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Wendy ji - one more point regarding David

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Wendy ji,


On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 you wrote:


<<<My apologies Balaji, I seem to have run out of

steam...feeling a little sluggish, I'm afraid, so will leave

this here for now.>>>


Please pick up this thread later, if possible.


BTW, the above comment appeared just below my comment concerning

Sani and the 3rd house. I recollect you saying once that people

with a strong 3rd house do not believe in fate because this

house deals with initiatives. Could this be one reason why David

doesn't believe in destiny?


Of course, there is one other thing - Sani, all said and done,

is the planet of fate because it brings us to our knees and

teaches us humility. A belief that fate doesn't exist springs

from ego [surya]. Sani, by destroying the ego, can bring us face

to face with fate, especially since it is such a karmik graha.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection






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Dear Balaji,


Picking up the thread here...


You Wrote:

* The lord of the 3rd fortifies the 3rd by occupying it. The 3rd

deals with initiation into spiritual practices. If you give him

the CD with the Navagraha stotrams, he may listen to it and

slowly turn religions.*


I think I've got a better chance of winning the lottery than of

convincing Dave to listen to the Navagraha stotram :-)


* Sani and Kuja can never be called the best of friends, but in

this case, Kuja's moolatrikona falls in the 5th, so his aspects

will be benefic. The mutual aspects between Kuja [Poorva Punya

and Moksha] and Sani [religion] might imply accidents [Kuja]

leading to religious beliefs [sani, Kuja's 5th and 12th house



Because they're in 10/4 position (to each other), Saturn is neutral


Mars and Mars is a temporary friend of Saturn...

A word here regarding Saturn and religion, if I may. It's perfectly

understandable that, with Sani's moolatrikona falling in 9th, you

would associate him (first and foremost) with religion. But this is

not necessarily so for everyone!


Like all grahas, Saturn has two sides to his nature. He can lead one

towards humility, penance and renunciation as surely as he can lead

one to climb the ladder of success through hard work, perseverance

and discipline (sheer determination)... This is David in a nutshell!

He is strong-willed and strongly opinionated that it's one's own

initiative, or lack of it, that determines one's destiny. To David,

'Destiny' (astrology) is a load of rubbish!


As lord of 2/3 Saturn is considered a F/M in his chart, i.e. malefic

to lagna (through lordship) and is also inimical to lagnesh Jupiter

through placement. Saturn's aspect on 5th has made him very strict

and hard on his children. I don't mean to paint a negative picture

of Dave; he's dearly loved and he works hard to support his family.

He's also, in spite of being a strong disciplinarian, not cruel -

not without compassion :-)


Consider the significance of Saturn, lagnesh Jupiter and Sun in

nakshatra of Rahu who occupies 6th house. It's said that Rahu in 6th

denotes one will defeat his enemies and rise above his

competitors...it's also said that the native will have people

working for him (employees). This is so for David!


Again, I'll have to leave this here for now. I still haven't solved

my computer problem and have to reboot frequently (because the

mouse, internet and everything else stops working after awhile).

Trying to do anything is slow and tedious, very frustrating and

tiring. So I'll take a break and give both myself and the computer a

rest for awhile...


Just remind me to get back to this if I forget :-(


* Your son has Ketu in the 12th in both Rasi and Navamsa.


* In Rasi, the lord of the 12th occupies his own house and

strengthens it.*


* Guru, the natural karaka for religion, is aspecting Dasanatha

Chandra, Buktinatha Surya, and Antar Natha Sani.


* While 9th lord Surya is Neecha and apparently (to my

knowledge) doesn't get any Neecha Bhanga, Chandra is Uccha in

Navamsa and occupies the nakshatra of Moksha Karaka Ketu.


* Your son will start Budha Antar from end-Dec, and Budha

occupies the 12th in Rasi, the 9th in Navamsa, and is in the

star of Guru.


