want to get married and ready to make your own future.

with chara prasna lagna and mars in 7th own house,mangalik's dosha is


>From the venus and moon no mangalik dosha is seen.what actually

misleads is the position from lagna.

with both of you having chara lagna including navamsha it looks that

you have to be more stable and free from emotion to solve the life

long issue.whether manglik dosha is coming in your way or not if

there is will you can easily face future.No body can stop you.As far

as the bhagya is concerned it does signify the philosphical sign of

gemini with lord in 2nd in retrograde.It indicates from profession

you will gain.In Navamsa mars and moon are posited in 2nd in Taurus

sign .This combination of 7th and 10th lords in navamsa indicates the

kind of affinity that exists between both of you in kutumba bhava.

Venus in ketu from moon sign indicates the girl is very possessive

and aggressive.so you have to tune lifelong with her.Jupiter aspect

on 7th in navamsa shall certaily helps in bringing discipline in both

of your minds.

Aspect of saturn on 3rd and 6th lords and mars aspect on 10th house

will cause anxiety in both of your relationships often.Yet your

efforts to preserve relationship through prayers and remedial

measures will keep both of you together.

Any decision to your marriage has to be made with cool mind and free

of mind.what worries is the effect of venus on you and the moon in

kumbha should not make you too much introvert.Express freely and let

out your mind.Body chemistry of both of you is fine but what needs is

also identity of views with reference to stability of life



Dear Sarup,

I was extremely happy to know about your mature love. You are among

the few blessed ones. Don't let astrology come in your way. Otherwise

also, can you think of something else beyond this love of yours. And

what will you get out of that relationship ? My sincere suggestion is

to go for this relationship without caring for anything else, for

following reasons:

1) By normal rules more than 40% persons are Mangalik. The percentage

increases if we include Rahu, Ketu and Saturn too.

2) Normal Pundits in India talk dogmatically and don't know real

astrology. First ask them to predict about strangers' horoscopes and

judge their caliber. Giving correct predictions is never easy, hence

no categorical judgments can be pronounced.

3) I have seen your horoscopes too. There is nothing alarming. Your

friend simply has Mars in the 7th but aspected by a full and waxing

Moon. Navamsa is taintless. For such a deep love, your TOB may be

03:34 or later and if my this assessment is correct, you will enjoy

rare marital bliss.


Go for it. My best wishes. Your remedies (if required at all) too are




Mr. Sarup,


I wish your married life a grand success.


As per my knowledge, please make a minimum of 11 rounds to Aswartha

Katta before 5.30 am everday for 42 days and it may give posssible

solution as well as good amount of relief to both of you and also to

both of yours parents.


Especially upto this Amvashya ie. upto05.08.2005 it is very much

essential as per said above.


After 06.08.2005, on every Monday morning praise Lord Chandra Sckhara

or chant Shiva Panchakshari for a minimum of 108 times.


All the best,




Hello Mr. Paul,


There is no Mangal Dosha in the chart of Rashmi. Mars is the best

planet in

her chart.


For other planetary influences in her chart, the following remedies


recommended for happy and long lived married life:


1. Wearing of a ring by Rashmi with ruby gem stone of 4.5 carat to


carat approx. in left hand ring finger in an auspicious time. She


also wear a yellow sapphire in right hand index finger of the same

weight as

for ruby in an auspicious time.


2. She may arrange propitiatory remedies for herself as at



3. You may arrange propitiatory remedies for you as at



4. If you wish to strengthen your weak planets you can decide for


by reading recommendations at my website.


Best wishes,



hello Mr. Sarup


First of all, you have to understand that there is no such

chart/human being who is absolutely perfect and without any problems.


Further, the birth-details provided by you resulted as a perfect case

of love marriage. The family astrologer, who pointed out the Manglik

Dosa in the female chart, appears to be quite unaware of the

astrological principles. I have no doubt that the match is perfect

and you can ignore any such opinion and proceed. Also, there appears

to be no need for the female to perform remedial measures for Mars

(Mangala) as such there is no Manglik Dosa present in the chart. The

only thing requires attention is the propitiation of Rahu, which

according to me, can be ignored in respect of marital



Best wishes for your marriage.



Hello Mr. Paul,


Besides the propitiatory remedies suggest to you, you can wear a


kavach or at least a ruby of approximate 4.6 carat to 4.7 carat in a


ring in the ring finger of the left hand in a good muhurata.


