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Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate

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Dear Balaji,


First let me say you're an excellent writer. I'm sure I mentioned

this one time when I was reading your chart, do you remember? You

have 3rd lord Sun in sign of Grt.Fr. in 10th...3rd governs

communication through writing. You also have 4th/5th (kendra &

trikona) lords conjunct in 9th house of publishing.

I'm sure you could find the post in archives...also the post

regarding the dasas/transits at time of your accident. I did have a

quick look, but to no avail...not enough time to spare at the

moment. But, regardless, I'm sure you'd remember anyway.


I had started a commentary but then deleted it as it's really just

going over old ground. I'm sure you know as well as I do that

there's not a spiritual bone in Rahu's hedonistic body. The real

benefits, seen from his insatiable desire, is through the planets

associated with him. In your chart, his influence on 11th lord Mars

gives you the passion to go after (and achieve) your goals in

life...11th governs our hopes & wishes and their fulfilment. Rahu

will spur you on like none other. As for the spiritual inclinations

during his dasa, note his placement in sign of Jupiter (the planet

of religion) whilst his star lord Venus occupies 9th house of

religion etc..


Also, if I might offer my opinion on the dictum Rahu Vat Sani; this

(IMO) relates directly and specifically to co-lordship. Parashara

tells us that during the dasa of Rahu we're to take Aquarius as his

own sign...we then, naturally, when considering 9th house, have to

consider his function in conjunction with Saturn, so, as the dictum

says; Rahu Vat Sani.


At the risk of being contraversial, I do have to question B.V.

Raman's data for chart #4 (Jesus Christ). Theologians agree that Dec

25th is not actually Christ's birthday...just as the day we

celebrate the Queen's birthday (for instance) is not actually her

birthday. I also cannot find any strong evidence in that chart that

supports the life or (importantly) the death of Christ. One clue I

feel is worth looking at is Parashara's statement in Ch.44:



O excellent of Brahmins, if the Sun, being with strength, is in the

3rd house from the ascendant, one will obtain his death due to a

king (or legal punishments).


You might like to look at the chart for Mar 1 0007 (01:21) which,

according to Goravani Jyotish gives Capricorn rising with lagnesh

Sani (conjunct Rahu) in 9th and Sun (conjunct Ketu) in 3rd (Pisces).

Interesting is the conjunction of JU/VE in 4th house; this house is

said to govern graves/graveside and, as we know, both his death by

crucifixion (3rd house) and resurrection from grave (4th house) are

the basic tenets of Christianity. Note also the exchange between

9th/2nd lord in light of his teaching (preaching). According to this

chart, he could have been in dasa of RA-SU-JU at time of

death/resurrection. I don't know how accurate GJ is at calculating

BC charts...perhaps (time permitting) you might like to try on your

software and see what you come up with.


Of course all this is mere speculation as no one really knows when

he was born and I have my doubts if GJ has even calculated this

correctly; but look also, in this chart, at the indications of



*Moksha lord Sun conjunct Ketu.

*12th moksha lord Jupiter (dispositor of Ketu) in 4th (moksha


*Jupiter and Venus both in nakshatra of Ketu.

* Moon, Saturn and Rahu are all in nakshatra of 8th lord Sun.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Monday, December 05, 2005 4:28 PM

Re: Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate



Wendy ji,


Please read the document when time permits. Regarding the visual

- a good friend of mine did it!


Rahu rules illusions - and there is an illusion buried in the

image! Once you read the full document, you will spot it, I'm

sure! :-)



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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Wendy ji,


<<<First let me say you're an excellent writer.>>>


Yes, you have told me this before! :-)


<<<I'm sure you know as well as I do that there's not a

spiritual bone in Rahu's hedonistic body.>>>


I know that Rahu is NOT religious, but is he 100% irreligious?

Doubtful. Of course, he IS quite bad, and this I have mentioned

in my document. For example:


"It is hard to defend Rahu, who is heretic, irreligious, and



"And finally, this document doesn’t seek to show that black is

white by claiming that Rahu is a

good graha. He most definitely is not."


<<< The real benefits, seen from his insatiable desire, is

through the planets associated with him. In your chart, his

influence on 11th lord Mars gives you the passion to go after

(and achieve) your goals in life...11th governs our hopes &

wishes and their fulfilment.>>>


I agree with you. I have an insatiable urge to ensure that this

is my last birth. Is not this desire too born through Rahu,

because of Sani Vad Rahu, and Kumba being Sani's Moolatrikona?

In this case, if I get Moksha by God's grace, will not Rahu be

said to have played SOME part in helping me to attain



<<<Rahu will spur you on like none other. As for the spiritual

inclinations during his dasa, note his placement in sign of

Jupiter (the planet of religion) whilst his star lord Venus

occupies 9th house of religion etc.>>>


In fact, this is one of the things that prompted me to look for

"indirect" connections while analyzing the charts for Rahu's

Advocate. In my own chart, Rahu and Sani are in 6/8 positions,

but Sani is the dispositor of Rahu's dispositor and Rahu's

Nakshatra dispositor. Also, Rahu in Dhanur Rasi, as we have

discussed before, is called "Kodanda Rahu" and can lead to

religion with a twist.


