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Wendy ji - Need help

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Dear Balaji,


This is just a very quick response before I have to run out the

door. Hopefully, if it's not too late when I get back, I can look at

your chart again. In the meantime you might also get a response from

other members :-))


You Wrote:

However, Guru's placement in the dushtana 8th can destroy the

house of career.



Undoubtedly 10th lord debilitated in 8th is an indication of some

changes/upheavals in regards to career. His conjunction with Ketu

(in transit) can bring about the unexpected...out of the blue, I

didn't think that would happen type of event. It would be more

appropriate for you to think of this as a possible career change

rather than destruction of career, don't you think :-)


You Wrote:

I'm running Budha Dasa - Guru Bukti. The two grahas are

dwir-dwadasa and this is inauspicious.


Mercury is also karaka for 10th...


Hopefully I'll have time to talk more this evening when I get back.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




jyotish-vidya, Balaji Narasimhan

<sherlockbalaji> wrote:

> Wendy ji,


> As usual, I have run into problems!


> I joined a new company recently. My boss has quit and my company

> has decided to outsource work to her. So, they don't need me

> anymore. I might be asked to quit in September.


> When will I get a new job?


> I know you have my details, but I will reproduce them again - 14

> March 1973, 2:14 PM, Bombay.


> I'm running Budha Dasa - Guru Bukti. The two grahas are

> dwir-dwadasa and this is inauspicious.


> Guru is Neecha but gets Neecha Bhanga because Kuja, who would be

> Ucha in his place, is in a kendra from Lagna.


> However, Guru's placement in the dushtana 8th can destroy the

> house of career.


> Guru rules the 7th and the 10th. Both refer to career because

> the 7th is the 10th from the 10th as per Bhavat Bhavam.


> Guru is aspected by Swakshetra Vargotamma Chandra. Chandra and

> Guru have a "Parivartana Yoga" at the Nakshatra level.


> The current period involves Surya and Chandra, who are involved

> with career and money.


> This tells me that I will get a job soon. But when?


> Will I get a job in Tech writing or in Journalism? Hard to say -

> the former gives money (2nd lord), while the latter gives

> recognition (Surya/Chandra, the political planets who are

> associated with the masses).


> Also presence of 3rd lord in 10th house signifies communication

> - and both types of jobs are about communication, so it doesn't

> help much either!


> Beyond this, subjective factors intrude and I'm not able to

> think clearly.


> Some gumption tells me that it will be tech writing. Chandra's

> aspect on Guru signifies money because Chandra is 2nd lord.


> Am I right? Wendy ji, if you could also comment on Guru Bukti in

> general, I would be happy. It is so hard to look at one's own

> chart!



> ~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

> Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

> Editor, The Partial Art of Detection

> ~~~~~~~

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Dear Balaji,


If I might just offer some thoughts here regarding the position of

bhukti lord Jupiter...both in rasi and transit. In terms of

status/occupation 10th lord Jupiter in 11th from 10th can signify

income from occupation, gains, long time desires, opportunities



However, as you said, debilitated Jupiter's position in 12th from

dasa lord Mercury is suggestive of some loss of position and/or loss

of income. You should also know that the aspect of waxing 2nd lord

Moon does uplift Jupiter's neecha status and suggests that you

should do well following a career that utilises your imagination,

knowledge gained through education, and so forth (all 2nd house

significations)...necessary tools for a writer :-)


Career associated with communications through writing is

substantiated with 3rd lord (occupying 10th) in constellation of

10th lord Jupiter who is aspected by Moon in Jupiter's

constellation...and so on.


Jupiter conjunct Ketu (in transit) can indicate some unexpected

events and/or difficulties, especially as these two conjunct in

house of occupation in dashamsha...and again in navamsha...Ketu

brings about the unexpected, things we didn't anticipate.


Transit Jupiter moves away from the grip of Ketu around 11th Sep.

into your 5th house which is 8th from 10th and 9th from dasa lord.

Change in regards to occupation seems likely due to his transit in

8th from 10th, however, the change should be favourable for you due

to his position in 9th from dasa lord.


The important thing is not to let panic set in...you see from your

horoscope that the possibility for change is there. You should try

to relax (if you can) and take each day as it comes, confident in

the knowledge that your destiny will take care of itself.