Best wishes,


Dear Sarup,


I do not advice seeking astrological guidance in


of love affairs which can not be terminated in any case. Any guidance


only add to the doubts in both partners' mind. The life itself proves

everything. Further, love is blind and deaf.


The mangal dosha is there but till now, when she has crossed 26

years of age, the energy of mars has been reduced to much extent. You


wait for her to cross 28 yrs for full dosha removal, if it is


Anyway, mars is the least harmful among all planets in her horoscope.


There is much more to your horoscopes, but at this stage, you


listen to positive advice only. The astrologer who had discovered the


dosha in the girl's horoscope should also have told your parents the

remedies for it.


You will get married to her by the end of this year.


I am sermonizing again, but I cannot help it because my


wins over my bookish knowledge.




Dear Sarup,


I have matched your and Rashmi's horoscopes and have

found you both compatible enough to get married. There are some

points which I would like to explain:


- Rashmi is mangalik because mangal is in the house of marriage

itself. But, as half the world's population is mangalik, this is not

a prime factor which can cause problems. Mars symbolizes the energy

in body and mind and when it has effects on house of marriage, it

tends to heighten the energies which if not balanced by the partner

can lead to anger and conflicts. But, there are ome exceptions:


1. Mars' energy diminishes with age and it becomes normal at the age

of 26-28, if there are no other factors involved. In Rashmi's case,

it is the mars alone and in the sign of mercury, a weak mars, and it

has already become normal due to her age nearing 26.


2. Your fifth house's saturn aspects seventh house, giving a malefic

effect to it and thus balncing Rashmi's mars.


3. Rashmi's lord of seventh house is with Rahu, saturn, sun, venus

and jupiter in ninth house. When so many planets have effect on

seventh house, jupiter and venus involved, the negativity of mars is

automatically reduced.


4. Look at the seventh house in navamsa chart. It has exalted moon

and mercury. This again cancels the negativity of mars.


5. Mars is a benefic in sagittarius ascendent. It is lord of house of

intellect and is positivey affecting house of marriage.


6. If both of you wear a yellow sapphire each in gold ring on index

finger, the positive energies of jupiter will nullify the negative

effects of mars.



The girl is extremely lucky for her husband. They both will

go abroad and prosper.


You both have Adi nadi. Some astrologers may concur that this

is not a good match due to it. Now, I would like to point out some



1. Nadi Dosha is supposed to be applicable to Brahmins, gana dosha to

vaishyas, and so on. But, in case of an inter-caste marriage, which

dosha is applicable has not been explained anywhere. I have

personally seen hundreds of my client with nadi dosha and very low

gunas but living happily married since more that twenty years.


2. All the guna milan and nadi dosha calculations are based on

nakshatra of moon at birth. All other eight planets, sixteen vargas,

numerous other charts, transits, degrees of planets, etc are all

ignored. This is like reading only the nail of the little finger

instead of reading the whole palm.


3. I can show you many horoscopes where the couple got divorced

despite having more than 30 gunas matching and both having mangal



Be confident. If you two were incompatible you would not have

been so close since so many years. Take blessings from your parents,

especially your mother and girl's father and get married to this







Dear Paul,

You are gonna have tough time as besides

the manglik,There is Nadi Dosh problems ashtkoot matching is too low

low.though you have so many similarities between both of you bt I

advise you to refrain from marrying this girl.


In any case if you are bent upon marrying this girl then wait atleast

for few years as let the girl cross 28th year of age , plus you need

some remidies to do

U see There is a temple in Ujjain (M.P.) Named Mangal nath temple ,

this is the only temple in the world of Mangal planet , there you

both will have to go and conduct pooja together , they will conduct

the marriage of the girl with peeple tree first and do some pooja ,

with this pooja the manglik dosha gets cured ( as per our Shastras)

and along with this please visit Hanuman temple every satday and

tuesday offer Chameli ka tel along with sindoor for 11 tuesdays

I hope this will reduce the melific effects of Kuja Dosha in girls



Dear Paul,


> My family

> astrologer has suggested that there is a strong manglik dosh in the

> female's kundli which may adversly affect my health and work life.


Mars in the eight house. I don't consider that significant enough to


you worried about anything. What else did your family astrologer

point at,

because Mars in the 8th house is a condition found in every 12 charts.

