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Vattem Krishnan ji and Jiger ji - Job Query

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Vattem Krishnan ji,


<<<The chances are not really bright even though your

performance was good. Reason,they may seek your views to accept

your posting away from your place.>>>


Well, I pray that it somehow works out! If this fails, when will

I get another job?


I'm desperate because my current company wants me to leave the

job by Oct end! :-(


Jiger ji,


<<<just give me a number from between 1 / 160>>>







Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






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Dear Mr Balaji,

It appearsgood aspect of jupiter placed in 5th as lord 12th and rahu posited

there indicates the possibility for offer around 2nd week of november. lord of

lagna in prasna is in 5th in visakha.The delay is if any is due to ishraf

yoga.It is expected that mercury is to retrograde around 14th november and the

offer may materialise before.

let me also know whether this will be 3rd or 4th change after commencement of

career and any member in the interview board is a female member.



Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji wrote:

Vattem Krishnan ji,


<<<The chances are not really bright even though your

performance was good. Reason,they may seek your views to accept

your posting away from your place.>>>


Well, I pray that it somehow works out! If this fails, when will

I get another job?


I'm desperate because my current company wants me to leave the

job by Oct end! :-(


Jiger ji,


<<<just give me a number from between 1 / 160>>>







Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






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the reading corrseponding to the number given to me by brighu


brighu says


besides the job question there is another great worry bothering your mind


for quite a while your job situations has been dissatisfactory


it is only money that will solve most of your problems and money is hard to



some petty gains are indicated in near future which will provide no relief to

your current state


day and night you worry about life getting smooth and when will it happen is

your question


remedies indicated


feed sweets to 11 brahmins and pitru who is upset needs remeady ( indication of

pitru dosh in your chart)



if remedies are done properly this time you will achive your goal along with

increase in good reputation


your mind makes to many plans try to concentrate this mind in shri hari


shubham bhatavu


now this was translation of one of the readinge of bhrighu tatkalik prashana

based on 124


kind regs



Balaji Narasimhan

Friday, October 21, 2005 1:54 AM


Vattem Krishnan ji and Jiger ji - Job Query


Vattem Krishnan ji,


<<<The chances are not really bright even though your

performance was good. Reason,they may seek your views to accept

your posting away from your place.>>>


Well, I pray that it somehow works out! If this fails, when will

I get another job?


I'm desperate because my current company wants me to leave the

job by Oct end! :-(


Jiger ji,


<<<just give me a number from between 1 / 160>>>







Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






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Many thanks for both of you for doing the readings!


Vattem Krishnan ji,


<<<It appearsgood aspect of jupiter placed in 5th as lord 12th

and rahu posited there indicates the possibility for offer

around 2nd week of november.>>>


May your words come true! BTW, one offer, which had materialized

before but had petered out, seems poised to make a comeback. I

just hope that your words indicate that this will materialize.


I have been doing a study based on Sarvato Bhadra Chakra. In Oct

end, Guru enters Swati, the 9th star from my Janma Nakshatra. It

will then aspect my Uday Nakshatra (18), indicating rise.


More importantly, my Manas Nakshatra (25) will also recieve

Guru's aspect, and this could reduce my tensions considerably!


I had this feeling, but I'm never happy with the readings I do

with my own chart because of the subjective factors. What others

say about you is always more indicative of the truth than what

you think about yourself!


<<<let me also know whether this will be 3rd or 4th change after

commencement of career and any member in the interview board is

a female member.>>>


Believe it or not, I think that this is the 8th or 9th job I'm

shifting since career commenced in March 1994!


The job I'd applied for on 17 Oct - that was a male interviewer.


The job I'm currently in - the interview was performed by a

female and a male.


The job that almost materialized, but appeared to fall thru, and

might come through in the future - I don't know! My contact

person there is male, but he might ask somebody else to

interview me, and this person could be male or female.


Jiger ji,


<<<besides the job question there is another great worry

bothering your mind>>>


Two issues - dad's health and my marriage


<<<for quite a while your job situations has been



Yes! :-( Presence of 10th lord Neecha in the 8th, and running

Bukti of said lord Guru!