PS: Please remember, Balaji, that these are only my thoughts and

should not be taken as a firm prediction...predicting someone's

future is a responsibility I really don't want. However I am happy

to share my thoughts :-))


I do hope other members can be persuaded to share their thoughts as



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"wenvasuk" <wenvas


Friday, August 26, 2005 1:46 PM

Re: Wendy ji - Need help



Dear Balaji,


This is just a very quick response before I have to run out the

door. Hopefully, if it's not too late when I get back, I can look at

your chart again. In the meantime you might also get a response from

other members :-))


You Wrote:

However, Guru's placement in the dushtana 8th can destroy the

house of career.



Undoubtedly 10th lord debilitated in 8th is an indication of some

changes/upheavals in regards to career. His conjunction with Ketu

(in transit) can bring about the unexpected...out of the blue, I

didn't think that would happen type of event. It would be more

appropriate for you to think of this as a possible career change

rather than destruction of career, don't you think :-)


You Wrote:

I'm running Budha Dasa - Guru Bukti. The two grahas are

dwir-dwadasa and this is inauspicious.


Mercury is also karaka for 10th...


Hopefully I'll have time to talk more this evening when I get back.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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Wendy ji,


Many thanks for the prompt response!


I had a chat with my boss on Friday. He was very considerate and

told me to take some 1 - 2 months to find a new job. During this

time, I will be retained by the company. Chandra's aspect on

Bukti Natha, in tandem with the fact that he is 2nd lord in 2nd

seems to be helping me to stick on like a barnacle - for the

now, at least!


<<<Transit Jupiter moves away from the grip of Ketu around 11th

Sep. into your 5th house which is 8th from 10th and 9th from

dasa lord. Change in regards to occupation seems likely due to

his transit in 8th from 10th, however, the change should be

favourable for you due to his position in 9th from dasa lord.>>>


This is good! I hope that I get a long-term, stable job soon!


<<<The important thing is not to let panic set in...you see from

your horoscope that the possibility for change is there. You

should try to relax (if you can) and take each day as it comes,

confident in the knowledge that your destiny will take care of



You are right, Wendy ji! But, it is said that a bird that has

once been injured by a bow will in future be afraid of a bent

branch. Having spent around 18 months without a job once, I am

always scared on the job front!


Of course, as per Gochara, Ketu is in the 3rd house, which is

good. So, hopefully things will be good soon!




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






Start your day with - make it your home page


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Dear Balaji,


Please find below some of my observations-


1. Your dasa lord Merc is posited on Jup's nakshatra and aspected by

Mars(10th lord from Moon)in Navamsha. Jup is your 7th and 10th lord.

Hence it is unlikely that you will remain jobless for longer time

during Merc-Jup period.


2. Mars will participate immensely in your career matter as it's

aspecting 10th house in lagna as well as most of the divisional

charts. Sun is it's nakshatra lord which is in 10th house. Mars is

10th lord from moon etc. etc. Transit Mars is currently receiving

aspect of Saturn which during sade-sati will bring it's share of

mental agony. However, transit Jup will become free of Ketu and

enter Libra soon from where it will aspect transit Mars. I sincerely

hope, this factor throws open a new possibility for you.


All the best for you and best regards,






jyotish-vidya, Balaji Narasimhan

<sherlockbalaji> wrote:

> Wendy ji,


> Many thanks for the prompt response!


> I had a chat with my boss on Friday. He was very considerate and

> told me to take some 1 - 2 months to find a new job. During this

> time, I will be retained by the company. Chandra's aspect on

> Bukti Natha, in tandem with the fact that he is 2nd lord in 2nd

> seems to be helping me to stick on like a barnacle - for the

> now, at least!


> <<<Transit Jupiter moves away from the grip of Ketu around 11th

> Sep. into your 5th house which is 8th from 10th and 9th from

> dasa lord. Change in regards to occupation seems likely due to

> his transit in 8th from 10th, however, the change should be

> favourable for you due to his position in 9th from dasa lord.>>>


> This is good! I hope that I get a long-term, stable job soon!


> <<<The important thing is not to let panic set in...you see from

> your horoscope that the possibility for change is there. You

> should try to relax (if you can) and take each day as it comes,

> confident in the knowledge that your destiny will take care of

> itself.>>>


> You are right, Wendy ji! But, it is said that a bird that has

> once been injured by a bow will in future be afraid of a bent

> branch. Having spent around 18 months without a job once, I am

> always scared on the job front!


> Of course, as per Gochara, Ketu is in the 3rd house, which is

> good. So, hopefully things will be good soon!



> ~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

> Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

> Editor, The Partial Art of Detection

> ~~~~~~~




> __

> Start your day with - make it your home page

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