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Wendy ji - Reading of your chart

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Wendy ji,


You have read my chart many times, for which I am eternally

grateful. I have wanted to read your chart too for quite some

time now, but lack of knowledge and time prevented me from doing



However, I have finally managed to have a look at your chart.

The data I used was:


4/Sep/1943; 4:20 PM; Melbourne [37s49; 144e58; 10 East; no DST]


These were the star positions I got:


Lg: Dhan/2

Su: PPha/2

Ch: Swat/1

Bu: Hast/2

Sk: PPha/3

Ku: Rohi/1

Gu: Asle/2

Sa: Mrig/3

Ra: Asle/2

Ke: Srav/4


On the list, you have discussed your health issues before - no

doubt created by presence of Lagnadipati in the 6th, among other

reasons - but I thought that I would restrict myself solely to

studying the religious potential in your chart.


I shall study religion in your chart from Lagna, Chandra Lagna

and Surya Lagna because these together represent the body, mind

and the soul, which form the tripod of life. I shall restrict my

study to the 5th [Poorva Punya], the 9th [Dharma] and the 12th





* The lord of the 5th is placed in the 8th and combust, but it

is in own star and in own Navamsa, and this strengthens it.


* The lord of the 9th is Uccha and in the 9th house.


* The lord of the 12th is Uccha and placed in the star of Uccha

9th lord Budha.




* The lord of the 5th is placed in the 9th and is Uccha in



* The lord of the 9th is Uccha in the 12th.


* The lord of the 12th is Uccha in the 12th.




* The lord of the 5th is Uccha in the 12th.


* The lord of the 9th is in the 10th. This, at first glance, may

not seem to relate directly to religion, but this graha, Kuja,

is placed in the star of 12th lord Chandra, who is in the 3rd

house of spiritual initiation, while his dispositor is conjunct

Atma Karaka Surya in Surya Lagna.


* The 12th is occupied by Uccha Guru, while his dispositor is

placed in the star of Rahu, who will behave like 5th lord Guru,

with whom he is conjunct.




One unique thing about your chart, Wendy ji, is the fact that

the 12th house from all three points of view is always

associated with Ucchatva. From Lagna 12th lord is Uccha, from

Chandra Lagna also the same applies, while the 12th from Surya

Lagna is occupied by Uccha Guru.




The ONLY neecha graha in the chart is Guru [Navamsa], but in

some ways, it could be good.


This is because Guru, apart from religion, also represents

tradition. A very strong Guru in a chart might make a person too

traditional - in effect, such a person might not have the

ability to appreciate diversity in religion. Such people will

hold their own religion to be supreme. On the contrary, Wendy ji

has shown time and again that she fully respects all religions



Guru's conjunction with Rahu is traditionally called "Guru

Chandala Yoga." This is capable of making a person irreligious.

However, in Wendy ji's case, this is nullified because Guru is

Uccha and placed in the star of another Uccha graha.


In fact, Rahu's conjunction with Guru is good because it helps

Wendy ji to learn foreign [Rahu] religions [Rahu in Budha's



Rahu also rules Jyotish - placed in Budha's star, it gives the

ability to excel intellectually in Jyotish. Conjunction with

Guru enables Wendy ji to stick to strict traditions - notice how

Wendy ji always frowns upon attempts to mix Parasara with



Am I right, Wendy ji? Please let me have your comments.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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Dear Balaji and All,


Unfortunately I've not been able to participate on the list this past

week. Hopefully, I can be back at the keyboard (fully) by Monday.


Thank You for your patience :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Wednesday, February 01, 2006 12:22 PM

Wendy ji - Reading of your chart



Wendy ji,


You have read my chart many times, for which I am eternally

grateful. I have wanted to read your chart too for quite some

time now, but lack of knowledge and time prevented me from doing



However, I have finally managed to have a look at your chart.

The data I used was:


4/Sep/1943; 4:20 PM; Melbourne [37s49; 144e58; 10 East; no DST]


These were the star positions I got:


Lg: Dhan/2

Su: PPha/2

Ch: Swat/1

Bu: Hast/2

Sk: PPha/3

Ku: Rohi/1

Gu: Asle/2

Sa: Mrig/3

Ra: Asle/2

Ke: Srav/4


On the list, you have discussed your health issues before - no

doubt created by presence of Lagnadipati in the 6th, among other

reasons - but I thought that I would restrict myself solely to

studying the religious potential in your chart.


