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Vattem Krishnan ji - Nodes always malefic?

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Vattem Krishnan ji,


Your posting on Ucha/Vakra grahas is illuminating, but when you

say that the nodes are always malefic, I beg to differ.


You have to see the dispositor of the nodes, aspects on them,

the nakshatra they are placed in, etc.


I have a cousin sister who has Meena Lagna. Rahu is in the 5th

unaspected and dispositor Chandra is Uccha in the 3rd. Her Rahu

Dasa was excellent and led to great education. She is now doing

a phd in the US.


In my own case, during Rahu Bukti, I made great spiritual

progress. This perhaps is because Rahu whll behave like Sani as

per "Sani Vad Rahu" and Sani's moolatrikona falls in the 9th.


In my humble opinion, if Rahu/Ketu are disposited/aspected by

benefics and in benefic nakshatras, one can expect a good



Of course, since the basic nature of the nodes is malefic, they

will also cause some troubles evev if they attain beneficience.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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Dear Mr Balaji,

i am in agreement with you.only thing i made a very sweeping and broad:"nodes

are always malefic"

In my own case I have my Rahu in 6th along with 5th lord Marsin 6th.it gave me a

Gold medal as a best student.In several competetion I get through including

interviews.Even I some times get shocked.

About ketu in 12th it has given me more positive result abtuptly.Till evening I

was not sure of any plan for going abroad but all of a sudden(even I could not

share with my family members)I had to prepare and fly to abroad.

when I said about nodes it is about their naturality as

"Sanivada Rahu Kujavada Ketu" a sloka very normally quoted in our Astrology.I do

not really mean as a lasting position.If just ignore the tendency there is no

hesitation to say that during dasa of these nodes some have become kings and

kings also paupers.it is not really different story in other so called benific


Element of uncertainity really bothers me in case of nodes.

Even today my friend Mr Lakshmanan says "Ketu has made his prosperity"

Yet I am still not clear for Archers(sagittarus ascdt) 5th lord in 6th with Rahu

and 6th lord in 8th with sun,saturn and venus makes VRY(so much discussed by our


Also exchange of 2nd lord with 8th lord(moon and saturn) does all these tend to

be VRY.If so what results.

Let me also confess that my ascdt lord jupiter is in 11th in libra aspecting

5th.This has probably merits and demerits on any body's life.

ultimately in Astrology may be we get lost to say/confirm what is benific and

malefic but make some sweeping statements.

Thanx Balu.I lookforwrd for your views/comments on what I have scribbled

above.it is always valued.


Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji wrote:

Vattem Krishnan ji,


Your posting on Ucha/Vakra grahas is illuminating, but when you

say that the nodes are always malefic, I beg to differ.


You have to see the dispositor of the nodes, aspects on them,

the nakshatra they are placed in, etc.


I have a cousin sister who has Meena Lagna. Rahu is in the 5th

unaspected and dispositor Chandra is Uccha in the 3rd. Her Rahu

Dasa was excellent and led to great education. She is now doing

a phd in the US.


In my own case, during Rahu Bukti, I made great spiritual

progress. This perhaps is because Rahu whll behave like Sani as

per "Sani Vad Rahu" and Sani's moolatrikona falls in the 9th.


In my humble opinion, if Rahu/Ketu are disposited/aspected by

benefics and in benefic nakshatras, one can expect a good



Of course, since the basic nature of the nodes is malefic, they

will also cause some troubles evev if they attain beneficience.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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Dear Balaji and Krishnan,


Indeed you're correct! The effect of nodes is uncertain and

(according to most scholars) impossible to predict...

UNLESS due consideration is given to their associations. Like you

Balaji, Rahu bhukti in Jupiter dasa was, for me, a time of (both)

great spiritual progress and great success generally with Rahu

conjunct exalted Jupiter and both occupying nakshatra of exalted 9th

lord Mercury.


I adhere to the rule that the nodes, unable to act independantly,

reveal themselves via their association. This applies also, of

course, (if not particularly) during their transit...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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Dear Krishnan,


You have often eluded to specific features of your chart and my

curiosity begs to ask if you would give your details so that I might

look at the chart proper. My interest has peaked with your last post

as my sister also has Ketu in 12th.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"vattem krishnan" <bursar_99


Saturday, August 13, 2005 3:12 PM

Re: Vattem Krishnan ji - Nodes always




Dear Mr Balaji,

i am in agreement with you.only thing i made a very sweeping and

broad:"nodes are always malefic"

In my own case I have my Rahu in 6th along with 5th lord Marsin

6th.it gave me a Gold medal as a best student.In several competetion

I get through including interviews.Even I some times get shocked.

About ketu in 12th it has given me more positive result

abtuptly.Till evening I was not sure of any plan for going abroad

but all of a sudden(even I could not share with my family members)I

had to prepare and fly to abroad.

when I said about nodes it is about their naturality as

"Sanivada Rahu Kujavada Ketu" a sloka very normally quoted in our

Astrology.I do not really mean as a lasting position.If just ignore

the tendency there is no hesitation to say that during dasa of these

nodes some have become kings and kings also paupers.it is not really

different story in other so called benific planets.

Element of uncertainity really bothers me in case of nodes.

Even today my friend Mr Lakshmanan says "Ketu has made his


Yet I am still not clear for Archers(sagittarus ascdt) 5th lord in

6th with Rahu and 6th lord in 8th with sun,saturn and venus makes

VRY(so much discussed by our members).

Also exchange of 2nd lord with 8th lord(moon and saturn) does all

these tend to be VRY.If so what results.

Let me also confess that my ascdt lord jupiter is in 11th in libra

aspecting 5th.This has probably merits and demerits on any body's


ultimately in Astrology may be we get lost to say/confirm what is

benific and malefic but make some sweeping statements.

Thanx Balu.I lookforwrd for your views/comments on what I have

scribbled above.it is always valued.


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