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RE:RE: , duration of marraige

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Dear Sri Krishnan ji,


When are 2 people said to be married. You say duration of marraige is

indefenite. but we see so many divorcees nowdays.

I humbly request you to let me know relation between dharma , navamsha and





vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:

Dear friends,

Marriage is a bond and the duration is indefinete unless the 2nd bhava to 7th is

afflicted where in indication leads to loss of spouse(mangalyam)etc.

Afflictions in married life can be seen in navamsha as well in dasa ,disposition

of dasa lord with refernce to navamsha lagna and 7th lord along with aspects

indicate duration of marriage.

Progressive chart is a very important divisional chart to be considered for

marriage and afflictions there of arising due to presence of malefics in 8th in

natal as well as navamsha


aprameyaha <aprameyaha wrote:

Namaste All,





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"manglyam tantuna mamjeevana hetuna"and is Panigrahana muhurtam symbolises



aprameyaha <aprameyaha wrote:Dear Sri Krishnan ji,


When are 2 people said to be married. You say duration of marraige is

indefenite. but we see so many divorcees nowdays.

I humbly request you to let me know relation between dharma , navamsha and





vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:

Dear friends,

Marriage is a bond and the duration is indefinete unless the 2nd bhava to 7th is

afflicted where in indication leads to loss of spouse(mangalyam)etc.

Afflictions in married life can be seen in navamsha as well in dasa ,disposition

of dasa lord with refernce to navamsha lagna and 7th lord along with aspects

indicate duration of marriage.

Progressive chart is a very important divisional chart to be considered for

marriage and afflictions there of arising due to presence of malefics in 8th in

natal as well as navamsha


aprameyaha <aprameyaha wrote:

Namaste All,





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Hi Aprameyaha,


I would say some basic things here.Pardon me in case

you know these things and it is repeation for you.


For Marriage -


Look at the 7th house (with the planets present)and

its lord for its strength(in terms of




Look for any connection betn 7th house lord and the

8th house if any.


Look at how the 7th house lord of rashi is placed in

the navamsa. (any planet having the same sign in rashi

and navamsa is called vargottama,not all vargotama

planets are good)


Also look at the 2nd house - for family matters and

4th house for happiness.


The navamsa in general indicates the dharmic character

of an individual it being the 9th division.Also the

true self.

In rashi the spiritual aspect is indicated by the 9th


Also look at navamsa by itself for marriage related

issues which means look at the 7th house and lord,the

connection between the 7th and the 8th etc.


I guess the connection of navamsa with marriage is

because of the fact that marriage is not only

relationship at physical level but that at the

spiritual level and at the mental level.


( It reminds me of the story of Adishankara who

defeated Mandana Mishra in a debate only to be

challanged by his wife saying that the debate was only

half over and would be completed only when adishankara

defeats the ardhangini (wife of Mandana Mishra)


Would like to hear comments from other learned members

as well.


Best Regards















--- aprameyaha <aprameyaha wrote:




Dear Sri Krishnan ji,


When are 2 people said to be married. You say duration

of marraige is indefenite. but we see so many

divorcees nowdays.

I humbly request you to let me know relation between

dharma , navamsha and marraige.




vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:

Dear friends,

Marriage is a bond and the duration is indefinete

unless the 2nd bhava to 7th is afflicted where in

indication leads to loss of spouse(mangalyam)etc.

Afflictions in married life can be seen in navamsha as

well in dasa ,disposition of dasa lord with refernce

to navamsha lagna and 7th lord along with aspects

indicate duration of marriage.

Progressive chart is a very important divisional chart

to be considered for marriage and afflictions there of

arising due to presence of malefics in 8th in natal as

well as navamsha


aprameyaha <aprameyaha wrote:

Namaste All,





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