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my friends chart - Mrs Wendy ji and Mr Krihsnan ji

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Dear Mrs Wendy,

Thanks again for your analysis, I agree with you. Last night I was thinking of

Saturn ruler of 6th house of job being combust by the Sun - and I think I would

be right to say the Sun is also a karaka for children? So that should be another

indication for a Leo lagna...

I have cast those charts (father and mother death many many times before) and am

always confused. Have cast them again last night and came up with Virgo

Ascendant but then as I was emailing you and Mr Krishnan about it, Leo Leo Leo

would consistently come up on my head and I was so tired I just gave up and did

chart for when the dog died last friday and the Moon (12th ruler) was then on

his lagna...

I will later on send a email with my findings and again many thanks for your


Kind regards, Rui.

PS: I have printed out your table of (http://jyotishvidya.com/houses.htm) and

the other one of the planets and I think they are brilliant, my congratulations

to you. Actually I had printed them long ago last year and even have them at

work and often look at them, so as you can see I have been in touch with basics

for sometime now but still have doubts.


Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

Dear Rui,


You Wrote:

>>Dear Mrs. Wendy, your words are very welcome, also Mercury

>>afflicted by Ketu would then be in the 5th house accounthing for

>>his stomach problems.<<


Mercury afflicted by Ketu? Where did you learn this? It certainly

wasn't from the teaching of Parashara (or other like sages)...sounds

more like SJC teaching to me. Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere does

Parashara give aspects to the Nodes. You must leave this aside, at

least until you know the significations of bhavas/grahas as

intimately as you know yourself...the basics!


Stomach problems, if associated with indigestion, are seen also from

6th house. I have provided all this information on the website for

everyone's benefit...please make use of it.



>>Physically he does look like a Leo because he is slim, lean, has

>>frekles, brown curly hair. He is also a bossy generous person.<<


Consider lagnesh Sun in sign of Mars conjunct Saturn (the lean



>>On the other hand, he has huge blue eyes like a Virgo rising and

>>if he is a Virgo rising<<


Rui please learn the basics. Quality of face (eyes etc) are seen

from 2nd house which (with Leo lagna) is ruled by Virgo...



>>then his Arudha lagna would be Sagitarius with Mercury inside it<<


Techniques such as Arudha lagna will only confuse you

more...concentrate on the basics until you have the chart

rectified - then you can experiment with these other techniques if

you wish.


>>which would make sense because he is a story teller, he likes

>>making up stories and maiking people laugh (i know it can also be



Story telling, oral expression of knowledge, poets etc., is seen

from 2nd house of speech...again this house is ruled by Mercury.


>>Also he is extremelly tidy, which a very virgoan feature.<<


Daily work, personal hygeine, preparation of food and so forth are

seen from 6th house...consider Venus in this house with it's lord

Saturn conjunct lagnesh Sun...and both in nakshatra of Mercury.


>>He works as a care taker in a primary school (Virgo I think?) -

>>Saturn combusting his Sun gives him jobs like that. He also does a

>>lot of painting and that is when he hurts his back. He is a gifted

>>worker but he wears out his fiery energy.<<


He is a caretaker rather than a professional person. Note 10th lord

in 6th house of service (paid work). Note also Venus' dispositorship

of Jupiter, significator of children.


>>He suffered from serious depression during his 20 - 30 and he is

>>still on medication for that.<<


Fourth house, as we know, signifies general happiness and

contentment. Here we have lagnesh Sun conjunct F/M Saturn, the

planet of depression, melancholy etc.. These planets are natural

enemies and when conjunct become bitter enemies.


>>His mother died on 2nd February 2001 and his father died on 8th

>>April 2004. He has a niece he loves like a daughter but she has

>>cerebal palsy.<<


Checking the transits for those dates will help to fine tune the

birth time (I haven't time at the moment, I'm afraid). However, at

the time of his mother's death he was running KE-VE-SA dasa. Ketu's

dispositor (Mars) occupies 3rd house which shows parents

death...Venus is lord of this (3rd house) and his dispositor

(Saturn) is combust in 4th house of mother. Look at father's death

in same way considering transits etc..


>>I thought of Cancer as another possibility because he looks after

>>a lot animals and he has a small farm<<


Consider the significations of 4th house...farms etc are governed by

this house which is occupied by lagna lord and lord of 6th house of



>>also he is a good cook bakes bread, has own appleyard, etc...<<


See above for preparation of food etc..


>>I would really be thankful if we could discuss this and I would

>>provide all data necessary for discussion. It would be very

>>important especially now these bad things are happening to him so

>>I could find a way to help him out...<<


Consider the points I've made and hopefully we can discuss this

further. Look at the transits at time of parents death etc..