Indeed, she has Venus, a benefic, the planet of love, in her 7th


aspected by the Moon and Jupiter!


A negative thing may be the placement of the 7th lord in the 8th,

combust by

the Sun. Become an astrologer, then lord of the 7th (Mars) in the 8th


fulfilled, because lord of the 7th in the 8th may mean her partner is

interested in occult matters. That's a very practical remedial

measure. A

Sun-Mars conjunction shows a fiery personality, someone who's


and powerful. I think you will like such a person.


Her chart's first house contains an exalted waxing Moon aspected by

dispositor Venus. She must be very pretty, no?


Your 7th house is empty, and its lord Venus is with the Moon. Venus is

forming an exact sextile with Jupiter which is fortunate. There's

also a

sextile between Venus and Mars, which shows a balanced approach to


(it's giving and receiving).


Now let's see how you match. Your kuta score is 23, which is above



In your composite chart, Mars is not in your 7th, but in your 6th,


means you can work very hard together. Composite Venus is tightly


your composite Saturn, which means your love for eachother is



Now let's see her transits. Pluto is on her 7th house cusp, so power

struggles in the area of relationships. Be patient, and wait until


moves into Scorpio again (November). By that time Jupiter will be in


7th house too, aspeting your 7th lord Venus!


It seems you're feeling either sensual or angry right now, or both.


let's see the longterm influences. Uranus trine Moon is coming up.

You want

to experience emotional freedom, especially in the coming years. And


new experiences will come. Uranus means it's a good time to learn


By the way, in your chart the 8th lord Mars (also lagnesh) is in the

auspicious 5th house, tightly conjunct Guru (Jupiter) which is the

auspicious 9th lord. Saturn is also there, the 10th lord, so a raja-


Learn astrology! Become free from the superficial judgements of family

astrologers! Learn to read your own chart, and those of your loved


like your children, day by day! It's fun and spiritually uplifting!


Pluto is going over your Neptune: a good time to have deep spiritual

experiences and transformations.


> However it's more than 8 years that we know each other and 4 years

> since we have been together.


The spring of 2003 must have been exciting for you. Look at that: you


have Venus at about 9 degrees of a sign. That means that when a planet

transits 9 degrees, it will often aspect both your positions of Venus

at the

same time. In your case Uranus trined your Venus, a time of exciting

changes, in her case it was a square from Venus, and thus she may

have been

less comfortable with the changes.


In 1997-1998, 8 years ago as you mention, she had Neptune sextile her


so it must have been to her as if she met her soulmate. Pluto

conjunct her

Venus too in august 1997. Definitely deep love!


Now your vimsottari dasha periods (I don't use Lahiri ayanamsa, but 47

minutes less), presently Saturn-Venus (since 2004): Love, love, love,

because both are related to your 7th house, and also together in the


(where Venus is 1st lord, Saturn 9th and 10th lord). But look at her

vimsottari-dashas: by November she will be in Rahu-Venus. Rahu is in

quadrant conjunct trinal lord, so he's involved in a rajayoga. And

Venus is

in the 7th house, in the 1st of navamsa!


> in the female's kundli which may adversly affect my

> health and work life.


Your chart is already fixed, from the time you were born. Your 6th


(health and daily work) is not afflicted at all, so don't worry. Your


house is involved in a raja-yoga (Saturn in the 5th) so don't worry!


> Also we have decided to not take non-veg items hence forth.


Good decision. Especially meat should be avoided. I'm not so sure


fish. Especially as far as children and pregnant women are concerned.


As far as chanting mantras is concerned, pray to God for knowledge and

service, not for material benefits or a change of ("astrological")



Go with the flow, both high and low.


Dear Paul,


I forgot to mention that her Mars in the 8th is the 7th lord with

(the 4th)

and the 5th lord, thus forming a raja-yoga. And how's the dispositor

of that

8th house/ Mars doing? He (Jupiter) is exalted! Perhaps you should


study astrology!


Interesting: you have Jupiter sextile Venus, and she has Jupiter


Moon. Is she an (aspiring) artist?



Dear Paul,

You will have a tough time fighting the astrologers

because besides the manglik, there is Gana and Nadi problems making

the ashtkoot matching score low.

There is huge compatiblitiy between you and the grirl because your

planetary lump falls in the 5th and hers in the 9th, thus making

trines to each other.

I am reproducing a Mangal Dosha cancellation report below.





