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osteoporosis and astrology - medical astrology

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Hi all


I want to analyse a medical problem known as

"osteoporosis" astrologically.


Osteoporosis is the silent disease that makes bones

prone to fracture.In this, bones become fragile and

more likely to break. If not prevented or if left

untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until

a bone breaks.


It is proved that women are four times more likely

than men to develop the disease.


astrologically, Sun is related to bones.


Can we think of something else astrologically

responsible for this disease.Apart from taking

medicines, what can be done astrologically to prevent

this disease. i do not have birth details of the

person wrt to whom i m asking this question.


If the person performs surya namaskar everyday, will

it help in some way.


pls note that person is female in this case.












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It has been my experience that 'saturn' rules the 'bones'. Of course, a

strongly placed sun determines the vitality of the individual,...but saturn has

alot to do with osteoporosis from the many charts that I have analysed





angel <angelgoel wrote:

Hi all


I want to analyse a medical problem known as

"osteoporosis" astrologically.


Osteoporosis is the silent disease that makes bones

prone to fracture.In this, bones become fragile and

more likely to break. If not prevented or if left

untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until

a bone breaks.


It is proved that women are four times more likely

than men to develop the disease.


astrologically, Sun is related to bones.


Can we think of something else astrologically

responsible for this disease.Apart from taking

medicines, what can be done astrologically to prevent

this disease. i do not have birth details of the

person wrt to whom i m asking this question.


If the person performs surya namaskar everyday, will

it help in some way.


pls note that person is female in this case.

























Georgette Young, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M.

Board Certified in Oriental Medicine




858-212-4004 San Diego, CA

480-612-1104 Carefree, AZ


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 3314

Carefree, AZ 85377






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Dear Angel, Georgette and All,


The seven bodily tissues (sapta dhatus) that form the building blocks

for all bodily structures are (from Sun to Saturn) Bones, Blood,

Marrow, Skin, Semen and Muscles.


This is established in Ayurveda and also spoken of by Parashara; CH

3. 31.


The simplest remedy by far is adequate exposure to Sun, i.e. 15-20

mins per day (at least). This simple knowledge has been passed down

from mothers for many generations (folk lore). However today, with so

many spending their days (sunlight hours), in shops, offices and

factories, the incidence of osteoporosis has risen dramatically. Even

those who stay at home are spending more and more time indoors in

front of computers, television and play stations (popular with the

young). Human kind seems to more and more separate from the natural

world and we suffer accordingly. Folk lore also speaks of the benefit

gained from taking a leisurely stroll under the moonlight.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Georgette" <georgetteyoung


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:38 PM

Re: osteoporosis and astrology - medical




It has been my experience that 'saturn' rules the 'bones'. Of

course, a strongly placed sun determines the vitality of the

individual,...but saturn has alot to do with osteoporosis from the

many charts that I have analysed medically.




angel <angelgoel wrote:

Hi all


I want to analyse a medical problem known as

"osteoporosis" astrologically.


Osteoporosis is the silent disease that makes bones

prone to fracture.In this, bones become fragile and

more likely to break. If not prevented or if left

untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until

a bone breaks.


It is proved that women are four times more likely

than men to develop the disease.


astrologically, Sun is related to bones.


Can we think of something else astrologically

responsible for this disease.Apart from taking

medicines, what can be done astrologically to prevent

this disease. i do not have birth details of the

person wrt to whom i m asking this question.


If the person performs surya namaskar everyday, will

it help in some way.


pls note that person is female in this case.




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dear wendy ji,Georgette ji and all others


thanks for your input on this matter.





--- Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:


> Dear Angel, Georgette and All,


> The seven bodily tissues (sapta dhatus) that form

> the building blocks

> for all bodily structures are (from Sun to Saturn)

> Bones, Blood,

> Marrow, Skin, Semen and Muscles.


> This is established in Ayurveda and also spoken of

> by Parashara; CH

> 3. 31.


> The simplest remedy by far is adequate exposure to

> Sun, i.e. 15-20

> mins per day (at least). This simple knowledge has

> been passed down

> from mothers for many generations (folk lore).