* In Jan, your son will start Ketu Antar, and Ketu is strong in

Rasi because his dispositor occupies own house. In Navamsa,

Ketu's dispositor is Uccha in the benefic 5th.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:30 PM

Wendy ji - one more point regarding David



Wendy ji,


On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 you wrote:


<<<My apologies Balaji, I seem to have run out of

steam...feeling a little sluggish, I'm afraid, so will leave

this here for now.>>>


Please pick up this thread later, if possible.


BTW, the above comment appeared just below my comment concerning

Sani and the 3rd house. I recollect you saying once that people

with a strong 3rd house do not believe in fate because this

house deals with initiatives. Could this be one reason why David

doesn't believe in destiny?


Of course, there is one other thing - Sani, all said and done,

is the planet of fate because it brings us to our knees and

teaches us humility. A belief that fate doesn't exist springs

from ego [surya]. Sani, by destroying the ego, can bring us face

to face with fate, especially since it is such a karmik graha.



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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BTW here is his website: http://www.wapainters.com his picture is on

the 'contact' page.



Dear Balaji,


Picking up the thread here...


You Wrote:

* The lord of the 3rd fortifies the 3rd by occupying it. The 3rd

deals with initiation into spiritual practices. If you give him

the CD with the Navagraha stotrams, he may listen to it and

slowly turn religions.*


I think I've got a better chance of winning the lottery than of

convincing Dave to listen to the Navagraha stotram :-)


* Sani and Kuja can never be called the best of friends, but in

this case, Kuja's moolatrikona falls in the 5th, so his aspects

will be benefic. The mutual aspects between Kuja [Poorva Punya

and Moksha] and Sani [religion] might imply accidents [Kuja]

leading to religious beliefs [sani, Kuja's 5th and 12th house



Because they're in 10/4 position (to each other), Saturn is neutral


Mars and Mars is a temporary friend of Saturn...

A word here regarding Saturn and religion, if I may. It's perfectly

understandable that, with Sani's moolatrikona falling in 9th, you

would associate him (first and foremost) with religion. But this is

not necessarily so for everyone!


Like all grahas, Saturn has two sides to his nature. He can lead one

towards humility, penance and renunciation as surely as he can lead

one to climb the ladder of success through hard work, perseverance

and discipline (sheer determination)... This is David in a nutshell!

He is strong-willed and strongly opinionated that it's one's own

initiative, or lack of it, that determines one's destiny. To David,

'Destiny' (astrology) is a load of rubbish!


As lord of 2/3 Saturn is considered a F/M in his chart, i.e. malefic

to lagna (through lordship) and is also inimical to lagnesh Jupiter

through placement. Saturn's aspect on 5th has made him very strict

and hard on his children. I don't mean to paint a negative picture

of Dave; he's dearly loved and he works hard to support his family.

He's also, in spite of being a strong disciplinarian, not cruel -

not without compassion :-)


Consider the significance of Saturn, lagnesh Jupiter and Sun in

nakshatra of Rahu who occupies 6th house. It's said that Rahu in 6th

denotes one will defeat his enemies and rise above his

competitors...it's also said that the native will have people

working for him (employees). This is so for David!


Again, I'll have to leave this here for now. I still haven't solved

my computer problem and have to reboot frequently (because the

mouse, internet and everything else stops working after awhile).

Trying to do anything is slow and tedious, very frustrating and

tiring. So I'll take a break and give both myself and the computer a

rest for awhile...


Just remind me to get back to this if I forget :-(


* Your son has Ketu in the 12th in both Rasi and Navamsa.


* In Rasi, the lord of the 12th occupies his own house and

strengthens it.*


* Guru, the natural karaka for religion, is aspecting Dasanatha

Chandra, Buktinatha Surya, and Antar Natha Sani.


* While 9th lord Surya is Neecha and apparently (to my

knowledge) doesn't get any Neecha Bhanga, Chandra is Uccha in

Navamsa and occupies the nakshatra of Moksha Karaka Ketu.


* Your son will start Budha Antar from end-Dec, and Budha

occupies the 12th in Rasi, the 9th in Navamsa, and is in the

star of Guru.


