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John Nash

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Dear List,




Another thought on Nash is the fame he's experienced with this, and movie,





My significator book lists Sun and 10th house. These two planets Gandanta,

Moon/Mars, in 10th house.




Another interesting thing I've just found in a second significator book :


Famous: Sun, Venus, Punarvasu, Jyestha




Interestingly, Nash's Rasi ascendant is in Punarvasu, Jupiter's star, and in

Navamsa Jupiter himself is in Punarvasu and with Parivartana with Rasi

Lagnesh Mercury, now conjoined with this Vargottom Moon and Mars. In

Navamsa, again Mars along with this Mercury and Moon are now the only

planets aspecting this Jupiter in Punarvasu. (This Jupiter in Navamsa by

bhava conjoined Rahu, Rahu just barely into Gemini in Sandhi. Rahu in Rasi

chart conjoined extreme Sandhi Sun tightly conjoined along with Lagnesh

Venus in Navamsa chart - while exalted Ketu in 6H is in Jyestha.)




Best wishes,








jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of Patrice Curry

Thursday, February 16, 2006 1:02 PM


RE: John Nash






Dear List,




I'm enjoying so much seeing your comments on John Nash's chart - really

excellent thoughts and study.




Want to add a quick point. I think Nash's expression of this disease and

condition shows in the Gandanta state of his Moon and Mars conjoined. I

think in this particular chart, what Wendy has written below and responding

to your statement Balaji regarding Moon and Mars is important in this chart

especially when we look through the lense of Gandanta. The fact that his

Lagnesh Mercury is in Ardra, and Rahu also exalted in Rohini, Moon's star,

and the only planet in Moon's star, give more hint to this as well. Also the

only aspect onto this Lagna is this tightly conjoined Mars/Moon, which both

are Vargottom and conjoined his Rasi Lagnesh Mercury in Navamsa. Mercury

goes directly into the same star, Revati, here where this Gandanta is taking

place in the Rasi chart, and Moon is Vargottom even in nakshatra. Perhaps

good to note as well, in Navamsa chart Lagnesh Venus, as well as the

Ascendent degree itself are in Mrityu Bhaga degrees.




Can someone post Einstein's birth data as well? Sorry to have lost it all

and I don't have Das' program yet (which is loaded with many famous birth

times) on this newer computer, nor time to search Internet right now.




This brilliance Nash shows goes along exactly with a Gandanta Moon tightly

conjoined Mars, and it's very interesting to read that Mars signifies Math.

That they are in the star of Mercury, his Lagna and yet another signifier of

math and brilliance is very intriguing. This visionary quality that you've

mentioned below Wendy, also is something that is attributed often with the

state of Gandanta, and that it is his Moon, I think this is more so.




There is so much more on this very interesting chart - I hope to get back to

this soon. Thanks for all your very interesting posts.




All Blessings,








jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of Wendy Vasicek

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:24 AM


Re: John Nash




Dear Balaji and All,


You Wrote:

//Math abilities: Budha and Kuja rule math. Lagnadipati Budha is

strongly placed in Lagna, though neecha in Navamsa. Kuja is

Vargotamma, conjunct Vargotamma 2nd lord Chandra [creativity],

and in the star of Budha.//


As I see it, there are several indications for his mathematical

genius. As you say, Mars is a significator for mathematics and so too

is Ketu who, along with 9th lord Saturn is disposited by Mars who

(greatly) influences mind (Moon). Both Mars and Moon are in nakshatra

of Mercury...we're told that the relationship between ME/MO promotes

intelligence. Ketu's link with mathematics is understood through his

abstract nature...bestowing abstract (or visionary) ideas. Note

Einstein's chart with Ketu's dispositor (Moon) in sign of Mars etc,



//Schizophrenia: Chandra is conjunct Kuja, which, apart from

creating Chandra Mangala Yoga, can also lead to mental



I think the affliction is due (primarily) to the functional nature of

Mars in this chart. Mars owns two trishadaya houses (6, 11) with 11th

being his moolatrikona. Of course we're not overlooking the other

implications of these houses; daily work(6th), long-term

desires/gains(11th). But, as we're told, trishadaya lords signify

difficulties and/or disease...conjunct Moon, well his history with

mental illness is undenialble. And (again) we see both 4th lord

Mercury and 5th lord Venus combust 3rd lord Sun...another trishadaya

lord. Both the probability and severity of (any) illness depends on

several factors.