> However today, with so

> many spending their days (sunlight hours), in shops,

> offices and

> factories, the incidence of osteoporosis has risen

> dramatically. Even

> those who stay at home are spending more and more

> time indoors in

> front of computers, television and play stations

> (popular with the

> young). Human kind seems to more and more separate

> from the natural

> world and we suffer accordingly. Folk lore also

> speaks of the benefit

> gained from taking a leisurely stroll under the

> moonlight.


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________


> -

> "Georgette" <georgetteyoung

> <jyotish-vidya>

> Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:38 PM

> Re: osteoporosis and

> astrology - medical

> astrology



> It has been my experience that 'saturn' rules the

> 'bones'. Of

> course, a strongly placed sun determines the

> vitality of the

> individual,...but saturn has alot to do with

> osteoporosis from the

> many charts that I have analysed medically.


> georgette


> angel <angelgoel wrote:

> Hi all


> I want to analyse a medical problem known as

> "osteoporosis" astrologically.


> Osteoporosis is the silent disease that makes bones

> prone to fracture.In this, bones become fragile and

> more likely to break. If not prevented or if left

> untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly

> until

> a bone breaks.


> It is proved that women are four times more likely

> than men to develop the disease.


> astrologically, Sun is related to bones.


> Can we think of something else astrologically

> responsible for this disease.Apart from taking

> medicines, what can be done astrologically to

> prevent

> this disease. i do not have birth details of the

> person wrt to whom i m asking this question.


> If the person performs surya namaskar everyday, will

> it help in some way.


> pls note that person is female in this case.


> thanks

> angel





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> jyotish-vidya












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To All,


If I may add my 2 cents from experience.


I am female.

I have Saturn in the first house Virgo.

I have Sun in the eleventh house Cancer.

I have Rahu in the sixth house Aquarius

I have Lagnesh Lord Mercury in the twelfth house Leo.


I grew up in a very Sun oriented household. In other words, not one

of my siblings or I were allowed to sleep in on days off from school

or stay put in front of the TV or any other indoor pursuit.


WE were all booted out of bed at a very precise time every morning

or were self-up and going and doing and being everyday. Outside

actions in the Sun were a must and way of life. Healthy too to burn

off a lot of excess children's energy in a healthy matter rather

than fighting like cats and dogs inside or driving my mother up a

wall. There were six of us in 7 1/2 yrs.


I spent walking the golf course in Junior Golf league and then adult

league from the time I was 10 through 32 years old. I loved the Sun

and the warm days and walking the green fairways in a wooded

surrounding. To me it was a peaceful retreat from the world and

self-invigorating to my physical body as well as spiritually,

whether I was on the course alone practicing or in competition. I

even loved the practicing putting green and then the pleasure of

showering in the clubhouse and relaxing on the veranda.


Therefore, I cannot from my perspective blame the Sun's placement or

the Saturn in lst or even Rahu in sixth as the culprit. I have seen

these kinds of placements in other charts to know that not one of

them have bone problems.


HOWEVER, having Saturn conj Asc with Lagnesh Mercury in twelfth Leo

ruled by Sun - now there is a plausibility. And, a reality to my

own experience.


Since I was a young child, I complained of bone and back pain. It

was thought at the time to be just growing pains. When I was eleven

yrs old, I was in ballet (which I just adored) and it was my ballet

teacher who eventually phoned my mother and asked her to take me to

the orthopedic doctor because I could not stand up straight in his

class. Nor could I keep my balance like other dancers.


It was found that I had what they presumed at the time in 1962 to be

an idiopathic scoliosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine. Even

though the S curve was at more than a 20 degree curve with a twisted

sideways construction along with a congenital fused 5th lumbar

intravertabrae - a spinal brace and surgery was not recommended to

stop the curvature or support the spine, because the orthopedic

doctor felt from the spine x-rays that I only had one more inch of

growth to achieve. It was determined though, that the congenital

intravertebrae fusion was the cause of me not walking until I was

almost 16 months old.


