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Week 5 Study Group?

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To All,


I put up a suggestion for Study Group week 5.


"Mercury on the Mind"


There is a link to the subject that Neena provided in the database

of the JV forum. If anyone is so inclined to tackle this subject and

select a name or two from the database tables to use as a comparison

study, or other, it should make for an interesting week's



I want to thank all those that have responded in the last twelve

hours to my request for futher prayers needed for my mother's

welfare. It is very kind and generous of you and I am very



Because I will be at the hospital for the better part of the week

(130 mile round trip) I will not be contributing in this week's

study group. However, I will try and read the emails to keep up. I

will also try to keep up with the database input when I have a

chance and will answer any questions when I have a moment.


Every one have a good week


As Always,



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Dear Uttara and All,


As I'm sure you've noticed I'm not finding it easy to get my teeth

into any of the study charts at the moment. The mind, fully in accord

with Venus PD, is feeling rather lethargic I'm afraid - have to get

the whip out to do anything at all these days. I can only ask you all

to bear with me until this passes and I'm feeling more mentally



On the subject of mental illness (depression etc), there was mention

on T.V. recently of the late Sir Winston Churchill and his battle

against depression. I did a search and came up with the following



Winston Churchill

Nov 30 1874 (01:38)

Woodstock, England


I don't know how authentic this T.O.B. is. However the conjunction of

lagnesh Mercury and Ketu (Ketu being Moon's nakshatra lord) and the

aspect of F/M Saturn certainly speaks of the tendency towards

depression. This same Saturn aspecting 1st/10th lord Mercury (from

5th) is indicative of leadership qualities. 5th, I believe, governs

politicians, ruling powers, authority etc..


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"muttaraphalguni" <muttaraphalguni


Monday, March 13, 2006 10:45 PM

Week 5 Study Group?



To All,


I put up a suggestion for Study Group week 5.


"Mercury on the Mind"


There is a link to the subject that Neena provided in the database

of the JV forum. If anyone is so inclined to tackle this subject and

select a name or two from the database tables to use as a comparison

study, or other, it should make for an interesting week's



I want to thank all those that have responded in the last twelve

hours to my request for futher prayers needed for my mother's

welfare. It is very kind and generous of you and I am very



Because I will be at the hospital for the better part of the week

(130 mile round trip) I will not be contributing in this week's

study group. However, I will try and read the emails to keep up. I

will also try to keep up with the database input when I have a

chance and will answer any questions when I have a moment.


Every one have a good week


As Always,



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Dear Wendy,


As we all know, you have had a lot to deal with lately. I hope that all is


down a bit for you. But, as a mother and love one, I know that it is diificult

to put our innate role of Nurturing aside.


I was hoping that maybe soon, if not before, you may want to share with JV how

David is mending. I am, as I am sure, like for many others that have kept him

and you and your family close to our hearts in prayer would like to know how he

is faring.


I hope my request is not beyond privacy or self indulgence.


We all at JV hold you and your personal difficulties and worries in the

highest regarded.


Might I also inquire how Marlene is doing, recently.


Uttara :-)

Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

Dear Uttara and All,


As I'm sure you've noticed I'm not finding it easy to get my teeth

into any of the study charts at the moment. The mind, fully in accord

with Venus PD, is feeling rather lethargic I'm afraid - have to get

the whip out to do anything at all these days. I can only ask you all

to bear with me until this passes and I'm feeling more mentally



On the subject of mental illness (depression etc), there was mention

on T.V. recently of the late Sir Winston Churchill and his battle

against depression. I did a search and came up with the following



Winston Churchill

Nov 30 1874 (01:38)

Woodstock, England


I don't know how authentic this T.O.B. is. However the conjunction of

lagnesh Mercury and Ketu (Ketu being Moon's nakshatra lord) and the

aspect of F/M Saturn certainly speaks of the tendency towards

depression. This same Saturn aspecting 1st/10th lord Mercury (from

5th) is indicative of leadership qualities. 5th, I believe, governs

politicians, ruling powers, authority etc..


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"muttaraphalguni" <muttaraphalguni


Monday, March 13, 2006 10:45 PM

Week 5 Study Group?



To All,


I put up a suggestion for Study Group week 5.


"Mercury on the Mind"


There is a link to the subject that Neena provided in the database

of the JV forum. If anyone is so inclined to tackle this subject and

select a name or two from the database tables to use as a comparison

study, or other, it should make for an interesting week's



I want to thank all those that have responded in the last twelve

hours to my request for futher prayers needed for my mother's

welfare. It is very kind and generous of you and I am very



Because I will be at the hospital for the better part of the week

(130 mile round trip) I will not be contributing in this week's

study group. However, I will try and read the emails to keep up. I

will also try to keep up with the database input when I have a

chance and will answer any questions when I have a moment.