I shall study religion in your chart from Lagna, Chandra Lagna

and Surya Lagna because these together represent the body, mind

and the soul, which form the tripod of life. I shall restrict my

study to the 5th [Poorva Punya], the 9th [Dharma] and the 12th





* The lord of the 5th is placed in the 8th and combust, but it

is in own star and in own Navamsa, and this strengthens it.


* The lord of the 9th is Uccha and in the 9th house.


* The lord of the 12th is Uccha and placed in the star of Uccha

9th lord Budha.




* The lord of the 5th is placed in the 9th and is Uccha in



* The lord of the 9th is Uccha in the 12th.


* The lord of the 12th is Uccha in the 12th.




* The lord of the 5th is Uccha in the 12th.


* The lord of the 9th is in the 10th. This, at first glance, may

not seem to relate directly to religion, but this graha, Kuja,

is placed in the star of 12th lord Chandra, who is in the 3rd

house of spiritual initiation, while his dispositor is conjunct

Atma Karaka Surya in Surya Lagna.


* The 12th is occupied by Uccha Guru, while his dispositor is

placed in the star of Rahu, who will behave like 5th lord Guru,

with whom he is conjunct.




One unique thing about your chart, Wendy ji, is the fact that

the 12th house from all three points of view is always

associated with Ucchatva. From Lagna 12th lord is Uccha, from

Chandra Lagna also the same applies, while the 12th from Surya

Lagna is occupied by Uccha Guru.




The ONLY neecha graha in the chart is Guru [Navamsa], but in

some ways, it could be good.


This is because Guru, apart from religion, also represents

tradition. A very strong Guru in a chart might make a person too

traditional - in effect, such a person might not have the

ability to appreciate diversity in religion. Such people will

hold their own religion to be supreme. On the contrary, Wendy ji

has shown time and again that she fully respects all religions



Guru's conjunction with Rahu is traditionally called "Guru

Chandala Yoga." This is capable of making a person irreligious.

However, in Wendy ji's case, this is nullified because Guru is

Uccha and placed in the star of another Uccha graha.


In fact, Rahu's conjunction with Guru is good because it helps

Wendy ji to learn foreign [Rahu] religions [Rahu in Budha's



Rahu also rules Jyotish - placed in Budha's star, it gives the

ability to excel intellectually in Jyotish. Conjunction with

Guru enables Wendy ji to stick to strict traditions - notice how

Wendy ji always frowns upon attempts to mix Parasara with



Am I right, Wendy ji? Please let me have your comments.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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Dear Balaji,


Nice effort Balaji :-)


You Wrote:

//Rahu also rules Jyotish - placed in Budha's star, it gives the

ability to excel intellectually in Jyotish. Conjunction with

Guru enables Wendy ji to stick to strict traditions - notice how

Wendy ji always frowns upon attempts to mix Parasara with



If you scroll down this page http://jyotishvidya.com/nodes.htm (right

hand column) and open the small window "Click Here for More Pictures

of Rahu" you might appreciate a look at Rahu from a Buddhist

perspective...which BTW is totally compatible with the principles of

Jyotish. I think that the strong relationship between Guru, Rahu and

Budha has sponsored the innate desire to investigate jyotish,

religion etc..


Because the same (essential) truth permeates all religions, I find no

contradictions :-))


//Guru's conjunction with Rahu is traditionally called "Guru

Chandala Yoga."//


I agree with those who say Guru-Chandala Yoga is formed when WEAK

Jupiter is conjunct Rahu. Navamsha should also be considered i.e.,

neecha-bhanga yoga, Rahu in trine conjunct kendra lord, and so forth.


//A very strong Guru in a chart might make a person too

traditional - in effect, such a person might not have the

ability to appreciate diversity in religion. Such people will

hold their own religion to be supreme. On the contrary, Wendy ji

has shown time and again that she fully respects all religions



This is probably due more to exalted 9th lord Mercury (giving an

appreciation of all religions...intellectual appreciation) and of

course his strong connection with GU/RA. I do see also how exalted

Jupiter (conjunct Rahu) has given a strong passion to uphold

tradition...but this applies to all religions (and especially to



PS: This time I've had away from the list hasn't been all rest (as

intended). I've also been busy updating the website - now have

Parashara Vol ll online. However, I do plan to be not so active on

the list, taking (at least) a few days every week to enjoy a more

peaceful state of mind :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji


Wednesday, February 01, 2006 12:22 PM

Wendy ji - Reading of your chart



Wendy ji,


You have read my chart many times, for which I am eternally

grateful. I have wanted to read your chart too for quite some

time now, but lack of knowledge and time prevented me from doing



However, I have finally managed to have a look at your chart.