I loved dancing (all kinds) too, but had to give it up in Junior

year of H.S. because my bones could not take the stress of

practicing or performing any longer.


Through the years, I suffered greatly and having children only

complicated the curvature. In fact, for other reasons, there was a

almost nine year difference in my children's ages and in the

interval I was advised by a top spinal surgeon not to have any more

children. Well guess what. I got pregnant.


By the time my youngest child turned 5yrs old, I was 39yrs old. By

then it was determined that I had Adult scoliosis with congenital

arthritic changes probably due to an autoimmune disease. I had

major Spinal surgery for a continual curvature to my spine. The

idea was to stop the curve and support the spine. By now, the curve

in the thoracic spine was affecting my heart and lungs. I was

measuring more than 50 degrees at the lower lumbar region, 30 plus

degrees at the thoracic level and 17 degrees up into my skull. It

was a single posterior surgical procedure of 16 hours. I was fused

with instrumentation from my lower wingspan down to L4, which is the

lower part of the spine just before the L5 where most if not all of

the flexibility in ones movement stems from. During surgery, my

spine proved to be in worse shape than even the latest technology of

Spine CT's and MRI's could show.


To continue this saga a little longer to get my point across - I was

in a three-year recovery plan. The first 15 months I was incased in

a plastic fiberglass torso body cast. At 30 months, I had to have

surgery again because not only did the instrument (rods) fail and

break at the L3/4, but it was found in surgery that one of the main

pedicle screws where the rods broke was imbedded in the spine where

it could not be removed - along with finding I had fractured

bilaterally at the thoracic level, behind the rods, two vertebrae

because of thinning and porous bones.


This time, all the rods came out and then I was refused where the

fractures were, then re-rodded for support from my upper wingspan

down to L4. I not only wore a torso plastic fiber cast for 17

months but also for 8 months wore an additional electric stimulation

vest over my cast to stimulate bone healing.


21/2 yrs later, I was back in surgery for a lamenectomy and

disectomy at L5/S1, which is located in the lower lumbar area for

flexibility and entering into the sacral area. It was right

underneath my rods and previous fusions. Within 4 weeks, I was back

in the hospital on emergency with Bacterial Spinal meningitis from

the spinal surgery, which had punctured the inner spinal column

where spinal fluid was leaking and causing the meningitis.


Now, in the meantime, the rest of my body was bone wise

deteriorating. I had bone surgeries twice on my foot, tailbone and

additional teeth surgery ( Wisdom - imbedded and impacted) along

with a lot of arthritic changes in my knees, wrists, ankles and

neck. By the time 1997 came around through 1999 after spending more

hours than I care to try and add up in the dental chair since I was

20 years old, I had nine dental implants surgically placed with a

bite change to lessen the TMJ and arthritic degeneration in my jaw

joints, along with having every single one of my teeth root canalled

(those that had not been done before) along with reshaping and

capping every single tooth in my mouth. In 1999 CT scans showed

severe osteoarthritis throughout my whole body. Today, I have severe

osteoporosis in my upper thoracic area (Above the rods and fusion)

into my neck and upper arms due to continual bone thinning. I also

have pain in my shinbones and forearms due to thinning and porous



There is not much one can due when osteoporosis takes it hold or

osteoarthritis either. There are calcium and other minerals to help

keep the bones as healthy as possible, but there is nothing that

prevents the disintegration once it starts. Surgery helps support

fractures but there are a slew of downs sides to spinal bone surgery

with instrumentation. Nothing is perfect or last forever. Bone

surgeries of the spine are temporary fixes at best where multiple

revision surgeries are often needed with their many complications,

long recoveries and severe pain..


I have needed two Revision surgeries since 2000. I have turned the

complicated procedures down as of date. The reason. The rest of my

health would not support these two surgeries or its 3/4 year

recovery - that is if the surgeries did not fail (which is a high

risk) where Degenerative Disk Disease is prevalent and surgery is

required to fused down to the tail bone for stenosis and arthritic



I have included my birth data below for those who would want to

compare this chart for its chronic health problems and bone disease

that has been with me since I was born.


