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Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate

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Dear members,


How can we download this file.


Vijay Goel



"Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish


Monday, December 05, 2005 12:42 PM

Re: Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate



> Dear Balaji and All,


> The file has been uploaded and I've just downloaded it to my

> desktop. I've only managed to take a quick peek but will definitely

> read it at my leisure later today...just a quick note to let

> everyone know it's in the files section and to comment on the

> illustration...very good :-)


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________


> -

> "Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji

> <jyotish-vidya>

> Monday, December 05, 2005 2:04 PM

> Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate



> Wendy ji,


> I was not able to upload the file "Rahu's Advocate"

> [RAHUSADV.PDF]to the files section. Can you please enable

> permission? Many thanks in advance.



> ~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

> Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

> Editor, The Partial Art of Detection

> ~~~~~~~








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Wendy ji,


I was not able to upload the file "Rahu's Advocate"

[RAHUSADV.PDF]to the files section. Can you please enable

permission? Many thanks in advance.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






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Dear Balaji and All,


The file has been uploaded and I've just downloaded it to my

desktop. I've only managed to take a quick peek but will definitely

read it at my leisure later today...just a quick note to let

everyone know it's in the files section and to comment on the

illustration...very good :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Monday, December 05, 2005 2:04 PM

Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate



Wendy ji,


I was not able to upload the file "Rahu's Advocate"

[RAHUSADV.PDF]to the files section. Can you please enable

permission? Many thanks in advance.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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Wendy ji,


Please read the document when time permits. Regarding the visual

- a good friend of mine did it!


Rahu rules illusions - and there is an illusion buried in the

image! Once you read the full document, you will spot it, I'm

sure! :-)



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






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Dear Balaji,


I'm actually reading it now...slowly, as I'm actually writing some

comments as I go...hope you don't mind?


Don't know if I'll be able to post today...already kitchen duty

calls me away (time to prepare evening meal), but we'll see how it

goes :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Monday, December 05, 2005 4:28 PM

Re: Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate



Wendy ji,


Please read the document when time permits. Regarding the visual

- a good friend of mine did it!


Rahu rules illusions - and there is an illusion buried in the

image! Once you read the full document, you will spot it, I'm

sure! :-)



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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Dear Vijay,


Again, my error. I had the settings wrong, but I've corrected it and

you should be able to download the files now.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Vijay Goel" <goyalvj


Monday, December 05, 2005 2:55 AM

Re: Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate



Dear members,


How can we download this file.


Vijay Goel

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Dear Mrs Wendy,Mr Bala ji and other,

There are Avatara Purushas,Mahatmas and Siddhapurushas.In a way they are

karana janmas.

In the manner they were acclaimed.worshipped and remebered particulaly in

Kaliyuga is a matter of pride for the humanity as a whole.If Kaliyuga has any

relation to Saturn and Saturn is one who really distinguishes good from

bad,today we have the preachings of these illustrous persons.may be they have

gone through the good and bad experiences of their life time.But then the winner

is who could really reach near to humanity.if some body says that this vehicles

to reach to humanity as rahu and lift him to the peak in terms of common

Astrological language probably we are not doing justice.

Today if we scan these men of great jsutice through the palneatry effects,it

can be an interesting story and may be to the non believers of jyotish.believers

of jyotish and who consider the sciences as the science from relics will endorse

equivocally no planet is benifc and no planet is malefic.Also nothing like a

good house and bad house but it is their karmas.these karmas only contributed

for the karna janmas of these maha pusrushas.So all planets in the chart of

these great personalities including lagna are to be remembered and cherishes.we

as advocates of Astrology can only think of advocates nine palnets contributions

that has given us these great personalities.

Shri Balaji's style and depiction as an analysis of these mahampurushas is

very interesting one to read and read.may not be as one relating to the sciences

relating to relics to single out as any one as advocate




Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

Dear Balaji,


I'm actually reading it now...slowly, as I'm actually writing some

comments as I go...hope you don't mind?