<<<it is only money that will solve most of your problems and

money is hard to come>>>


My career has always been bad, but my money scene has always

been good because 2nd lord is in own house. For example,

earlier, even after 18 months without a job, I was still not



<<<day and night you worry about life getting smooth and when

will it happen is your question>>>


Again, sadly, yes!


Regarding Pitru Dosha - can you please elaborate? My grandfather

has been very religiously following all Pitru Karya. My dad does

the same for his deceased mother. Both my parents are alive.


<<<your mind makes to many plans try to concentrate this mind

in shri hari>>>


I keep trying, but when problems overwhelm me, sometimes my

concentration tends to slip because I am forced to move my mind

away from God and towards the material world! :-(


Can you also share more details on Bhrighu Tatkalik Prashna?

Many thanks in advance!




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.


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brighu tatkalik prashana


is self predicting oracle i dont even need the question


all i need is a name and a number to get the reply out of this book it is hard

to use and bunch of


sanskrit is used and hard to translate it in english but it all works out it

has never failed me


it has 90 % accuracy other 10% could be my understanding of this mixed language



hindi rajasthani and sanskrit there is a chakra with 160 numbers


and some other calculations after a querent picks a number from 1-160


this book has answered all the answers so far


there are 160 short readings in this book


even if i translate this book in english i will need mr finn to help


me he seems to be very satisfied by the accuracy of this prashana book


so next time if some body has a query just give me the name of person and a



name is a part of calculation


regs jiger shah



Balaji Narasimhan

Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:57 AM


Re: Vattem Krishnan ji and Jiger ji - Job Query


Many thanks for both of you for doing the readings!


Vattem Krishnan ji,


<<<It appearsgood aspect of jupiter placed in 5th as lord 12th

and rahu posited there indicates the possibility for offer

around 2nd week of november.>>>


May your words come true! BTW, one offer, which had materialized

before but had petered out, seems poised to make a comeback. I

just hope that your words indicate that this will materialize.


I have been doing a study based on Sarvato Bhadra Chakra. In Oct

end, Guru enters Swati, the 9th star from my Janma Nakshatra. It

will then aspect my Uday Nakshatra (18), indicating rise.


More importantly, my Manas Nakshatra (25) will also recieve

Guru's aspect, and this could reduce my tensions considerably!


I had this feeling, but I'm never happy with the readings I do

with my own chart because of the subjective factors. What others

say about you is always more indicative of the truth than what

you think about yourself!


<<<let me also know whether this will be 3rd or 4th change after

commencement of career and any member in the interview board is

a female member.>>>


Believe it or not, I think that this is the 8th or 9th job I'm

shifting since career commenced in March 1994!


The job I'd applied for on 17 Oct - that was a male interviewer.


The job I'm currently in - the interview was performed by a

female and a male.


The job that almost materialized, but appeared to fall thru, and

might come through in the future - I don't know! My contact

person there is male, but he might ask somebody else to

interview me, and this person could be male or female.


Jiger ji,


<<<besides the job question there is another great worry

bothering your mind>>>


Two issues - dad's health and my marriage


<<<for quite a while your job situations has been



Yes! :-( Presence of 10th lord Neecha in the 8th, and running

Bukti of said lord Guru!


<<<it is only money that will solve most of your problems and

money is hard to come>>>


My career has always been bad, but my money scene has always

been good because 2nd lord is in own house. For example,

earlier, even after 18 months without a job, I was still not



<<<day and night you worry about life getting smooth and when

will it happen is your question>>>


Again, sadly, yes!


Regarding Pitru Dosha - can you please elaborate? My grandfather

has been very religiously following all Pitru Karya. My dad does

the same for his deceased mother. Both my parents are alive.


<<<your mind makes to many plans try to concentrate this mind

in shri hari>>>


I keep trying, but when problems overwhelm me, sometimes my

concentration tends to slip because I am forced to move my mind

away from God and towards the material world! :-(


Can you also share more details on Bhrighu Tatkalik Prashna?

Many thanks in advance!




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.




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