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Vattem Krishnan ji, Wendy ji, and Rui ji

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Vattem Krishnan ji,


<<<Great effort in tracing in sani's version of Nrisimha



Thanks! I think that, for any diety, one needs to only follow

basic rules of cleanliness like "madi" and "acharam" along with

devotion. If sincerity is there, He will definitely answer our



Still have not got an MP3 of Sani's Narasimha Stuti. However, I

have found an audio tape with the sloka. Will now see if

somebody can help me to convert from audio tape to mp3.


Wendy ji,


<<<With open heart and open minds we can find the same truth

underlying all treatises...is this not so :-)>>>


Very true! Unfortunately, most people do not seem to realize

this oneness of truth!


Your comparision between Saturn and Satan is most interesting!


<<<We all know that the approach of Saturn dasa or the

commencement of Sade Sati strikes fear in the hearts of all>>>


BTW, Wendy ji, I checked out the start of Sani Antar with PC

Jyotish. It correctly gives the date as 5th Nov 2005. So, I

think that I will rely on PC Jyotish in future for Dasa/Bukti



Of course, since Sani is nice to me, I shall welcome his

dasa/bukti/antar with open arms! :-)


Of course, now, Sani is in Aslesha 1st Pada, in Kataka, a watery

sign ruled by watery Chandra. When he moves through Aslesha

Padas 2, 3, and 4, which coincide with the last Drekkan of

Kataka, a Sarpa Drekkan that is also watery, I think that he

will once again cause a watery death to many. May he spare the

innocent, and those who love God and understand dharma!


Rui ji,


<<<I did not know what Diwali meant but I did a search on the

Internet and found out it means New Year>>>


Sorry! The Solar New Year is celebrated when Surya enters

Ashwini. Of course, people foolishly celebrate it and make

merry, not realizing the true meaning - Surya the atma striving

for Moksha by occupying Ketu's star!





Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






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Dear Balaji,


You Wrote:

>>Your comparision between Saturn and Satan is most interesting!<<


Actually it's not my own interpretation but what has been written -

there can be no doubt though that Saturn/Satan are the same word

(according to early/later Greek interpretation). I do think though

that we should not confuse Satan (Saturn), the adversary, with the

Devil whom I'm sure is more akin to worldly, hedonistic Rahu. It's

clear that Saturn afflicts by way of trials and temptations that

lead to penance. Saturn invariably brings us to our knees in

prayer/meditation through adversity...MahaYogi! The Devil on the

other hand is known as the tempter...tempting us away from inner

prayer and fostering a compulsive desire for worldly posessions (or

for whatever he associates with). We all know Rahu's capability to

bestow worldly riches and power (which is invariably lost at the end

of his period)...is this not so?


>>BTW, Wendy ji, I checked out the start of Sani Antar with PC

Jyotish. It correctly gives the date as 5th Nov 2005. So, I

think that I will rely on PC Jyotish in future for Dasa/Bukti



Haydn's Jyotish was the first software I used (still have it here

somewhere) but I have found PL & GJ to be more reliable - PL

particularly with dasas/transits.


>>Of course, now, Sani is in Aslesha 1st Pada, in Kataka, a watery

sign ruled by watery Chandra. When he moves through Aslesha

Padas 2, 3, and 4, which coincide with the last Drekkan of

Kataka, a Sarpa Drekkan that is also watery, I think that he

will once again cause a watery death to many. May he spare the

innocent, and those who love God and understand dharma!<<


We shouldn't fear anything that leads us to the inner self - even

Saturn's portfolia as the custodian of death shouldn't be feared, in

my opinion. People fear death as something that should never happen,

a mistake, a failure. How can that be when every living thing is on

the road to death from the moment of birth. There is no

saint/rishi/avatar (from beginingless time) who has ever escaped

death. My thoughts are that it's more a "waking up" than a "lights

out" :-)


We all quote scripture and meditate in order to attain the

"unbounded awareness of self, to experience the ocean of being"...we

don't fear this! Yet we have such a fear of death? It mystifies me

why we have such a fear of letting go of this worldly existence,

which is filled with pain, suffering, compulsion and fear...fear of

losing a loved one, fear of losing a job, fear of not being loved,

fear of being alone, fear of not being accepted, fear of not

succeeding etc, etc, etc.. Even the rich and famous are filled with

fears. My ex-husband (a multi-millionaire) told me that he was

afraid of what would happen to his wealth/possessions after he died.

Looking after his will (which he changes regularly) gives him

sleepless nights...what if his beneficiaries waste his wealth and

don't take care of his posessions...this troubles him!!??


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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>>It's clear that Saturn afflicts by way of trials and temptations


lead to penance.<<


Actually that would be better expressed by saying that Saturn

afflicts by way of trials a tribulations...Rahu is best described as

the tempter...


(but I'm sure you understood what I meant to say...)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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Dear Mrs. Wendy,


Would you also say Saturn would actually contribute something to your life/soul

with its influence

whereas Rahu would only be a destructive factor in a compulsive way or maybe

also Rahu is good for

the karma process?


I sometimes think Rahu only adds up to our karma debts... Rahu compels us into

doing things we

would otherwise not do unless afflicted by it at times, but during those times

we are actually

causing future karmic harm to ourselves... not sure I express myself clearly,



Kind regards, Rui.


--- Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:


> PS:


> >>It's clear that Saturn afflicts by way of trials and temptations

> >>that

> lead to penance.<<


> Actually that would be better expressed by saying that Saturn

> afflicts by way of trials a tribulations...Rahu is best described as

> the tempter...


> (but I'm sure you understood what I meant to say...)


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________









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Dear Rui,


You Wrote:

>>Would you also say Saturn would actually contribute something to

>>your life/soul with its influence<<




>>whereas Rahu would only be a destructive factor in a compulsive

>>way or maybe also Rahu is good for

the karma process? I sometimes think Rahu only adds up to our karma

debts... Rahu compels us into doing things we

would otherwise not do unless afflicted by it at times, but during

those times we are actually

causing future karmic harm to ourselves... not sure I express myself

clearly, sorry.<<


You've expressed yourself quite well :-)

And you're assumption is quite correct, in my opinion, but let's see

what thoughts other members might have...


Also, as we know, the condition/lordship/associations of these

planets will have a lot to say about their intentions...everyone's

experience is different. No doubt though that Rahu indicates

insatiable desires.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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