Every one have a good week


As Always,







Vedic astrology Personal reading Astrology chart Astrology






Visit your group "jyotish-vidya" on the web.












"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us......As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by

Marianne Williamson






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Dear Uttara,


//As we all know, you have had a lot to deal with lately.//


I've ALWAYS got a lot to deal with...one crisis is quickly followed

by the next, and the next (infinitum it seems). The plus side of this

is that one learns to "take it as it comes". I think it can be hard

(under normal circumstances) to adopt a proper attitude of

detachment. However, for me, detachment has been a natural

consequence of the difficulties of life... Saturn, the hard task

master, can also be our greatest teacher once we truly surrender to

the inevitable fruits of our karma. Fate can be such that we have no

choice BUT to surrender (completely) to the Will of God. As Jyotisha

we're truly blessed to be able to see the Will of God (as written in

our horoscope). How can we complain about anything when we've been so



//I was hoping that maybe soon, if not before, you may want to share

with JV how David is mending. I am, as I am sure, like for many

others that have kept him and you and your family close to our hearts

in prayer would like to know how he is faring.//


David has made a good recovery. Commenced his Mars dasa a few days

ago and rather hectic work-wise at the moment. Our State (WA) is

experiencing a building boom at the moment and he's having to pick up

the brush himself as he can't find enough workers...dasa lord Mars

transiting 6th house at commencement of dasa.


//Might I also inquire how Marlene is doing, recently.//


I spoke to Marlene earlier today - only briefly as she's still having

difficulty breathing and I didn't want to tire her out. She's been

moved to a ward now (out of intensive care) and if all goes well

she'll be ready to go home in a couple of weeks - she still needs a

lot of care.


I did ask her what (if anything) she could remember about the

comatose state she was in for so long. She said she did remember

opening her eyes a couple of times and wondering why everyone was

crying by her bedside - she thought that was rather strange. Of

course she knows now why everyone was so upset.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Uttara" <muttaraphalguni


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 4:31 PM

Re: Week 5 Study Group?



Dear Wendy,


As we all know, you have had a lot to deal with lately. I hope

that all is settling

down a bit for you. But, as a mother and love one, I know that it is

diificult to put our innate role of Nurturing aside.


I was hoping that maybe soon, if not before, you may want to share

with JV how David is mending. I am, as I am sure, like for many

others that have kept him and you and your family close to our hearts

in prayer would like to know how he is faring.


I hope my request is not beyond privacy or self indulgence.


We all at JV hold you and your personal difficulties and worries in

the highest regarded.


Might I also inquire how Marlene is doing, recently.


Uttara :-)

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Dear Wendy,


Your note is such great news to receive. Although, I comprehend the gravity

of it all, the deep concern and the reality. Also its personal toll on you.


It is also, a wonderful philosophical lesson to letter intellectually the

importance of detachment for the destiny of one, but, ever so important, that as

emotional involvement with love ones tugs at our hearts at such a deep level

that it never seems to justify rational. Although we know better in the every

day life of life. Whether we are of a professional medical crowd or jyotish.


I am particularly delighted to hear of the recent news of David. Isn't it

remarkable to hear of ones recovery from such physical trauma a few months ago.

I hope his work does not get the better of him.


All my best not only to you, but to each and every one of your family. Please

do pass on my well wishes and thoughts.






Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

Dear Uttara,


//As we all know, you have had a lot to deal with lately.//


I've ALWAYS got a lot to deal with...one crisis is quickly followed

by the next, and the next (infinitum it seems). The plus side of this

is that one learns to "take it as it comes". I think it can be hard

(under normal circumstances) to adopt a proper attitude of

detachment. However, for me, detachment has been a natural

consequence of the difficulties of life... Saturn, the hard task

master, can also be our greatest teacher once we truly surrender to

the inevitable fruits of our karma. Fate can be such that we have no

choice BUT to surrender (completely) to the Will of God. As Jyotisha

we're truly blessed to be able to see the Will of God (as written in

our horoscope). How can we complain about anything when we've been so



//I was hoping that maybe soon, if not before, you may want to share

with JV how David is mending. I am, as I am sure, like for many

others that have kept him and you and your family close to our hearts

in prayer would like to know how he is faring.//


David has made a good recovery. Commenced his Mars dasa a few days

ago and rather hectic work-wise at the moment. Our State (WA) is

experiencing a building boom at the moment and he's having to pick up

the brush himself as he can't find enough workers...dasa lord Mars

transiting 6th house at commencement of dasa.