<<<At the risk of being contraversial, I do have to question

B.V. Raman's data for chart #4 (Jesus Christ).>>>


I read in Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" that Christ was born

in March. However, I was determined to stick to only one source,

so I went with Shri BV Raman's book. In fact, this is why I

didn't include the great saint Madhwacharya - his name is not

there in Shri Raman's book.


End of the day, Wendy ji, I'm NOT trying to prove that Rahu is

good - I'm only trying to show that he is not THAT bad, that's all!



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






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Wendy ji,


<<<My apologies if I offended you at all, it was certainly never

my intention.>>>


I cannot accept your apology for the simple reason that I never

felt offended! :-)


You are one of my Jyotish gurus, and it is not right for the

Guru to apologize to the sishya.


Actually, I have learnt a lot from you and followed you - with

some deviations.


For example:


* Both you and me believe in BPHS - but, I also dabble in SBC a

little, without allowing it to affect my BPHS focus.


* Both believe that Rahu and Ketu can't cast aspects. However, I

believe that they can recieve aspects - after all, if a graha

like Sani can affect an empty house by aspecting it, can't they

also colour Rahu and Ketu by aspecting them?


* Both believe that Rahu is evil - you believe him to be 100%

evil, I believe that he is 95% evil, but can be beneficial in 5

% of the cases.


In effect, you and me agree on 90% of the issues, right?


<<<As for your feet being set on the path of moksha, I would

contribute that more to Ketu in lagna whilst his star lord

Jupiter occupies 8th. This placement of Ketu does hold the

promise of moksha (in this life). Like you, I too have Ketu in

lagna, (aspected by 12th moksha lord Jupiter) whilst dispositor

of his star lord occupies 8th.... Like you, I too strive for

moksha :-)>>>


Yes, my Moksha, like yours, will come through Ketu. However, for

me, the initial impetus came from Rahu.


<<<I do believe that, although there may be many obstacles and

setbacks, Rahu, conjunct 12th lord, flames that fire/desire (for

moksha) so that, no matter what the obstacle or how many times I

might slip and fall, that flame will never go out...the desire

will always be there, thanks to Rahu :-)>>>


So, Rahu is helping you too! Doesn't that make him a little

good? :-)


In my case, Rahu is in the star of Sukra, who owns the 12th. So,

this will also flame my desire for attaining Moksha!


I hope that one day, after we have both thrown away our mortal

coils, we can both sit beside God and have an excellent time!



My idea of Moksha is simple - anything that takes me towards Him

is my friend, and anything that takes me away from Him is my



Small pleasures and pains take us towards Him. Great

rise/setbacks can lead us away from Him.


So, I pray for some difficulties and some happy moments, so that

I can always remember Him.


I don't want to become a pauper. Also, I don't want to win a

Nobel prize - both I fear because they can draw me away from



BTW, I also went through the chart of Christ you gave me.


<<<PS: Also, in this chart, 6th lord (domesticated animals)

aspects Ascendant lord Saturn in 9th... Ascendant shows the

surroundings at birth (is this not so?)... he was born in a

stable surrounded by animals.>>>


6th lord Budha is in 6/8 positions with Sani because Budha is in

the 2nd and Sani is in the 9th.


According to two Romanian astronomers Liviu Mircea and Tiberiu

Oproiu, Christ died on Friday, 3rd April, 33 AD.


I had written about this earlier - you can check it out at:




At that time, He was running Surya Dasa - Sukra Bukti - Budha



Surya is in the star of 2nd lord Sani, Sukra occupies Moksha

Karaka Ketu's star and is closely conjunct Moksha Stanadipati

Guru, while Budha occupies the 2nd house, so this is not

completely beyond the realms of the possible. Antar Nathadipati

rules 6th [enemies] and 9th [religion], indicating that death

was due to religious enemies. Also, Antar Nathadipati is in the

star of Guru, who rules 3rd [cause of death] and 12th [secret

enemies] and is posited in the 4th house [graves].


Regarding Moksha - Christ Himself has promised liberation to His

followers, so I feel a little uncomfortable in looking at

matters pertaining to His own Moksha! However, 5th lord Sukra

conjunct 12th lord Guru is suggestive - poorva punya leading to

liberation, with the current incarnation leading to the

fructification of the same. Am I right?




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






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Dear Balaji,


You Wrote:

>>Regarding Moksha - Christ Himself has promised liberation to His

followers, so I feel a little uncomfortable in looking at

matters pertaining to His own Moksha!<<


Yes, I agree! Yet every Christmas the question of his chart

emerges - obviously due to collective consciousness at this time of

year. I had a look at your article and I have a feeling I might have

read it last year, would this be correct?