* In Jan, your son will start Ketu Antar, and Ketu is strong in

Rasi because his dispositor occupies own house. In Navamsa,

Ketu's dispositor is Uccha in the benefic 5th.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:30 PM

Wendy ji - one more point regarding David



Wendy ji,


On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 you wrote:


<<<My apologies Balaji, I seem to have run out of

steam...feeling a little sluggish, I'm afraid, so will leave

this here for now.>>>


Please pick up this thread later, if possible.


BTW, the above comment appeared just below my comment concerning

Sani and the 3rd house. I recollect you saying once that people

with a strong 3rd house do not believe in fate because this

house deals with initiatives. Could this be one reason why David

doesn't believe in destiny?


Of course, there is one other thing - Sani, all said and done,

is the planet of fate because it brings us to our knees and

teaches us humility. A belief that fate doesn't exist springs

from ego [surya]. Sani, by destroying the ego, can bring us face

to face with fate, especially since it is such a karmik graha.



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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Dear Balaji,


Sorry this is taking so long...let's see if we can get finished this

time without me wanting to throw the computer out the door. BTW I'm

going to try one last thing over the weekend. Someone has suggested

that I uninstall broadband completely and then reinstall it afresh.

At this stage I've got nothing to lose so will give it a go this

weekend. Normally Dave helps me out with any computer problems but,

of course, that's not possible at the moment.


Now to the rest of your points...


You Wrote:

* Your son has Ketu in the 12th in both Rasi and Navamsa.*


Yes, this is correct and it's conjunct 12th lord, 9th lord's

dispositor, and lagna lord's dispositor. We also have to consider,

along with the conjunction of moksha lord with mokshakaraka, the

aspect of Jupiter on moksha lord Moon... Jupiter is dispositor of

8th (moksha) lord Moon whilst he (lagnesh Jupiter) also owns 4th

(moksha) house.


None-the-less (it appears to me) that the motives, as seen by 3rd,

are in strong opposition to this, and, as I said previously, this

will cause a lot of conflict. No doubt the desire to escape 'the

world' (and its responsibilities) will surface during the

appropriate sub-periods.


* In Rasi, the lord of the 12th occupies his own house and

strengthens it.*


I know it's a tendency (and I'm certainly guilty of this) to look at

the 12th primarily as the house of moksha and the 5th primarily as

the house of mantra, meditation, religious-mindedness etc.. But

there are other significations to these houses that need to be

considered. The 5th is also the house of romance, love affairs,

pleasure, amusements, speculation and so forth, and we know the

(other) connotations of 12th. I have the advantage here in that I

know Dave very well, he's my son and I love him with all my heart

and soul...but I'm not blind.


He and his spouse have many friends and acquaintances and there's

hardly a week when they don't throw a party and hardly a time when

there's not people at his house. I'm well aware of the clandestine

romances that often rock the relationship between he and his spouse.

So we need to consider again the significance of 5th lord Mars in

own home in 12th. Mars is in constellation of Mercury who is

inimicably placed in this house (as is Venus).


* Guru, the natural karaka for religion, is aspecting Dasanatha

Chandra, Buktinatha Surya, and Antar Natha Sani.*


Yes, and Jupiter's compassion, evident in his nature, has softened

Sani considerably. We also need to consider the aspect of Jupiter on

Sun(father) and Moon(mother). Jupiter is the significator of wealth

as well as knowledge and religion, and 9th house governs opulence as

well as religion. David's father is a millionaire several times

over...note 9th lord Sun in nakshatra of (worldly) Rahu, aspected by

Jupiter. Consider now 8th lord Moon(mother), in nakshatra of Ketu,

aspected by Jupiter.


* While 9th lord Surya is Neecha and apparently (to my

knowledge) doesn't get any Neecha Bhanga, Chandra is Uccha in

Navamsa and occupies the nakshatra of Moksha Karaka Ketu.*


Certainly, during this Moon dasa, his spouse has been a pillar of

support for him.


* Your son will start Budha Antar from end-Dec, and Budha

occupies the 12th in Rasi, the 9th in Navamsa, and is in the

star of Guru.