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy








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Dear Rui,


I'll have a go at more precise rectification as soon as I have a

little free time (it is rather time consuming I'm afraid). However,

the only way to confirm/adjust time is through dasas/transits at

time of event(s). It's tedious work certainly and can be

tiring...but I'll give it a go as soon as I can. The more events

that can be confirmed the more certain will be the results...so give

me what you can i.e., date of purchasing or moving onto farm, date

of travel, major gains, major losses, major illnesses, changes in

employment...things like that.


The pundits say at least 6 events should be confirmed before one can

be confident of accurate rectification.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"RPM" <rupamede


Wednesday, November 02, 2005 5:40 PM

my friends chart - Mrs Wendy ji and Mr

Krihsnan ji



Dear Mrs Wendy,

Thanks again for your analysis, I agree with you. Last night I was

thinking of Saturn ruler of 6th house of job being combust by the

Sun - and I think I would be right to say the Sun is also a karaka

for children? So that should be another indication for a Leo


I have cast those charts (father and mother death many many times

before) and am always confused. Have cast them again last night and

came up with Virgo Ascendant but then as I was emailing you and Mr

Krishnan about it, Leo Leo Leo would consistently come up on my head

and I was so tired I just gave up and did chart for when the dog

died last friday and the Moon (12th ruler) was then on his lagna...

I will later on send a email with my findings and again many thanks

for your time.

Kind regards, Rui.

PS: I have printed out your table of

(http://jyotishvidya.com/houses.htm) and the other one of the

planets and I think they are brilliant, my congratulations to you.

Actually I had printed them long ago last year and even have them at

work and often look at them, so as you can see I have been in touch

with basics for sometime now but still have doubts.

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Dear Mrs wendy,

It involves lot of nitty,gritty details to adjust the birth time and effect

change in the timing along with details:

"through dasas/transits at time of event(s)."

In case Rui's friend is married and having children,the confirmations become

some what easy as dasas are apprently needed confirmation,

As many instances as possible will give decisive approach


Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

Dear Rui,


I'll have a go at more precise rectification as soon as I have a

little free time (it is rather time consuming I'm afraid). However,

the only way to confirm/adjust time is through dasas/transits at

time of event(s). It's tedious work certainly and can be

tiring...but I'll give it a go as soon as I can. The more events

that can be confirmed the more certain will be the results...so give

me what you can i.e., date of purchasing or moving onto farm, date

of travel, major gains, major losses, major illnesses, changes in

employment...things like that.


The pundits say at least 6 events should be confirmed before one can

be confident of accurate rectification.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"RPM" <rupamede


Wednesday, November 02, 2005 5:40 PM

my friends chart - Mrs Wendy ji and Mr

Krihsnan ji



Dear Mrs Wendy,

Thanks again for your analysis, I agree with you. Last night I was

thinking of Saturn ruler of 6th house of job being combust by the

Sun - and I think I would be right to say the Sun is also a karaka

for children? So that should be another indication for a Leo


I have cast those charts (father and mother death many many times

before) and am always confused. Have cast them again last night and

came up with Virgo Ascendant but then as I was emailing you and Mr

Krishnan about it, Leo Leo Leo would consistently come up on my head

and I was so tired I just gave up and did chart for when the dog

died last friday and the Moon (12th ruler) was then on his lagna...

I will later on send a email with my findings and again many thanks

for your time.

Kind regards, Rui.

PS: I have printed out your table of

(http://jyotishvidya.com/houses.htm) and the other one of the

planets and I think they are brilliant, my congratulations to you.

Actually I had printed them long ago last year and even have them at

work and often look at them, so as you can see I have been in touch

with basics for sometime now but still have doubts.






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Dear Rui,

iam of the opinion that marriage and children of your friend will be more

decisive approach for correction of date of birth along with other

factors.maygive trial and find:'Sun is also a karaka for children' on this

assumtion also.


Some how the incidents indicate that cancer may be considered as moon sign along

with transit of saturn.my prashana lagna is somehow close to this.Any way Iam

intersted in the work being carried out by Mrs Wendy and yourself and know the



RPM <rupamede wrote:

Dear Mrs Wendy,

Thanks again for your analysis, I agree with you. Last night I was thinking of

Saturn ruler of 6th house of job being combust by the Sun - and I think I would

be right to say the Sun is also a karaka for children? So that should be another

indication for a Leo lagna...

I have cast those charts (father and mother death many many times before) and am

always confused. Have cast them again last night and came up with Virgo

Ascendant but then as I was emailing you and Mr Krishnan about it, Leo Leo Leo

would consistently come up on my head and I was so tired I just gave up and did

chart for when the dog died last friday and the Moon (12th ruler) was then on

his lagna...

