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It is great that you have thought of all kinds of interactions.The only think to

generate positive energy from so called malefic planet is to go in for remedy by

reverrence to the unknown and seek blessings of the lord Jesus.End of the day it

is joyous to make all confessions before the Lord and share with Him.Let

Almighty bless you and your family.

last but not the least if you can succeed is to taka advantage of:"It does look

like he sees that I am trying, and that is thanks to you".

"Gnatikaraka, doesn't that indicate debt and money problems"?As long as venus

and moon are sitting pretty,issues relating to sustenance may not overweigh and

lead to become burdnen you.

But yeah, as Gnatikarak(jeeva related,i mean body related problems) will bother

you and through kith and kin too.

impct of Veus in Visakha is :Venus is ascetic that indulges in encouraging Evil

minds but himself very pious.where as jupiter(lord of visakha) is a a true

ascetic and is fascinated to promote all good and best .In your case it is so

relevant to you.But then the jupiter in you can definetely wean your husband one

day from alcohol to your way of life.

"Saturn tied to venus and jupiter":These are forces in different directions.what

is good some time is also bad.saturn known for hard work,venus for comforts and

jupiter for religion/philosophy.what ultimately remains is that little good of

benifics(Venus and Jupiter).A mystery that is difficult to un earth but then

there is limit we as Humans can do and undo in all our efforts.

"Saturn is dispositor of Rahu in 5th and aspected by Rahu" indicate frustations

indicated through alcoholic habbits.Some time this position leads a man to so

much frustation that he will start sacrificing everythind and becoming a

saint?.5th is past and 9th is continuance .This is 5th to 5th also.From past to

present.Interstingly what ever you wish and pray all that penance and prayers go

to help your spuose.it is that parasitic situation of life.At this moment think

good and let that wish of you to set right your husband fulfil.

with all best wishes


P.S:Karma of the past can always b amended.only you need to strengthen your 10th

house by all means



AiiluroTangent wrote:

Dear Sri Krishnan,



Sorry it took so long to get back and tell you thanks so much for your help!

I don't always have access to a computer and time, sometimes quite a few days

slip by. You gave me a lot to think about, and I wanted you to know that I

began putting your suggestions into effect immediately. I had thought that my

husband was "just not that into" me, and that as he certainly is always the

center of attention of the family and of his buddies at bars, it had little to

do with me. But so far as better communication, I guess that would be more

along the lines of dropping everything else and listening, along with asking the

right questions? It is hard to figure out what he wants (besides to go out to

bars & party). It's not current events or what his plans or ideas are. (He

just waves me off, all irritated). I can't talk to him like I do the guys at

work, he doesn't like work (I do) (even though he does, or did, beautiful work

in building houses); he loves to drink (I don't). He

is VERY hard to divert from his habit, but you are definitely onto something in

pointing out the frustration part. He was one of 10 kids and didn't get much

attention (they have pretty much given up on him because of the drinking and not

working); I was the firstborn and first grandchild of both sets of grandparents

and have always gotten more attention (and pressure, and expectations) than is

comfortable. He can't get enough attention; loves the spotlight. It does look

like he sees that I am trying, and that is thanks to you.

In taking care of his fascinations--he loves to drag me to bars like I'm

some sort of trophy, but then there're all these personality shifts. He flirts

with everyone to the point of obnoxiousness (at a certain point he brags that

all women are in love with him, and all men are secretly gay and want him), and

then its so embarrassing, and then he goes into dramatic, jealous fits if anyone

talks to me --it's just way better not to go there. There are a lot of bar

women who are perfectly happy to have any sort of sleazy-type attention as long

as he's buying all their alcohol, but it just seems like a waste of time to try

to turn me into that kind of woman when there are so many of that kind already

available and anyway I just can't. The alcohol interferes with everything, and

I too am frustrated. I mean, if I'm reading you correctly, notice I do have

Venus & Moon in mutual kendras in navamsa only (breeds well in captivity?).

But do I even have the right to try to change

him? Maybe by my chart I'd drive any man to drink, because I'm boring? (I

look kind of like a dumb blonde, OK, but on the inside its more like a "mad

scientist"--well, not mad, but you know we like to experiment with jyotish on

this board. )

By the way, the jealousy thing really bothers and scares me, jealousy can be

an explosive emotion; but note for others on this board if your dasa lord in in

6th see if you see jealous people coming out of the woodwork.