>>However, 5th lord Sukra conjunct 12th lord Guru is suggestive -

>>poorva punya leading to liberation, with the current incarnation

>>leading to the

fructification of the same. Am I right?<<


Yes, that 4th (moksha) house speaks volumes being occupied by 12th

moksha lord Jupiter (dispositor of 8th moksha lord Sun and

mokshakaraka Ketu) whilst 4th lord aspects lagna...5th/10th lord

Venus in this setting tells us many things.


The mutual aspect of Sun and lagnesh Sani (in each others nakshatra)

brings alive these statements, "I and my Father are ONE" and "If you

know Me you know my Father".


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Wednesday, December 07, 2005 4:51 PM

Re: Wendy ji - Rahu's Advocate



Wendy ji,


<<<My apologies if I offended you at all, it was certainly never

my intention.>>>


I cannot accept your apology for the simple reason that I never

felt offended! :-)


You are one of my Jyotish gurus, and it is not right for the

Guru to apologize to the sishya.


Actually, I have learnt a lot from you and followed you - with

some deviations.


For example:


* Both you and me believe in BPHS - but, I also dabble in SBC a

little, without allowing it to affect my BPHS focus.


* Both believe that Rahu and Ketu can't cast aspects. However, I

believe that they can recieve aspects - after all, if a graha

like Sani can affect an empty house by aspecting it, can't they

also colour Rahu and Ketu by aspecting them?


* Both believe that Rahu is evil - you believe him to be 100%

evil, I believe that he is 95% evil, but can be beneficial in 5

% of the cases.


In effect, you and me agree on 90% of the issues, right?


<<<As for your feet being set on the path of moksha, I would

contribute that more to Ketu in lagna whilst his star lord

Jupiter occupies 8th. This placement of Ketu does hold the

promise of moksha (in this life). Like you, I too have Ketu in

lagna, (aspected by 12th moksha lord Jupiter) whilst dispositor

of his star lord occupies 8th.... Like you, I too strive for

moksha :-)>>>


Yes, my Moksha, like yours, will come through Ketu. However, for

me, the initial impetus came from Rahu.


<<<I do believe that, although there may be many obstacles and

setbacks, Rahu, conjunct 12th lord, flames that fire/desire (for

moksha) so that, no matter what the obstacle or how many times I

might slip and fall, that flame will never go out...the desire

will always be there, thanks to Rahu :-)>>>


So, Rahu is helping you too! Doesn't that make him a little

good? :-)


In my case, Rahu is in the star of Sukra, who owns the 12th. So,

this will also flame my desire for attaining Moksha!


I hope that one day, after we have both thrown away our mortal

coils, we can both sit beside God and have an excellent time!



My idea of Moksha is simple - anything that takes me towards Him

is my friend, and anything that takes me away from Him is my



Small pleasures and pains take us towards Him. Great

rise/setbacks can lead us away from Him.


So, I pray for some difficulties and some happy moments, so that

I can always remember Him.


I don't want to become a pauper. Also, I don't want to win a

Nobel prize - both I fear because they can draw me away from



BTW, I also went through the chart of Christ you gave me.


<<<PS: Also, in this chart, 6th lord (domesticated animals)

aspects Ascendant lord Saturn in 9th... Ascendant shows the

surroundings at birth (is this not so?)... he was born in a

stable surrounded by animals.>>>


6th lord Budha is in 6/8 positions with Sani because Budha is in

the 2nd and Sani is in the 9th.


According to two Romanian astronomers Liviu Mircea and Tiberiu

Oproiu, Christ died on Friday, 3rd April, 33 AD.


I had written about this earlier - you can check it out at:




At that time, He was running Surya Dasa - Sukra Bukti - Budha



Surya is in the star of 2nd lord Sani, Sukra occupies Moksha

Karaka Ketu's star and is closely conjunct Moksha Stanadipati

Guru, while Budha occupies the 2nd house, so this is not

completely beyond the realms of the possible. Antar Nathadipati

rules 6th [enemies] and 9th [religion], indicating that death

was due to religious enemies. Also, Antar Nathadipati is in the

star of Guru, who rules 3rd [cause of death] and 12th [secret

enemies] and is posited in the 4th house [graves].


Regarding Moksha - Christ Himself has promised liberation to His

followers, so I feel a little uncomfortable in looking at

matters pertaining to His own Moksha! However, 5th lord Sukra

conjunct 12th lord Guru is suggestive - poorva punya leading to

liberation, with the current incarnation leading to the

fructification of the same. Am I right?




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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Wendy ji,


<<<I had a look at your article and I have a feeling I might

have read it last year, would this be correct?>>>


You are right, I wrote it quite some time ago.


<<<The mutual aspect of Sun and lagnesh Sani (in each others

nakshatra) brings alive these statements, "I and my Father are

ONE" and "If you know Me you know my Father".>>>


This is interesting! I had never thought of this before!



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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