I will later on send a email with my findings and again many thanks for your


Kind regards, Rui.

PS: I have printed out your table of (http://jyotishvidya.com/houses.htm) and

the other one of the planets and I think they are brilliant, my congratulations

to you. Actually I had printed them long ago last year and even have them at

work and often look at them, so as you can see I have been in touch with basics

for sometime now but still have doubts.


Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

Dear Rui,


You Wrote:

>>Dear Mrs. Wendy, your words are very welcome, also Mercury

>>afflicted by Ketu would then be in the 5th house accounthing for

>>his stomach problems.<<


Mercury afflicted by Ketu? Where did you learn this? It certainly

wasn't from the teaching of Parashara (or other like sages)...sounds

more like SJC teaching to me. Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere does

Parashara give aspects to the Nodes. You must leave this aside, at

least until you know the significations of bhavas/grahas as

intimately as you know yourself...the basics!


Stomach problems, if associated with indigestion, are seen also from

6th house. I have provided all this information on the website for

everyone's benefit...please make use of it.



>>Physically he does look like a Leo because he is slim, lean, has

>>frekles, brown curly hair. He is also a bossy generous person.<<


Consider lagnesh Sun in sign of Mars conjunct Saturn (the lean



>>On the other hand, he has huge blue eyes like a Virgo rising and

>>if he is a Virgo rising<<


Rui please learn the basics. Quality of face (eyes etc) are seen

from 2nd house which (with Leo lagna) is ruled by Virgo...



>>then his Arudha lagna would be Sagitarius with Mercury inside it<<


Techniques such as Arudha lagna will only confuse you

more...concentrate on the basics until you have the chart

rectified - then you can experiment with these other techniques if

you wish.


>>which would make sense because he is a story teller, he likes

>>making up stories and maiking people laugh (i know it can also be



Story telling, oral expression of knowledge, poets etc., is seen

from 2nd house of speech...again this house is ruled by Mercury.


>>Also he is extremelly tidy, which a very virgoan feature.<<


Daily work, personal hygeine, preparation of food and so forth are

seen from 6th house...consider Venus in this house with it's lord

Saturn conjunct lagnesh Sun...and both in nakshatra of Mercury.


>>He works as a care taker in a primary school (Virgo I think?) -

>>Saturn combusting his Sun gives him jobs like that. He also does a

>>lot of painting and that is when he hurts his back. He is a gifted

>>worker but he wears out his fiery energy.<<


He is a caretaker rather than a professional person. Note 10th lord

in 6th house of service (paid work). Note also Venus' dispositorship

of Jupiter, significator of children.


>>He suffered from serious depression during his 20 - 30 and he is

>>still on medication for that.<<


Fourth house, as we know, signifies general happiness and

contentment. Here we have lagnesh Sun conjunct F/M Saturn, the

planet of depression, melancholy etc.. These planets are natural

enemies and when conjunct become bitter enemies.


>>His mother died on 2nd February 2001 and his father died on 8th

>>April 2004. He has a niece he loves like a daughter but she has

>>cerebal palsy.<<


Checking the transits for those dates will help to fine tune the

birth time (I haven't time at the moment, I'm afraid). However, at

the time of his mother's death he was running KE-VE-SA dasa. Ketu's

dispositor (Mars) occupies 3rd house which shows parents

death...Venus is lord of this (3rd house) and his dispositor

(Saturn) is combust in 4th house of mother. Look at father's death

in same way considering transits etc..


>>I thought of Cancer as another possibility because he looks after

>>a lot animals and he has a small farm<<


Consider the significations of 4th house...farms etc are governed by

this house which is occupied by lagna lord and lord of 6th house of



>>also he is a good cook bakes bread, has own appleyard, etc...<<


See above for preparation of food etc..


>>I would really be thankful if we could discuss this and I would

>>provide all data necessary for discussion. It would be very

>>important especially now these bad things are happening to him so

>>I could find a way to help him out...<<


Consider the points I've made and hopefully we can discuss this

further. Look at the transits at time of parents death etc..


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy








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Dear Krishnan,

My friend has never married and has never has had children. He has however a

niece whom he looked after as though she was his daughter. She was born with

cerebral palsy, a Sun in Libra, weak father, always absent father, so my friend,

her uncle, became her true father. She was born on 19th October 1983.

I will gather more important dates later and many many thanks for your interest.

Kind regards, Rui.


vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:

Dear Rui,

iam of the opinion that marriage and children of your friend will be more

decisive approach for correction of date of birth along with other

factors.maygive trial and find:'Sun is also a karaka for children' on this

assumtion also.