I would say that some things are fated. But, it is how we manage the

fatedness that can be altered to give some relief and comfort – no

matter how small or minor. However, chronic illnesses and bone

diseases with their chronic pain are one kind of suffering reflected

in the body where there are other kinds of suffering that I cannot

even imagine experiencing.


Ruler Sun of the Twelfth Leo with Lagnesh Mercury placed there,

along with Saturn conj Asc in Virgo sure is a negative culprit if

not the cause of decline on the body of a person. I would include

the skeleton structure of the body, being bones.


Of course, as usual, I stand corrected if I am incorrect and would

appreciate being enlightened otherwise. If nothing else, It makes

for good chart study – of course in its own due time and schedule

for group study!


As Always,


Uttara :-)



10:14am (CDT)

Chicago, Illinois USA


Virgo Asc: 3*

Saturn in lagna 5*

Lagnesh ruler in twelfth house Leo/Sun


jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish



> Dear Angel, Georgette and All,


> The seven bodily tissues (sapta dhatus) that form the building


> for all bodily structures are (from Sun to Saturn) Bones, Blood,

> Marrow, Skin, Semen and Muscles.


> This is established in Ayurveda and also spoken of by Parashara;


> 3. 31.


> The simplest remedy by far is adequate exposure to Sun, i.e. 15-20

> mins per day (at least). This simple knowledge has been passed


> from mothers for many generations (folk lore). However today, with


> many spending their days (sunlight hours), in shops, offices and

> factories, the incidence of osteoporosis has risen dramatically.


> those who stay at home are spending more and more time indoors in

> front of computers, television and play stations (popular with the

> young). Human kind seems to more and more separate from the


> world and we suffer accordingly. Folk lore also speaks of the


> gained from taking a leisurely stroll under the moonlight.


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________


> -

> "Georgette" <georgetteyoung

> <jyotish-vidya>

> Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:38 PM

> Re: osteoporosis and astrology - medical

> astrology



> It has been my experience that 'saturn' rules the 'bones'. Of

> course, a strongly placed sun determines the vitality of the

> individual,...but saturn has alot to do with osteoporosis from the

> many charts that I have analysed medically.


> georgette


> angel <angelgoel wrote:

> Hi all


> I want to analyse a medical problem known as

> "osteoporosis" astrologically.


> Osteoporosis is the silent disease that makes bones

> prone to fracture.In this, bones become fragile and

> more likely to break. If not prevented or if left

> untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until

> a bone breaks.


> It is proved that women are four times more likely

> than men to develop the disease.


> astrologically, Sun is related to bones.


> Can we think of something else astrologically

> responsible for this disease.Apart from taking

> medicines, what can be done astrologically to prevent

> this disease. i do not have birth details of the

> person wrt to whom i m asking this question.


> If the person performs surya namaskar everyday, will

> it help in some way.


> pls note that person is female in this case.


> thanks

> angel


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Dear Uttara,


//Therefore, I cannot from my perspective blame the Sun's placement


the Saturn in lst or even Rahu in sixth as the culprit. I have seen

these kinds of placements in other charts to know that not one of

them have bone problems.

HOWEVER, having Saturn conj Asc with Lagnesh Mercury in twelfth Leo

ruled by Sun - now there is a plausibility. And, a reality to my

own experience.//


Your (particular) health problems are not difficult to understand

with 6th lord Saturn in lagna occupying nakshatra of Sun whilst Sun,

dispositor of lagna lord, occupies nakshatra of Saturn etc..


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"muttaraphalguni" <muttaraphalguni


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:38 PM

Re: osteoporosis and astrology - medical




To All,


If I may add my 2 cents from experience.


I am female.

I have Saturn in the first house Virgo.

I have Sun in the eleventh house Cancer.

I have Rahu in the sixth house Aquarius

I have Lagnesh Lord Mercury in the twelfth house Leo.


I grew up in a very Sun oriented household. In other words, not one

of my siblings or I were allowed to sleep in on days off from school

or stay put in front of the TV or any other indoor pursuit.