At any rate, there's something about your words that compel me to try, so I

will keep trying, especially as trying to be more nurturing and to figure out

how to communicate better; hoping for improvement in mercury antar. I had

gotten that Venus bhukti would show lots of problems (due to tight conjunction

with Saturn, every time there's a Venus period it is rough), but it was very

educational the way you pointed out Moon in Venus nakshatra in 7th bringing out

welfare of spouse /problems. I did think past related to religion but thought

it was to do with Ketu in 5th SD (this I think shows jyotish perhaps why the

South Indian chart seemed so familiar at first sight)--but missed Venus in

Viskha. The way you put that makes a lot of sense.

Two things am not clear on (1)you said 2 and 11 lords in exaltation keep

me well off til end of dasa in 2011 --but even in 6th and Rx? And as

Gnatikaraka, doesn't that indicate debt and money problems? (especially as

husband quit his job) How great a weight does the karaka scheme carry in

reference to dasa and bhukti period effects? It seems to me a good bit.

Although 2nd lord is in trine from 2nd house, 11th is in 8th from 11th.

(interesting that you see afflicted 11th houses in eldest in birth order--no

older sibling). What you said about health is a bit scary--my job is all

about movement and we have to deliver the mail in all climates. Injury would be

bad, I have no health benefits yet. (I'm pretty sure I won't die until

Saturn/Ketu or so, about or after 2018). Arms hurt a lot after work from so

much heavy lifting and throwing mail (saturn's aspect on debiltated rasi Aries

hits 3rd bhava?), but am usually good to go after good nights sleep and a bit of

yoga in the morning. The way I look at this is it's like being paid to go to

the gym and lift weights. Plus, I really do love my job; that's the place for

a challenge. (2) The other thing--you said Saturn is debilitated in

exaltation in Libra--is that debilitation in another varga or to do with

planetary war (by one system Saturn loses and by another saturn wins) or

something else? This is something new to learn about. Normally the Saturn

periods are excellent (due to being so tight with yogakaraka Venus), so I had

some high(ish) hopes for Saturn antar, but didn't know if it would just pull

tighter as Saturn is tied to Venus and Jupiter as it aspects both, plus as you

pointed out gochara effects.

I so hope you are right that things won't go from bad to worse--you give me

hope on that. The reason I said that was I have seen heavy drinkers younger

than my husband just quit their jobs and give up and drink themselves to death;

also, there is all this sleep deprivation and craziness that alcoholics bring,

and somebody has to work, and it's very hard to do what I have to do on no

sleep. PLus he has dasa of 4/7 L Jupiter in eighth, bhukti of Atmakaraka 6 L

(MT) Saturn in Lagna--Saturn is dispositor of Rahu in 5th and aspected by Rahu.

But, Jupiter in transit will move to 7th from his Moon in Bharani in September,

and Ketu has moved out of 7th from Moon. Also, Jupiter transiting in Libra may

help his debilitated 12th Lord Sun in 2nd (drinking so much?) and natal Jupiter

plus Moon in 8th. Thanks for letting me vent, and explore jyotish. Sometimes I

feel the need for jyotish company when I'm home alone after work, and this board

is very uplifting.


Thanks again,













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  • 11 months later...
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some body offer me to invest in truck and i am not going to drive

the truck is it a good bussiness .can u guide about my self.


My name is Dharminder pal singh chawla.

> > > My dob is jan 25,1967 time of birth is 2:02 am

> > > at jullundur, Punjab, India.

> > >

> > > My wife is Kamaljit kaur Her DOB is sept

> > > 14,1970

> > > TOB is 5:00am place of Birth is Ambala.

> > >

> > > We all four (My son, my daughter, my wife) in

> > > Canada away from our home land India.

> > > Will we settle here if yes what we have to do. now we are in


> > > trouble we have no good job We are using ore reserve money.

> > >

> > >

> > > Pls help me

> > >


Dp singh

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Please do not start business in your own name. Your chart is not

good for business. Start the business in the name of your Wife.