Don't know if I'll be able to post today...already kitchen duty

calls me away (time to prepare evening meal), but we'll see how it

goes :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Monday, December 05, 2005 4:28 PM

Re: Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate



Wendy ji,


Please read the document when time permits. Regarding the visual

- a good friend of mine did it!


Rahu rules illusions - and there is an illusion buried in the

image! Once you read the full document, you will spot it, I'm

sure! :-)



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection









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PS: Also, in this chart, 6th lord (domesticated animals) aspects

Ascendant lord Saturn in 9th... Ascendant shows the surroundings at

birth (is this not so?)... he was born in a stable surrounded by





"Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish


Tuesday, December 06, 2005 2:56 PM

Re: Re: Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate



Dear Balaji,


First let me say you're an excellent writer. I'm sure I mentioned

this one time when I was reading your chart, do you remember? You

have 3rd lord Sun in sign of Grt.Fr. in 10th...3rd governs

communication through writing. You also have 4th/5th (kendra &

trikona) lords conjunct in 9th house of publishing.

I'm sure you could find the post in archives...also the post

regarding the dasas/transits at time of your accident. I did have a

quick look, but to no avail...not enough time to spare at the

moment. But, regardless, I'm sure you'd remember anyway.


I had started a commentary but then deleted it as it's really just

going over old ground. I'm sure you know as well as I do that

there's not a spiritual bone in Rahu's hedonistic body. The real

benefits, seen from his insatiable desire, is through the planets

associated with him. In your chart, his influence on 11th lord Mars

gives you the passion to go after (and achieve) your goals in

life...11th governs our hopes & wishes and their fulfilment. Rahu

will spur you on like none other. As for the spiritual inclinations

during his dasa, note his placement in sign of Jupiter (the planet

of religion) whilst his star lord Venus occupies 9th house of

religion etc..


Also, if I might offer my opinion on the dictum Rahu Vat Sani; this

(IMO) relates directly and specifically to co-lordship. Parashara

tells us that during the dasa of Rahu we're to take Aquarius as his

own sign...we then, naturally, when considering 9th house, have to

consider his function in conjunction with Saturn, so, as the dictum

says; Rahu Vat Sani.


At the risk of being contraversial, I do have to question B.V.

Raman's data for chart #4 (Jesus Christ). Theologians agree that Dec

25th is not actually Christ's birthday...just as the day we

celebrate the Queen's birthday (for instance) is not actually her

birthday. I also cannot find any strong evidence in that chart that

supports the life or (importantly) the death of Christ. One clue I

feel is worth looking at is Parashara's statement in Ch.44:



O excellent of Brahmins, if the Sun, being with strength, is in the

3rd house from the ascendant, one will obtain his death due to a

king (or legal punishments).


You might like to look at the chart for Mar 1 0007 (01:21) which,

according to Goravani Jyotish gives Capricorn rising with lagnesh

Sani (conjunct Rahu) in 9th and Sun (conjunct Ketu) in 3rd (Pisces).

Interesting is the conjunction of JU/VE in 4th house; this house is

said to govern graves/graveside and, as we know, both his death by

crucifixion (3rd house) and resurrection from grave (4th house) are

the basic tenets of Christianity. Note also the exchange between

9th/2nd lord in light of his teaching (preaching). According to this

chart, he could have been in dasa of RA-SU-JU at time of

death/resurrection. I don't know how accurate GJ is at calculating

BC charts...perhaps (time permitting) you might like to try on your

software and see what you come up with.


Of course all this is mere speculation as no one really knows when

he was born and I have my doubts if GJ has even calculated this

correctly; but look also, in this chart, at the indications of



*Moksha lord Sun conjunct Ketu.

*12th moksha lord Jupiter (dispositor of Ketu) in 4th (moksha


*Jupiter and Venus both in nakshatra of Ketu.

* Moon, Saturn and Rahu are all in nakshatra of 8th lord Sun.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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