WE were all booted out of bed at a very precise time every morning

or were self-up and going and doing and being everyday. Outside

actions in the Sun were a must and way of life. Healthy too to burn

off a lot of excess children's energy in a healthy matter rather

than fighting like cats and dogs inside or driving my mother up a

wall. There were six of us in 7 1/2 yrs.


I spent walking the golf course in Junior Golf league and then adult

league from the time I was 10 through 32 years old. I loved the Sun

and the warm days and walking the green fairways in a wooded

surrounding. To me it was a peaceful retreat from the world and

self-invigorating to my physical body as well as spiritually,

whether I was on the course alone practicing or in competition. I

even loved the practicing putting green and then the pleasure of

showering in the clubhouse and relaxing on the veranda.


Therefore, I cannot from my perspective blame the Sun's placement or

the Saturn in lst or even Rahu in sixth as the culprit. I have seen

these kinds of placements in other charts to know that not one of

them have bone problems.


HOWEVER, having Saturn conj Asc with Lagnesh Mercury in twelfth Leo

ruled by Sun - now there is a plausibility. And, a reality to my

own experience.


Since I was a young child, I complained of bone and back pain. It

was thought at the time to be just growing pains. When I was eleven

yrs old, I was in ballet (which I just adored) and it was my ballet

teacher who eventually phoned my mother and asked her to take me to

the orthopedic doctor because I could not stand up straight in his

class. Nor could I keep my balance like other dancers.


It was found that I had what they presumed at the time in 1962 to be

an idiopathic scoliosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine. Even

though the S curve was at more than a 20 degree curve with a twisted

sideways construction along with a congenital fused 5th lumbar

intravertabrae - a spinal brace and surgery was not recommended to

stop the curvature or support the spine, because the orthopedic

doctor felt from the spine x-rays that I only had one more inch of

growth to achieve. It was determined though, that the congenital

intravertebrae fusion was the cause of me not walking until I was

almost 16 months old.


I loved dancing (all kinds) too, but had to give it up in Junior

year of H.S. because my bones could not take the stress of

practicing or performing any longer.


Through the years, I suffered greatly and having children only

complicated the curvature. In fact, for other reasons, there was a

almost nine year difference in my children's ages and in the

interval I was advised by a top spinal surgeon not to have any more

children. Well guess what. I got pregnant.


By the time my youngest child turned 5yrs old, I was 39yrs old. By

then it was determined that I had Adult scoliosis with congenital

arthritic changes probably due to an autoimmune disease. I had

major Spinal surgery for a continual curvature to my spine. The

idea was to stop the curve and support the spine. By now, the curve

in the thoracic spine was affecting my heart and lungs. I was

measuring more than 50 degrees at the lower lumbar region, 30 plus

degrees at the thoracic level and 17 degrees up into my skull. It

was a single posterior surgical procedure of 16 hours. I was fused

with instrumentation from my lower wingspan down to L4, which is the

lower part of the spine just before the L5 where most if not all of

the flexibility in ones movement stems from. During surgery, my

spine proved to be in worse shape than even the latest technology of

Spine CT's and MRI's could show.


To continue this saga a little longer to get my point across - I was

in a three-year recovery plan. The first 15 months I was incased in

a plastic fiberglass torso body cast. At 30 months, I had to have

surgery again because not only did the instrument (rods) fail and

break at the L3/4, but it was found in surgery that one of the main

pedicle screws where the rods broke was imbedded in the spine where

it could not be removed - along with finding I had fractured

bilaterally at the thoracic level, behind the rods, two vertebrae

because of thinning and porous bones.


This time, all the rods came out and then I was refused where the

fractures were, then re-rodded for support from my upper wingspan

down to L4. I not only wore a torso plastic fiber cast for 17

months but also for 8 months wore an additional electric stimulation

vest over my cast to stimulate bone healing.


21/2 yrs later, I was back in surgery for a lamenectomy and

disectomy at L5/S1, which is located in the lower lumbar area for

flexibility and entering into the sacral area. It was right

underneath my rods and previous fusions. Within 4 weeks, I was back

in the hospital on emergency with Bacterial Spinal meningitis from

the spinal surgery, which had punctured the inner spinal column

where spinal fluid was leaking and causing the meningitis.