Please offer prayers under fasting to Devi / Maheswari regularly on

Mondays. You must also pray to Lord shiva to overcome bad effects

transit saturn. If you can, read Sani Mahatmya regularly.



Astrological analysis:


Husband's Chart:

Lagna is under malefic influence with the aspect of Rahu and the

presence of Vargottama Mars. Lagna Lord is weak as it is cuspally


Thou8ght the 9th Lord Mercury joins the 11th Lord Sun in the 4th

(house of Vehicles), Mercury is also the 12th Lord. Venus the

significator of vehicles is weak. 2nd Lord's position in the 1st is

good for wealth. 6th Lord Jupiter in retro is present in the 10th

indicating more service than business.

Currently native in 7 1/2 years of Saturn and since satrun in Retro

motion effects are more malefic. Transit Saturn is currently in

natal 10th house.

Taking Moon as Lagna:

7th and 10th Lored Jupiter afflicted by kendradhipathi dosa is

present in the 2nd house adversely affecting native's livelihood.


Wife's Chart:

Powerful Dhana Yoga in Lagna. with 1st, 2nd, 9th and 11th Lord in

the Lagna. Downside is the aspect of a strong 12th Lord (moon and

the rahu - ketu axis along 7th - 1st house.







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Dear Arun,


If I might add my observations also...


The native's question was:

//some body offer me to invest in truck and i am not going to drive

the truck is it a good bussiness .can u guide about my self.//


The native is undergoing PD of Rahu who, occupying Venus nakshatra,

sits in 7th house of business (business partners etc). This is

obviously the time when the opportunity to invest in some sort of

business may come his way...agreed?


7th lord Mars aspecting 7th from lagna boosts the affairs of this

house...wouldn't you agree? The conjunction of Ketu suggests some

intermittent problems - ups and downs in business etc. However, with

dispositor Venus well-placed and conjunct 9th/11th lord in 4th house,

this could simply indicate some mechanical/vehicle problems which

(initially) may be difficult to diagnose...things not always running

smoothly. I have noted Venus' position in bhava sandhi and the aspect

of Jupiter from 10th.


I would say that, with PD lord Rahu's star lord (Venus) in 4th house,

the offer to invest in a truck (business?) is a legitimate one.


You Wrote:

//Currently native in 7 1/2 years of Saturn and since satrun in Retro

motion effects are more malefic. Transit Saturn is currently in

natal 10th house.//


Saturn, owning 4th/5th houses, is a functional benefic for this

native and his passage through 10th house is an indication of some

change in relation to status etc.. 5th house, lorded by Saturn, is

the house of investments...I therefore suggest it would be better if

the native were to wait until Saturn turns direct (somewhere around

6th Apr., I think).


PS: Any input from other members??


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"arun" <savitarcyber


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:46 PM

Re: thanks







Please do not start business in your own name. Your chart is not

good for business. Start the business in the name of your Wife.

Please offer prayers under fasting to Devi / Maheswari regularly on

Mondays. You must also pray to Lord shiva to overcome bad effects

transit saturn. If you can, read Sani Mahatmya regularly.



Astrological analysis:


Husband's Chart:

Lagna is under malefic influence with the aspect of Rahu and the

presence of Vargottama Mars. Lagna Lord is weak as it is cuspally


Thou8ght the 9th Lord Mercury joins the 11th Lord Sun in the 4th

(house of Vehicles), Mercury is also the 12th Lord. Venus the

significator of vehicles is weak. 2nd Lord's position in the 1st is

good for wealth. 6th Lord Jupiter in retro is present in the 10th

indicating more service than business.

Currently native in 7 1/2 years of Saturn and since satrun in Retro

motion effects are more malefic. Transit Saturn is currently in

natal 10th house.

Taking Moon as Lagna:

7th and 10th Lored Jupiter afflicted by kendradhipathi dosa is

present in the 2nd house adversely affecting native's livelihood.


Wife's Chart:

Powerful Dhana Yoga in Lagna. with 1st, 2nd, 9th and 11th Lord in

the Lagna. Downside is the aspect of a strong 12th Lord (moon and

the rahu - ketu axis along 7th - 1st house.







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