Novice astrologers might look at this chart and conclude that,

because they too have Chandra-Mangala Yoga, they might be in danger

of mental illness. The fact is that many things come together to

determine individual results.


Hope to see some input from other members...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy















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Hi Patrice - question below...


jyotish-vidya, "Patrice Curry"

<patricecurry wrote:


> Dear List,


> I'm enjoying so much seeing your comments on John Nash's chart - really

> excellent thoughts and study.


> Want to add a quick point. I think Nash's expression of this disease and

> condition shows in the Gandanta state of his Moon and Mars conjoined. I

> think in this particular chart, what Wendy has written below and


> to your statement Balaji regarding Moon and Mars is important in

this chart

> especially when we look through the lense of Gandanta. The fact that his

> Lagnesh Mercury is in Ardra, and Rahu also exalted in Rohini, Moon's


> and the only planet in Moon's star, give more hint to this as well.

Also the

> only aspect onto this Lagna is this tightly conjoined Mars/Moon,

which both

> are Vargottom and conjoined his Rasi Lagnesh Mercury in Navamsa. Mercury

> goes directly into the same star, Revati, here where this Gandanta

is taking

> place in the Rasi chart, and Moon is Vargottom even in nakshatra.


> good to note as well, in Navamsa chart Lagnesh Venus, as well as the

> Ascendent degree itself are in Mrityu Bhaga degrees.




> Can someone post Einstein's birth data as well? Sorry to have lost

it all

> and I don't have Das' program yet (which is loaded with many famous


> times) on this newer computer, nor time to search Internet right now.




> This brilliance Nash shows goes along exactly with a Gandanta Moon


> conjoined Mars, and it's very interesting to read that Mars

signifies Math.

> That they are in the star of Mercury, his Lagna and yet another

signifier of

> math and brilliance is very intriguing. This visionary quality that


> mentioned below Wendy, also is something that is attributed often

with the

> state of Gandanta, and that it is his Moon, I think this is more so.



I hadn't heard that gandanta would bring a visionary quality. Can you

say more about that? Like where the idea originates, or what the

reason might be? Any info appreciated :-)


I can only add a trivial observation on Nash's chart, which is that

Mars (mathematics) and Mercury (intellect and logic) have directional

strength, about which Defouw & Svoboda say "The effect of directional

strength (dig bala) on a planet is much the same as the effect of

exaltation". The Moon (emotional mind) has directional weakness.








> There is so much more on this very interesting chart - I hope to get

back to

> this soon. Thanks for all your very interesting posts.




> All Blessings,


> Patrice




> _____


> jyotish-vidya


> On Behalf Of Wendy Vasicek

> Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:24 AM

> jyotish-vidya

> Re: John Nash




> Dear Balaji and All,


> You Wrote:

> //Math abilities: Budha and Kuja rule math. Lagnadipati Budha is

> strongly placed in Lagna, though neecha in Navamsa. Kuja is

> Vargotamma, conjunct Vargotamma 2nd lord Chandra [creativity],

> and in the star of Budha.//


> As I see it, there are several indications for his mathematical

> genius. As you say, Mars is a significator for mathematics and so too

> is Ketu who, along with 9th lord Saturn is disposited by Mars who

> (greatly) influences mind (Moon). Both Mars and Moon are in nakshatra

> of Mercury...we're told that the relationship between ME/MO promotes

> intelligence. Ketu's link with mathematics is understood through his

> abstract nature...bestowing abstract (or visionary) ideas. Note

> Einstein's chart with Ketu's dispositor (Moon) in sign of Mars etc,

> etc..


> //Schizophrenia: Chandra is conjunct Kuja, which, apart from

> creating Chandra Mangala Yoga, can also lead to mental

> disturbances.//


> I think the affliction is due (primarily) to the functional nature of

> Mars in this chart. Mars owns two trishadaya houses (6, 11) with 11th

> being his moolatrikona. Of course we're not overlooking the other

> implications of these houses; daily work(6th), long-term

> desires/gains(11th). But, as we're told, trishadaya lords signify

> difficulties and/or disease...conjunct Moon, well his history with

> mental illness is undenialble. And (again) we see both 4th lord

> Mercury and 5th lord Venus combust 3rd lord Sun...another trishadaya

> lord. Both the probability and severity of (any) illness depends on

> several factors.


