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Winston Churchill; & Mother's welfare - t.o.b

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Dear Barney, Neena, Wendy & all,


If I can remember all the details that have come in through emails In the

last few days - please let me give you a response and clarification to several



First; Barney, about Winston Churchill.


If you look through the emails at the beginning of the week, I believe you

will find a lengthy email I gave in response to Wendy bringing up the topic of

Winston Churchill.


If you were to find it and read it, I am sure you will receive my impression

of mental and emotional disturbances along with an explanation of legitimate

explanation as to Winston Churchill's depression. He did in fact suffer from

dyslexia and Bi-polar depression. Please note that Bi-polar depression is only

one kind of Bi-polar affliction. There are in fact, 10 classified disorders of

bi-polar with Depressive Disorders being a level of affliction documented under

this classification.


References include: The DSM-IV psychiatric association of mental disorders and

the recent book "New Hope for people with Bipolar Disorder" authored by the

well known expert in various depressions Jan Fawcett, MD from Rush Medical

University, Chicago, Illinois, USA.


Depression is (unless clinically diagnosed as another psychiatric disorder,

physical reaction, traumatized reaction or mental illness) a symptom of

underlying depressive disorders, most known as Bipolar. It is well documented

that Sir Winston Churchill did in fact suffer from the very highs and lows of

Bipolar Depression and dyslexia. At the beginning of this week in response to

Wendy's initial email about Mr Churchill I did in fact upload his birth data in

the database in the "Astro Chart" table. There under the biographical column I

did and have referenced four website sites to confirm his personal and public

background. The most authentic birth time is 1:38.


His birth chart does support his large volume of drinking and his highs and

lows of activity and personal thoughts. Not to mention his sometimes erratic

tactics in political actions. Alcohol is, as we know, often used as a self

medicating drug to alleviate the highs and lows of our feelings. Bipolar if not

treated with other prescribed drugs or properly diagnosed is often self

medicated with alcohol use; often in large quantities.


Alcoholism is in itself a medical problem and is often shown in birth natal

charts. But, the diagnosis as to why, is often not determined in birth data.

There is often though, some direction to other diseases but again, it is often

not picked up properly. As we know, the birth chart gives us the energies of

its natal destiny but does not give us exact reasons as to why. We are after

all astrologers and not medical physicians.


Second, Neena and Wendy, Mothers birth data.


I have read the many emails and frustrations to my mother's t.o.b.


Please let me clarify as best as I can. There are two levels to my response.


First, my mother as I reported was a cubby baby, well nourished at 4 months on

her mother's breast milk, weighing, 22 lbs. However, in reality, my mother has

always been a very small bone light weight bone, no taller at her highest in her

peak years of 5' 4" and wearing a shoe size of 4.5 to 5 all her life. As a child

I remember clearly my mother always obsessing over her weight and counting the

butter pats at the breakfast table. However, I believe this to be not more than

her obsession as a wealthy woman and living with a husband (even though he was

always overweight) who regarded women to be of their highest caliber if they

look absolutely stunning at all times. That included how much they weighed.

Also, my mother had 7 children in 9 yrs, so to keep her figure and to get it

back in shape after so many years of pregnancy was a personal goal.


In fact, it is my daughter who closely resembles my mother's figure. Being

only 5' 2" and very petite in body frame with very light weight bones. I was my

mother's smallest baby ( 8lbs 12oz) and child with the lightest bones weight and

structure. However, unlike my mother, I did and do have more of my father's

families heredity of carrying weight as I have matured and aged.


Second, and probably more important regarding the many exchanges of emails is

the subject of t.o.b.


I have written about the t.o.b issues extensively in the last year and a half

on Jyotish-Vidya. But, for clarity sake may I offer a few website links to help

verify my well researched documentation on the subject.


I hope they help to put into verified proper perspective the issue at hand.

All support Doris Chase Doane's research and authenticity.


http://www.starfish.com/mercury-hour/Glowaty.htm "Loretta Glowarty"


http://home.earthlink.net/-templeharakhte/Astro_Logic.html "Sacred Astrology"

scroll down to "About Birth Times"


http://chartshop.astrology.com/help/faq,html "Frequently Asked Questions"

scroll down to "What if I was born during the summer in Illinois before 1959

or Pennsylvania before 1971"


Finally, a bi graphical in-depth explanation and discussion on birth time can

be found at http://www.astrodatabank.com/NM/ReaganRonald.htm

This article supports the discrepancy of birth times not recorded in many

counties and local areas not only in 1911 but all the way up to 1950 in

Massachusetts where birth times were not recorded as a standard practice on

birth certificates.


Let me further emphasis what I have often stated before in my research. In

the USA as other parts of the world, it has never been a legal mandate to

officially record time on a birth certificate. Those that do, do to their own

"inner" regulations of hospital or locality or county to keep a record of time

in their own description of meaning.


This means too, that birth certificates do not record in 24 hur time, nor do

they always specify a.m. or p.m. nor do they describe in Daylight Savings Time

or Standard Time.


There is a Link I have provided in the database, several weeks ago, in the

Link Table,to a website that discusses daylight savings time and regulation in

the USA along with explanations of world daylight savings time.


Please do have a look at it to familiarize yourselves to the authentic and

legal subject.


Finally, to note on the subject. I will use my birth time once again to

illustrate along with 2 of my sisters born in summer months or daylight savings

time. My older sister was born August 27, 1950. My mother who is still alive

(and gave birth to seven children, three in daylight savings time) can tell me

her water broke just before sun up and had a 10 hours labor and delivery. The

full term baby died within 2 to 6 hours after birth. My mother traumatized

remembers it was late afternoon I guess It was about 5pm but her birth

certificate probably says somewhere between 4 and 5 pm. I was born a little

after 10am but my birth certificate is recorded in standard time saying a little

after 9am, July 28th 1951. 3* Virgo Asc. My younger sister was born September

22, 1952, a little after 1pm. Her birth certificate says a little after 12 noon

in standard time.


BTW. As of late this afternoon, my mother was moved from intensive care to

the critical oncology floor.


As Always,











"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us......As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by

Marianne Williamson






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