//Might I also inquire how Marlene is doing, recently.//


I spoke to Marlene earlier today - only briefly as she's still having

difficulty breathing and I didn't want to tire her out. She's been

moved to a ward now (out of intensive care) and if all goes well

she'll be ready to go home in a couple of weeks - she still needs a

lot of care.


I did ask her what (if anything) she could remember about the

comatose state she was in for so long. She said she did remember

opening her eyes a couple of times and wondering why everyone was

crying by her bedside - she thought that was rather strange. Of

course she knows now why everyone was so upset.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Uttara" <muttaraphalguni


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 4:31 PM

Re: Week 5 Study Group?



Dear Wendy,


As we all know, you have had a lot to deal with lately. I hope

that all is settling

down a bit for you. But, as a mother and love one, I know that it is

diificult to put our innate role of Nurturing aside.


I was hoping that maybe soon, if not before, you may want to share

with JV how David is mending. I am, as I am sure, like for many

others that have kept him and you and your family close to our hearts

in prayer would like to know how he is faring.


I hope my request is not beyond privacy or self indulgence.


We all at JV hold you and your personal difficulties and worries in

the highest regarded.


Might I also inquire how Marlene is doing, recently.


Uttara :-)





Vedic astrology Personal reading Astrology chart Astrology






Visit your group "jyotish-vidya" on the web.












"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us......As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by

Marianne Williamson





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Hi Wendy, comments below...


"Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish wrote:


> Dear Uttara and All,


> As I'm sure you've noticed I'm not finding it easy to get my teeth

> into any of the study charts at the moment. The mind, fully in accord

> with Venus PD, is feeling rather lethargic I'm afraid - have to get

> the whip out to do anything at all these days. I can only ask you all

> to bear with me until this passes and I'm feeling more mentally

> alert.


> On the subject of mental illness (depression etc), there was mention

> on T.V. recently of the late Sir Winston Churchill and his battle

> against depression. I did a search and came up with the following

> data:


> Winston Churchill

> Nov 30 1874 (01:38)

> Woodstock, England


> I don't know how authentic this T.O.B. is.


He was born into a wealthy family, so they probably kept good records.

Unfortunately they don't give the T.O.B. at



> However the conjunction of

> lagnesh Mercury and Ketu (Ketu being Moon's nakshatra lord) and the

> aspect of F/M Saturn certainly speaks of the tendency towards

> depression. This same Saturn aspecting 1st/10th lord Mercury (from

> 5th) is indicative of leadership qualities. 5th, I believe, governs

> politicians, ruling powers, authority etc..



I wonder if it's worth drawing a distinction between depression and

other mental illnesses? Depression without any cause, I would think,

is most likely shown by an affliction to the moon (emotions,

feelings). Other mental illnesses are a failure of rationality, eg,

schizophrenia can involve hearing voices, and not knowing that those

voices are not real. This, I would think, is more likely shown by an

affliction of Mercury (intellect, discrimination, logic). Someone

with a strong moon might still suffer depression as a side effect of

some other problem. For example, schizophrenia could ruin one's life

to such an extent that it could also cause depression, but in that

case I'd expect to find an afflicted Mercury, and not necessarily an

afflicted moon. An analogy of the cause and effect thing might be in

illness and confinement. If someone is ill enough to be confined in

hospital, you expect to see the illness in the chart, not the



Another thing about Churchill was he drank a *huge* amount of alcohol,

and is known as one of England's greatest drinkers. Did he drink

because he was depressed, or was he depressed because he drank? Was

he really depressed, or was it just occasional hangovers? I think a

clue in this is that he referred to his depressed times as Black Dog

Days, which I assume means they were isolated days rather than long

periods (of course, I could be wrong). So, I wouldn't be looking too

hard for afflictions of Mercury or Moon in his chart. I agree that

Mercury is conjunct Ketu and aspected by Saturn, but not that closely

by either case. An indication in his chart of his alcohol consumption

might be more useful. Anyone know what this might be?


What do others think? Are there any mental health professionals here

with an opinion?



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Dear Barney,


A search on Zodiacal Zephyr brings up two birth times:

1) source 'Church of Light' 01:30

2) source 'Old Moore's Almanac 01:39


Here is the link... http://miva.zodiacal.com/hunt.mv (just type in

Churchill -Politician)


Both times give Virgo lagna BTW.