The data I used was:


4/Sep/1943; 4:20 PM; Melbourne [37s49; 144e58; 10 East; no DST]


These were the star positions I got:


Lg: Dhan/2

Su: PPha/2

Ch: Swat/1

Bu: Hast/2

Sk: PPha/3

Ku: Rohi/1

Gu: Asle/2

Sa: Mrig/3

Ra: Asle/2

Ke: Srav/4


On the list, you have discussed your health issues before - no

doubt created by presence of Lagnadipati in the 6th, among other

reasons - but I thought that I would restrict myself solely to

studying the religious potential in your chart.


I shall study religion in your chart from Lagna, Chandra Lagna

and Surya Lagna because these together represent the body, mind

and the soul, which form the tripod of life. I shall restrict my

study to the 5th [Poorva Punya], the 9th [Dharma] and the 12th





* The lord of the 5th is placed in the 8th and combust, but it

is in own star and in own Navamsa, and this strengthens it.


* The lord of the 9th is Uccha and in the 9th house.


* The lord of the 12th is Uccha and placed in the star of Uccha

9th lord Budha.




* The lord of the 5th is placed in the 9th and is Uccha in



* The lord of the 9th is Uccha in the 12th.


* The lord of the 12th is Uccha in the 12th.




* The lord of the 5th is Uccha in the 12th.


* The lord of the 9th is in the 10th. This, at first glance, may

not seem to relate directly to religion, but this graha, Kuja,

is placed in the star of 12th lord Chandra, who is in the 3rd

house of spiritual initiation, while his dispositor is conjunct

Atma Karaka Surya in Surya Lagna.


* The 12th is occupied by Uccha Guru, while his dispositor is

placed in the star of Rahu, who will behave like 5th lord Guru,

with whom he is conjunct.




One unique thing about your chart, Wendy ji, is the fact that

the 12th house from all three points of view is always

associated with Ucchatva. From Lagna 12th lord is Uccha, from

Chandra Lagna also the same applies, while the 12th from Surya

Lagna is occupied by Uccha Guru.




The ONLY neecha graha in the chart is Guru [Navamsa], but in

some ways, it could be good.


This is because Guru, apart from religion, also represents

tradition. A very strong Guru in a chart might make a person too

traditional - in effect, such a person might not have the

ability to appreciate diversity in religion. Such people will

hold their own religion to be supreme. On the contrary, Wendy ji

has shown time and again that she fully respects all religions



Guru's conjunction with Rahu is traditionally called "Guru

Chandala Yoga." This is capable of making a person irreligious.

However, in Wendy ji's case, this is nullified because Guru is

Uccha and placed in the star of another Uccha graha.


In fact, Rahu's conjunction with Guru is good because it helps

Wendy ji to learn foreign [Rahu] religions [Rahu in Budha's



Rahu also rules Jyotish - placed in Budha's star, it gives the

ability to excel intellectually in Jyotish. Conjunction with

Guru enables Wendy ji to stick to strict traditions - notice how

Wendy ji always frowns upon attempts to mix Parasara with



Am I right, Wendy ji? Please let me have your comments.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection


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Wendy ji,


///Dear Balaji,


Nice effort Balaji :-)///


Many thanks! I was quite nervous because I had this fear that I

had not got the issues right! :-)


///I think that the strong relationship between Guru, Rahu and

Budha has sponsored the innate desire to investigate jyotish,

religion etc..///


Very true! Wisdom, intelligence and foreign-ness - all have been

meticulously blended.


///I agree with those who say Guru-Chandala Yoga is formed when

WEAK Jupiter is conjunct Rahu.///


I agree - that is why, I wrote:


///However, in Wendy ji's case, this is nullified because Guru

is Uccha and placed in the star of another Uccha graha.///


Wendy ji - now, can you corelate your chart with your twin's and

tell us where you both are similar, and where you differ?