As per astrological classics, the Mangala Dosha cannot be

cancelled entirely, only its intensity can be reduced. Under special

circumstances, Mangala Dosha is automatically nullified or reduced to

a minimum.

In the charts of Paul Sarup and Rashmi Agarwal the Mangala

Dosha gets cancelled because of following reasons –


If Mars is placed in one of the Mangala dosha forming houses in the

horoscope of the girl and auspicious Jupiter is in a kendra or

trikona (first, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth or tenth house) then

Mangala dosha gets cancelled. The girl is virtuous, will give birth

to sons, happy in every manner, talented, wealthy and fortunate.

• In the horoscope of Rashmi Agarwal the Mangala Dosha is formed due

to the placement of Mars in the seventh house. Since Jupiter is

placed in the ninth house of her horoscope, the inauspicious effects

of Mangala Dosha gets cancelled.


If Mars is in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house

conjoined or aspected by Moon, Jupiter or Mercury then one should not

consider Mangala Dosha.

• In the birth chart of Rashmi Agarwal, Mangala Dosha is therefore

not considered.



If Mars is exalted or in its own sign in the Birth Chart or Navamsha,

or in the sign Cancer or Leo, then Mangala dosha is not harmful.

• In the Navamsa chart of Rashmi Agarwal Mars is in its own sign.

Therefore the Mangala Dosha is not harmful.


Mangala Dosha is removed if the dispositor of Mars (lord of the sign

where Mars is placed) is in a kendra (square) or trikona (trine) from

the Lagna or the Moon.

• As the above condition matches in the birth chart of Rashmi

Agarwal, therefore the Mangala Dosha should be considered to be



If Moon is in a kendra from Lagna, Mangala Dosha does not occur.

• Since Moon is placed in the Lagna of Rashmi Agarwal, therefore the

Mangala dosha is cancelled.


If a strong Jupiter or Venus is in the lagna or seventh house; or

Mars is retrograde, debilitated or in an inimical sign, Mangala dosha

is eliminated.

• In the birth chart of Rashmi Agarwal, the above condition matches,

therefore the Mangala Dosha is considered to have been eliminated.



Nice to have you back from your sojourn to Haridwar i presume.

I totally agree with your sentiments about Mangal dosha and bhangas

and variety of confusing views. I was trying to tell Paul that he can

expect some fire because of Mangal dosha from his parents astrologers

and I provided him the cancellation report.


However I feel there is some merit to Mangal dosha because it

afflicts atleast 50% or more people to be maritally unhappy, which I

think is a conservative number. The remedy to wait until 30 for

cancellation makes logical sense to me.


Regards and Best Wishes


Dear friend...


well written on how and when mangal bhang happened in her chart.

several books said several things on this adding few more mangal

bhang scenarios, besides what u mentioned:

1. If mars is in ascendant in aeries

2. If mars is in scorpio in 4th house

3. If mars is in capricorn in 7th house

4. If mars is in pisces in 7th house

5. If mars is in capricorn in 8th house

6. If mars is in saggitarius in 12th house

7. If saturn is in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses

8. If benefic jupiter or venus is in 1st or 7th houses and if venus

is not with mars, then also mangal bhang happens

8. One book says If mars is in his own sign, exalted, or in his

friendly signs mangal bhang happens.

9. Another book says if mars is retrograde, debilitated or in enemy's

house then also mangal bhang happens.


10. in the southern part of the country, there are dozen more

combinations where mangal bhang is written which is not the case in

the northern parts.


So many contradictory mentions were written in several books.


In all these mangal bhang cases, the mangal dosh only gets reduced or

marginalised and is not completely removed.


Similarly to decipher whether a person is manglik or not, besides

1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses, some people reckon 2nd house as

well. Some further say that in moon lagna and venus lagna also if

mangal is in these houses, the person would be a manglik.


The above is written just to highlight so many contradictions or

differences of opinion on manglik yog and mangal bhang yog. Simply

put, there are 1001 ways how a native can be branded manglik and as

many ways how mangal bhang happens.


with best wishes


Dear Rashmi & Sarup

You should not get deter by the prediction of your astrologer.

Mars dosha in traditional sence is not that harmful.

Moreover thousands of marriages fixed by astrologers break inspite

of all remedies.

In your case you should not have gone to astrologers to find

anything since you love each other and are getting married. What is

there to get advise from astrologers.