Now, in the meantime, the rest of my body was bone wise

deteriorating. I had bone surgeries twice on my foot, tailbone and

additional teeth surgery ( Wisdom - imbedded and impacted) along

with a lot of arthritic changes in my knees, wrists, ankles and

neck. By the time 1997 came around through 1999 after spending more

hours than I care to try and add up in the dental chair since I was

20 years old, I had nine dental implants surgically placed with a

bite change to lessen the TMJ and arthritic degeneration in my jaw

joints, along with having every single one of my teeth root canalled

(those that had not been done before) along with reshaping and

capping every single tooth in my mouth. In 1999 CT scans showed

severe osteoarthritis throughout my whole body. Today, I have severe

osteoporosis in my upper thoracic area (Above the rods and fusion)

into my neck and upper arms due to continual bone thinning. I also

have pain in my shinbones and forearms due to thinning and porous



There is not much one can due when osteoporosis takes it hold or

osteoarthritis either. There are calcium and other minerals to help

keep the bones as healthy as possible, but there is nothing that

prevents the disintegration once it starts. Surgery helps support

fractures but there are a slew of downs sides to spinal bone surgery

with instrumentation. Nothing is perfect or last forever. Bone

surgeries of the spine are temporary fixes at best where multiple

revision surgeries are often needed with their many complications,

long recoveries and severe pain..


I have needed two Revision surgeries since 2000. I have turned the

complicated procedures down as of date. The reason. The rest of my

health would not support these two surgeries or its 3/4 year

recovery - that is if the surgeries did not fail (which is a high

risk) where Degenerative Disk Disease is prevalent and surgery is

required to fused down to the tail bone for stenosis and arthritic



I have included my birth data below for those who would want to

compare this chart for its chronic health problems and bone disease

that has been with me since I was born.


I would say that some things are fated. But, it is how we manage the

fatedness that can be altered to give some relief and comfort - no

matter how small or minor. However, chronic illnesses and bone

diseases with their chronic pain are one kind of suffering reflected

in the body where there are other kinds of suffering that I cannot

even imagine experiencing.


Ruler Sun of the Twelfth Leo with Lagnesh Mercury placed there,

along with Saturn conj Asc in Virgo sure is a negative culprit if

not the cause of decline on the body of a person. I would include

the skeleton structure of the body, being bones.


Of course, as usual, I stand corrected if I am incorrect and would

appreciate being enlightened otherwise. If nothing else, It makes

for good chart study - of course in its own due time and schedule

for group study!


As Always,


Uttara :-)



10:14am (CDT)

Chicago, Illinois USA


Virgo Asc: 3*

Saturn in lagna 5*

Lagnesh ruler in twelfth house Leo/Sun

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Gad Wendy, your good and as always prove to be a learned jyotish.

I forgot the nakshatras as you so correctly and wisely pointed out

in a few short sentences. Of course, I opened my Nakshatra book to

its beginning where I have everything marked for quick access and

there it was - if the book were alive it would have bitten me :-)


Amazing!! I need to create multiple copies of a check list to have

near by, always. Missing details in a chart can really make huge

errors. Close but not close enough to be dead on center shows

sloppy work or incompetence.


Thanks for your input. I'm still shaking my head that I forgot.


That's why Jyotish-Vidya is so good!!


Uttara :-)


p.s. I am awake but need to be away from my desk til later.


Thanks too Wendy, for being patient and reading through the long

explanation/story. Along with your assessment, I hope it helps

others in some way to better understand the causes of health



Happy Valentines Day, everyone!!!


jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish



> Dear Uttara,


> //Therefore, I cannot from my perspective blame the Sun's


> or

> the Saturn in lst or even Rahu in sixth as the culprit. I have


> these kinds of placements in other charts to know that not one of

> them have bone problems.

