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Week 5 Study Group? (Winston Churchill)

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Dear Wendy and All,


Today has been quite grueling.


However, as I have returned this late hour, I find the only way to unwind is

to sit at my desk and review my emails and the going ons of Jyotish-Vidya.


Wendy, I am soo, so glad that you brought up Winston Churchill. He is indeed

in my piles of papers for uploading to the database. However, you have been

able to secure a t.o.b. that I have not been able to track down.


In the meantime, the references that I have been able to gather are the



Winston Churchill was not only a great statesman's, he was also noted by many

authors through the years for his unparalleled knowledge of World History.


Too, his depression has been from what I have found to be a Bi-polar

depression along with Dyslexia.


In fact, it has been noted by wikipedia.org in his biography that when he was

in grade school he applied to a prestige boarding school (which is very common

for upper born citizens) as a young boy and could not complete the entry to his

name on the application. He was accepted nonetheless, but placed at the bottom

of his class that excelled as a whole as a school in its English department.


I don't recall at the moment where I read the following about Churchill in the

last few weeks, but the summation from another world leader was in essence. One

didn't fool around with Churchill; he was a straight shooter, difficult to

placate, but respected nonetheless, because of his immense knowledge of history

and war tactics. In other worlds he was not one to stab anyone in the back. He

was up front and direct.


His biography on wikipedia.org and dyslexia-test.com/famous.html both give

extensive backgrounds into his inner personality and the depressions he fought

on a daily basis.


I think Wendy, you have come to the closest for a t.o.b. and it should be

noted as a very tangible hour for accuracy.


In the meantime, I would like to make this observation and comment/s.


In my research on Mental Illness for the JV database I have come across many

charts that qualify under a "mental Illness" category whether one is truly

mentally ill or suffering from some sort of other malady that groups them into

the whole.


I have found that as all mental illnesses and disorders have their own levels

of disturbance along with their own uniqueness and often their own genius. This

observation also comes from my own personal work through the years in the

socially disadvantage for a number of reasons and persoanl family exoerience.

So, I have to admit, I am not any one qualifying psychologist or psychiatrist.

However, working with a lot of people from all different backgrounds and

situations lends one to some experience.


However, the most important thing that I have researched in the last few weeks

is the personality of some very great and then some very disturbed individuals

who possess a personality of intensity, obsession, compulsion, dedication and

personal drive within themselves to excel and succeed. Sometimes the intent does

them under from their own personal agnst.


This is rather a unique personality feature, I personally feel, that lends

itself to those who through their own destiny of drive, do end up being very

involved with their expectation of self to prove to others their worth. It also

points to a very artistic temperament along with others who are focused on

achieving a greatness in their chosen field of work. I have found that the

temperament of those who excel with their intelligence and personal authenticity

to matter, whether it is personal or for a larger stage - the world, are often

driven to a lot of depressions of sorts or even madness. There is a genius or

highly gifted personality that often overtakes one.



Some if not many are often exploited too and this aggravates the situation and

predispositions those to great obstacles mentally.


Winston Churchill was no dumby. Which is often the explanation given to

gifted and genius people or eccentrics. He was in fact one of the world's

greatest leaders and politicians, whether anyone wants to agree with his

politics or lifestyle.


Also, Mr Churchill never really felt that he was truly a politician, he

really felt in his soul that he was "a professional writer who was also a Member

of Parliament".


His chart makes fro a very good example of greatness and inner turmoil that he

fought inwardly everyday to overcome.


Thanks Wendy,


As Always,



Wendy Vasicek <jyotish wrote:

Dear Uttara and All,


As I'm sure you've noticed I'm not finding it easy to get my teeth

into any of the study charts at the moment. The mind, fully in accord

with Venus PD, is feeling rather lethargic I'm afraid - have to get

the whip out to do anything at all these days. I can only ask you all

to bear with me until this passes and I'm feeling more mentally



On the subject of mental illness (depression etc), there was mention

on T.V. recently of the late Sir Winston Churchill and his battle

against depression. I did a search and came up with the following



Winston Churchill

Nov 30 1874 (01:38)

Woodstock, England


I don't know how authentic this T.O.B. is. However the conjunction of

lagnesh Mercury and Ketu (Ketu being Moon's nakshatra lord) and the

aspect of F/M Saturn certainly speaks of the tendency towards

depression. This same Saturn aspecting 1st/10th lord Mercury (from

5th) is indicative of leadership qualities. 5th, I believe, governs

politicians, ruling powers, authority etc..


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"muttaraphalguni" <muttaraphalguni


Monday, March 13, 2006 10:45 PM

Week 5 Study Group?



To All,


I put up a suggestion for Study Group week 5.


"Mercury on the Mind"


There is a link to the subject that Neena provided in the database

of the JV forum. If anyone is so inclined to tackle this subject and

select a name or two from the database tables to use as a comparison

study, or other, it should make for an interesting week's



I want to thank all those that have responded in the last twelve

hours to my request for futher prayers needed for my mother's

welfare. It is very kind and generous of you and I am very



Because I will be at the hospital for the better part of the week

(130 mile round trip) I will not be contributing in this week's

study group. However, I will try and read the emails to keep up. I

will also try to keep up with the database input when I have a

chance and will answer any questions when I have a moment.


Every one have a good week


As Always,







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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us......As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by

Marianne Williamson






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