> Novice astrologers might look at this chart and conclude that,

> because they too have Chandra-Mangala Yoga, they might be in danger

> of mental illness. The fact is that many things come together to

> determine individual results.


> Hope to see some input from other members...


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________

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Hi Barney,




Don't you love Defouw and Svobada's book, Light on Life. Thanks for this

information regarding directional strength. I should take note of that more





Regarding your question:


Defouw and Svoboda speak of the often auspiciousness for certain spiritual

endeavors that a sandhi position can bring. Gandanta being a "double





In practice I have noticed sometimes this special quality as well in an

individual with a planet in Gandanta, related to the specific planet. Though

from a health standpoint, there are usually problems associated with

Gandanta and I am in complete agreement with the authors that these planets

need strengthening. My main Jyotish study has been with regards to health

issues, and when the Moon is involved I have seen complicated issues related

to Moon and/or depression on other charts. I am still just a student, and

researcher. I have seen though some special aspects to Gandanta and I think

it is important to bring them up for those who may have Gandanta planets and

understand how these planets are special, not only that they are

inauspicious for worldly matters.




In the case of visionary, I think the Moon is the special addition to the

mix of this Gandanta. Being that this is also taking place in Revati,

Pisces, I think this adds to this as well. Perhaps what I wrote is

misleading - forgive my quick writing - I meant that Gandanta itself can

bring special qualities, meaning a unique, special or otherworldly quality

related to the Gandanta planet/planets. In his case it is the Moon and Mars.

I have lost all my old charts and database to refer to and give you

examples. sorry.. I wrote this from my studies with charts.




My significator book lists for Visionaries: Moon, Neptune




All best wishes,






jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of barney3728080

Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:33 PM


Re: John Nash




Hi Patrice - question below...

I hadn't heard that gandanta would bring a visionary quality. Can you

say more about that? Like where the idea originates, or what the

reason might be? Any info appreciated :-)


I can only add a trivial observation on Nash's chart, which is that

Mars (mathematics) and Mercury (intellect and logic) have directional

strength, about which Defouw & Svoboda say "The effect of directional

strength (dig bala) on a planet is much the same as the effect of

exaltation". The Moon (emotional mind) has directional weakness.


























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jyotish-vidya, "Patrice Curry"

<patricecurry wrote:


> Hi Barney,




> Don't you love Defouw and Svobada's book, Light on Life. Thanks for this

> information regarding directional strength. I should take note of

that more

> often.




> Regarding your question:


> Defouw and Svoboda speak of the often auspiciousness for certain


> endeavors that a sandhi position can bring. Gandanta being a "double

> sandhi".




> In practice I have noticed sometimes this special quality as well in an

> individual with a planet in Gandanta, related to the specific

planet. Though

> from a health standpoint, there are usually problems associated with

> Gandanta and I am in complete agreement with the authors that these


> need strengthening. My main Jyotish study has been with regards to


> issues, and when the Moon is involved I have seen complicated issues


> to Moon and/or depression on other charts. I am still just a

student, and

> researcher. I have seen though some special aspects to Gandanta and

I think

> it is important to bring them up for those who may have Gandanta

planets and

> understand how these planets are special, not only that they are

> inauspicious for worldly matters.




> In the case of visionary, I think the Moon is the special addition

to the

> mix of this Gandanta. Being that this is also taking place in Revati,

> Pisces, I think this adds to this as well. Perhaps what I wrote is

> misleading - forgive my quick writing - I meant that Gandanta itself can

> bring special qualities, meaning a unique, special or otherworldly


> related to the Gandanta planet/planets. In his case it is the Moon

and Mars.

> I have lost all my old charts and database to refer to and give you

> examples. sorry.. I wrote this from my studies with charts.




> My significator book lists for Visionaries: Moon, Neptune




> All best wishes,


> Patrice



Thanks Patrice. Now that you remind me I do remember Defouw and

Svoboda saying something about the spiritual nature of sandhis.