I am sure if you ask for some remedies, you would get those in


So go for some of those remedies and also plunge into a married life.

I wish you all the best.


Dear R&S,

I checked your charts. As I see it both of you will marry inspite of

all the odds within this year ,may be in December or early.

Your marriage life would be normal, no separation, divorce or

upheavals are indicated. For her this love and marriage is more

emotional and important.

However, male chart indicates a strong and aggrasive career with

permanent job. The job conditions etc may create some separtions and

unsatisfaction in married life.

As per KP Mars in 6th house of the girl, so strictly speaking this

may not be Manglic chart. In any case 6th house Mars is in star of

Jupiter which in 7th house.(KP).

I donot see any alarming situation here. No fatality etc, no martian

anger escept the normal one.

Good luck


ear Sarup Paul,


1. As per KP matching (based on Kuppu Ganapathi's article &

calculated by KPAstro 2.01 SW) already sent to you by attachment,

the overall matching percentage is 69.17%, i.e. above average 60%,

with a very high desirabilty of matching for marriage 83.33%.


2. As per quick review, for you Sat/Ven dasa sequence (02-06-05 to

01-08-08) is favorable for marriage. For her Sun/Rah (07-01-05 to 01-

12-05) repeated indicates 8-5-10 houses with some other

signification of marriage.


3. Love of 5 houses is no doubt. And I hope my understanding of 8-

10 for delay/obsticle is wrong and pray that 8 house for marriage

taken by some become true.


All the best to both of you!


1. Thanks for sharing your experience. I've noticed your postings

of KP matching with emphasis to criterion no. 10 in Msg#1169, also

for Gerald & Betty Ford and another one in other Vedic group.


2. Sarup Paul can be happy with 83.33% for criterion 10 with

compared to 67% in Msg#1169, 85% for Fords and 50% for my niece

recently married. (Results of matching are attached below.)


3. Overall Matching Percentage: 69.17% - Above Average Match with

compared to 75.4% in Msg#1169, 67.9% for Fords and 80% for my niece.


4. However criterion 4 is zero with compared to 50% in Msg#1169,

for Fords and 100% for my niece and criterion 9 is 33.33%, with

compared to 85% in Msg#1169, 67% for Fords and 33.33% for my niece

which makes me a little worried for my niece.


Thanks and regards,




Om Ganeshaya Namaha


July 27, 2005


Result of matching horoscope of

Chi. Sarup Paul with that of Kum. Rashmi Agarwal for marriage, as

per K. P. principles


Software Developed by: Man Machine Systems, Plot No. 24, Ramalinga

Nagar Extn., 1st Street, Puzhuthivakkam

Chennai - 600091. Ph:+91-44-22580377. Email: ranga


BOY Sarup Paul

May 18, 1980

03:30:00 AM



GIRL Rashmi Agarwal

September 1, 1979

03:10:00 PM





1) Characteristics compatibility 100 00 .

2) Harmony in married life 100 00 .

3) Attitudes and urges 100 00 .

4) General happiness 0 00 .

5) Mutual understanding between the couples 75 00 .

6) Pleasure and happiness after marriage 50 00 .

7) General suitability for marriage 50 00 .

8) Likelihood of marriage with this boy and the girl 100 00 .

9) Smoothness in married life 33 33 .

10) Whether the period lords now operating in both charts indicate

desirability of matching for marriage 83 33 .


TOTAL 691 66 .


Overall Matching Percentage: 69.17% - Above Average Match




[A] Below 50% - No Match.

Greater than or equal to 50% and less than or equal to 60% -

Average Match.

[C] Greater than 60% and less than or equal to 75% - Above Average


[D] Above 75% - Excellent Match.


NOTE: Marriage compatibility is just one aspect to check while

considering the horoscopes of a boy and a girl. Other

aspects to check include longevity, education, health, child birth,

career prospects and financial status. This report

does NOT cover these other aspects.


Hare Krishna

Dear Sarup,

Generally it is good to fast on the day of lord of UL in the chart,

You can both do that,

also to ensure marriage lasting, marry when Jupiter is aspecting the

2nd from the UL/ best if it aspects by rashi as well as graha


also make sure to marry at a very auspicious muhurta.

ANd then do not let relatives spoil your life.

Best Wishes,

you are lucky if you found someone to love and loves you back



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