Some how the incidents indicate that cancer may be considered as moon sign along

with transit of saturn.my prashana lagna is somehow close to this.Any way Iam

intersted in the work being carried out by Mrs Wendy and yourself and know the



RPM <rupamede wrote:

Dear Mrs Wendy,

Thanks again for your analysis, I agree with you. Last night I was thinking of

Saturn ruler of 6th house of job being combust by the Sun - and I think I would

be right to say the Sun is also a karaka for children? So that should be another

indication for a Leo lagna...

I have cast those charts (father and mother death many many times before) and am

always confused. Have cast them again last night and came up with Virgo

Ascendant but then as I was emailing you and Mr Krishnan about it, Leo Leo Leo

would consistently come up on my head and I was so tired I just gave up and did

chart for when the dog died last friday and the Moon (12th ruler) was then on

his lagna...

I will later on send a email with my findings and again many thanks for your


Kind regards, Rui.

PS: I have printed out your table of (http://jyotishvidya.com/houses.htm) and

the other one of the planets and I think they are brilliant, my congratulations

to you. Actually I had printed them long ago last year and even have them at

work and often look at them, so as you can see I have been in touch with basics

for sometime now but still have doubts.


Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

Dear Rui,


You Wrote:

>>Dear Mrs. Wendy, your words are very welcome, also Mercury

>>afflicted by Ketu would then be in the 5th house accounthing for

>>his stomach problems.<<


Mercury afflicted by Ketu? Where did you learn this? It certainly

wasn't from the teaching of Parashara (or other like sages)...sounds

more like SJC teaching to me. Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere does

Parashara give aspects to the Nodes. You must leave this aside, at

least until you know the significations of bhavas/grahas as

intimately as you know yourself...the basics!


Stomach problems, if associated with indigestion, are seen also from

6th house. I have provided all this information on the website for

everyone's benefit...please make use of it.



>>Physically he does look like a Leo because he is slim, lean, has

>>frekles, brown curly hair. He is also a bossy generous person.<<


Consider lagnesh Sun in sign of Mars conjunct Saturn (the lean



>>On the other hand, he has huge blue eyes like a Virgo rising and

>>if he is a Virgo rising<<


Rui please learn the basics. Quality of face (eyes etc) are seen

from 2nd house which (with Leo lagna) is ruled by Virgo...



>>then his Arudha lagna would be Sagitarius with Mercury inside it<<


Techniques such as Arudha lagna will only confuse you

more...concentrate on the basics until you have the chart

rectified - then you can experiment with these other techniques if

you wish.


>>which would make sense because he is a story teller, he likes

>>making up stories and maiking people laugh (i know it can also be



Story telling, oral expression of knowledge, poets etc., is seen

from 2nd house of speech...again this house is ruled by Mercury.


>>Also he is extremelly tidy, which a very virgoan feature.<<


Daily work, personal hygeine, preparation of food and so forth are

seen from 6th house...consider Venus in this house with it's lord

Saturn conjunct lagnesh Sun...and both in nakshatra of Mercury.


>>He works as a care taker in a primary school (Virgo I think?) -

>>Saturn combusting his Sun gives him jobs like that. He also does a

>>lot of painting and that is when he hurts his back. He is a gifted

>>worker but he wears out his fiery energy.<<


He is a caretaker rather than a professional person. Note 10th lord

in 6th house of service (paid work). Note also Venus' dispositorship

of Jupiter, significator of children.


>>He suffered from serious depression during his 20 - 30 and he is

>>still on medication for that.<<


Fourth house, as we know, signifies general happiness and

contentment. Here we have lagnesh Sun conjunct F/M Saturn, the

planet of depression, melancholy etc.. These planets are natural

enemies and when conjunct become bitter enemies.


>>His mother died on 2nd February 2001 and his father died on 8th

>>April 2004. He has a niece he loves like a daughter but she has

>>cerebal palsy.<<


Checking the transits for those dates will help to fine tune the

birth time (I haven't time at the moment, I'm afraid). However, at

the time of his mother's death he was running KE-VE-SA dasa. Ketu's

dispositor (Mars) occupies 3rd house which shows parents

death...Venus is lord of this (3rd house) and his dispositor

(Saturn) is combust in 4th house of mother. Look at father's death

in same way considering transits etc..


>>I thought of Cancer as another possibility because he looks after

>>a lot animals and he has a small farm<<


Consider the significations of 4th house...farms etc are governed by

this house which is occupied by lagna lord and lord of 6th house of



>>also he is a good cook bakes bread, has own appleyard, etc...<<


See above for preparation of food etc..


>>I would really be thankful if we could discuss this and I would

>>provide all data necessary for discussion. It would be very

>>important especially now these bad things are happening to him so

>>I could find a way to help him out...<<


Consider the points I've made and hopefully we can discuss this

further. Look at the transits at time of parents death etc..


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy








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