I guess a visionary considers non-mundane matters, and non-mundane

matters are kind of spiritual. I think I need to go and re-read

their books :-)


Thanks again



> _____


> jyotish-vidya


> On Behalf Of barney3728080

> Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:33 PM

> jyotish-vidya

> Re: John Nash




> Hi Patrice - question below...

> I hadn't heard that gandanta would bring a visionary quality. Can you

> say more about that? Like where the idea originates, or what the

> reason might be? Any info appreciated :-)


> I can only add a trivial observation on Nash's chart, which is that

> Mars (mathematics) and Mercury (intellect and logic) have directional

> strength, about which Defouw & Svoboda say "The effect of directional

> strength (dig bala) on a planet is much the same as the effect of

> exaltation". The Moon (emotional mind) has directional weakness.


> regards

> Barney



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[Wendy ji]


///However the solitary occupation of a weak or debilitated

Mercury is another matter, don't you agree?///


Yes! But, Budha, when neecha, will cause trouble regaqrding the

houses he owns - irrespective of whether he is alone or not.


[Neena ji]


///i have also gone through the birth details of some other

schizophrenics where Mercury is not alone.///


I have seen the chart of one schizophernic - Chandra in Magha,

while Sani conjuncts Ketu and aspects said Chandra, who is in

6/8 positions with Guru.


///A weak fabric will give way due to stress applied to it at

the point of weakness.///


Yes! But, is not Chandra more important, as karaka for mind as

opposed to intelligence? Remember, Purusha Suktam says

"Chandrama Manaso Jatahah" - the moon sprang from His mind!


[Patrice ji]


///I think Nash's expression of this disease and condition shows

in the Gandanta state of his Moon and Mars conjoined.///


Nakshatra Gandantha always occurs between stars of Budha - Ketu

--Aslesha/Magha, Jyeshta/Moola, Revati/Ashwini. This is very

interesting with respect to mental diseases - Budha and Ketu

signifying abstract intelligence together.


///Can someone post Einstein's birth data as well?///


Astrodatabank gives this data with "AA" rating:


March 14, 1879; 11:30 AM; Ulm, Germany [48 N 24 / 10 E 00]



Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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Dear Balaji,


Patrice has brought up a very valid reason for the weakness of the

Moon... its close conjunction with malefic Mars and its placement in


You are right,

moon rules the mind and so does Mercury.

Mercury also rules intelligence and if it is weak it can cloud the

mind and thinking. Do you think this explains the paranoid

schizophrenia that Nash suffered from? He could hear voices and was

unable to focus on Mathematics. This condition struck him at the age

of 30 or nearabout.


There may be other factors to leading to the condition.




-- In jyotish-vidya, Balaji Narasimhan

<sherlockbalaji wrote:


> [Wendy ji]


> ///However the solitary occupation of a weak or debilitated

> Mercury is another matter, don't you agree?///


> Yes! But, Budha, when neecha, will cause trouble regaqrding the

> houses he owns - irrespective of whether he is alone or not.


> [Neena ji]


> ///i have also gone through the birth details of some other

> schizophrenics where Mercury is not alone.///


> I have seen the chart of one schizophernic - Chandra in Magha,

> while Sani conjuncts Ketu and aspects said Chandra, who is in

> 6/8 positions with Guru.


> ///A weak fabric will give way due to stress applied to it at

> the point of weakness.///


> Yes! But, is not Chandra more important, as karaka for mind as

> opposed to intelligence? Remember, Purusha Suktam says

> "Chandrama Manaso Jatahah" - the moon sprang from His mind!


> [Patrice ji]


> ///I think Nash's expression of this disease and condition shows

> in the Gandanta state of his Moon and Mars conjoined.///


> Nakshatra Gandantha always occurs between stars of Budha - Ketu

> --Aslesha/Magha, Jyeshta/Moola, Revati/Ashwini. This is very

> interesting with respect to mental diseases - Budha and Ketu

> signifying abstract intelligence together.


> ///Can someone post Einstein's birth data as well?///


> Astrodatabank gives this data with "AA" rating:


> March 14, 1879; 11:30 AM; Ulm, Germany [48 N 24 / 10 E 00]


> ~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

> Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

> Editor, The Partial Art of Detection

> ~~~~~~~







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