Also - can we pick out one chart every week and study it? You

choose! We could rely on astrodatabank and use it as a starting point.



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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Dear Balaji,


//Wendy ji - now, can you corelate your chart with your twin's and

tell us where you both are similar, and where you differ?//


I will have a look at Marlene's chart a little later today...


//Also - can we pick out one chart every week and study it? You

choose! We could rely on astrodatabank and use it as a starting



I'm happy to do this :-) You (or anyone) can choose if you

like...just make sure the birth data has a good (reliable) rating,

and that major events are chronicled to assist rectification if



Actually I came across a chart for Osama bin Laden recently. Haven't

had a chance to look at it yet but it might make an interesting study

if we can find sufficient information to correlate our findings. The

data I have is:


Mar 10 1957 (10:58 am)

Jiddah, Saudi Arabia


Apparently this data is from hospital records. Here is the link where

I found the data http://www.isarastrology.com/content/view/47/40/


I haven't gone over the reading, nor looked at this particular chart,

as yet.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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Dear Balaji,


You Wrote:

//Wendy ji - now, can you corelate your chart with your twin's and

tell us where you both are similar, and where you differ?//


As you might assume, with such a difference in birth time and

different lagna, there are more differences than similarities. Of

course Venus is similarly afflicted in both charts and we both suffer

from diabetes. Unlike myself with (later onset) type 2 diabetes,

Marlene has been insulin dependant since around 25/26 yrs of age.

Note Venus, aspecting lagna from 7th, reaches maturity during 25th

year...from then on she's been insulin dependant.


The starting point for any horoscope is the Ascendant as this shows

one's innate nature. We spoke earlier of the relationship between JU,

RA, ME and, with 12th lord Jupiter aspecting lagna from 7th, these

tendencies are imprinted on my nature. JU/RA dasa took me to a

foreign land where I prospered - Marlene has never left her country

of birth! My life revolves around religion/jyotish etc. - Marlene is

not motivated in this way even though she has Moon in 9th whilst 9th

lord aspects lagna.


I must talk about Saturn and his role in regards to adoption. As you

know I have lagnesh Sani in 6th house of step-mother whilst 4th lord

(and Moon's dispositor) Venus, is afflicted in 8th. I was given up

for adoption at the age of four and never saw my mother (or family)

again until 36 yrs later. For some reason my adoptive parents decided

not to take Marlene and she was fostered out to another family

shortly after (never actually adopted)...


Interesting to note that with Venus (lord of 4th and dispositor of

Moon) aspecting lagna from 7th, she lived close enough to the mother

that she was still able to see her (and know her) throughout her life

so, in this way, she was never truly separated as I was. I quickly

forgot my biological family and lived a totally different life.


But I must get back to Saturn and his role in adoption. As fate would

have it, an older sibling died in her late 20's and Marlene adopted

her four children (3 boys and 1 girl). Marlene later had two

daughters of her own...the eldest she called Wendy! Married life for

Marlene was also unusual as the husband of the deceased sister

refused to be separated from his children and Marlene was forced into

a loveless marriage...note the affliction of Venus in 7th house.


Unfortunately, it's not possible to explain the astrological

differences that shaped both our personality and our lives without

telling the story of our lives, and, as you can imagine, I'm not

entirely comfortable with this as I feel the saga of "Wendy's life"

is probably (very much) overdone. The simple fact is that we are

entirely different people with entirely different destiny's.


You might study Jupiter (in Marlene's chart) in relation to

children...exalted in 6th with dispositor Moon in 9th. Consider

Jupiter as lord of 11th (elder sibling) and 2nd house of family - she

was blessed with a ready-made family. It's not difficult to see how

Jupiter (in her chart) differs from 12th moksha lord Jupiter

aspecting lagna (in my chart).


A couple of quick points before I take a break. Two of her adopted

boys died in their late 20's from sudden, unexpected heart attack

(one might have been a bit older, not sure)...can you see this in the



She is an amputee...has lost one leg and the toe of the other (thus

far). Note Ketu in 12th, 12th lord's dispositor in 8th (in nakshatra

of 6th lord). She was also once rescued by helicopter from the

rooftop of her home during floods. Note Mars in 4th in nakshatra of



I'll leave it here for now Balaji...and apologies to everyone for the

long saga.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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