> HOWEVER, having Saturn conj Asc with Lagnesh Mercury in twelfth Leo

> ruled by Sun - now there is a plausibility. And, a reality to my

> own experience.//


> Your (particular) health problems are not difficult to understand

> with 6th lord Saturn in lagna occupying nakshatra of Sun whilst


> dispositor of lagna lord, occupies nakshatra of Saturn etc..


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________


> -

> "muttaraphalguni" <muttaraphalguni

> <jyotish-vidya>

> Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:38 PM

> Re: osteoporosis and astrology - medical

> astrology



> To All,


> If I may add my 2 cents from experience.


> I am female.

> I have Saturn in the first house Virgo.

> I have Sun in the eleventh house Cancer.

> I have Rahu in the sixth house Aquarius

> I have Lagnesh Lord Mercury in the twelfth house Leo.


> I grew up in a very Sun oriented household. In other words, not


> of my siblings or I were allowed to sleep in on days off from


> or stay put in front of the TV or any other indoor pursuit.


> WE were all booted out of bed at a very precise time every morning

> or were self-up and going and doing and being everyday. Outside

> actions in the Sun were a must and way of life. Healthy too to


> off a lot of excess children's energy in a healthy matter rather

> than fighting like cats and dogs inside or driving my mother up a

> wall. There were six of us in 7 1/2 yrs.


> I spent walking the golf course in Junior Golf league and then


> league from the time I was 10 through 32 years old. I loved the Sun

> and the warm days and walking the green fairways in a wooded

> surrounding. To me it was a peaceful retreat from the world and

> self-invigorating to my physical body as well as spiritually,

> whether I was on the course alone practicing or in competition. I

> even loved the practicing putting green and then the pleasure of

> showering in the clubhouse and relaxing on the veranda.


> Therefore, I cannot from my perspective blame the Sun's placement


> the Saturn in lst or even Rahu in sixth as the culprit. I have


> these kinds of placements in other charts to know that not one of

> them have bone problems.


> HOWEVER, having Saturn conj Asc with Lagnesh Mercury in twelfth Leo

> ruled by Sun - now there is a plausibility. And, a reality to my

> own experience.


> Since I was a young child, I complained of bone and back pain. It

> was thought at the time to be just growing pains. When I was


> yrs old, I was in ballet (which I just adored) and it was my ballet

> teacher who eventually phoned my mother and asked her to take me to

> the orthopedic doctor because I could not stand up straight in his

> class. Nor could I keep my balance like other dancers.


> It was found that I had what they presumed at the time in 1962 to


> an idiopathic scoliosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine. Even

> though the S curve was at more than a 20 degree curve with a


> sideways construction along with a congenital fused 5th lumbar

> intravertabrae - a spinal brace and surgery was not recommended


> stop the curvature or support the spine, because the orthopedic

> doctor felt from the spine x-rays that I only had one more inch of

> growth to achieve. It was determined though, that the congenital

> intravertebrae fusion was the cause of me not walking until I was

> almost 16 months old.


> I loved dancing (all kinds) too, but had to give it up in Junior

> year of H.S. because my bones could not take the stress of

> practicing or performing any longer.


> Through the years, I suffered greatly and having children only

> complicated the curvature. In fact, for other reasons, there was a

> almost nine year difference in my children's ages and in the

> interval I was advised by a top spinal surgeon not to have any more

> children. Well guess what. I got pregnant.


> By the time my youngest child turned 5yrs old, I was 39yrs old. By

> then it was determined that I had Adult scoliosis with congenital

> arthritic changes probably due to an autoimmune disease. I had

> major Spinal surgery for a continual curvature to my spine. The

> idea was to stop the curve and support the spine. By now, the


> in the thoracic spine was affecting my heart and lungs. I was

> measuring more than 50 degrees at the lower lumbar region, 30 plus

> degrees at the thoracic level and 17 degrees up into my skull. It

> was a single posterior surgical procedure of 16 hours. I was fused

> with instrumentation from my lower wingspan down to L4, which is


> lower part of the spine just before the L5 where most if not all of

> the flexibility in ones movement stems from. During surgery, my

> spine proved to be in worse shape than even the latest technology


> Spine CT's and MRI's could show.