This tells me that, in spite of the many ups and downs in his

marriage and business, he can find a solution to resolve the

situation...this I have seen many times. Several times he's faced

bankruptcy but always he's found a solution...


* In Jan, your son will start Ketu Antar, and Ketu is strong in

Rasi because his dispositor occupies own house. In Navamsa,

Ketu's dispositor is Uccha in the benefic 5th.


As we know, 5th governs children... Perhaps we can ponder the

significance of 5th lord conjunct Ketu in 12th. David and his spouse

have two children However there is another son from his first

marriage. He lives in London and David hasn't seen him since he was

a tiny baby...he'll be twenty this June.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:57 PM

Re: Wendy ji - one more point regarding




BTW here is his website: http://www.wapainters.com his picture is on

the 'contact' page.



Dear Balaji,


Picking up the thread here...


You Wrote:

* The lord of the 3rd fortifies the 3rd by occupying it. The 3rd

deals with initiation into spiritual practices. If you give him

the CD with the Navagraha stotrams, he may listen to it and

slowly turn religions.*


I think I've got a better chance of winning the lottery than of

convincing Dave to listen to the Navagraha stotram :-)


* Sani and Kuja can never be called the best of friends, but in

this case, Kuja's moolatrikona falls in the 5th, so his aspects

will be benefic. The mutual aspects between Kuja [Poorva Punya

and Moksha] and Sani [religion] might imply accidents [Kuja]

leading to religious beliefs [sani, Kuja's 5th and 12th house



Because they're in 10/4 position (to each other), Saturn is neutral

to Mars and Mars is a temporary friend of Saturn...

A word here regarding Saturn and religion, if I may. It's perfectly

understandable that, with Sani's moolatrikona falling in 9th, you

would associate him (first and foremost) with religion. But this is

not necessarily so for everyone!


Like all grahas, Saturn has two sides to his nature. He can lead one

towards humility, penance and renunciation as surely as he can lead

one to climb the ladder of success through hard work, perseverance

and discipline (sheer determination)... This is David in a nutshell!

He is strong-willed and strongly opinionated that it's one's own

initiative, or lack of it, that determines one's destiny. To David,

'Destiny' (astrology) is a load of rubbish!


As lord of 2/3 Saturn is considered a F/M in his chart, i.e. malefic

to lagna (through lordship) and is also inimical to lagnesh Jupiter

through placement. Saturn's aspect on 5th has made him very strict

and hard on his children. I don't mean to paint a negative picture

of Dave; he's dearly loved and he works hard to support his family.

He's also, in spite of being a strong disciplinarian, not cruel -

not without compassion :-)


Consider the significance of Saturn, lagnesh Jupiter and Sun in

nakshatra of Rahu who occupies 6th house. It's said that Rahu in 6th

denotes one will defeat his enemies and rise above his

competitors...it's also said that the native will have people

working for him (employees). This is so for David!


Again, I'll have to leave this here for now. I still haven't solved

my computer problem and have to reboot frequently (because the

mouse, internet and everything else stops working after awhile).

Trying to do anything is slow and tedious, very frustrating and

tiring. So I'll take a break and give both myself and the computer a

rest for awhile...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:30 PM

Wendy ji - one more point regarding David


Wendy ji,


On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 you wrote:


<<<My apologies Balaji, I seem to have run out of

steam...feeling a little sluggish, I'm afraid, so will leave

this here for now.>>>


Please pick up this thread later, if possible.


BTW, the above comment appeared just below my comment concerning

Sani and the 3rd house. I recollect you saying once that people

with a strong 3rd house do not believe in fate because this

house deals with initiatives. Could this be one reason why David

doesn't believe in destiny?


Of course, there is one other thing - Sani, all said and done,

is the planet of fate because it brings us to our knees and

teaches us humility. A belief that fate doesn't exist springs

from ego [surya]. Sani, by destroying the ego, can bring us face

to face with fate, especially since it is such a karmik graha.



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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