Churchill's penchant for whisky is well-documented - not surprising

with 11th lord Moon in 12th etc.. His bouts of depression are also

well-documented. Every one can suffer depression from time-to-time

but for Churchill (I believe) this was an ongoing demon he battled

with and, as such, can definitely be classed as a mental disorder.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"barney3728080" <barney3728080


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:38 AM

Re: Week 5 Study Group?



Hi Wendy, comments below...


He was born into a wealthy family, so they probably kept good


Unfortunately they don't give the T.O.B. at



I wonder if it's worth drawing a distinction between depression and

other mental illnesses? Depression without any cause, I would think,

is most likely shown by an affliction to the moon (emotions,

feelings). Other mental illnesses are a failure of rationality, eg,

schizophrenia can involve hearing voices, and not knowing that those

voices are not real. This, I would think, is more likely shown by an

affliction of Mercury (intellect, discrimination, logic). Someone

with a strong moon might still suffer depression as a side effect of

some other problem. For example, schizophrenia could ruin one's life

to such an extent that it could also cause depression, but in that

case I'd expect to find an afflicted Mercury, and not necessarily an

afflicted moon. An analogy of the cause and effect thing might be in

illness and confinement. If someone is ill enough to be confined in

hospital, you expect to see the illness in the chart, not the



Another thing about Churchill was he drank a *huge* amount of


and is known as one of England's greatest drinkers. Did he drink

because he was depressed, or was he depressed because he drank? Was

he really depressed, or was it just occasional hangovers? I think a

clue in this is that he referred to his depressed times as Black Dog

Days, which I assume means they were isolated days rather than long

periods (of course, I could be wrong). So, I wouldn't be looking too

hard for afflictions of Mercury or Moon in his chart. I agree that

Mercury is conjunct Ketu and aspected by Saturn, but not that closely

by either case. An indication in his chart of his alcohol


might be more useful. Anyone know what this might be?


What do others think? Are there any mental health professionals here

with an opinion?



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"Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish wrote:

> Dear Barney,


> A search on Zodiacal Zephyr brings up two birth times:

> 1) source 'Church of Light' 01:30

> 2) source 'Old Moore's Almanac 01:39


> Here is the link... http://miva.zodiacal.com/hunt.mv (just type in

> Churchill -Politician)


> Both times give Virgo lagna BTW.


> Churchill's penchant for whisky is well-documented - not surprising

> with 11th lord Moon in 12th etc.. His bouts of depression are also

> well-documented. Every one can suffer depression from time-to-time

> but for Churchill (I believe) this was an ongoing demon he battled

> with and, as such, can definitely be classed as a mental disorder.


Hi Wendy,


11th lord Moon in 12th indicates a penchant for whisky? Why so?


Best Wishes


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Dear all,


I finally got my laptop back so now I can participate. I have also double

checked this time of birth and it is interesting to see that he died on January

24th 1965. That is when he was doing the Saturn/Sun/Mars planetary period... So

I would trust that time of birth.


Best wishes, Rui.


Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

I don't know how authentic this T.O.B. is. However the conjunction of

lagnesh Mercury and Ketu (Ketu being Moon's nakshatra lord) and the

aspect of F/M Saturn certainly speaks of the tendency towards

depression. This same Saturn aspecting 1st/10th lord Mercury (from

5th) is indicative of leadership qualities. 5th, I believe, governs

politicians, ruling powers, authority etc..


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy








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Dear Rui,


Yes, there is much to support this chart. Second lord Venus

(education) conjunct 12th lord Sun supports the fact that he was

educated at boarding schools. The dasa at that time would have been



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"RPM" <rupamede


Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:09 AM

Re: Week 5 Study Group?



Dear all,


I finally got my laptop back so now I can participate. I have also

double checked this time of birth and it is interesting to see that

he died on January 24th 1965. That is when he was doing the

Saturn/Sun/Mars planetary period... So I would trust that time of



Best wishes, Rui.


Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

I don't know how authentic this T.O.B. is. However the conjunction of

lagnesh Mercury and Ketu (Ketu being Moon's nakshatra lord) and the

aspect of F/M Saturn certainly speaks of the tendency towards

depression. This same Saturn aspecting 1st/10th lord Mercury (from

5th) is indicative of leadership qualities. 5th, I believe, governs

politicians, ruling powers, authority etc..


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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"Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish wrote:


> Dear Rui,


> Yes, there is much to support this chart. Second lord Venus

> (education) conjunct 12th lord Sun supports the fact that he was

> educated at boarding schools. The dasa at that time would have been

> Venus...


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com


Hi Wendy,


I agree, there is much to support this chart, though for Churchill's

time and social class a boarding school education was the norm, so

that's what I'd expect to happen unless the chart indicated otherwise.




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