> To continue this saga a little longer to get my point across - I


> in a three-year recovery plan. The first 15 months I was incased


> a plastic fiberglass torso body cast. At 30 months, I had to have

> surgery again because not only did the instrument (rods) fail and

> break at the L3/4, but it was found in surgery that one of the main

> pedicle screws where the rods broke was imbedded in the spine where

> it could not be removed - along with finding I had fractured

> bilaterally at the thoracic level, behind the rods, two vertebrae

> because of thinning and porous bones.


> This time, all the rods came out and then I was refused where the

> fractures were, then re-rodded for support from my upper wingspan

> down to L4. I not only wore a torso plastic fiber cast for 17

> months but also for 8 months wore an additional electric


> vest over my cast to stimulate bone healing.


> 21/2 yrs later, I was back in surgery for a lamenectomy and

> disectomy at L5/S1, which is located in the lower lumbar area for

> flexibility and entering into the sacral area. It was right

> underneath my rods and previous fusions. Within 4 weeks, I was


> in the hospital on emergency with Bacterial Spinal meningitis from

> the spinal surgery, which had punctured the inner spinal column

> where spinal fluid was leaking and causing the meningitis.


> Now, in the meantime, the rest of my body was bone wise

> deteriorating. I had bone surgeries twice on my foot, tailbone and

> additional teeth surgery ( Wisdom - imbedded and impacted) along

> with a lot of arthritic changes in my knees, wrists, ankles and

> neck. By the time 1997 came around through 1999 after spending


> hours than I care to try and add up in the dental chair since I was

> 20 years old, I had nine dental implants surgically placed with a

> bite change to lessen the TMJ and arthritic degeneration in my jaw

> joints, along with having every single one of my teeth root


> (those that had not been done before) along with reshaping and

> capping every single tooth in my mouth. In 1999 CT scans showed

> severe osteoarthritis throughout my whole body. Today, I have


> osteoporosis in my upper thoracic area (Above the rods and fusion)

> into my neck and upper arms due to continual bone thinning. I also

> have pain in my shinbones and forearms due to thinning and porous

> bones.


> There is not much one can due when osteoporosis takes it hold or

> osteoarthritis either. There are calcium and other minerals to


> keep the bones as healthy as possible, but there is nothing that

> prevents the disintegration once it starts. Surgery helps support

> fractures but there are a slew of downs sides to spinal bone


> with instrumentation. Nothing is perfect or last forever. Bone

> surgeries of the spine are temporary fixes at best where multiple

> revision surgeries are often needed with their many complications,

> long recoveries and severe pain..


> I have needed two Revision surgeries since 2000. I have turned the

> complicated procedures down as of date. The reason. The rest of


> health would not support these two surgeries or its 3/4 year

> recovery - that is if the surgeries did not fail (which is a high

> risk) where Degenerative Disk Disease is prevalent and surgery is

> required to fused down to the tail bone for stenosis and arthritic

> changes.


> I have included my birth data below for those who would want to

> compare this chart for its chronic health problems and bone disease

> that has been with me since I was born.


> I would say that some things are fated. But, it is how we manage


> fatedness that can be altered to give some relief and comfort - no

> matter how small or minor. However, chronic illnesses and bone

> diseases with their chronic pain are one kind of suffering


> in the body where there are other kinds of suffering that I cannot

> even imagine experiencing.


> Ruler Sun of the Twelfth Leo with Lagnesh Mercury placed there,

> along with Saturn conj Asc in Virgo sure is a negative culprit if

> not the cause of decline on the body of a person. I would include

> the skeleton structure of the body, being bones.


> Of course, as usual, I stand corrected if I am incorrect and would

> appreciate being enlightened otherwise. If nothing else, It makes

> for good chart study - of course in its own due time and schedule

> for group study!


> As Always,


> Uttara :-)


> 7/28/1951

> 10:14am (CDT)

> Chicago, Illinois USA


> Virgo Asc: 3*

> Saturn in lagna 5*

> Lagnesh ruler in twelfth house Leo/Sun


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